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October 02, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-02

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ORGAIZE 180. NCORORAED 886 An Unfortunate Accident.
LW rH CL'EMTENT,' Satunlay afternoon, about half an

2 t) Elth T II lot() rS ( l.eotvis
and deicoiiti A. F .COVERST, Prop.
22 Vee.rs iti e IsusigleuS'+. "
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.

hour after practice bad bees begun,
James Van IDusen, center rttslh on
the secod eleven, became entangled
an a scrimmunage andl broke his left
leg below tihe knee. He was rarried
into the medical building, and thte
leg was set by Dr. Preakey. Van
lDusen is a sophomore iln the medi-
cal defpartment antI was a promising

K-PEP SYOL'ltAcxt1 1V ISft'tH''TE candidale for the team.
+$TATC $AVIP2GS BAnK2K+ He is resting todlay as comfortably
A s. N inndtWFIthlin Is 511re'- as csttlrlbe eXp ected from the sern-
oils natutre of tihe accident.
The J3.1& M. Pr~zg 5ore i - T. _
1.' the metio 55 10(0 yi-in -thl' 10'- l. Prepared (or Work.
C-ro °rO'-'Te officers and members of thse
31. E. JOLLY 1& Co.3s Christian Association always pinda
WhE~oii~.u willal ir i x of iii ' i e l:Ie
C-de.stin li'5 1at. 1'"t. r "0.large liars of thte(cork of thse year
he CiIv i lv((n- 111. i 0crowded in((o (te openin(g ilitys of
LADIES' and C4ENTS' LUNCq ROOM. the 'irst semester. 'Then all the
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. nesvcomiers iiust lie selcomedc laiii
DANCING and DELSARTE tiraide toifeei at lioie, anif returning
ANIE 01 .iibers mnust lie sct to work agains.
MRS. ANIE WAD DiffR f'his yeaii (le assoiciation fisids itself
.16 S. State -Street.
sotox si s o iti'ss, TI). beit'ter cequippeif thani everliefore.
I~' Mt71 ) Vad alleii ;2i1ssr .\l des1r. Ma~nny leic'Cic~lSce
AT(Ii ):floS fir01 lilc J 4 'i:1 ,' Ifs-ln
t'itt csosI i iilu t harge all of the numuerotus duties
Annu A rorL z71tng ok f his neiw office. 'f'ypewriter suit
Axi Siiix l. ii 1 c 1 i 'wiic); iI , i gsapli hase iees placed is
oreIrlrtd uld l-t1<- =l i cr iti i 1it N 'iilierry IH all, and f ar-e assistitig
eI f 1t0i 'i i''. <1 +(s t+1111. i - :l11i
141' 11 i~l eo: I c rilw ii ( it-cm Iw I~ toially ini the 1w 0rk ill register-
ii Ii n Sic t 1' 5 1 ce,o t ots1 0 ~ l 1;:g, Issuinlg invitations, printing
Ilrr1 +u. i " '11.: .1- w. C1 lopic carols, antI the like. 'fhe As-
Si 'ii, 541 li foiioicn xwiii nowv he able to ido
abiiiit all o~f its own fprintinlg. tOhe
o " j f o the planss fropfosedl andl now be-
oin crriedf out, is a i'ooii flce carif
® ° register iii all stiidenits in the Uil-
versity ,swith their city and Iomic
aiiliresses, to lie kept in N ewbelrry
" half iiir gcncral a5s c1ll as Assoia-
'fhli soal mni'ings iii tle As'oi'i-
aicon will be be~gun. this week, aiii
ics'. aiiifdefpartuient fprayer meet-
.jt HIJG.AN( FaNT AL i s xwill be arranledl . A eneral
T iIIi'a~ t i., ) 8(ss. 'l11 ii. lxi. . 0I'ceptioni to all studienits xwill he
t: r1" :'I ginto1atllstudnllts lFridasy evening
A ; xii . . b'
I1111 li' -- . ,i:11 1 0ti Fl''c= . is next. 'flie Sundasy mornin~g services
Not. liii - N-l liii uS iill lie madle as i nterestissg as last

U. ot M. Day at the Fair.
(oat inedein C111t ~pn e
nien of Northwestern University,
te University of Wisconsin anti
other institutions of learning. Ras
were taketn at the lagoon atf for an
hotr the banks were lintd with
thousands11 to the sons that loated
sthoreuwardl front the gontoloas and
launches. Then tie merrymakers
scramnbledl ashore, asd ater a series
of yells that unnerveid te Indians
in Buiffalo ill's encampment, wen
their respective ways, well pleased
withs the jolly celebration.
.\Michigan visitors are crouing t
the city in reglmnelts. ive registers
are requieinth e state biliihng to
receive their ames ait 3,000 sig
natuires are inscribetd i teiiaiy.
E. 1. Coxwer, lawo '3, as rcharge
of tlie I. of s1l. exhiibit a the
Word's fair. HeI will retiris at
tic close of the fair anicottpete
hils rnsI -sc ill the literary delipart'
[U. Oh Al. .'AIG D Ai
Sun.. O t s I'ii~'eidc t Aelolso leii' ail- i
rea, Ni'ii heey fRai.
Sati. o . 14-- ii ion tliJoie thrsAi a
%t I,1 titi ild.t m e
'Ili.. e tt t i t' f4ela iy.L is t Pso ktttIi
Wileft is lect eo of '''l 'fyl if', fit i
Leonard Gofive ttillitt'scnifcu
sectacil11t ilt'5 ul it' Lstfiliwlor,,.
comets , 1t'ii' tlt ' heGan Oet Ilo.uetois
motrtofwotl sitttg, atditil gt ala'
tiodutio s roml' iltittfid titl
Tie story o lrte, l'ayisit.weltlit' is
finll oai'oessedii u int'itafIpopult'
suethsipt tclt'cfall(Ifsmgecha1i111lt
at'ttfoi sTt'se plt'hing e 5'il th
effots 1,of toltlleming risclthe refraudlh
dauhiver, 1101teniexvthe .lilft'hots-
reslue11r moitt er11111dittefesiste1s
fcliel's eeryl w 11ell Ino1111t outs
Se mter wS.hoeatsite h(lotk,. t't'e
Tsety o t.erd.layillodaeyst
bee m11 ad$1eItbrtiterst15ss y Arbyorh
steSt.coursisthereal wer
Riesry andsttheoneen r Ie renenieltres-
tisfls.oste bsteknlstofboatsix's'nt
yactldsplow igtthrough filts'.er.7

