4 _. Gys nasiumn Heating Apparatus. This scholarship covers one-half -
___A news3sstern of heating by the ofalcsreYiaeb sa
i~vi 00 dasssnysexcptd) anac o-rtte isdiec mehodofrada-legs for one year's boardi and tot-dJ E S
the 0l11ere ytat, by tion in whtich fresh air is taken from tis. sisoerdaalan stn
THE U. OF IM. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ossd nihae ybigboi a gift, hot no interest is asked and 1 -
Suscription prices$2.5s petryent, nvartably over steam coils and then distribot- no date of payment in fixed. N
ruds-ance Otingle copies 3 cents. Subscrip- eds ti onsi b Examinations wtill be held in Clhi-
ionesmay be leftsat the oasies at the DtLYte, t-al-roms -n-te bildnghas cgCeead icn ..
as Stofflet's, testisanay sftise editors ar just bees istroduced into the Gym- ao Denver, Clvlad Cn in- eLAIN COLOBSNS
autborized solitors. Tis -- nail, St. Louis, Washsisgton, Loots- -id SHORTHAND. Iitsnssicntibiling; tin -
(ammanications should reach te oasses by naiil hsalso msakes it San rancs-tetacbers; large attensdance; goodd tisciplinse;susetr-
i l yle, Detroit, Omalsa, SnFrn is asssbs tswolssupliedneadisng room;sdailylectures-
7 olack P.e:. iftshey aee to appear the next bin to blosw cold air over the I e<nr(si-ivenaisgrenceptions; opntioenestire pest
day. Addressall matter intended toe publics- dinoe, and. if necessary, acrangements 5 esninnat teelliet tnt Ilasselan sdntts i posis-
tion tot the Managing Editor. All business bttildigas swell as wtarm, for when - ins slssshortandgraduantessneasssteed shesss. L5dm
-emnuicastions tsoald be sent to the Bust- the heat is not needed the steam nsyoemaero eaintin ii eansees t-s 5. eueae ss
msMage.other localities,.rise R.eCLEaARY,, PRES.t
Tess Utnte. .of X. DAILY, can be turned off from the coils.P..CLAYPus
Ann Arbanr, Musih. The water is heated in a similar Applications for this nscholarshilp
EDITORS. msanner. It enters the building by tmust be made before April z, e59}. T LD
C. A. tEIttSONt, Laswe'94. Managinsg Edtor. aIreic siadpr fil All applications and all requests
iontstssssFPssstsms, cit. pit,, As-tistnt. for tinformatton must be addressed
ll. A. Seosita\N, Lit. '94d. Assisanst. run oser coils of steam pipe first,- -^ t
-,Assistant, eethr s ot rsur n to the chairmen of the comotittee us
-- - Athsletic Ed)it. weeteei o rsueadr NORTH MICHIGAN
S. iv. OcaRTts, P. G. Lit., Business Manaiger. on the announcement of scholar- - RAILWAY.~
vit. . .lMs-ia, Lit. s, Aessisit. then through pipes surrounded by -1. o
Assistnt.- ships, Mtss JestieB.uStithSf
LIE 0 RC tr st. stealm at a htgh pressure when the .s~
.L tssie si __ - loiter presstre is not enough to fed l >
Id1. . Ga55iss5,5 E. l . : V~sanitie, ';heat a suifficiesit supply. This meth-
.DENTA. o~rc T 7c. od of hteating the water has been g.7.E ontt {.
Li.tsstii'P.- foitnd to be vern satisfactory, the e i. s
otdal fp ti-bs ctb icestsn sis. only difficulty having been in the e vjj
To dtr o ---loin pressure of mater in the city!' at,5 5ts
ss tnilnaitins rostaeio1t~-~ matius in this part of the towan. An -__
lesdns piasa t ieOtn effort, ihowever, has been made Horst'ords Acid Phosphate (%- 5) FF ,~.a
during the past summer to connect I hHowtefetveadage- uadnsCy. n'S A ITYw
the hteaters so that the hot maulerIstemsefeiean are- UK ttta
supply shall be more regular, espe- able remedy in existence fors \1,I tp 00eaSDRNi.tis
LiERot thing gives promise for a cially on the upper floor. SteantasMaWL
good game thin afternoon withTie- was let into the pipes yesterday prvntn ndgstoan s' - sstteer. inbun -ii
troll. The game sill be pae not from thse new steam plant back of livn toedsessaj fse ata"iist N ae
withstanding the rain and wet field Peabody Museunm, and from this frssaliodeegtoah
a iodrdsoah -11 .incident to it. Our eans has been time on all the bathing facilities will fo aEO
faithful in their practice and they be in running order-Yale Newns. 14:9 Fttt5,5 i
are consequently in better condition - r X.XV arnr 'ritasll isiensstlaeAnbrb etiististiiidintsy5. t
AComparative Study. Mass., tuys: I value it as ass excellent rstsiSte Sa iints,.
to payssnatt sass iasuaay.
