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March 05, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-03-05

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51 8o. M AIN ST. Dirctoracid Tan Leer.
N o EanT1IlL lio N SIReE T.
Good Work Guoraneed. Goods ralled for
and deliverred. A. F. (,OVERT, Prop.
IAMO11 . tGI)UIIIEW, Florial. Grower of
I[lose, Creatoni'and blowersa of allvai
ety. Florol designs mode opon short notice.
No. 1 observatoovy sreet, loipp. cmeey giu.t
22Vea..ir% sithe Hti sebs.ok"'

No.9 south :Main street, iRole raeolly oc (l)4ieby P To zi. Ow laij
('-1I(ACO, 106 Wabash Ave., 13. F. (LARK.
1 cr ilo.lc a1:T). 4.801 loaitl io.PF led. 085 PoiiosI-oll ain a'
BoENI st aone, 1. o-ola .Portland, oo~~, OffXICiai Photog'rpher's

X. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. 0 TO-WIT:
KEE ~l'1 AC U111OFI WITHTHECX.IEN1)AH. preocih the world 's COnl~letesS eivl -
K $TATC $?IiAGCVWITAU+ T .HE.14 _1 ol .4 i~lzion throulgloutlall lime. ISTUDENTS' tVOP . SUE-
SAE$VfGBnK.ve love receivedl eDllullco lr-,e'1['
tot. Mlbinaned Waaltnon Rtrelola "01's
I ' 1of5 lelyoia glioer. Ioacritical examinatonl find1 th(1 r t
CeaWN PEN Ca. FOAa A NDs 00GOLD Ia;oirs.v('4 a. I+de . .C',e1(0o 01110v51441144, 1be lthe Ibe a ork{ (1t1 114 k Fo1;1
'a Pol. StOloly. 00C Ii 4040ori114111(.4:11 ( ((C 14 4
CHICAO.(4T I OJ .L (EO1jve
11 tr.. 74.E tillSi411 '4114 h ir epobtlo.t1 1111"1t1
N oti 0e, .1 Ilo f 0 115(0 14411 a I 1Et }, "«-
lo . t11{ll[yll. l4ll l14111_ )4ol0iI.1 1 11 ' 14 '1n141 7HN. 1K'1 Ok1 f o Le La 1444i11i; ae1
ADD THNO adEE A T E 444f041141144; 4441140i 44' 444a
ANRSELL AN 11MUNIE W O 'E A aoeiL IOW CATil 10 00f'N. ' alaJl _ol0 lj b(e, 5
46UFCTRES. a.n e Steet 14tv44Ot 4441441010444:e4440041444a4411cub
BUNILDI-NG .1 tens. _-'- for athe e144 1.14l'ection1a111.1I'4.4of1aofficlga e}114 vil l 11r 044be ' 1 5.5palal 4 4(
1l'4)411l41 a0llii(II dis sat111 ' a oliie Iiten tsi s edi ll hela0lctue4 oo,0 ' i'dalP heL ADN CaaL O USN S
511111 p p I feltl k4)1.4 1' 140 1111 111 eeicl ,Wdentloi/ l 117 l li 11f1:tilt' ""Ia"HA'D. agii CEARYbuldPotsnin
_lll11 i17 11'14'(lIO II 144410100 ',A ril 6, 01141 000 do gaft
tFTI'i11i.( '1 111 41. 14takn4. (1(' f cul y.rollt~ta 1el4444 atrt'eI ng r om;(ai}= ' Ilres
41.14 44i 141141141.eet 'Ca C r llir a 41 101 lollaolao a e -l t 1
0 11. 1 1111014 4411114. 141'l1l41n1--. w114110 ese cour01 s) call =.0li lc ol leg L a 1110- ro\,eifatlcgurs. r
lJ I'e : 14 - .ll.Ol'ad10 ies ! lpllillo41041 . l ve 11o11CrelllCauthor' ied I le,144I1C- ar . R C ER ,PE S
1(aII d(s tt'r ~ fenallec ie g 111reifo i te rs 440 1 IC l '~t-' 1111s l ll' Ill i 11004 i~ I '414. Ia 44-4~a l
Prii711141411s1)y 1poli11411 }ot tel Il ''1 OIIIInr iIIll ItCe 1(141(b a li aa 1r44 ll llal
4(1a55 biCAlaistu'd1111r14111iI'llslof'th11 114411,... IIa 441444 be
111(1)1 araaitalp -ll 110>'iftee lloill 111the EaOnl'iu4 44 4 ,.4 41411
beell_ 1 100ill 11ing jlecevi n(111to hedCpat-e o nd a thla w libari 's to est{1)41r3 lltl arale a 144444144 1 th st
d 1 Iil '. Ch e eielunir'lloill1 o cas1s1410 'Nl 10 14ne 10rwi ll ie r mitte11 t0 of Siarleg t (I 1441at tt)i114 )t 1 tcI l1e4 I' ll
OX ole b CIO 1 (lie oeiioo illllrl'1'tilo tillioo 1111' oc .;I)11 asll 1ill1 1.1
tav e ttie aalt 4 lellredi~tilend t 1 1111
Ats nir alaa. a15 11411 0 rea~i lly i~Il ll i lap 14m1tio. Anoeli r _Rll av __t.___-lof file l40.III( ('ston, NOW Yo.,t r ti 4k
rofEa'4la~.11 N . 111411441 101
) ' 1+ 140 0(0 o{ar 4 sIclarsip111'1t l I}itCIt <lottcOratItorical Assogrciati~ion
i141 O'lilt1511 .i1. 0 Ia I. It. 4tilelt'ltIl140 tME htII 11t5. IIet o ie 1 1i t
N. /I rla S]' ,aVe11., ara -uontis 1:11 t e i~ I tt ~ ilotaa I d'1 tt444)444 ala 44 i.41
N. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t1, accredit.ed ju'n11iorpsa 01 -could.- .le triia0bfrlleff ethe l I 4414444444 41at141
O.WNeono. 1. WIlSevLieraysoComoe seient f ilra l a sr i~ lc t l4a inDe o prn !f1 ,;hrm oth0 - 1t;1et~t1
('1..0l'.el'.I'-00oltAt Asalrbor'.. . ......;I- __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ __

