_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.
e ZC of M " T *t~ series of stereopticon views, accom-
T panied by appropriate remarks, in
his course in Roman antiquities. '
Published Daily (Sunday's exceepted)dusrisng The lecture took place in Professor
tuvt( oieisc year, by
THE UI. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Carhart's room in the physical lab-
oratory, and another lecture will be
Sbseription price $2.501 per year, invariably given today at three o'clock.
in advance Singilespies a censis. Ssbserip-
tisns may be left at ihe offiee of the DAILY, - -_"t- -
at Stoffiet's, with any se the editors or Carl 1V. Hertel, formerly with lit
authorized solicios.
C'somunieations should reach the office by 92, of Chicago, is in the city for a
7se'loch P. m. itory are to appear the seat fetv days.
lay. Address all mstter istended for publilea-
tuone to the Mssaging Editor. All business ---- --- --
cosmmunicatios should be seat to the Busi-
cens Manager.
Ann Arbor, Mish.1w &e
Aul sopy soust be at the offbce before 8:0a. m
__________ PUBLISHINGHOLISM. Horsford's Acid Phosphate
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THEn-DAILY has lung been greatly for a set o~f the (Coliibiaii Cyclop
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who train steadily are Ibeeusen svho Ill iilruie, its. well-idesmre d nfi
benefit tihemselves and their univer- ~ever i'u-maisiiiiipuphiir is laiJ~FRT N TIN LB N
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piayobject of college atbietics; a iiiio t to rside a i Co~luiii ci.l to.Sil0 iS5'ot.i IO
winning should be thse secondaryvS 5~. ~ o i'tansacis-.genralbimskingiuosieou lii -
so to anbl sot.gnriexchange bought asold i. Leter-of
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were No ore ime houl be ostP.liACIIl,Pres. 5. W.CLAiilSON, Cushier.
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bythswhinedtdoaybn Boston, New York, N I iIT
thsya.Chicago, Hartford. Lf II S
Stereopticon Views- i4ibiii s f'l in iirant ocity Dsices, 55r
A lirailfot illuteca-ttdoiil nioiii -l der the disretioofftoss brasger .ii.the
frive ivat iy (oliiilia sifa--iiy, or i
Profesnor Kelsey yesterday after- t1iield tsr tiiiitwo-cent stam~ps. Opera House, Friday Eve., May 11th.
noon exhibited a very interesting - Tickt s noseonoostle. tsand uc.
ediul tt regislar price.
hut ely free of cost a i-efei-ence ii-
s anid 7,000 iiilustrationss.
ir secured from nsty or all of" the
!se of the Colunian Cyclopedia.
A. W. CORLISS, Phootogsrapher.
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roceries and Crockery,
AniilatiiiRoosu.-W. H. OWEN, Pron.i
Ns. 4 East Heron St..COpposite Coont
t-iiiursl oe Coildlanid Seci S lathis. Pur-
crlaiii tiis
uSHORTHANO iai itb iiie~i
'y I t'Sue- puillii ftif
Satrdyeeiniirceptioii-; iipen tlienieyear -
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eaeiit, t.51,000. SurplsousiinPfitis $17,000i.
Dtoes a'general biankaing business. Pays snter-
eston Savins nDepsits. ttas Safety
Derpsit Boxrs foer rent.
Rt. Kaitpr, I's-es. F. .uELSELO, Cushier.
Bianh ovnSauturdauy eveeing.