1jc itl. of
Itt. ail .
VOL. IV.-NO. 18.
THE RACE PROBLEM,. they started just as Mr. Douglas REGISTRATION TO DATE.
on. Frederick A. Douglas Dis- came out of the house. [hrepo The Falling off of the attendance 1iHBURN U~t
cussed It Last Night Before a tthe abolitionist called out: "I sup- of Students will not be Great
Large Audience' use you can find your way down to this Year. tr' ~ r
Unversity hail was little more the hail.' 'After the lecture, Wievaire enabled to give to the -
'an o-thirds filled last night to said Douglas, "He did not say, student public today, the registsa
li te awell known colored states- Can you find your way up to the tion sup to date, with a compar -
sn and orator, Frederick Douglas. os, hug to o h oc atise table. It is probabhie that 51 . MAN A
,: udience was, howver, an en- hail steps as lie passed. Had it not enouigh studeuts swill cuter be-Weasclieerythingmsiail ad sail oer faith
been fr aM. Morrs, a enatistoi"Qaliity asdtia areDealivf""
"sstic one, and msans times ees'ra r. oriiseto fore the newvcalencdar is issued in lr
cite his remarks asithi lust apl ro) tht-isticI coid oths so as to siweil the total nuns Meii i5 ~ o
had an vihincto etta aadIrurilr
a s.Fifty years of iiairdii a adyai herini attensdance this year to that-
ling toil for his people siatndiirt tl ltrii- talkiiiast tear. The one notire-ableN0T 0E
have left their nmark o001Mr. steafeuoo.Scisaes ncreIause is that of the meclv. ; i d v 5e a'v'ss t ,or L ttirhie tadsevofepicl~
ahtiipicohiIvie of the sari pleascist things he .asntcat ljsjjsiual b il-aotei huse era-, iesala
Li e woolvd at tiiaessrappeo is mairl able in the face of tlae foci-yasr deied Mista uo s t tirt iiui a oa s°
-sass, rakcmpcel i tiAn itanIiserie ie cifiaornitcic shoidrdisvfac. h'E d cd. 'i~ od b aoric Jc
,nracc. bra orhwtha gcst Theattendsace i telase b
.,~ euce wvhichts pltl held A -ltogcthser the lecturceasas a very idepartment will bse greatly inscreased e .
;iaudience. iseeiug oi 1ir roiie cl before Christmias. A ' glance at the £: YS~71 '
The subject of the lecture wvasf for the lecture association. the followiiig table will shiosw that the
;.'eRacc Problem,"' comamonly iimelt enterta~iament in the course attendanc is ntutimaterially affecteud
lised as 'Mr. Douglas poiatedt sill be oin Oct, a;, by Mecssrs' by the financial stringency.
- Thc Negro problem.'' This Ailey anid Slierley. .
naame, lhe felt, wsanunjust andI o-P -rsesaiaoaiv.--
icuGla edency to prejudicc inno- Work of the Executive Session. 6- aiE.'i iHURONia, sasiArisicP
pcople. In treating the proh- C--harpe. -.HUO T
2:1iespokc of the recent outrages (Iwing to the fact that the hoardLitray - _ x42 1,281 Lvs-61 lOR 1TI'NCf"U'UI
-u.dlyching ha the soutla, at some of Regents sat ha executive sessionautai Oi0
nl pointing oat the great in- yesterday afternoon, the huv ret o ny' hc-oe
cdone, and tlhc anarchy that rcscntative, who swas at hand, wsI' iil.nii ii 1 ;4 51I less 7:TLE
Ili. and does exist in a country unable to get at the facts of thiatsii( p.ti°Lia)s+' 48 S. STATE St.
cits citizens are not allowed session; consciuntly ace were not iii - ia ie ta
ans trnal whatever, able to give all of the business in I__________- FIRST IN AlIONAL BANKr
rethe developmetnt and educa- ; yesterday's Dutvv N. Amsonge other Toals.a...ii t --t.