CtitNEtLt and Mlichigan hare far-
tional fighsts and rival organizations,
alike, this year, but the lietter judg-
nent of all concertneil has presvailed
cud the disputes save lbnen amicably
settled. Arbitration is alsways abet-
ter tieatns to nmake iuie of titan iser-
bistent oppositions, whiitschaivs i
productive of hiarid feelisigs asntda
failure of supsport.
I k there has been any doitbt as to
whsethter a paper devoted to college
wit and hsumor, could be a sitccess
at the U. of Mt., it nmust give may
nown that the Wrinkle has proved by
its appearance that it is a success.
The first number issued yesterday
contained msuch msater which is up
to the stanidard of any college comic
paper published, even after years of
sutceessful publication.
The editors of the Wrinkle are to
be congratulateil for the fine ap-
pearance and high standard of its
contents. The DILYo tishses it
great prosperity and success. 'May
its shadow never groin less."
An elective course itswsiinig
has reeently been opened to the
juniors at Vassar.
Thse Stuxdents' bible Class at the
Unitarian Church, twill begits its
year's work next Sutiday, at 12
o'clock, its the main autdience roont.
The subject mill be "Ostr Religious
Detsosutiatons.'' A contparativse
studlywill be msade of thse Origin,
History and Doctrines of the vari-
ous Churches and insportant relig-
ious msosvements of Christendom.
'The teachter tiut be -Mrs. Sunder-
land, whlo for many years hsas sade
a sliecial study of history, religious
as well an secular. She still give a
conversational lecture upon souse
one denonination eachs Sunday.
All students and others, interested
tn a sympathsetic comparative study
of Christianity in its variosts phases,
are invited to attend. Her sub-
ject for tomorrosw will be, t"The
Jewish Chutrch, the Mother of all
the Christian Churches."
vassar Students' Aid Society.
A scholarship of $200 in offered
by the Vassar Studentst Aid Society
to the student passing the best ex-
anilnation for admission to the fresht-
man class of Vassar College, the ex-
aminations to be held in June, 2894.
irevenstative of itdigstion, ail a pleasait
aecsdslateitdi si i-iesprierly diliste(] salili
waset, asw eetenesd."
ieses liivo a nisiss 5free5 tnse iis its)i t
RumordetChenmicat Weeks, Pravidente,RI
Biss sits oitSusbtitustesstdtisst.-isliii.
For Sale by all Druggists
E~trelss-..DICTIONAR Y
- a"S nabrinded."7
Tessres spesst
- y it tsttat5.. iiii si
. swrybody
siiitrs .illqustios
onetrits-g thess t-
-r too. , seliitg, pro-
Al zbt-ryismoItself. txstgives
I teitti i i-sir e s i s srit s o cenn
I ad pl sidpacs tas
I iia,,s .Issi lii e it 515 S-isi
is nay s it sssibutiuit tnorlat5a)isstisi
SitS ti itda str iI-ig'S thiat buss A. is
i tntri l i tain . slss
41in runi be tsteen'itIsntAiboradtie ns
U. S. HRT as lir.Agnt,AnnTArr.
W.H.BN-ETisiG.sP. sit To~ledos.)
BitiWsil ea itetItJle Pitesofi-. JuN-l
Thtie Qutteedn isShis ebsa.
t vwS cenueits y u ti t ositPuts-iteCiplee
ccett~ssrels----i iienCt lit-i ies nt i-
dit hractsistc -lnces
. Str. Sot, - Mngr
J ii a PRtCED:iReeest, t$n1. Amion--a
P gttteandsstiatssdtsuinsotryuOtalCircle,-
sty.: biqttliesigC i sde ckofi itsirs siow ise.
No tOiGall siertye, i p"