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October 20, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-20

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____ ____ ___THE U. OF M. DAILY.
ORGNIED 88. NCOPOATD I86I . OF lis. CAJIIND islt.-- iRev. --J. Mills- Gelstoes's subject tslinelt-ed years p t0,-i;:1 iss fee'l
THE CH EQUCA EGON ORICHESTRA. ies, >'r"gret, that he sId sot base M I~-
LJ' H. (l'lMFar, t nextletic ty bigist soohis sermon s p- e i-ass Wilcle al,
''e N 'e'sssss I s':torsss'ssss iii's'r ' r. '*i s stt.,00.21. le (sshofaCor-saT s
Filon C rparison of Anrsent Relig- lIssssli,w s o filthse 'EsI C,'isiss-
EX CELSIORevLAUNDRY SCat., Oc's's, -5 ie Ielssssss'iis 5,5 of'iCs Iions swithsChristianity,'' 'w~illbe }tl rtsissCeeslat~t. lass 5'4ila" -
2,') 55 ,iii iO Slis ci. '55(5 2 sss. A. iw looseneaer sewzw ol1I11nsDstty ljis
.ssa c , ' o aM 2 5 s, Oss.:5 -ins tsss'ssesss iisi'- 'll of ettise Truths ssi 'Iohamnse- risssssss e ssist li" Iss. t a siit
Goo sss l G A (-tc'i.Go seRtilldros. 05555,55ct 55 te,555, ss. lassos Issifiled n Iseliotisi.'eanlO fo'ii i . i s i a t a Mi'.st
and dlive-ed. . F.COVER , Prp. C:InI s (.oirts 3:130 tt M. d nism 1 'lif lid tn hesGspel.s ', I">' Wh 5)''ied h lssa, snilass' la'sI
CSsn., Octs's.'9:,155 s. iri. -AddsyIis'-- ss 5.5s. i5e srr s.s"i,'Cyest Ntsnisiga" C A EJR slstnis'al firseiscylltl. t.hss;'ichianaPosticalSci'ce Itw4 i abou sixt yIs'saf lisa
ee't 1s. ss 55Ss-'s isss As 's ~'s s '-ssoratioalsle iets ini Detrloit this Ln sssis ss s ii~l55~ 0
z2 'ieur i the Tiles.s Oc' , s a.-Cii.eo . 531i, 0'".iti i afternoson ansItomsorrowsv forenoson.s Osss Iechliiirsstess sl Is si (:1i8also
CITY LA UNDRY,^ itse lasa ses St ss55s t issssss 5'issen " Th le sessions ewitl tsrhld in thec tlsisrlsI lihe lss)i ilnisls";ioftiss't't51(5005-
issi nsinLees is tes's tissofLthestaige fro'si Ile filestisosal-ic
M. M. Soabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.Fi. cs, . 2 -5ilesy brlSisks'' ey ins.sT. A coi-snittee roosms of thse Cadillac ijokes 'sw'thi swlich els cc'sh'l'aslsess
PER1' lOtR Ac(S~'t55N'5'IT H 'HF ""t~' Hotel . A leapeer, Ilse sbject of thoughst it no harm to 155islesr-lard sis
si . f 28 Ssenisor laws elections, ls ese 5se Ise r-leiee's. Tliere is sicdoisbt bsst
+$TATC $AV~flG$ BA2K + roo .I it. In, whsich will bse "Diissntisfartion with that the buys wsho 151'5V('l the rosle ssI
c i.:"Isis sand lWa-lsnnc's trcs. H_--.". .__. - te Senate,'' will le readteyb lion. ccssotsyei s sith s-iirsts'alfsssti'ssI", Ise
A.LIsssNsmi's'sIPre ss. ivj 'mlsss'sssiss
--- Statistics for 1893-94. Alfredl Russell, of IDetrit. T1he a' i iill esirt andshple'adstfisrthe'ra-
The j3 Pr torets-s's ise ofAitoirin sssithis' 'silty stf
The ~ & ~i. ~tzg Store --general itisrsssioss of this tinier swillthelis' isisisitisit sssPosrtiass ii'is sus-llesi
Jthplc.to hsyit sssss is the Dsuse , Lins..os 'the foloswissg table fromrn the tee openest by Jusssge T. MI. Cooley Ise- is Iss to s's tiss'as si's r sess isaae is,-
