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October 20, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-20

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-;i~c ~ . ~ for men of more than local reptita-
tion. Since this fact has become
-A- ssrci-i-'ctitu- knowrn abroad, other institutions'
c-sthave mece.flattering offeis tocoar
T , O ,, .IDUEPENDENTi ASSOCIATION (professors, ninny of athotitDave!
icxasy roictime to time, acpegreatly
-osmybletat the slince ofthc OatccY, that ttsere has been a cthange in this
t otits ith atsr cc she editorccorc
utoie-ociitors. c rerspect, the exodus of professors
Csmnttinocns shoutldrach teo n b illes oacranetnw
cc.'nfch P. ci. it they recto iappear te tentj
a.Address itl Mattel- tntendtedt f-or utleit- Dopte. crai xtn, e
assn to the M1nnngiiig Editso-. Alt businessi
xcmmsnicatonsshsuld ibe sens to sheBuis- Ssi- IE1ixo ofte Uiversity cx-
ccc' Manacer. tension nmovemenat at thse U. of M.,
THE U. of tI. DAILY., r
Ann Arbor, Rich. Prsicdent Aigeltt in his annal re-

A. OiJE i-uN . ine94,Mtnaitntg Eci cci
NOMAN s Lc5 ccstiesLit.'05 S--ses~t
i.A.'ittttItc 5it5 s4,A-csiins.
- ;AthlieticE1 or
S. Wr. CrtTS'iSP. G.Lit, Bsinesinagscir.
srcs. 5 tis-c 5- - A'-
ii S ii 5
.i'.cccp gat h fie in.
--------ic -cshcc - c- he -- --:

port nays: "It is still too early to
sacy weher the popular interest in
this cwork is to grocw or decline."
Owisng to the tact thcat our psrofes-
sums are kept busy by their college
swork, it is all impossible for thsemi
ts attemiptuivsiersity extesnsion
scoric wsitihout nmateriailly breakisng
in onsworkc sure. Contining on
theO feasubility ot appointinig special
uivsersity extenisions, ltce president
says. ''I'lint I Ois not cosnvinced

and dispatch, and thus avoid a fausltC
in some fild-days of the past. ThRYe
sports cwill begin promiptly at ico
o'clock, and the football game not' - h "
later thass four. Sesveral new men 0UEi i- ~ k~
of established repistations and hold- - - 5 ---
ems of cordted records wittlsmake
their first appearance on ltce field. . -ii
T~~~~~se ~r floinuctheteofcrofil LADNGSCHOOL OF BUSINESS
The ollwin wil b th offcer Ofand,13ORTAND. io-ciicocit haitdingu: sc
ni~es lreatendanic-c goociist~ciie; spr
the day: Starter, J. Arsnil; timuers, iii~ci-c; : ocis occlirts ceciadiom:ni: yetr
Saturdy cevciigi-ccctiots ocsciiii nieyear
«F. . W atts, H. 'Upper. S. C. L ec i t ofci-licic-s l'or pl c -cot ~n ill "i
tar n c-ttu cttIn~ds r niaesgucii c-ri iic eusic 7cic !Li
Spitzer; judges, C. Chapman, j. co-cu-csti! to permween-ic cpritt'a ttiiis,
1,0 ---ins utaltogue, addrtes
lcClymondn, XV. 1'. tartindale; P. R. CLEARY, PanS.
referee, Williamnon; announcer, E.
C. Shields; clerk of course, laer-TOE
con; measiurern, C. Btilss, A. Bailey.A
The oce year lacy students hetd -
an iportnt metin yeserda. tNORTH MICHIGAN
an isiprtasi seetig ysteray.RAILWAY.
Horsford's Acid Phoslphate r t er_ -
Is the tost 1efest1 i sti I est eei~ ardCeS PA A1 CT
able rettedy ini existence ftot SKEon scs nassNAW
Preventitng indigestinfid ire - ~ aci
lie-is - hoe(liet elatino cr
lievng Dos dieass n~IS11g 7r! Eliec Cr. icciti ug ,,t,
Jac- up ti Len dsciirc s
fi-omt3 a isordered stottoach. j"ie lMI~~" f
Dtr . Y ['. WGardner, 5 tccng ~l ,119 tW~iii cc / TLEOOL F ,
Moss., says: "I c-aloe it as ai excellentc i riestitale litt: inrelet: cSuncday ir t-ic14, 1'-
Traisc ir icc Asci borieby Cetrali
prceceniatice of ittigestiocn, cacd1 a pleasani Stanciardt 5il
i ti1a,17.il.c-,:tctP.ci17
- tiiics~yTratc inRi t o!iiicis1> .,l
: ii icti7t7 itin,<c tit m!it at 6lci . In
t ' -ii Si 5 i
Foic Saleby allEDruggis-s. it3. utIcsIit t 5 ii
~ PT A 20'IO(LL

