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October 02, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-02

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! c , VUN).I VER ITi~Y OF MI1iIGiA


TFis is ;,o ea Red ict er Year in the
Annase ,of tmn'-icas't Collegiate
F= cotb'Oll
saC ,k ()fc le-e foot--a tal te
"ii cv-sat f say sees s rsassto
02a t lteroe i-otball an-
r):ls hc ea nirican rolls ge
nos: rew ;nlcr-clA Its "lt(of sp.c-
Ct~?I aIts,--all arts a~C1con7
KII}l i iis si y N a litn1ci ldren ii
'(S "i. 1ist this season the fcrr
1 -aI p a aT, )r i{1 W ' r a a aIl
tlicn a vst'l rIasti- cOI'te ita 1 -

inng wedge'' and otiser nesv tricks at
Spriniigld last fall, thsosughlsisesad
vaisly proffered Iis advice to the
adviser of thse Crimsson loeg before
only to have it blindly ignsored, this
v eer Isas been taken to tlse arms of
fair Harvard. He svent w iths thse
smess to Ness Hatmpshire isntise hot
suly dasi, asolIis effort siill be
watchliedswith the keessest isnterest
firons lbs t.smu lt to Palo Alto. It
I ispret5ty v t at 51thastnst rat agesa
tilt beisintro suest at the Lig lHar-
yarn ganmes, assathtlis fasct a] isarwill
j aditeslrest So te sport.
'Wtay ontacithtie Pacifie ala ic tiej

:Ats t eal; as .e ~ , rt Is assorJl) Ste{atticis gainaing favor rapiaIlyl.
h'le stat ireaal c a-ptainisswere ()I)ynmpic Clash and thse Pli


;gatlteriss thicr cohriltrlitsea ccledi """s''"' ''"' -ti5,5,' t1 au
tank la th atctisatans ct lsaly op'' Iliss, as coachters, tasdthte
grovs nar he cean whre he aliforntians are fssding football tise
prinsary lessoith le nstasSbsosb - geatest tossic for supierfluous energy
iag of asmateusiortSnsswesre dilsed sssd the finest ssay to set the blood
isn ttheir switling lupls.T hep s-igling, if lethargc'!Its the ccci-
tisninare svork svas dosnsensucls earlser tat states the Chsicago Athletic As-
tisass sal, anditnoss-tie tI~-o otebsisciation, Detroit Atletic Clsub,
cacahing5 saftse lascks asnd taste play- niversity of IMiclsigan, asnatothser
ors tas baeen aegisn. ! sceters of football activity, are ar-
sI rassanativmoe msatce' s an5sinire-


Th nvriyAun aei h BRFair and Hold a Very Successful
Reunion. a
Thse Free Press describes thse ax- - -a
ercises of University of 'Michigan
dlay at the World's Fair Shasa
1 aclnssParlc aadt Atidsay Ilais - : '
Wselcl eveciriismssiatl dni Is fStSh
anacesacre caturcad by giraclo- ito"a~s, -ty tldS tnatie Uaic
atesan sui ltdentstfrosts H isa an st
U nizc rsit., antua a.ilter 3let mr Set s ri
os lcrls- crowdctnaes-r stade teawcikin;t
ruse withcolcge Sniss ansd ylit. G'erNe 0reto I 0y tz x~rdt
'Thac nivcrsilhalaalumnisat-alire ,it r cr«r~ ca ; te a cc otscity
enaipscat old V5icimsaoat tic Plisac rern a r ajr~-5T, aosia
asnd thecre thaeyStaybe foundsavecat3 ai r, t sfo! ~llrtr~t orr - m
I~ecincsaa nit en-a yill55 sir
C)setres a nltt cllege boys cass " o'
No. 7 ANN sanRe La
nighst was a state occasiots, for an
unsisalatnuismber of Attn Arbor sens
swere isa towns, sand it ws felt taa
gensaisne lark stas its orater. At 6
o'clock somethinig like a hautdred'
Unsiversity nien gatlaered at tse
Istictaigan builldcing assdIseld ass in- Artistic Photongrapher, I E. HURON STS
formsal rennion. Severat spseeclhes
nie ade and then a spltendid cinar- HOTJ LUNCHTTES
tette sasng a numsiber of songs, the
conspanty joisnisng its the chsoruses L y s
stil a vigor that stroke teechloes -T~
ti amnt-tgte rafters of te hasnd- + 48 S TATE st.
somse struactusre.j
'rien they sallied farths So do te FIR36T Is A'iION AL BANK
Plaisanice asitoots st-rcthe taaiis Itsr'ci's AtiSO
attractiona of that ressarkabie thor- Catal s- 5 5tier Stats asL, sad tPrso-its .o
otcjsfare. A rrivedclat she Parisian Ta-sa-n- s ga iaroi 5. 555mgandsoltter,far
- - taitom drta- i-si aid rsaid ,ia-a
theatretacy swere kisndly statiteal isa- P.sBA5lr Prs. aS.a vs a itt, C sia
side by the surbasse toorkeieeisIto,
smssch to their surlprise, levical tri- AfT1T
huta of a dicta on eachs of Isis G R'S A6
guests. Tile lady ivho pounds the ta-sriP"'asOtTEMePt.t't sr traPUI.,
piano in this retort struck ip CaseinDciga-5 tr
'"Comsradles,''assothier lady Sang it Oct. i.055 url 101, H c' nait
on the stage, and lhsauivsersity msn graosssitiaar. 6 Maynnerd Street.
bore dlowni on thse chorus iii all -
their msiglst. Forsisag its reg-ular S ID I T