Thfe best papter int the Wet-Th'e
Cliicago litter Ocean.
YXto eanhuyfiIle or scondil-handl
books ueixtof llol te dpartmtents of
the Uiversity, at the Studiets' }lok
Stoire, Stle stret, lat etitied tices.~0
BOtMiTlO BTii -1 StilltI', cos, eity
[alisterni ater, x 4'1011 . I. Annl. Latdies
G. 1et Itt sof.:
Geit yitur U'fholtsterinup xxork doe t
Ma1rtin IHolert's. Irit's tiix'w1and x c
guarnsteed. 14
SoilcitorsnWat'lie---Enqtiiftieoat the
IU. f t. DI LY ofie, Opera IHouse
blocnkoppitfe ('ortItoiuse.
Wtorltd's(Fairfes oa specially wits
the Inter Oceanl.
Rose xill be at te GConkcHose, Oct.
Siibscribe fr t(leitiy ltter Oean.
'Thle strnigest tite of 50c Neckwear
in (lie state. Water & Cot. lI:;
Kfaoh' IIt'ii,ealroos i Furture1510,
(arfets tlixitialttriiei x ot speiltie
in Fuiitntr anid t'hoitryi 5Gff. .5
and 60(1 S. ttii sret.xiu ' 7ht3t'
l, meichieo I idiih o okslitix t tthee-
sellers, Stale' streetxl.1-7
C'tllege ((th. I iron! all 11511'fiit' lad
Shiisluft iIllirdllfhtl, Sxi. Sfthtti
Alastroh'e't. 1 7
voert oudentltshotlti egister lt
once at Irttidin hlg stre, ctrnser of
Isut iolnd i uh xlsrets.'Thiso r'egs-
te'r is t(I n y ost te cttsuted'iiftptelt'-
grapfhl mtessenigers. 1-7
Getthelii'tfl (lter tceani at Stol'-
Ilet's,ui, (ftrilt useok
St ft iiittii'.' iovtlal'Gen-hi
( ieniniily -;.. iut.i
atiostl .111' lot cWork-eio livenX o
to t cetilg 11011r't t fillipsits, iss'
)011 1li hit:oi'.(ieto. 1-7
Spitsi' at'it t''xsutiiit'st'utfroml t hit'I.
xi M5. in the tu itr Ocean.
Somespsc-inl lout-pit s itt S1t1te Sreet
MduixieShoict. Wilsey.
A fin 1ti 1110fLeth"Lib r at-it
liltsat Slatin ile~tir's. 1-i
New osyill of ii-''i lie, Ities'Otetit
M'rs. .,Si eiii iil-'oster's danc'ii
cl asn. yStl c ttw; I'ies ta etit't-
'u cut'll .0 l ot 1 7 sousuous.it~
ShillI'm 1'-' ii''lit' -I, i t
Shhtath in. ia l' ilitihll xtilsetyi.1t11
pi'e's illvt'e itime uss. 1-4
Foir'a firt 'hss mel lCli atl (M asr's
Ret'aori t. No. 2 1:1. Huoititts t. 1I
('iit~thit' ings 1in Stotigs. any
niewS'things. Waptet 5&Co.,T'iloiitss.
Nexw Launr. 'Tny1its for the hest
wtork 31111ev5e'Psill. Workucdone inft
eigihtttnx ittextrachatttge. (lilie, 10)
Ef. Huron t~srret. 'Wousks 751t 1V.
Siittis'Ixwillhier' ther interOesn
Rlesembiesr A. E'. Roste cast sat' yit
ig Cot., of 9t0tWootwartdAxe., IDetroit,
Ixielt.. tiwit'etatthe Coott Hosse xwfit
a1 fullIit'etf satmtples of fall at inx'ster
gtottls. Mtr. Hotseihts catered to Cie
stuttents for thit ist, ive yeirsd les
tlwas'oyagivett satisfatctions, itt pre,it

A.I ,1 .5. 'ii N 'st '. M.Ci
A.:Iiti - Ostlx. 0 ',ii'iti ' 1101'- es .111 il
N.Y - Ch i'. L - li-]! s1 . I a. Stil ill S
A. M.CI CI and \.BLI15IPC . F
Stud i..'1[enS..tiWrkapeiaty
()t W.hS3 In 1c 15t on It{ s14.,tt 111 5Ev
G.P 'a [,tItCe a . Ax . 11i 0)
$2.50MGandpr year.

-ear. IPresidecnt Anugell xviii deliver
his annuttal addsress next Suntday
mtornittg, anti a coutrse of lectunes
il "'hue Chtoice of a ILife Work,'
to be givens by variouss professors
andSIoutside sipeakers, is Ipronmisedi
foir hater in thse year.
Numsterouts opp~ortunities for thte
study of thseIBible swil(Isis year be
presentetd to Ite students, and able
Biblical schsolars will be in chtarge of
(hoe xvork. Thte character and scope(
of thse work to be lone will be out-
listetd at greater ltngths in a few
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College newspaper at the
U. of M.

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