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October 14, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-14

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OgANZE fiiO NCRPRAE 186( Mrs. Chant Delayed. Johanson advises Cornell not to
THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. _ apyfradiso oth nec
LEWT I. CLEMERNT. It svas expected that Mrs. Oreis-aplfoadisntoitIiec-
f ti MAN. i S. Drtor je nsoSaC. tnCatwudb nAnabrlegiate Football Association svhile
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY ChnwolbeiAnArr the undergraduste rule renmais in
20 Et~tS UttON STRET. to presets on Sunday, list 15th, as
aod WSk uarOsiasteed. (,snods canled tar well as to lecture in thse Unity Club fre
anddelivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Wellesly opens the year with sev-
0 s~x~xs~xtisCourse, on M onday evening, theenyigtposoraocter-
i i lint a te.egransinreceived from fessors and instructors; 158 courses
2z Years in the Business. hes" frl om Cealfoasaelatetenof study are offered in tiwenty-two
CITY LAUNDRY, wilntbabetrecsIren different departments.
X. X. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. tm oseko udy rt Three meteors were photographed
Unity Club lecture on' Monday even-
KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THRE intefo, will afford thteol at the Yale Observatory on the 9th
+$AT ing, B~ +opotunierefor te tuen o nlyand Toth of August. This was one
{'r.Tnand asingon IK+ oporuntyfoeteetuens.ndof the fewt successful attetmpts ever
A. y.. NOB , P res. Rues ros Ce~riixes. lsli'r. otters to hear thsis gifted woman.
___________________________made to determine mseteor paths by
Trhe j3. & M. j Prhtg Store, Yale Baseball Statistics. photographty.
Is the psto t~at t xininthe Drgx ix. Accordingc to isdr rneo'
Medi cxiesSpongcsH ti ex. Etc. Fix. 'Te statistics of ite ale base-itsluesttaeupsfoots
sail teamt of last sprinig tave jtst M\cCauley, left end; holly, left
Rie swaae E timOL Yt&pit-, aseIbeen published, and shsow-te iitl-tackle; Wheeler, left guardt; Ialiet,
adevivSatieyiat st iars.iii 'ip~es lotwixigresutis:Case leadis inihat- center; ital Irightt guarid- Lea, right
teCiv. tting wtitt 30 tit itt 6 gamies. Ile tickle and 'i'rencitarit, right enid.
LADIES' and GETS' LUNCH ROOMt. is charged wtititbuttt errors. Ste-
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. ptenson conies next witis 29)sits in 1.. IP51- CALF. 't
DANCING and DELSARTE 27 gamtes.
~1RS.ANNIEWARD OSTER I)Dtringtite seasott Yaleutaide i'"6 fSax., Ot. I1-1f lheisvxiiilCtlb Lies-.in
46 S. State Street. mxns to iter opponensts')ij33, 'ci MIft.$h. Pro'f. liets. Alttlxinvi.
Pi NO. YES-Osl-sarie Ct -v, Cp . fhits to her oppottensts' 19,anh I _}+ at s . 4.--.5t11 ls xxvtixip. t1l:xia. xII.,
'iitlttStvtrS -Adi~ica Clas tatr tadies- CIII.:-
an Gent5~ trxteen~i. eroitshr ppnnt'i S.
' El)1S. xii Ocs cic xx en oiaeto;tsroppitneits' t'.Sat..i(w. I. ii.Fxsxxtiu . o. Si s. ti. A. '. it
iChiilensClassx' .-., n. - *" 1Detriitins c tea . axof St. is. Atioiiii tx
Ladtie-s' Ctass . n Strong Seniors at Yale. Aihltxic Fielxt.
Prxatelsss ixappxixe etix 'lixn., Oit.16Ilaxid Li-uea Series. lPiLof..
Ann Arbor Savings Bank ITe special elective coturse svhichs L. Wittett'soetccxeeo"Savonarola."
ArtnArbr. Mch.Capial itoc, $0,M)iMo.,Oxt. 1.-hex . aura ritstaxi itimi
A SuiAvxrplusi CxixtatSttIC151 '-ste offers i eymnastics to seniors tUnity Ctix5'Course;xx"ASmeriicaxaisseemi
i,. tis State. tilec ixes-.depti.il anxdiihis beconse sery Tiutr huirs.i,hOct. )n.ti Fredrickaia rye-." i
yril- ecriar as outhe irinipial ritir ii lielxtx. oxfCHix etrhkeatcx--,x
Janiled Siates. lrafti.cashediluiotipxiper course still be divitdetd uniter twvo S. L. A5. couirse; 'The Raice Prxxliem."
idenxificeatiio Sifeitiepoit:oxstorn. edstetheory o pyicltri-x' -
OiICcxxs: ChiscitiaiMacik. Pares ixIea aWte.fpssi1)ran
Rarer;xai.VePis; ixs.S Hxx, ca-ix and its practical application. Tihe DAILY is edited, I)Uuiied~
1lI J Fit, ectures still be delivered on bil- ansupp.HIIortetd by sttutesnts.
- ogy, phsysiology, and lhygiene one -- --
tshour a week, and there will be thtree Gll"AN I) OPERA ITOUSE.
hours a week in floor stork unit the -__
mtodts of teachineg gymutastics. -.xresltrtseteaitiriftl.
g Thscotirse is given wtitt a viewsto tiCiad svwplay "f1ii l viiienof Site-
- ittin g ieitfor teachters vif gymnns- ! ha, swich i sill be liresenttedit t e
I itranditOtierti hotise, Fridsay i've., Oct.
itoievailsscsosth ti-171h, is ilny yearsiif 'lei.Like his
g- I i otithte counttry. conteimporaries, (ielxrtdes Olliietitl
/ 7 aY. . Alphtonse I ittilt't, lie bie'oings essexi-
- ' __ ___ -tiaily lto the litertiry set of litris. l~e
IN TER-COLLEGIATE. lis a rvexixxivliie dislike Inoxiublicxeit,