G O 'TO Cr'5sss 'a I 0 Mi . (issonshloses thse trtal registratione 'rest. It. .I ANdsas i llttresslad Isp's 111 ss:1 s'sc <ti ss ess' tier on.s's'l
1~( E JLL ~Co's at Ilanrvardel1Ciseralty up 5teeOt~. leer o Se ' ds-gestiens Inr a Systemssof1 will 's ssss"sin 't tits'randssiOtsraI'i'iItess
17, 5113. '}is, ref 5'555550s rcannost 'Os as ss' < ';2,.lcs sll'lsi ly
t ss'saes s.i ros s fs2in ' as'~ 'iss eieessts;stis-k-SarfrPipesrssisnuIssteresting Talks. Is(:ssss's'sssi seill
les s-555 ip -,-,as Ilse firgtres -- --
LADIES' a'edOENTS' LIJNCtHnnooX. ,will Os to s r 'tsst. Mrs. Annas
R.E.lolywill6 .Sttest trsetssi'iV' 'Isinsi e s s''sss'tsalil' ly i . tinsa le issdelvriiig anLss 'l ss s ', "i 55Pttst 5.
________________________________ 'lre Is 'th illssespat i' tinoftli' i il i li rs'stig sesies eef'talks be-Ires' '' C)
DANCING and DELSARTE Saetistic's is tse- S slsslis Sudenis'~ts' beClassis inte losen-' sis s'i' issi_
S. AN ARD F TR- -is ittonl huc at the closioi :reC yic(is Clisre-. ato-1 i
46 S. Sl ate street ' Si . 4 lolil srie i h n 'lt iaic.n i lii n alta
oxN ' - c p, it. Aiviseod i foIsis'-: i. . le,-'~~ . '''';d as ss'-. IllVIis)sli tiis 'a sp isis sitslc, ll 'tist
d s s siisii iesisGntele" ottiCol(re IIs ~ 'M s is c as-tes.'' I'lie apsec- ssi sssssls 555'5'555 li' l
1tu- G tin tri ' is ssis;is-iia-clay's al to ,i i. exS nd y ilbe tltsls's ~ is
.4II truSS ' l1s iss eitie''' '''! e~tlt iis iri1sisnsstssyfiea;1Ii's-...I.' i 169 ro er Ilaniel o 555 la£' "ali te
2 ' tom; 0'ot-s litisisisss'ss'e'isy S '-- 's ti 1-5 1 uss S t into 'stinil ansI Character." ss s l ts tist si'rsg',Ip
5 ii ifde' ds--iso '-1tsi ---S:''r: Ti ss tshemeLisoreeof several tI t ilsi's isisislisetlsss s stiss eortmentSi
P i s' asilssn, iy l555505555 iissiiit s s ------- I lotIsis"lit. Mrs. R'oste's o seie hossi's rses
zli rd r av ngsannNt sana__ s____tt i e Isrenlteeore thse class by Msssssl s an Fsidisayss 1o5 tss12 a. is.,
Ain Aror. i S.cavtings Bank - slt~itl ifferent steaksers stiring the rcolleg5e 0tcI5 ' s 1s it iues
( iYlit u d rIe es 55:-s i tanl~''''~' Ilsie isi'' e -rs'--s's list .-i'ci slI )t s'- t's 's' 5 ' asills str ssis
of Iin is s'. ltic(s-s5s . ss xsnits to -rn sat sseassssstcl s w e-piblisti the at-"+.sw1 I h(v't!n e.
I 'ssstnS lsssa. 50ss55the -Cis-slrt itjA f tssts~asse alt the I'. of itl. iii assothler AN NOUNCEMENT. slsi' '-les
1 ie tm s O lsiis i ise ion iis ie
Ov155 s5' ( 555i isso 'sassei W.51). colssumn oftosday 's issue. It ewousld l 'Pliers- wir111 ats e tss'-iig sof the S U : NE S O 5A5S.
ssssitr istts, vcs-a PIssa., ' 11" I. l555 a 1 (is-- -
nsias; i.j.las, sSst.5 isiss' Lsternfrossstlheabsove tabele tina e ssttstt s-tshei ts inlels in"
fin i a s-sl stringency htsnotssails-stedI Doos.)s 52, isvaw tiuilinsg, Meonda-y 1ti. ' lh<ieai' . 'e Ilt< oii C' o.l e s wet s-
isales saltsisss in ssisi a'eii'' 1)1t.a., Sat7 r'scIons. I 'sal 'issiThi'y-st a v'sin ess'isthss
. - thes esrninsiun s I I; .> Ilss"t~scsa~s :, I'rs'a'st'ilneiicth
< - th e siiisaswseS I ssssl s- ss-enI.1' t~lsrs 'Preaassdeli. - -
,i Sls a'-
-f Isilei-s i i-s a favr ds ilt'.iilprl'i's itssts'' lii' iS'

