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October 14, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-14

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16 tt* of

, . a1

Vol. IV.-No. 13.



A RETURN GAME. I from the printing office to the various
Our Team will Play D. A. C. In De- places when the paper was on sate.
troit this Afternoon.- ousi The sate betsveen the hours of 2:30 p.
clame Expected. us., the time of issuance and 6 p.
Manager Baird, Coacts Barboulr u., was over isiou, a run unprece-
anid Trainer Moulton take eighteen dented in the history of college
msen to Detroit this morning, for the journalism. The first iou copies
return foothall game with the D). vent is less than five minutes, and
A. C., which promises to he a very every copy sold svas an advertise-
interesting and sharply played game. aett tes
Tlie D. A. C. team wili probably he Since the students antd public
materially stronger thtan. it was last generally hare supported the edtiturs
-Saturday, as it will include several in so generous a fasihion, thsey are
old layes ofvarious colleges. determined, if possible, to make te
od thtndn playerurmenofn-second issue sot only as goud, but
fidently expect nut only to sihut tihenm an inmprovemlent 0n the first. Al-
outbutals topie ip agoo screthoughs they have considerablc matter
for themselves. heons hand they feel that tihe greater
This will robably be the ln-ptenunmher of contributious offeredt,
is vii prbahy te lne istise greater xill he tihe opportunity
at. theC hegonitonhegase for exercisinsg a discrinmination which
L'slfA. y L Is ----- 10.1s-t Fm .__._._Ia- s tone xiii enable thens to 1iublish'
115.-Sg______ Rgt Tclet---- Aldrich the best paper possihie.
15 ldwis __-- ig ht Osiarssl 5W.W'.51 raIc ',,
Ohltonis l---- ester.__ aSith o i all r
west------s- ellt0Guaed-----Itelsuoe Seniur Laws "Resoloot."
iat ..__ -_I etl Fm ------Fubet At a meeting of thse scinior lawv
(:oxisch_ Rigt hlf --- ___Avryclass yesterday, the following reso-
chutE-------- L tl lull Sl - Flldulo1 tious swere adopted:
sp Iee I iillolii..__ ll l ilncaltill ly.-ert
Tle suhststutes fosriDetroit use !IWDE TM:ir .

The Cornell Sun Controversy De-ASHBURtJ UITAR
cided by a Vote of the X , it.\
By a vote of the students of Cor- Of51 1 stui .t'~
nell University, tise Sun difficulty _ -
was settled Wednesday. It wsll he
remsembered that owing to a dispute 7 41141b lsa 2
over te election of manag ing editor 51 S. MAIN ST., Sole Agents.
antibssssses maager tw rivl«ae sell everytinsgmuscal and sail ous faiths
and bsines maager tworiva Iso'Qualty and mjuutre Dealing.'
Sus ere establisised and continued CIIisiterills Sells.
to shine ontil Wednesday, ashen one Mel1neusss ie
went dowvn forever. It was decided
between tile rival bsoards of editors,1 N OT 0 E -°
I 5Frethere totlraly. 'ye 510 prepareed Ito
that a ballot of tile stusdentssotsld -tilt sclissolitNuork toithse radi- ofltis eity
unulelllid by any Ill her 11o1useevl-o5catedl
decide wisat tiler thsenselves cousdrieeeandl lit etcl 110lledbn illy Tailsr ill
Aneia.anlit prilestgovent_1by goosn-
not settle. As a resuslt, Corssell has deisl Suits from11;,;0.0Jl(thilly dliirsl Ion ly
btst one Sunlsnoox, anti ssay consider deid.itllslwTliil y
hserself fortssnate. . .
- --" " +- - - i i. . YX STRIEET.
Sophomores Won the Day.
The sopisonmore- fseshnman field day
at tise University of Wisconsisn re- j
suited in a victory for the sopho-
msores hy thse follovisg poins:
1' ' Artistic Phutographe 6 E. HURON SI.
410,yarti dasi......
021 yard litrii ...... 7 1 HOT LUNCHES,
talif site biey ele...Lwney'. l;c ' ,
IPutting Sot..11 ...0}1U TL '
Htasidisiglrngi ...... 48 S. STATE St.
Tsvo imile bicycle..... i 1 FIRST N~ATIONAL BANK
Runisnglttbroadljl i p.lt.lSlCFpital,,15,001.11 hisslllsa1n11Psofits, .30 t(lti
Sra . l gtlralh lntiusliness. Far-
111-1417-11 2 eign exchangeliitboughtlt anddsold,.tLetter so
.___ creditllrenlred for Cavelerssabroad.
An Attractive Program. P. ISAFII, Pres. S. w.FI.ASISON, Fishier.
Thse Alpha Nsu's, who did 50 GRAINGER'S -
nmuchs last year in developing m10
for he ichgana~iconin ehae, CLAQSSES IN DANCING 11wil 5etIs
fortheA~ihign-Wscosindebtefolows: GenlmnSItrdlay emorniwsill
and~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~n ohreetofmslineetsdThursdaly evnnsl 7:3i 0;tLadis, Saturday
and therevets o muc ineres afernoolnhs S. Laddies aldgentlemen, adl-
lanced claws, Tuesidavtevenings5S.1ro1n1
in debating and oratorical circles, fills. 6.ihsiiimid stt.TuiStion, 01ne Iern
wiii hold thseir openti n eeting to-1time eli 5Psl, tiela 5
night. Thse meeting will he called
to order at 8 sharp, in roonm 4, in! STUJDE NTS !

