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March 15, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-15

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VOL. IV.-NO. 119.



For a Representative i et nte rga lcrainly orh-Impossibleto Make Radical Changes itt CCt.-'
ern Oratorical League-Speak- be searms ones. Alm~ost nll of the in the Rules-ProgressffM Wat
er~ and Subjects. mnwi opts ntya r Rules Committee.
readto( enter this year's contest 'Ihlefootlsall rules committee cos-
'The final oraitorical contest swili 'ansiin addition there is a good deal sst' o oerersetaie ad lait 'ytea It. Chts.t)
-be hteldI tomorrow evening in fttt of good nesv tmaterial. Cood con- froiss Yale, Harvard, Princeton, 11«I: t}.i sr ttsst I 5-as g 1tet-. -
versity 'hall betwvcct foar rep~resens- tests are aireadtyinssired its the box- Wesleyans antLehsigh, is slowly I /I~ ns.' Ott Ia (EJi//s l/sts- -/
tatives of thse literary deparltsentt inn, and srestling ansd severatl specs- nait rges txiipoal
fast three of thse las e sleartuetr.attics are beinsg secured ntt othser lathe thsree msore scssions to draw tspg
Tlse preliminasrv class contlests tavssIclinesC also. definite rulcssin tihe lutes proposed. I 51 Soutth Main St.
teerh norea than usutally iate'restingp Lectsura by Pror. Futton. Althought is othenerosus sessisos

antin tssomie rcasets sery 5closeslv co-s
tcetet 'Else pticiptants Lefts itsthse ksberl I. OsstonIProt/essor of
fields are rec'trtfeslas seryes'qusaills'Oratotry at Oio Wesleya.ttt sisier-
its ' txest, ansdl class andi departmetnt shty ssill asddress thse O raltrical asso-
ptrihde vwilssanl its inceistive to esvera c/at/ontonmorrowv at5 o'clock is the
spteaker's effnirt so swins. law lecture room.
Its accordanicetwithlthtletpros ios/05 PIrofessors 'slion aissiTruebloost
of te constithutiontof thse (ratorical ihavetieen omost intinmately assort-
sssocsation ste sesnior ills are rel~ve- itesdits oratorical srork. for the
seted 1)sywose mbieiters, the junitiors past fifteen years its publicatioss
'intl sophlomores by oise earls. Thse atid in conducting a Schsool nfIOrn-
scior lawsshase tio speakers attd tory isnIKansas Cit1.
thse jutniors one. The oratotrs, stil- Prof. ,upilon has regesitly given
jects andilordler of sdelivery arc as uttt Iis swork inth~e far wrest, and has
fllosws: beens appointedl Deans of the Ohio
''fSsa hll frasge tar Restriced s' V eslerstisSchsool of Otratorv'. Ousr
fy I. N. Dfavis, '95~ lair. stusdents are fortssnate its saving ats
''The Spirit of D~enmscracy,"' by opptortunsity to hear this sistisgtiish-
1. L.. 1Oliver, '94 lIs'. citleather, atndsnotubt tihe lectusre
I'aterialisticCivilizatiotiis tnot toomtsswill be filled.
tihe Idseal Ottvslieation,'by i. G .-
t~aaslisai, '9.fli'Songs of the Elizabethaun Age"
"OIur Social Ihiti ncesyt I- 'lis es'eninsg at Fi'ezse' NI is'
I t-all, 91 t.tall Prof. lDenmon swilt lecture so
''Our Insmsi'ratistns Prolecttt Lt the Schsool of Itusic scrics on ISongs
1/. rok,'; i.of the Elizabethsain Age." I rasi-
r''tirattests ''by 1". P.Sadrlcr, '96tioinal songs sithmooseris settings
lit.. by Prof. Stantley swill be sung by
'I'ise Liberilsizing Inflsienichs of h iss Balley and Mr. filils. IThe
the ltarli'iissnt of Religions,'hy I, isissical part sif teporaIsa

