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March 15, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-15

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T'> -f heldsat yracuse, N. Y. The U. of
4 'U 0 M. Republican club is to be con-
gratulated over the fact that what
Pusblishedi taily (Sunys excepted) durin, is considered the principal speech
is. ('adlege year, by}
H£C U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONwa assigned to the local orator.
____ We expect to hear a goodl relport
Subscription priet$50 per year, ianvariabiy fromt our boys when they return
in advance Single copies 3t cents. Subscrtip ro- hetnenin
tisas may be left at the oniece of h fot the tonastio,
at Sifilet's, stits ally at the editors at
authoriaed solicitors.- ~,i none httec-d
Cotmunicationsahould reach rise office by ITianoce ththe oed
7 'clc anc. 1s. it they are in appear the neras arc arrangling fur a lccturr, the pro-
stay. Addreesaaltlnmatte intended foneplobitta-ceso hc ret edvtdt
tione tn the Mtanagiag Editor. All businesscedofslihaetbeevedo
cammauniratinsnholtd be teat in the Busi-th le ladies' gymnasium. Anything
nest Manage.rwhich will hasten the completion of,
THE L'. of M. DAtLY, te'v" n tInnxsol
Ann Arbor. Minh.ts. "y"an t nnxsol
EDITORS. sneet wiltinte warnest reception on
EDITORS.thne part of the students. Wie are
C'. A. LlsisOs, Lawi'94toMnaging Editorn.
it. A. Sr sAttxo, it. '94, Asaettint. sure that the young ladies having
.i. L.. 1i,10 ,Lit. t95, Assitanlot. this mattcr in charge will inake a
P'. WL ER , L i m to 94l, Assistanlt.
J. A. tritony, Lit. '9il, Atholetic Edit,a success ouit of the project, if suffici.

t f s " 1 " b e u - p a
p ICNa S C s N DANuI .
P" __ a F 9Sr
a sea RRADE
f i

nvsst. .5 Otoooi,,,i.'97, tBnsianes Enager. cult effort is made to bring thie
LIoTERARY 0 It ' ~l.''________________ootoso. j tAW. plans before the student body.ooH1.Gamn94 ItF.ali5. REGISTER.
. O. Austinoo115. MEDtICAo.PAT net eoR
"1)1. Soolor, '51.E.. Matil 111'c.li. Dincussion of the Income Tan,I '
AI'ot. Sloo96Hoy. 0. dti, 9. 6 .0
Ag e M o rS oliy,, 4)7 . iooltt OttA'clH l.
N oy'ol'oooOool S'ooo~oo 10. O roto o ieoaoi Those 'who intendcipurchasing tis
Alt 010y5mn'tlelatO 110tb.chooleltt oc8o'a.111.01contest Friday evening, Adlelpio1 s
ot taote tay of 5pub0lititlonl. il t.'4Sit ',oooo. .,t.sn ±1., 450 ct c~oo srol s w
will hold its reoou'aoomeeting this osetoof0'ooks1mustatooto'.0thin two
Maria ill'ooEditoor tny bl o und ntl101 'l11 ) i1,v evening,at cth osotal Iplace. oTte
oltl'tlOtt h'foll lowiuoo o nd10011 t ylll, Itoot-e n
tiny oanotFriday'. trooo o 1 i o'clock,'. m . Fv-,1 oroder of exercises is as follows: 1sn 5 weeks, as the offer will be with-
Talk, . W.ro tV:>WedenneycPian drawn at the en'd of that time.
Reading, -. - . S.A. Smith as 2ss
TH ____H__U___U________INQHOU ___ Vocal Solo, XVrT- . l. Povey S
Av exceptional opportotnity will EtnloaEllstortleh.,10.10
be efferedl to thtose whno are interest- icae eovd htIn i
ed in oratory, to hear Prof. Folton, teti States should adonpt thne Inconne -.
wothlao given years of careful stotoy Tax." Affirnmative, M. '. Lovusell thareou deto 0100r ice 1sacith tige 010w000111001t 00me twhen ' tort ncrive olixo 0101ll enaile
totho sbjc.he'tl inslctreojadectH.Wsile.WeatvehJi ltohe11 . lecture1.1011 1 olon10 t'.J'lI±t tt111111.
'1'lomas and I?. C. frwin. 1 011'i ..l.1, 0'Clo atyred pr1esidenOt1. 0001 1' lttto I 50v100 5o bldl 111 01' 1.010r ltl tattine
Oratory, i~ritiay afterinoon, and tethneoa ol, - X.C.P v 'l 111.110Ho0no100th0t, <t r<°0111101 1.01 1110eto'1101)0111h oi0n. clloe l11 11111s1' 0 111111 o o 0 ds: lo
Voc l o'o - IV G.1. f y00eii 0orygie oii oystit cot ce.'I 'illo'rette c oatoi iono and f k acti,,1conijwtiion, day
pa tclapltcaton o h r lsa Critic's Re orl. earborn 1.e11moal 1 '1101 11111100 i owertall.. 11111 twherecinoo.'thr ca bo t~ lll l t01111 of1th01 '0111100 ar
that subect in the contest int's tther-,____________________all o ur111 1110ots or 10e'batleo'tlor 1'11011t nth0. ~ e lwol 'reto rea'00010. 01 hei
- ~ l ocat t n l ofessi.~10oonsor tc t oo oo rab110 t .10 l e l11'1 1uloartisanship U i o let ol 101c i l. 1 .1001010
evening, 1"riday onay svell be called Itohl ~l o(ough lo '00J ' lb .ar o'in 01011111 10cir0l.0th1 fy1110rOll01t o hn 1intht.'neoorble l aw offateo lieirl
orator' ~' 1111)1ch ir l''1000 10ol' i'w011 ill b lpyI: ol rsd n hydll looiie ootcrtoluglialtlonin 1'il\,oollowihool thenir
tine ortr' ay.fmeritotoeai tin101.'
Ifr shtoutldi be a source of great Iooetot covr.o1 Itlois't'oei ll'ofo .all'laoofo th001 00.0stschlars, compltoiooflhistory, the.
'feat R ! 'or ''ifth0,1h100110n3 o velt, aio ~a 0 01001in0001h0ichensar'to'calledpti1 ltld011withl'formtio
piride to every student of the [ 'oso- Ilhat noooo lio 'oooo .o ' It01 is 011010educa0stioill ittelf. It cosontly a tribte-oneo'une al c slay 01110
aia too theo' 0.' 01.0whoich XM o b rollloll telol o i w1 oih 111he sett otbooonie, owitlolcaei' No 1 inan0101one'od
versity to ltnosy tihat tine hnosploi lal 0011 oollo lcbonT o'o. a010 t10'10 0111 1i1a11'0a lette ono. oon cigaleesnora1oty, lon tottle odeprivtolu wl l 01
service at the U. of 'M. is easily I EAL) OUR REMARKABLE PROPOSITION:
ellualin cerain lico of ases o any orsfor's Aei Phoshate tll' 0nIareco'ipt otf0'.ONIOLlt.Oteooowi l forward1 t'010o, thtrgesprepoaiod, thete etof 2votlumes,1
tn tine cootntry. A.5SStateol 00 yester- thloinattlolfit01olbe iat lthe ra'to ot tlo (Nso'oDoYlots(oobetremiottedtmothlly). Axlbeautfloi 1001
savtinsban will o lit with11 the 11011011s, inl 000111ch t oe ooay beodepotsitedte11001dbo. Thisledtiloot to
diay's Dmooo1' tine department of Oll-IsJthe 11snott effetive and agree- printtteofom new,'001 lo type'on a. 00 0 11 ln (ililt l'looapr, asot to stroonglytbouninso avyito illpaer
10e001' i hwih iDeic. arc")0will laostooor '51tr. bear'int 11 ind11thtltheon tioneno0s'oltolllneoac.)ldlioverd
tinalmology is especially strong, and al eeyi xsec o'to 11010 itddres", 001010 ilii cict pitt in' at othe010uit'otStutes.
the work of D~r. Carrow proves his This istastpecinl offer maottn oly to theoearncs of TiflolU. I' M.f SI. 1011ando oillbre-
rare ability antI skill as a soiccessful pt'eventitng indiovestion, and re- m1101001 oe foot a timited time onoly
Ctfi is Oust ant Si 1(1 to S. . ('U l. IS
oteao.1 .~ o. Bsino ssoc;o'sltoooeo I' t 10t. l'O.I' t)AIoo-