fact it was5 loni of tiie' best. if not tie
very test enteitinetIthat ivy were
ftxvoxredl isi thi drintg thii'seasxn. Thei
pilay itself is vx'w, amd its ibeeniwsit-.
tx'x especially to suit l'tiqtigireite 5s
ofex Ilcompantldy. Iez lit cviskethe
prixa otxinina ofte cempniy is a isv-.
orite here as indeed sie is everywhere,
and in the part writtein for ter she is
giveni sinioipruiify itodisplay 11r
niagnifiienxt voiex'tiiigeatest ails ix-
ttig. Mr. Freid Dixon,, Ihe stae is.st-
tgCi of liihe 'cotpanyt.is coisideredi ithe
best miinisiiilihe ini te lirsessisil.
tnd mxaxiy f the motst siccessfuli
operas that ate bent brtitgx out ii
the past textetrs canx tty their axcces
to lila wort. 'hose whoxxexjoy a heast'
class operatic performttncte siuxld lit
miss seeinig the Bostiinians Ideals iet
Thuiirsilty evenitng, Octber lth.
For Social Purposes.
Gi l er: gxs atitiuxiti etni te retei
fo Jill fc Raiitg Partries, tRv'ceptioxns,
(lass Batxnquets et. Positiv~ely noi
pbilicsps allowsiei. Steial rates
mxaie to vitibs v sin1ito ihol a setis
f iartries. O( l assin dningti llx
alt1 itSpe Oth~liis wiek, those tatav iie
starled, ttave i'niisiii SSli i icease-.di
xiilxttendane Cioll, litier ys tIt oitto g
to a iii ly viodal snsvor). Pilsti letit
siithtouit eiiiibit isitett is ito visitors
aritadtoitedvi. (Parents exceptei.)
i'llict-ly ti 51chooil,!illmunstle puilsl.
(xntsetentmseel 5his eesnitig titd '-
toridny moninlg. Ltidies Sairday
tafternoonitat 4 'etitek. Avaceiclass
for laties tanti geitleimei, Ttuesdavx
evening, 85o'clocet.
Axlime stit of roms sitttbe for ot'
legesi'ett; fr rentin iithe Masnic
blxoxck. Appy th tli' lthet ror Stis
ixgs Balxxii11-.
S(exiors lin tiieprtmntts tre i-
titeil to senior rates III photographic
swork t RnltxIxt's.
Fred itye, '55 Dent. Lessons ii
Fenciig. 9-15
footbtall sait ynmtasitt it stisl
Shteehatu & Co's. ?1t
co ito isxti N-. I'ISiTORESiitfor ill
Lxbtols silie. Iisseetingesvv,
apiot and husleeves.-Lowxvy Pucs.
Choxxie 'xTba'cco, ICimirs timd Ppes t
Sxiheliit'5 Billiardtilixall, Ni. 3 Northt
.Maii srvit. 1-7
On it i Shiti' xltix i Iillile.Oct a. i%(,
ptixicih oniste Siuxlo.. MettsNekeares
-iii ss ieshrilii'guxuis - svstlhi 61.12
;ml W''Situ ishexii'. at.i'hesalebiTth u t
at these lxava:,'. ke struck it rich
shtitexi SII'I xxt he 11si'gos. iVtgmtiic
Ci. 5-ll
Fll lie iof Seaters t Sheehtaixn
Cxi's. 3t
Eiver sitdentitshoutlditrgister t
110 t1 it hhixsvtiruiimxstolre, tvxlser of
lain xianit IHuirxxn six'x's. This ieis-.
ter is the olyoIsxiii- uslted byhyeie'i-
'The hurgest situ el soci tf igats
antd ftancy 5itloiis tobtccoss ite cii
is. illt ixrssn's Drug ttre.
tGd to Ialeievsii's Tillitri hittl,
SICti'stret Newsly trintovttetd.Gen-
AniitAnlrbr De Woks t ti3IWest
Iluo ittrseet- - Stx'i'ishat tentin gisei
lxi oleaxii mid lilt etiriitg sits Iltise
yorlihlt sutls uhyiii. 1
men, ,).-lotfoii 12 lessitis; childrens
lis. '45110tior 12hlssins; Desarte,
$3.00 for 12 lesuixs. Lessixnsill om-.
mnev Ihmiistty, (Ot. 5, ant Sxiluda
Ot. 7.i
Ness Lamidxlry. TryIis fir the Iet
wsotk iever saw. Work dixienx
efightlhouirslxxx e xtra carge.Ofice.'10
E. Iluxrixx street. Works 475i1'W.
Iurixox. TIeephoinle 83.