1y 5 51 A''
'lias aleing110effect ISnay, Nov. .5, 111141
[roileIaee Anala:Arbor by Cenall
:la a.an1. *'Sala. m
'Olalli p. an. 11Iao. al.
4:15 p.in. 9:00 p. am.
*Traiaa ron between Ann Arbor and:'Tl'edol
All trainasadrilyex'eplt Sun1day.
N. ft. IGfIEP,'WIOtt.Aneof. Ann Arboar.
WHO 1EN hOTT, .P. A. Toledo.
E. S. SEN~viss, - Manager.
OAO A T RTR teet.

I1m. I1141141 01,4It0uesoa lal .1.
(P.1114111115 111 1 4., 1100.
'The liancroft Compaoly are 110.ro- -
gressinlgawell wiftlteir Boo)4k of file
halr, whi101h1is lpronounledl as Ithe Our dances.
finest and mo01001impor0tnt publica- The 1G0r.111 Promneade I anciers,
11(o1 connuected wifth le great Esxpo- University Polka, l'Athlel, LT. of
sition. In fact it has 0o rival; thtere '41. Waltz,Il~a Fascination Schot-
are art works, aod scoots of descrip- tischle 11041Nalf' Oxforod are dlanceso
live history, anid catalogues, andI by Ross Granger, taught and danced
directories, but 111000 is 110 01110 at all leading academies1e. We also
publication whlich unites all in a 100011 the "''Two-Step,'' Badger (,,a-
complete and perfect hlistorical and votte,'' and any dance of nmerit re-
descriptive work of art. Its text is (uested. :special attention will be
by Hlubert Howe BanGcrofta and its given to the fGlidcIh'lll in all its
pi~ctures by th~e best artisto Anmerica variatiolns and styles. The .anciers
0011 Europe can produce. taughat s0 that t~ppils0can execulte
Next in imptortance to thle :hair it- them withlout promlptinlg. :join thle
self, is a faithful reproduction of th~e classes tlhis week1 nest week or at
Fair in printer's ink for permanent any time 111sf convenient. C-ards
plreservation. dost of tile build- will tbe furished those who have
ings will soon be torn down: and floe right of admission and mulst be
thseir contents renovedI, but The showvn at thse doter. (Iffice 6 May-
Blook will refrnan, to tead: and nard.

Foll 1141)114'd1rate hticels to 0146.
Westo tii 414110111 a. p41(111110 lIly 110
Aot Arbor e& 1110114Mich..
Seisiors h) 1111 depatlmentostre 1111-
tledth hI) P1111111- IIIoil pholtIographlic
week at, (tals0
Mackin1toshes lat b11.Iottomn prices. 'Ihe
P110. 11110Jco01111410. ttttIl11 11 I
gar00, 151 to thle 11. & M. Druogtore.
Grllllog0 Eloetoriral Analysis, at
Unsiversity 140 illlibrary. :Finder
pllease return) to 11.11Ix office or J.
IL. Tonet, 21t Packard.
S1.1100-- .ai.ck Scotch Collie dog:.
Ansowers to 11010 of jack. Retun
to1 (1001111000 N.t:. 'roothaker, 45
Sto. o2th 'SIt_ vila. 9-1

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