Ir at any tuice it has been thioughnt
that an annotal cootld not be ptul-
lishned in thte law departnnent, sticht
ideas nmust now be corrected in tine
light of the success wvhichn To-W~it:
is meeting. Tine oditors are very
much encooraged over the prospects
and contemiplate adding a large
number of new features never before
made use of in college annuals at
the 'University of Michigan.

lteti g ntsose disseases arsing
frotm a disordered stomaell.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springgitld,
Moss., says: sot value it us ans escelleat
preventative of indigestion, anod a tolesant
aiuaedrn wenpoeldiuewihwer, anod swetesed."
tDescrptive paplett free on appticatiosotlo
RunmfordtChsemicatWorkss, ProvidenceR.I.
Beoware of' Sobstitutesoood tImita1tions.

Plc0ote deoliter too 1000 bhol fioTbi'o ta' 2 0 o'oli~o i ! if'ca oo f oh .Jfooo'obflolt (ooia
_o'itoooooo'o, a lso'ollure d 's'ribld, io (boor rth our115'iiioo .Ollillo( 1,'(i , j)- i' oo'oI
T eioolosoe Oooi Dollarooi',ootf.10 fuhrn' 0 t11 (0 10100 10 0.caos 0 00010/ n oouo oo h(bo
same110 mltlll(1i) oouint~ 'ilr lllilil(/u59,00 os pollyopj'ido.
Nie0.....1 ....111.................
1o00015j110 ..........................
State. ~.....................................j

Eotet.N in April the third annotal For Sale by all Druggists
convntin o th Repblian ol.PALACE + BARBER + SHOP Q.. CATARRH HAVEYOUGOT IT ?
(AMTIS W5. OODtItEW, tltorist. IGrower of Asod Bath Ro0oms1. W. 1H. OWEN, t, is a ose 'sore. Try it anda beICoINEo
lege League of Annerica, which was JAMsES Carnateos and 'towers of alt vare- Y4Es uo t.tieooe(sos ou ld ee5ro'eOse Di.Snty1011 to asiy
teU.oM.xvlhe ey. Floral designs ode ssp.Opostenn otoortes. ric. noDllr.titetI' H~llt
organied atNo. Obs.'rvtotvp street,euotop.hcemtryg'te'.PReouoe. Hot told onod Sea SoltBaths. tPor- V5 sCl.ark St .'Chicago, Ilinois. 9onotfoo t'ic
cela intubs..clat.

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