mon of the Negro since the war lie things clone,;wsa the appointmtent - ANN-A-ino-
caldattention to the fact that we of a number of newe professors and The Caine with Chicago. Pral t;LeS SaiisantInPtsItes, s. r
jdge the colored man by the stand- tutors to fill vacancies. H. A. San- i rei Sstue f IV daiteow Lettersao
ard ace have reached, not by the diers was appointed instructor its Eighteen tusen wiii start for Clii- P. BACIt. vis S.5' Ci ARKSOS ,cashier.
clepis rom hic hehas ise. Lain nd reek saary goo C.cag o to-ni,,hIt under the careful gui-
He vaidfrot wichthe hasrrsenr . ln rantI rucGree ,salary, $905 C.dance of tBaird, Barbour and lstoll- R i -BS,
H~ ad Ilat i th preent ard .. eede, intrucorsalay, $00.ton, to take thae Chicago fobotball CLSElNDNIGci stt
Lima's he scarcely believed it would Alexis C. Angell and Otto Kerch- LSE NDNIGwl etr
teanm into camp. The prospects for follows: OGittleien, Sftrday ma nines if)
bre a profitable, if practical thing, to ner scere appointed professors in the sed Thiursdals 1.ns8:'00, Ladies. Saturday
tai otteNgoback to Africa. law department at a salary of $i notervicoryar vey anuine clatssa4.Taesasvinsfhis. Gsiut
aioprttheNerofor our team is now doine goodBoor, 6'5 lttrais,dsslreetuiionH5,. oae ier
""osard the close of his lecture 000. (twelve ieeiis)i$5. Papita received atan
itr. Douglas left his manuscript The salary- of a numiber of the hr cro h otalfed ii.it
ad otI f n ntresin epeieieproesor i te itear, au aadYesterday's practice was ~f p STUDEJNTIS
a, baldofsanhitiefrethc scr icnroessoa drmns snteieasraised, and t h tnado h atfwh awe eor h a emdcldprmnswsrieaddays.Dyer did sot lpresent himuself,
GtT > around lecturing in bchalf of some other inaportant business washiinuehadbngtosuifr Tiiei55SEShO SIOtad
c],,s He. .... 'Iaicase to a ssalhattendleilto. I_:__- 4.-1 :- -- - -- - - - - - - 11.., Ci .
Nisn Newc Hampslaire, on Satur-
andswas going to speak three
.F~sthe next day in the toswn halt.
T'I" hotels were, of course, closed
toiinon account of his color, but
onncuiry he found that a certain
Ar.G. seas an abolitionist, and
o iz probably entertain thtm.hBnt
Mr. G. wan a distant abolitionist
and thiough he housed Mr. Douglas,
ic dirt not eat with his guest. Sun-
aay m orning Mr. G. drove lils wife
dowvn to the hall in a four seated
,cr riage, and it no happened that
Wilt Dent Out "Love.'
Although gotten tip otn so shstrt
a isotice, tonmorrowv's teisnis totirnsa-
ment promaises to be very sutcccss-
ful, especially in aswakenitig interest
in that bratnchi of sport.- Entries
are comngn in rapidly, and there
will certainly be some hot contests.
An energetic class of msen are its
charge of tennis interests here tiow,
and there cannot fail to he a great
advance made the coming year.
for the first time to practice at kick-
ig. Ile extiects to conic for prac-
tice nsextsweek. I-ooper, a newc
candidate for tackle, wvho halls
froima Houghston, ihiich., made Isis
first appearance yesterday. Front
work on the practice field, Mlichi-
gan should have no fear that her
colors will be trailed in the dust thin
cal and all UnUui'c'asif,, Text-Bol,s
5,colnkeok as at tide each.
Linienitepee, per pound 25c.
Ray the InEuL WATuEPAlAV Fot,-NAILaPE'N.
Beat in thu rwsld- Every aote guaranteed
foe five years.
'rhe junsior lawnsuset yesterday UNIVERSITY BOOSKSTORIE,
and trannacted souse important bun- NSouthiState Stret.
iness. 4SN. Main, app. Conrt Hause