save as yet resslts'dlitsnothinsgbest
thseiiiscusssioni of tihe qutestions, it
catsns safely saklilshat thse cossmnit-
tee fins iIltimossile tsoimakeanra
rasdinal chsanges its the ruslcs s'itout
robbisig football osf its bsest feattires.
'IThe poolsts now to lie discussneslJ
ansd votedt 551505ares:lPiling onta Whitu-a antstisaeiriI~ tt i 'iititan tls r
aftr ie ascaled''ioso''/ iS ,$:,i r $5Shs t 50(it teoi $/1i psires
min faftterl don;1 mAnAtru'p e.ioc sndtsfor cataloguet'to
'ssore security for a stin makiisg ap mamn
fair catch; Slying monmentusos plays;
enscoutragemnent of thse dropi kick; m s
fincreasing the nsumsber of officials 101.,i1u3-t185 t1usss tmits Arts."
isv troIt - -. fi 1511sf NE
'for a better enforcemsent of thse __________________
'rules; insisting up1510kfels ssheis,-
called for by the rules; chtanginga
the valisesif Ipoints its scorinsgsutak-
lng eacrstle msore exactsslelays of -
gamec andslreqfuirinig injusresd players
to irateeItse fieldl; opti/eo5of takiing Arfis.ic Photographer, fi E. HURON ST.
a penalty to rest wi/~ th ftenssedst - -- - -_

Walter Ca'nulls ssenst letters to
all olil lootbialiltplayers rcsquestiisg
ansswers to the fosllosring quoestionts:
IHow mnsy years sdut you play?
What svas the imosst seriosis injusry
Iyou receivedl?
Was thsat injury pecrmsanent?
Was it receivesd in a isatchs or in
Hurl yous beets properly trained?
Illis exptecteid that the results of

TUT 1 A S, - 48 S .fSate Sf.
Witutt. '58 i"ttn'i--wriitthcinchter fG. & <Ts
tirs-tt' r$85.00 is the Ss'a-stio ofstis

tE. Chansberlain, '94 lasw.
Judges on thought and conipas-
s/lion are IHis. Judge Poswell, ('of-
stisliss, Ohlio; State Sutcrintetsseti
Patteng(ill, lansing, iMicts.;5R
h-ecil Stutart, Dletroit, M~icfh. A'.
sisiges on delivery the folloswisng
Isaac beets selectesd:sProf. lultosi,
Weslyan suniversity, Oio; IlIon.
judge M~ct~onald, IDetroit,AMicti.
11dm. 'T. hBarkworth, Jackson, Miichs.
The prospect for a sharp contest
is sery good. Admission price will
be tswenty-five cents, as usual. It
is Isoped by the Oratorical associa-
tion that a large audience will be
p~resent. __
Good Prospects for the Meet.
Arrangements for the indoor mseet
are progressing rapidly. Quite a
number of men are working in the

' I "Conme Live swithi 'se,-fino
Maitrloswe. "We bceIThtee Poor
Marliers,'' s fog. Anson.l r.'its lais
Ft. Mills.
2. ''Cherry R-ipc, "ilse Sen
liathMfasny 'T'hiousasnd S-nuss "Joy
so thy hotte.'' hiss Baisley.
3."In Sherwoodt Iorest," Mr.
Mtills.-'teFiislns ts
4- TeFiisDne"Ms
5.- "To Steel,'' Mr. Stills.
P'rofessor Ms. FE. Cooley trill ad-
dress the Ifngineering society, at
its regular meeting, Satusrday even-
ing in room so. engineering build-
ing, on "The Central Power and
Heating Plant of the Michigan In-
sane Asylum at Kalamazoo.' A
special election for president will be
hlrd in connection wilsthte useet-

the above issvestigatiotn by 1\1r.
Canmt still silensce thse hue aind cry
os-er the brutlity andi harmifutl ef-M ago Th 1
feels of Rugby foottiali, just as, in
x8783, a similiar intvestigations pust an-
end to the outcry against unsiversity ' BASE BALL GOODS
boatracinig ins lnglansl.
-.""----Siits an1ct Gyisini Su p-
Jerfersonian Society. tS
'The Jeffersonian literary society pis
will meet this evening at 7:30 0'-
clock. The program is as follows:s1tYus -ms'i icied to i-. ino it tat'. ttttl 5sics,
Oration, M. IL. McI~aughlin; speech, ___________
J. T. Wagner; biography, WV. J.
Howard; debate, " Resolved, Ta A K
the English Cabinet Systens would i~ A H
be preferable to the American-"
aff., v. 0. Cotrane and L. J. East- UNIVE'iR SITYBOOKSTORE
on; neg., A. S. Beach and A. I..

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