avagner, Pitcker, Pairbrotller, pfp-
per, Ssnowvasnd iMagee.
The followtnignmen will alto be 015
hand to take a islace if sneeded:
Avery, Pal ia, S enier, Green.
leaf and Parker It is yet uncertain
whether Crush, xvho wiii be on thse
ground, will play or not.
Yesterday's practice showed good
development, and the team is now
xvorking wneil together. Paul, a new
msan, is a strong candidate for hsalf.
Senter, a candidate for tackle, is de-
serving of especial mention for tihe
hsard work lie is doing. He is strong
anti willing, anti always takes tise
bsali throughs whens he starts. In
fact, all thte men are nown dowls So
steatly hard work, which canlnot fail
to tiring good results later on. Thte
sitiv passes introduced yesterday
worked wvell and will gain ground
for thse teanm in their gamses.
An Unprecedented Success.
Any doubts which the editors of
the Wrinkle might have had in re-
gard to the success of thseir paper,
msust have heen dissipated yesterday,
wheii they learned of its phenome-
nat sale. T'o use a slang expression,
the papers simply went like "hot
.cakes," and trip after trip was made

wIherel-sIlhas come t t lhie1.111111led-c o
lit lil S ion fiaprss Illil g e o he irst:0
li[t; tsolllllt Ds cto 1111n11111IllS. 11to1th-
W5horea15 At aseigeldg1011thiss1morn115ing
su1 itabl esolut~ions,
TheretforeSte it resoilved, ths-sC lellls101by
.11apprecia10t1io ofyoulr seorth and1 ltil 5 dfoe
the psition11, weCthSenior0111LanCle-s, extend
tios001ur mst Swirly enatlll-olels -a11d
t-lllllseiasllofiyorsca.ndidacy, and 1f1r1hCr
Reslved, Tat Silloly 11f these rltins~l5
110 presented 1to yuanld 1that duplicte110105i1s
be fu~srnished fori pubilictiont t. Ill M.
1), v sliad lteSeroitFree Press.
Fas.A. III ssis,
Sophomores Adverse.
At thsenseeting of the sophionmore
class this msornting, every attenspt to
even nominate a class officer proved
useless and the nmatter xvas post-
poned for two weeks.
After this, athsletic matters were
discussed and it was decided not to
enter the field day advertised for
next Saturday. A committee of
three, with Mr. Cummer as chsair-
msan, was delegated to look up the
msatter of a class caucus. The meet-
ing then adjourned for two weeks.

inlg. The following interesting pro-
graml will be rendered: n. Music,
song, piano acconmpanimentt, Thseo.
Vladenmiroff; 2. lHumorous selec-
lion, J. J. Adams; 3. Recitation,
comic, F. P. Sadler; 4. Extempore
speech; 5. Music, instrumental; 6.
Debate: Resolved, that Rugby foot-
ball should he discouraged at the
U. of M.,-affirmative, F. D. Ad-
amns, I.. L. Reddeck; negative, J.
R. Hickman, J. W. Landman; 7.
General debate, free for all; 8, Mu-
sic, vocal, piano accompaniment,
Theo. Vlademiroff; 9. Criticism,
critic, Isaac Stern.

sate money. A fsull line of Lawa, .110(1.
cal and all Unia-casits#t Textf-COOL.-s
5,000 Blank Bouks ast.25c eunhi.
tinens Paper, per pounld 25c.
Ray she IDEss AL ATsmssss Fo T-AIN 1P0:.
Ross iln She woril Every one guaranteed
fur fire years.
Wl South Slate Street.
4 N. Main, opp. Fosri House.

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