The tcIttccdoi tshoid titcthmevrio cc -icc that is our circutnstances cwc are
etsrtitSopiionscoor stoatmnof itcarci-
it '. isiroectric cinte Dn ~r. yet called to tmake special appoint-
soents." Thus, lte Unicersity cx-
r tension cwork cannot he carried on
- to as-s great extentthIIis year, cw-hich
VWr are untav-oidably- late today is tic Ie regretted.
throusgh no fault of our ciwcni
______T__ itl- one thing in the sway of a
TctEtREciii be atn imtportasnt meetct building cwhich is certainly needed
ing uf the DAItsYsBoard toniolht at at the U. of At., is an ari~gallery, isn
7:45 nharp. Ecery menmber is itsried wchctoI place the fitte collections of
in he present. art cwhichs have been piresentedl to
- thec Unirersity. \No instituttions has
N-oct icitr-xcmmttuni-scation dontics jbeetnimrefortints~se than ours in
co its in regard to the Unitt ci ity r crisisg gills oc itnie art, cwhich,
Hall qjuelst,schichw see nrc-nNiig to the fact that wec hasvesn
soat for psublishiitg, as tho iit laeiswhtichi to display it, remiaiss
las ieon sito icittly discuissd itl-iitecc, andh cotetofi t citnoutisicde
c.. tiy. It aisidett itthiat ohi tis'(ic \nrbotr. Oling to tthe gros-tt
io li g ainett fcrttia.furtcier disclis- E i thlit - ii til--t snsthaitthe pac
S: l citofthils t itl {t', asi t it 5 t - nowtats tic iiicih by ftle art exhiibit
c Ilt to chta:npe a precdent =i mt~st hbeoencroacheccupo fot ir 1ecteor
has become esaihsih I by long ilibrary facilities. TIhe queistioni
tusage. ___________nsattiraltlyarises as tsocwhat ccill tic-
1ris evden frosm the coitt*iacativ- comei of the art cicsptay. If art is
table sc-e publisht today that ltce to hi- encoura geci at this isistituthion,
propecyof tosewhomainaindhotter facilities osust be turnsishecl
that there weoutlc be a g reat tdecrease for its study and lisat before msany
intenme of students t1-yei years hl si scd- hsfth
in tu isciisierthe study of srItuwicllie encouraged
n-an far fronm correct. The state
Dtress ihas spread abroad, false and by es-cry progressive uiniversity.
Therefore, it seems necessary that
misleading reports cwhichhscgivenceshudaoetohealofie
rise to uncertainty ho regard to the-
attedanc ofthe . o itt If tuions and provide amplse facilities
attenodiscor thetdiplay of ol.artfctii
present rate of increase contitnues it btctforan thieistuy ofou art cl
is probable at the enid of tse col-letoanthsudofr.
iage year the discrepancry between Officers of the Day.
tis year's and last year's attenidance
will be very smail. IStill arratigenments have been nmade
for Saturday's sports and for use
Wit are glad to note that the baii panic at ihe filid. ()eing to,
Btoard of Regents are gradually rais- lice fact that botls field sports asnd
ing tise salaries of the professors of gane ilii conic nff in one afternoon,
the University whose nalaries in a special effort hs been niade in
many cases iiave been notoriously lose , conituict eerything cwitii accuracy

1- ICrey e, iIT-O NAR Y
inacsina-,c100 ed
itos empsiigloytic i-ti-
:y f oethttiti$00,000
( rt; ii Everybody
-ttetiis lqest55n-
r° cc lee oilli- the Ids
Outccitili, at
mtieaning ofwords
A )5ibhsat -zitItself, at alcogies
etc ititu r-tint sisit)cc ernt-inthee
(i-csmit 0 - ii :- twn.ad aualfa
li-i t lc5tr i- ticcctls-eocerntna
iotsafi iii i t ctndc i ceoos;tranit
at- tai 1 niiscit ul tio od, athc
Tc-i ss t s Wlcrt-i:i tualiaeini.
acnelultic i t he tearl c herc. lrpo
,S' ,enc~git o c sclccls.

t v}csotiiuisiof players ini at artistticpit-
mC~xgbA lT+O +VC12WGC.
Mcidjes sicPt'i.OticshSkier scSlivck
liii ittinderth0dititcisot Pi Fns 5L.ttPalya
Reservdce ieats on -sicei icWct-s' Iiart,:
PICiES: Icieerd seat-, yt.5: Admicion--
Pliiuettiand test rowiin icc Putc, ierc
L. S. S~is c, Malnager.
AMP Nse V, GoontItEcc ',loriot - Grocer sit
Ri-ces, Ca'tttttioto acidPicawcrc of oil cvarl-
Sio. If0iusrvitucc -t-eet, opp. ceetetry-gate,

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