.c--y ~attended some of thern since they "Resolved, That the recent extradi-
Oj' ' left Ann Arbor. The letter is a lion treaty with Russia is a benefi-
very s esinLctiute Secti t-atreaty"': aff.. T H. asinger.
t''ttsheS natty (Stas'sexcepted) durgls'. i au6l(u eeLv ".nIL iia iI Ieiay t i't,J a I.'' c~aIJ" i
te etteve sentarth faculty and others whso took C. A1. James; neg., F. 11. Smith, it.
THEU, F M INEPEDEN ASOCITIO uore titan a passive interest in these 1V. Smith.
-foreign students, and shosvs their'
"abseaiptiasprice Pt 55 oper year, invariably
it advanc-e Sing].' tpies a tects. Suhserip- great appreciation of whbat wvas done Prirceton's Medical Course. I
nesns map be ieft at the sfieeoc the DALY, for liest ivhile thtey were htere.
at hSfe's, twith 5tiy he the editers o
sethortedied soticetors. The IL.Lter sihows thtaltthey left our A School of -Medicine is to he en-
Comamuainas shoutd reachti h hefie hpitnstittution prepared, some to assumse tablishsed at Princeton. A student
oeiseoc P-. if they ate to appect the text woi eioso neigtemd
tay. Address atllasatter istendted tee pubhica- rsosbejdca oiin ntersloi eioso neieuemd
ionstoa the Managing Edihtor.all husiness nation, anddtithers to inmpart their teal profession msay conmbine the
coimunications shoutd he seat so the Busti nweg-otei xncutye electives in hiology and chemistry
crs aae.koldet hi w onrmnTHE U. of M. DAILY, in the interests of education ad act- so that at graduation he wiil receive
Ann Arbor, RichS vemn. a certificate whsich will recommend
EDITORS. hinm to a second year's standing in
t_; A. Ssss;isiis, Law s'94, Managing Editor.-
ZO A isFh'owERcs, Lit. '90, .h'-istaiit. Field Meet Saturday. . all mtedical schools, in whtichthSie
ST. A. Sst~arnr,i,t. '94, rAsstitt.urse nsaists of foutrers. In-
Athltetic SEditor.
S. Wv C.RTiseSaxP. 0.Sit.,Businessaniagert.
'Wm.sA. tcci:, Lit. 197,ht'istaiit.
AD itt.
lt.r3,Uam u~,'sr. . L Jas tidtte, '55.
Allssopy inctbe atithe oiiice hes:)0 1 m
Sfth Sl of 51puilis ite
The Editorsdo te holdSthii lemislvs respon-
s~itle CorSthe opinios or stateetsofcores
ponidents, appeiarisginiathe DAM,.'
CO-srcyrTIO\ for positions on te
I) hit.y staff wiii close with Friday's
ssue. Those comcpeting swill note
lhids announcement and govern
tlhenmselves accordingly.
IT is announced that sonme difi-
catty htas arisen xwith Cornell cc-
gardinug the Th'ianksgivintg gamie.
Fisl details of our position wilil be
gi'en inthtie DILYi in ashoen tinme.
Ar ,tite meetiicg ofthte Athletic
luoard last ight stepdsiwere taken to
nmake the fall ieldtDas' a grantdistt-
cesa. {sinig to the Sailutye uf thic
frcshmnan ascd sophcuture class ". to
agree, it becausesnecessary, istorcder
Sto stake the fall ildc Dav a success,
to icake it a university affair, It
goes withsout sayintg that every slt-
dent wiii lend hsis aid to lice enter-
prise by attending the mteet next
Saturday, and enceouraginig tite aths-
lets who contencplate entering the
gances. Make your arrangements,
therefore, to attend the gatmes Sa-
turyday as the prospiects are good for
an excellent meet.