1 os-

( ttin
c i

r5'.- 5ii-- it5 i- - it :, i
'55 '''ii i
t1 -------- -~,si - - -- 5I
P.M A..iiM.*i
N'i uil ............... I '. -~i's. . . . .. . . :;
st.Y c -a . iis . S :, a Jr .it . is (
T-ANNAseA PGU.S'lisisisil lseoreirW'ssearis, iai ss-e st i
EI).E I II~'1?iN'O il Itor. of lhe isIna iisdrsetylI sitIlsissln-
-*'PUBLISHIN'G tshis; esesii.
I-bITT't'hs-s-iis lplansoil fist ofsil i
Stuloot Worko a Specialty. lla Ieag ile beteens-se vssarioses
'5'-' 55nsokss-s l'smiL""",t ' 5'ssss se''~5s ilI~ " s ietIiesof thle I 'sileeraite . A fill]
Zrn'i~t'cYrr"is tisrb i '5 s s's tillla'si r ifi 3 racseountlof cwhichi sill apecar in 1o-
st ci IP IXs -siltf smorroew's(sapler.
T l'F DIAILY I'',~ 'hle esstries forItse tes-istounesysss
L5.L.J 5~,A.J-LL.J. si's'cosin sg ienIsast, ssndstallsiencti-
sisi ~ liosptilt tis ssvery susccessfiultotir-
$ 2.bO per ye arI. nimnsssilhli's fsall. Ttse strawings
I s da.. MII s-tti s- sesmsdsts- hlis eveninig.

\1 Isissilisl is sld 'S. 5 1'A
4 Ntsckets ol sepst tS '51115155 c
'elirlw . I 155It) ede155 5 tck ts 1.i
Ito scrihay disis it is 'si ssl r v
isis il-ls-r I (5 5tiof tes-is.ssis'
Notir snol0111os Hes-c)It 'sills
sascirusteilsendrsts-eifr sntails ts
ast-ests. Is is c'sry ne-scssary thast
yousbs- prismt il iin~g y'ur ap-
tstlis'ti s's17-- t
Nil ( )hiss cotes-s's sirisi to lii
tisse tI ro it'eill meset ise 1-oomisf 2,
of Use lawIilinisg, Fridasy, Oct.-1 a
at '7:"0 I-. Ill- It is as fiesis-c
nss'sary that allsshould5555hbe esenssst.
(Si's srass isA\%II'. Ci s.s as, 'sres.
'sis iii sss 5.
If 'Shtasespea're's' ill sis s-Iticsislasizc
fsormihas hiss-siabsle Isto oltsse fsao'st-
Imess of5'is astisuissis oriss earsis -fossl'

pia "l ven o IfiSIVK"Is il
no! o l fiipt, lif ho st row iii stI
Py ii; oo m f'I itwIm p is sit o
5 '4 0 . W ""It 5'' '-I - ' g aisi-
isi _ tI tli :,I Isis' 'iii n
sisllirsiaiS I),vi a!i I'll's''- sie t o
ndItt , Isi-' s issi ls t slssri I.i- r t s
(' 'i its sit, No.', ;.tlno rils
is ri s s -t(i is
I i'ii i Ii!s ll 51 lI'lifnt a e tn
ied it)iiwt iiisrS di;l on5 'iosi S hisiis
N M at i< in l calsi
(aitis 5''1 1" , Su til's' I iei's' cas
;altro isia s l ii iIt' s s- i's-
ailsiee iol co igas :lsl1- il-s tl
;It a Is'siss a its--its's' N rt
"lais is I sss c ts . y i'- is 1te
endi fns'ss oinss 5 cs n h ct
's a l i i 's sDrssiu stsiosr ((ll'.
li i ght , s t'sitilsi-t-

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