'Iie tils (eie)s t ~. 2ixix, I151.
RN Cxliv 515NA. ixixiex . tilt
15ayth ixex...i li0 tyCxExprtse-.-..195
NT 5.Livite..i... ICitC. I. LiRate. Ci...i9 4i
NC . Eai ied.-.... 5 1Ni
IN. i. & si. iet .. l?.1. .R.&-th.Ex ..Ei0
0. iV. HSxl.Exs. II. W. HAIvi a.
(.v &T. Ax. Clieiiso-. A'x.,AnxxArborx.
Studeat Work a Specialty-
~-;,e Its tsrlx sxxad LiwstxPrieith iitlt
$2.50 per year.

tixixiis devotet le iiicarmxintg filI-
There are 5,000 sttuttents inthie ily. this duties in the vteparteiit xf
the miiiistry If lute tartasshiere tie
lrofessiontahlscsools of Chicago. holls anixeniaxble pomsitin, permit iot
Tihe tisrollment at Stanfordiuphis lldtesvot ing txcertinxtamolunt Cf lei-
stire to the ssriting If llaylis. Since
to date is 86o. the comp~tletlinof(lie 'Quuenxof Shex-
Th'le 'nivtrsity of the City of bta"tie hils reeeived axcemmullissiontromx
Nest fork Isas raised its tutiion fee Cliquxelix fsr ix [ciixeihy basedl u11011 ii
to $ioo per year. diretor of the OdleoxiTlestre laria,
Yate Isas formed a Gymnastic .\s- tafter hiearinxg the Qiueenx of Shieba retad,
wshxedto tmnegotiate for xi hxarisitnxpro-
sociatiois to furlter the interest in dctloixo tl I la xuy but lithelRhiea's
legi tiumate gymnastics at that Unti- engtagemnxts iinserieta precediti
lirenextertaxixinxg ily otter however
versity-. temxptinigtbefornexteasCxont,wthenshe
A prizt of $ioo has been offertd nay possibly be iniducedllto matkei'ai-.
at Cotliitbia for tte best essay on rxxigeitelxts xwithi dos. Alalrek. Metxn-
wthilie hex' Axian xtoxr intltte
"Septarate Siunicipal Electionisit "Quxeeniof Sheba"' Iromuises to lit the
Nest 'itrk City-."Inmst suctessfuil she hias eser hadxl. Shte
Bron crrid ff he onos till tIe stre of a tordillrecepitionl st
thnovuutariedoffl~s Itnor atAntu-arbor, nhiexe she hisomanystaixm
the itter-collegiate tennis toutrna- adiirers atiiilitudlixeiits andttiz ensei
usent, sinning thse championship in alike.
bullh singles and doubles. 'iuixe r>c xTi'r.i,
A ftintt of $e,ooo has been raise lhte ttrxxetioux t the (Graind Operas
by thte class of '42 of Yale, tthe li-Hoxise oixThiursdtxy etening next, is
comeof hic isto b usd 1t Rth & ,iVanxxOstei's IBoston :Ideals in
tomeof wsict isto b use tothie operatie tonxedy "ThletPretty Puxri-.
encourage extemporaneous speak-. t." This compaxiy appexaredtieree
last season tiii the opera i"G.aatea,"x
ing. sait gave thie est If uttisfacioin. In

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