THE U. OF M. DAILY. T'> -f heldsat yracuse, N. Y. The U. of 4 'U 0 M. Republican club is to be con- gratulated over the fact that what Pusblishedi taily (Sunys excepted) durin, is considered the principal speech is. ('adlege year, by} H£C U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONwa assigned to the local orator. ____ We expect to hear a goodl relport Subscription priet$50 per year, ianvariabiy fromt our boys when they return in advance Single copies 3t cents. Subscrtip ro- hetnenin tisas may be left at the oniece of h fot the tonastio, at Sifilet's, stits ally at the editors at authoriaed solicitors.- ~,i none httec-d Cotmunicationsahould reach rise office by ITianoce ththe oed 7 'clc anc. 1s. it they are in appear the neras arc arrangling fur a lccturr, the pro- stay. Addreesaaltlnmatte intended foneplobitta-ceso hc ret edvtdt tione tn the Mtanagiag Editor. All businesscedofslihaetbeevedo cammauniratinsnholtd be teat in the Busi-th le ladies' gymnasium. Anything nest Manage.rwhich will hasten the completion of, THE L'. of M. DAtLY, te'v" n tInnxsol Ann Arbor. Minh.ts. "y"an t nnxsol EDITORS. sneet wiltinte warnest reception on EDITORS.thne part of the students. Wie are C'. A. LlsisOs, Lawi'94toMnaging Editorn. it. A. Sr sAttxo, it. '94, Asaettint. sure that the young ladies having .i. L.. 1i,10 ,Lit. t95, Assitanlot. this mattcr in charge will inake a P'. WL ER , L i m to 94l, Assistanlt. J. A. tritony, Lit. '9il, Atholetic Edit,a success ouit of the project, if suffici. 41 I t f s " 1 " b e u - p a REVMID p ICNa S C s N DANuI . P" __ a F 9Sr a sea RRADE f i 'RA t'e nvsst. .5 Otoooi,,,i.'97, tBnsianes Enager. cult effort is made to bring thie LIoTERARY 0 It ' ~l.''________________ootoso. j tAW. plans before the student body.ooH1.Gamn94 ItF.ali5. REGISTER. . O. Austinoo115. MEDtICAo.PAT net eoR "1)1. Soolor, '51.E.. Matil 111' Dincussion of the Income Tan,I ' AI'ot. Sloo96Hoy. 0. dti, 9. 6 .0 Ag e M o rS oliy,, 4)7 . iooltt OttA'clH l. N oy'ol'oooOool S'ooo~oo 10. O roto o ieoaoi Those 'who intendcipurchasing tis Alt 010y5mn'tlelatO 110tb.chooleltt oc8o'a.111.01contest Friday evening, Adlelpio1 s ot taote tay of 5pub0lititlonl. il t.'4Sit ',oooo. ., ±1., 450 ct c~oo srol s w will hold its reoou'aoomeeting this osetoof0'ooks1mustatooto'.0thin two Maria ill'ooEditoor tny bl o und ntl101 'l11 ) i1,v evening,at cth osotal Iplace. oTte oltl'tlOtt h'foll lowiuoo o nd10011 t ylll, Itoot-e n tiny oanotFriday'. trooo o 1 i o'clock,'. m . Fv-,1 oroder of exercises is as follows: 1sn 5 weeks, as the offer will be with- Talk, . tV:>WedenneycPian drawn at the en'd of that time. Reading, -. - . S.A. Smith as 2ss TH ____H__U___U________INQHOU ___ Vocal Solo, XVrT- . l. Povey S Av exceptional opportotnity will EtnloaEllstortleh.,10.10 be efferedl to thtose whno are interest- icae eovd htIn i ed in oratory, to hear Prof. Folton, teti States should adonpt thne Inconne -. wothlao given years of careful stotoy Tax." Affirnmative, M. '. Lovusell thareou deto 0100r ice 1sacith tige 010w000111001t 00me twhen ' tort ncrive olixo 0101ll enaile totho sbjc.he'tl inslctreojadectH.Wsile.WeatvehJi ltohe11 . lecture1.1011 1 olon10 t'.J'lI±t tt111111. '1'lomas and I?. C. frwin. 1 011'i ..l.1, 0'Clo atyred pr1esidenOt1. 0001 1' lttto I 50v100 5o bldl 111 01' 1.010r ltl tattine Oratory, i~ritiay afterinoon, and tethneoa ol, - X.C.P v 'l 111.110Ho0no100th0t,