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May 03, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-05-03

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ASSIGNMENT OF ROOMS the committee, and elected the fol- Webster Wins the Debate. NOW ON SALE.
,List of Professors and Rooms Al- lowingsofficers.t af
loted Them in the New Reci. Prof. J. B. Steere, president; D. The second of the annual series of ThcUL
tation Building. F. Wilcox, vice-president; Miss contest debates between the rival T he, k. "
Webster and Jeffersonian literary By Lew R. Clement. Director of the Chequa-
Mary P. Blount, secretary; S. R. e legon orchestra.
Five or six weeks will see the Cook, treasurer; as executive co- cieties of the law department was
mookttesheldintheawletureroom ast 7/cprttiet olfe 0/eec " 1Af Wieilo'"-
contract work on the new recitation mittee, Rev. J. T. Sunderland, Mrs. held in the law lecture room last seien."
building practically completed. The Morehouse, Miss Otis, Miss Craine, evening, before a fair sized audi- i eutiully ilustratedi tite page. Every stu-
interesting question now is as to It. R. Crozier, Prof. D. W. Spring- ence. J. H. Van Tassel presided. detishoildiuy acopy.
who will be assigned to the new er and E. A. Nevins. Professors Mechem and Bigelow, of 'YbO l'CYe (
quarters. The building committee Delegates vere present from the the law faculty, and J. D. Bingham, 51 South Main St.
has decided upon the following ar- following societies which unite in '95 law, were the judges. The
rangement, subject of course to the organization: S. C. A. of both question discussed was, "Resolved,
change. On lower floor, room i, University and high school, King's That a graded income tax would be
s. w. cor., Prof. Beman; R. a, south, Daughters, Young Peoples' societies inexpedient.'' The speakers were
Prof. Dewey; R. 3, s. e. cor., Prof. of plimited to fifteen minutes each.
D'Ooge; R. 4, n. e. cor., Prof. and disciples churches, the Prohibi- The evening's program was opened
Hinsdale; R. 5, n.,'not taken, probw. r club, the Y. W. C. T. U., the by a vocal solo by Miss Campbell,
ably Prof. Russell; R. 6, n. w. cor., V. C. T. U. and the I. O. G. T. accompanied on the piano by Miss 1I
Prof. Pettee. On upper floor, the The principal object is to enforce Davis, subject, "In June," by Dud- WhenyouanttheLatestcetropoitastyes
space on the south side which be- the liquor laws and hold ley Buck. J. B. Hoy, p. g. law, sfS3/TIoeeSihtesatiii dtoat petet
spaceqor on an uhod ass meet- thn An Abr priesased fCite aao meo
low is divided into three rooms is ings. Another will be held at Mc- representing the Webster society,
here thrown into one large lecture Millan hall Tuesday, May 8, at opened the debate in the affirma- J. H .VI.LV ICO
room to be used as room 24 is at 8:30. The executive committee will tive. He was followed by M. L. 1 .U
present. It will be. used most by mneet at 7:oo tonight. McLaughlin, '94 law, of the Jeffer- 101, 153-155 \uODwARn AvE.,
Prof. Hudson and Prof. Adams. ,,_- _ sonian society, in the negative. At DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
Room 7 on the front over the main A Generous Gift. this juncture the audience were again M '' _
entrance, will be used by Prof. favored with a vocal solo by Miss
Hudson; R. to, n. e. cor., Prof. At a meeting of the S. L. A. board Campbell, "The Clover Blossom,"
Demmon; R. i, n., Prof. Walter; last night it was decided to give one by Clara Rogers. Miss Campbell
and R. I2, n. w. cor., Prof. Adams. hundred dollars to the base ball bowed her acknowledgments to an
During the summer the furniture management for the specific purpose encore. After the music C. K.
and other necessaries will be put in of helping to take the team East. The Friedman, p. g. law, Webster, spoke l 6 E. HURON STREET.
remanderof he srpls, aouts Mr. I. AV. imeas as operator
and the building will be ready for remainder of the surplus, about on the affirmative. He made a very and if you want tine work pie
use next fall. twenty dollars, was given to the li- effective speech, and was frequently him a trial.
brary to help buy periodicals, interrupted by applause. C. F. FRESH ASSORTMENT
Special Athletic Meeting._-+ - Abbott, '95 law, closed for the ne--~
Faculty Concert. Abtplod rhn
A special meeting of the board t - ative. He advanced some novel ar-
of directors of the Athletic associ- The following program will be guments. Mr. Hoy, of the affirma-
rendered at the Faculty concert, at tive side, was allowed five minutes --rse RECEIVED AT-
ation was held last night. The rain b a UTES 8S tt t
checks issued last Saturday, because the school of music tonight: in rebutta
of the postponement of the D. A. 1. Rondo op. 70, for piano and The judges rendered their dens- THE "WAVERLY " WHEEL
violin, Fr. Schubert. Miss M. J. Lou- ion in favor of the Webster repre-
C. game, were made good for any don and 1r. H. Zeitz. weight hi pounds-with clincher (G. & .)
baseball game 'with the exception of . Aria -' Voiche sapete," from sentatives. As this is the second t -for85.00 is the sensation of the
basebagFigaro, AV. A. Mozart. Miss Alice successive debate won by the Web- to-. r80Seetitithe Window of
the Cornell game, to be played on Bailey. stertsocetttit detidistthedstriis
tbe athletic field this season. Re- . 2 Studies a. op. 2 , No. 7. and . ste society, it decides e series, BROWN'S DRUG STORE.
10, Vi.112, Fr. Chopin. MissA . Jeai- which is the best two out of three,
ports were presented by the trac nette Loudoi.. ..
and baseball managers. The ten.l4. Ballad and 1 olonaiee, I. Vieux- in its favor.
temps. Mr. i. Zeitz.
nis manager reported that nets a. "Du bist die lliuh," Schubert- Might Have Been Worse.
and tapes had been ordered from Liszt. b. Spinningg Song, F. Mendels-
sohn c. ienuet, ..Paderewski. d. Yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock,
out of the city and vould be put ir otre, .tderewaki e.Tar ax aske, ' pharmic, sas mak- BASE BALL GOODS
Ma Vak,'5paniwsxa-place as soon as they arrived. 'T'he an/cule i . Nicode. SiMr. . I e" . Seisiil~ec. GOODSoi ci ro hspou
C. a. "A Red, lied Rose," A. Fesca. ing phosphuric acid from phosphorus
football management was authorized b. "The Monotone," P. Cornelius. c and nitric acid i the chenical Suits and G u
to hire a coach for the coming sea- "Vittoria Mio Core," G. Carissime. syl iut sup-
tIr. Silas R. Mills. laboratory when this compound ex-
son. The baseball management was 7. Sonata, op. 24, for piaso ldd anpes.
instructed to prepare a schedule for violin, I. Reinhold. Mtolto Allegro. ploded and seriously burned his
Andante con Variazioni. Allegro face. Fortunately his eyes were
the interclass series. giocoso. Allegro molto quasi presto, nt injured. He was taken to the are invted to examine stock and prices.
Atessrs. J. Sehmaal and H. Zeitz.
Reform League Election. hospital where he will receive treat- '
Prof. Dewey will give a special ment. It is thought that the burns AS
The Ann Arbor Christian reform examination in ethics at 9 o'clock will disfigure him for life, and will
league met at McMillan hall Tues- Saturday morning for those who require a long time to heal. Mr. UNIJERSITYBOO STORE
day night, adopted, with amend- were absent from the last examina. Maske is employed in Mann Broth-
ments, the constitution, drafted by tion. ers' drug store. STATE STREET, ANN ARnOR.

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