Irinceonstitgcrs ire hiaving their
5tstefor lbloodt wshettedl at Gouldt's
I slanda, steer Newpo trt; their atncienat
enemiter, tse SUniversity of Penstsyl-
caa enc, are strenuaouasly fitting
tlhemsseives for austumn nfanlicts at
C'alpe'May;tir isdomsitable aearers
of te Yale bluisestill begins work at
Tracers Islsad tonmorrowv ; swhile
H arvarat's esnds, tackles and backs
st-lit get at their football stuidies on
Jarvis Fieldlte latter lpart of thse
Evrervbodiy is anxious So knsosv
wethaler te -"undergradluate rule''
will obtaiss its football. lPrinscetons
sludt ttprotest Iheriie and CGreens
way', of te Yale snite, last slarisac -
thousghsbth wu-re inaeligilels'attde
te letter of te lasv. Now, it is
said, te tigers avere craftily- pro-
ceeding, so as to disarns any criti-
visit this fall, when it is propsosed to
play again the douglhty " Phil"
Kitng, Isardy IBalliet and Symmses.
Yalesians say te New Haven teans
will be strictly 1 unsdergraduate,"
but it is probable that thse usual
nunsher of "specials" and 'P.G. 'a"
(post gradusates) will be seen on the
svhitewashed gridirons at Princeton
and New Haven.
Lorin F. Deland, the nsan whso
sprung itto national prominence
after Harvard introduced the "fly-

rsoass seastnss, anad thse ris-alries at-
msost eq~ual thsose of thse eait.
(ct-l teed isa,-i-, 5
f W Ordi's Fair Ball Touarnamet
'Thesaclusbssasalthetitrrelatisva stanad-
ing in tite Worldl's Fair base ball
tousrnsamsenstsaid in Chticago dusrinsg
Juatne ansI July wvere She foalloswing:
Y ale, a Amhlerst, 3 irginia, 4
Illissois, 5 Vermnt, 6 WViscossist, 7
'WXesleyani, S Vanderbilt. 'lesar.
of A. club did not participate ithle
tournamsent ovinsg to Ste unsatis-
factory indlucements wvlicls thse san-
agters of tlhe tournamnsst offered.
lHad our teamu entered, so dosubt
freshs laurels would Isave been added
to thseir long list of victories.
How Collegtemen Yell.
Pale-Rah!l rahs! rahs! rahs! rahst
rah! rah! rah!l rah! Yale.
Harvard-Rah!l rah!t rah! rahl
rahs! rahs!rah! rahs! rah! IHarvarsi.
Princeton-Hory.! iooray! lhoo-
rayI Tiger-siss-boos-ash!lPrincetons.
Willians-Rah! rahs! rahs!yumss,
yams, yumsl Wsllyums.
Cornell-Cornell! I yell, yell,
Dartmsouth--Wah, whso, w'ah! wait,
whlo, what da-alidi.- Dartnmouths.

ranks outside te thseatre, the visit-
ors starcised ins lock-steis to thse
street of Cairo and ivere soon ott ex-
ceilent taints vitls the Arabs, Turks,
Armsensians and Tunisians, wvho
joined in thse lrocession ansd escorted
thsem through the place and followed
thsenm out ons the Plaisance and left
thenm at the big Ferris wheel with
protestations of eternal friendship.
Eastward down the midway and
sousth to the administration build-
ing the boy-s proceeded, singing col-
lege songs and occasionally giving
the college yell wahich was responded
to by othser yells front loyal college
(Continued as thirdtpage.)

Traet a AllRd SBOOKSTaORESasd
save matley, A Stll ltie nf Lawl, Me(la.
eselmted all fhiiiersitaj leaf-Books
5,000 Blak IBoaksat 25c eea.
Lists Paper, Ipec psused 25c.
Buay she 5IDEAL WATrin Fr NitsS E'E.
Blest sat the naildI-tEaery oasiaranteed
ior ice yeas.s
205 South State lSeset.
4 N. Maina, noti. iosrtHtuse.

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