Fleussaxesy off in the island Em55-
pire of Japan comtes to tts thse leas-
sot news of the forsuation of sac
alumni association, conmiosed of
Japanese graduates of the Ulniversity
of i'tichigan. Thesesnswxho have
organized it have written a letter to
President Angell, whiich we publishs
in another colunsn, telling of thceir
action, and giving a short account
of the progress and success that has
.vu v.a~av va n .1Accordisng to action takens by thse struction in biology and rhesltry
Athletic Iloarid at last evening's will he very thorough.
mceeting, lte comnig field Day of
Saturday, Ocl. a21st, ihas beenc
citangedlfromc as Inter-class field day
to a General Athletic Mleet, so its-
etude suchi track atns field events as
the numuber ot entries received wiii
justify, and a football ganme betxween -__
the class of '96l and the Yipsilancti Horsfcrds Acid Phosphate
Normals. And hoth for lice one
price of admiission. Thcis mseeting Is the msost eflectiv'e and agree-
promises to be the heat ever held in able renmedy in existence for
tis Untisversity in thse fall, hotht in
nunther esntering an~d experience of preventing indigestions, and re-
the mcen andtIhie prospect of cutting ieVistg those diseases arisings
several U. of M records is good. 'To
insure a good lively contest on every front a disordes-ed stomtachs.
event the 'Track Commtittee hsas de-
cided to drop any event from its Dr. 'W. 'W. Gardner. Stringfieldi,
Irogramsthtat has not at least three Mass., says: "I valse it ax ani excelleiit
()entries. A big effort is being iprevetaieof indigecsti ead 1esan
siadle by tite commtittee to mcake this aciduliatedtdikjib enit roirlets itlted «eth
one of lice cost pcoiputar day's of lice teter, andtSweitencie'd."-
athsletic sseasotn. Antinit vicew of
this fart it itas beets decidted to ye- ii cc' itil' Stlittittti 'S tiet Iti5 pEt ieii t?
sdire the icrice of acdtission to 25c. ltumfasct Cteicteoracs,Pravittenee RI.
'T'hts is iline go as to draiw is large SB tti'tr c ift StbitiitSti l- i titi nIs .
mtajority sit the stitdenits outl to wic- For Sle 13y all Druggists.
ness these g attis atnr to culivateI
itlerest itt this class sit athtlctics.
'licelisat of ceents wiii probably W RiSBSPER'
be as foliows:t INTJi'RNA JIO.NAI
(I) 100 yardsndasih. oatirtey55,. DICT IONARY
(21 200) yards dash. /l GraetEdtieccr.
31440S ya~rds rTun. , "Uaaahradl.'t
4) iS8) yarsds runt. ',Tenass peint
( 1 n at >>. ,11.j r~Ji ofits evs- , 1115etiS
chit SHORTHAND Aagaciieet iltidig; nie'
tesh st ara iiititancett ell i scilin;sistttet'
Iw ma ;welsiippitiettreidigaoomtie lytetr t,'
WB ayee ingrception1105' itti te etititoyeas
1 SYei~i i t'iac il'iti titr piacimstudsts ilt ost-
es eirisn ?ntegee, Odst eektt ine arii
o4 )a7se a)\5g
SSi,nssn at ea 55si h5 I
l\\' It inon.
it Aiiat i' S H't t ti e i. ND s'. t' tim
is'k . p ' iiiitc Sti Sitti ) seite
S ' lti Jtac s te Tt Ie ttt e te N t
The 'Queen ofShba
sae . MaRT aws tdino o ye
ltsteittst tt iitusiu
It 15 ..P . u 5iee' 'ns ':.15ilt. A111. siis
tncai rai ni tR- sin h s ii, iot t' t ti.
E.t S. m t ise 1).- anagter.
-'rixinstt 1. Sr . lti twm ArtrS. Ioiict e
J, only , S'ittsio.sdPsicr 75ai nt
sty . Finst iEitia cidA set sie r iit.
+V. Itt-i'rraT~ . s'itis'cygie
(1 )
120 yalrids hits'le-5-ft, 6-1sitits'-
-lile bieyele racee.
i-mile biceycle raee.
Rutstsinig hilghljutt.
Ittsunninig broad jumsp.
Ple'vasslt, fur Iseighit.
Pistisng 5ii-liunsho sit.
Webster Society.
mortha tii 300.000ai
-'-1Ev fserybody
?° nsol ot thLDtionaiisry..Itlatn-
ittc r al q estis
-tstiy, spellinsg, lee-
; niiiiiiiti , andl
A tuftli;aay isl tselif. St al : iS
ltiiiii i e nomtoncnenn
''it itt'' ii"i~s a t'll enig t~
clit-s cti,-k. t(iwwzsa s- a ural fea-
1)roN -(' It,; eC'. . '
C-'Sed for free prspects.
Thce W'ebster Society wvilseet
tomorrowv evesslug at 7:3o, and will
render tse folloxing prograsune:
Recitation, D. F. Tourney; reading,
M. L. Clawson; oration, "Daniel
Webster,''AV. H. Smiley; debate,