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October 02, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-02

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THE U. OF M. DAILY.________

'C~i. of a. D atL]
Pubttatsha't ttehy (Sunaysexceettedtt dutringc
the Coleeyecatr, by
Sabscriptitan priee patper year, tnvartatbly
iv adeauea iugr capies 3 crats. Sutiatrip-
toasmay bh efatt at the oattee atthe DAa1,
at Stotttet'a, sitta ay at the editort or
Coamaticattosshaatd reach the otttce by
7o'clock P. o. t they arc to appear the aeat
tay. Adttrcss altmatter itetnated tar paublica-
tton ta the Managiag Editar. Altlhttsiness
aammunitcatioassheald he teat to the Bausi-
nes an agaer.
THE U. of X. fDAtLY.
Ann Arbor, Htiab.
C, . A ttxttN, Late '44, ttnaginag Edtar.
NtittR. te1LOcEat, Las. 'Oto.:as'sitant.
If. A. orPAtaDtNG,Lt.L 'G4. Astistat.
-al-ta t. r
- ,Atletic Editor'.
S. W. CRatc, P. G. Lit.. Buosines Manager.
'Oat. A. Iloco. Lit,.'9li Asit'ato
W. N. CaATo. Li t. ',Ai, Asistant.
It. 0. Austanaa. 1-
J.i.Lorfe '5. MtDCALo.
E. tL. tartinalc, '01.
L.tiEL'Coonradt, '10a - -
All a'opy musttia'at the aticahbeore.lw I.a.
at the aday at pubtlicaatiaaa.
A NEwtstaux',,, taking advantage of
the free distribution of satuple cop-
fes of te DAILY, Saturday night,
secured a numsber of copies and was
coining money by selling them. He
had tdisposed of a numnber of copies
befoye detecteal.
AN\Y irregularities in adelivery
shotald be reporteal at this office at
once, atnd the matter wiii cecivcc or
imtmedi ate attentiotn. Confsfioon
naturally txists for a fetaclays wohile
our carriers ace learning thseir'
routes, in spiteo tf all we. cats al.
We, therefore, be,' toe inalial'fi atr
of sutbscribers for a few days. atoll-

and the claim of havittg the best in issuing the paper, with no salaries
cottrse is set up by each. fn a few to editors or managers, the wo rk of
days, however, complete aaanotunce-' editing and managing the DAtLY be-
ments of thse courses will be nmade. lag without renunteration, conse-
quently we contend toe can publios
Ir is too early to make any defin-{ a better paper than if toe had thoc
ite satemoaents as to the attendance mn xesswihteodnr
this year, bttt it is probable, jttdging paper is obliged to meet.
Ironmthte experience of the othser We ask the students to candidly
large unaiversiti es, that the financial consider these facts and we feel
depression will lead to a decreased certain that eatery student will do all
attendance at the U. of 1\., at least in his ipower to make the DAILY an
duriag thse first semester. iWe think, unusual success tis year.
hsowoever, that a large number of __________
students will return to college ai the( Great Boom in, Football.
beginning of the second semester,
nmaking te total number in attend- catttascatfrom first page.l
ance for the college year as large if Dowon at Phtiladelphia te Quak-
not larger than last year. j era are wide atvake, and thse Univer-
As announced in Saturday's issue, ily of Pennsylvania is likely to
thsere are a naumber of vacancies on spring a lot of surprises, for mnay
thte D AtLY staff, wvhich nmust be filled "finds' are reported frotthoe osall

at once. All students, therefore,
whlo desire positions on thte staff
nmust report at once. Thec competi-
tive systeml of selectitag editors,
wohich laos proved so satisfactory in
the past, will be msade use of again
this year. Only students wvho are
willing to wvork are wanted on the
staff, and no othters need apply.
W~here every member of the staff
does his or lae share of te ork,
we find no difficulty in gettitng all
the netvs wifthout any great expend-
iture of tinme by any one nmetmber.
Thtere are in all nine vacancies to
fill as followsvO fne assistant tman-
aging editor, one athletic editor,
twvo co-edo fron thte literary aeitart-
ment, two etditors frontlaywalepart-
ment, oeelitor from nmedical tdc-
partment, one eaditor front homeat-
poltic adepartmnet, (provisional).
Thotse desirintg tcomntlete for places
o hottidisee thte taaogitag editor at
I~t are pleasedl to annottnce thtat

The ntinor colleges are follooving
closely inthels footsteps of the larger
instittiotns. Waeleyan ovas oithout
a trainer last seasonbttt site is not
going to blunder along thsis tinme.
Browvn tas secured several cracks
that Yale and olter universities ex-
pectedl to absorb. Arntlerot has a
larger nuntberfof candidates tan
heretofore. Cornell is forcing rec-
ognition year after year by thte
splendid teatus sloe is pautting in thoe
field. Intthle soctth, te University
of Virginia, Johs Hopkins and thet
otiter colleges, find thsat their stut-
dents are ttaking ltice as raiia
progress oitha the '"wedige''antI
"turtle's tack"tas witht differential
calculstltand Creeks roots.

X1, , NORTH 1aliCHIOAll _
IOtt. p.vv P L CT
d 111111111 E oti iD P. 111
t i, at atals a bt'w t
ala, ttatlttt'aas littat at
TOLED} -- ''tallatraaitet..at ttll'., i t't'tl.'iaaaeaIiaia. 1ar
-rin .tzto A a ,y.t A taoata
F . 15 pmS.:1 p Su rdt, v ie, N0 - 1 t : a' nag,

tottog youa tattait octservicanti.rot .t-
delivery in a short tinoe. subscriptions are comnig in at otti Hoisford's Acid Phosphate
unoparalled rate, giving protmise of
Wej arc isoting extra large caitions the most sttccessful year in the his- Is the mtost effective and 1 ari'ce
of ostr first nuttbers and sanmple tory of thte ilAity. Our circulation ast es~yi xsec o
copies will be distributedi free at thec will be thte largest wve save ever htad
postoffice and variotts prominent and as outr advertiseing columns are .preventtinig indigestiosi,and re-
places or may be obtained at the already filled to thoc usual eaten t, ( eviog those diseases arising
DAtLY office. Do not delay hand- not with standing the financial de-
ing in your subscrition for there pression, with mucht more space con- fromss t (isordleredl Stoissacel.
will be no reduction in price. It is tracted for to be tised soon, we
absolutely essential that toe get our think we have good reasons for con- Dr. W. W. Gardner, Spraingfield,
carriers' routes arranged at once, gratulations. Mass., says;"I atluift as an excellent
and you can assist us materially by The students of the University preenattive of indigestion, and a pleasoat
not delaying your subscription, and the merchants who advertise acida~tedl thinkoshens propterly dilted with
_____ - with us taut share with us inthte seater, athdsseetened."
To our readers twho are eager for success which the DAILY merits. A
Student Lecture Association newvs, more systematic canvass titan ever Oa'aa.ripiiie pattipthket tree oat applhiaatiatta
we are compelled to say that we are made before is being made and the Rumford Chemicai Works, Provideoao,R..
unable to furnish anything definite, students are responding liberally. hBew~ae fSubstitatean tiitaacins.
as lecture association matters seem One thing is certain, the more liberal For Sale by all Druggists
to be iea stiato lau. Twvo lecture the support, the better will be the
A)R .GOiiEo.'hlot. Groer 01
courses have been arranged for by DAILY, as thte money realized from i oe, antoand Flatware 0f all vani-
th w atoso h soito, subscriptions and advertising is used 1bsraoytetp. neergt.

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