_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY. e ZC of M " T *t~ series of stereopticon views, accom- T panied by appropriate remarks, in his course in Roman antiquities. ' Published Daily (Sunday's exceepted)dusrisng The lecture took place in Professor tuvt( oieisc year, by THE UI. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Carhart's room in the physical lab- oratory, and another lecture will be Sbseription price $2.501 per year, invariably given today at three o'clock. in advance Singilespies a censis. Ssbserip- tisns may be left at ihe offiee of the DAILY, - -_"t- - at Stoffiet's, with any se the editors or Carl 1V. Hertel, formerly with lit authorized solicios. C'somunieations should reach the office by 92, of Chicago, is in the city for a 7se'loch P. m. itory are to appear the seat fetv days. lay. Address all mstter istended for publilea- tuone to the Mssaging Editor. All business ---- --- -- cosmmunicatios should be seat to the Busi- cens Manager. THE V. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mish.1w &e Aul sopy soust be at the offbce before 8:0a. m __________ PUBLISHINGHOLISM. Horsford's Acid Phosphate THE S. L. A. board cannot be too highly comsmended for their action Is the most effective anod agree- last nighst in giving the msajor part of their surplus to the baseball able senmedy in existence for usangerent Ifallthecolegepreventing indigestion, and re- organizatioins wvere as generouis as the S. I:. A., athletics wvould never ieigtoe dsae rsn suffer at Michigan. jf'roin a disordered stomach. COLI1MlhiAAi jTRADHE RECEIPTS. What they will do for you and how to ob. tam #them. TRADE RECEIPTS. are coupons issued by mtercliants for the piurpose of showing the- anioun1t of casb trade they get from subscribers for the Colombian Cyclopedia. TRADE RECEIPTS. can be secured to the foil amount of your purchases fruit all met- chanits on our list by presensting an Identificationi Cacti issued by us showing tbat you are a subscriber for the Columabian Cyclopedia. TRADE RECEIPTS. Ido inot smeasnsny increase in the price of goods pusrcliasedl, os tilis yoit must buy any snore than yon are nowy buying. TRADE RECEIPTS. cost absolutetly notlhiing except the trouble of going to the stores whiere they nmfy be obtained atid niaking youtr puirchatses there. TRADE RECEIPTS. as fairits tmerchanlits are conicertned miean s itncreased trade for them:t and that eustonmers are to share the benefits of it. ' TRADE RECEIPTS. wiii be accepted by its at onle-teinth tiheir face v-alue in full palymnult THEn-DAILY has lung been greatly for a set o~f the (Coliibiaii Cyclop in need of a central point upon the Dr'. W. W. Gardner, Spriingfietd, TRADE IR campus for the collection of nesws, Mitss., says: tI value it us us exceelewlle teeoenetefr o is and will makea determined effort to preventutive of indigestion, and u pleasant br'ary of 32 voluties, 26,000 page, induce the University authorities to acidututed drink when protperly diluted with grant them the use of one of the wuter, and sweetened." TRADE R small office rooms in the nosy recita- to the allonut of twenty-five dolli tionbuidin. I sucesful a el-stores will entitle you to a volts lionbuidin. I sucesful a el-Extra O)live Binding. ephone will be put in, wohich would Descriptive pirnphlet free ono applicaions to prove of great use and convenient RumfordtChemoical Works, Provictence,R.I. THE FOLLOWING MERCHAN both to professors and students. tBeware of Substitutes sod Iitantios. EBERBACIT HARDWARE CO., STERRIT1T & MIICHa IT is a niatter of regret that thie For Sale by all Druggists.EB BAHDU field and track athletes are, with STAR STEAM LAUNDRY J. F. IIOELZLE, Meats. A_ few exceptions, failing to shosv the Fl CLAS WOK. ST1ABLER& CO., G proper interest this spring. It is BOWDISH & HOUSE. Proprietors. s ir true that we are handicapped in OsrI Cc, 32 SUTHe;;eATS STREET. many ways as to training, induce- Ladies' ArtisticlHairdressingParlors. menlo to train, etc., yet the usen L adscl ~rainn on nte ts should take interest eous0 i in tahion.Sir I.F oan ui,30 E.lNsbh-i . isn ;toSt.,soer barber ship. themnelves to get out ansd work.~ There is too much stress laid upon IT ECII ~ T T the winning here at present and not THECO UMBIDA( 1enough thought of honorable de- Standard Bic cl 0 'Takes First Plnce."' feat. Men of considerable ability 1y~ The name standIs for ustht it is. train only in a haphazard way and of the WYorld, Bse allsendLXawin Tenni