4 ~THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUARIEGON ORCHESTRA. JLNG'fi. CLEMENT. 51 8o. M AIN ST. Dirctoracid Tan Leer. EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY N o EanT1IlL lio N SIReE T. Good Work Guoraneed. Goods ralled for and deliverred. A. F. (,OVERT, Prop. IAMO11 . tGI)UIIIEW, Florial. Grower of I[lose, Creatoni'and blowersa of allvai ety. Florol designs mode opon short notice. No. 1 observatoovy sreet, loipp. cmeey giu.t 22Vea..ir% sithe Hti sebs.ok"' CITY LAUNDRY, CHRISTY - ENGLISH - HEAT BOWDISH HOU CProreos NOW IN S\,ATlE Al'2 OT1 it~ESTET ED-A.TINKER'S,- No.9 south :Main street, iRole raeolly oc (l)4ieby P To zi. Ow laij THE FISK TEACIHERS' AGENCI ES. 4& l so ('-1I(ACO, 106 Wabash Ave., 13. F. (LARK. 1 cr ilo.lc a1:T). 4.801 loaitl io.PF led. 085 PoiiosI-oll ain a' SEND FOR OUR AGENCY MANUAL. BoENI st aone, 1. o-ola .Portland, oo~~, OffXICiai Photog'rpher's X. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. 0 TO-WIT: KEE ~l'1 AC U111OFI WITHTHECX.IEN1)AH. preocih the world 's COnl~letesS eivl - K $TATC $?IiAGCVWITAU+ T .HE.14 _1 ol .4 i~lzion throulgloutlall lime. ISTUDENTS' tVOP . SUE- SAE$VfGBnK.ve love receivedl eDllullco lr-,e'1[' tot. Mlbinaned Waaltnon Rtrelola "01's I ' 1of5 lelyoia glioer. Ioacritical examinatonl find1 th(1 r t CeaWN PEN Ca. FOAa A NDs 00GOLD Ia;oirs.v('4 a. I+de . .C',e1(0o 01110v51441144, 1be lthe Ibe a ork{ (1t1 114 k Fo1;1 'a Pol. StOloly. 00C Ii 4040ori114111(.4:11 ( ((C 14 4 CHICAO.(4T I OJ .L (EO1jve 11 tr.. 74.E tillSi411 '4114 h ir epobtlo.t1 1111"1t1 N oti 0e, .1 Ilo f 0 115(0 14411 a I 1Et }, "«- lo . t11{ll[yll. l4ll l14111_ )4ol0iI.1 1 11 ' 14 '1n141 7HN. 1K'1 Ok1 f o Le La 1444i11i; ae1 ADD THNO adEE A T E 444f041141144; 4441140i 44' 444a ANRSELL AN 11MUNIE W O 'E A aoeiL IOW CATil 10 00f'N. ' alaJl _ol0 lj b(e, 5 46UFCTRES. a.n e Steet 14tv44Ot 4441441010444:e4440041444a4411cub BUNILDI-NG .1 tens. _-'- for athe e144 1.14l'ection1a111.1I'4.4of1aofficlga e}114 vil l 11r 044be ' 1 5.5palal 4 4( 1l'4)411l41 a0llii(II dis sat111 ' a oliie Iiten tsi s edi ll hela0lctue4 oo,0 ' i'dalP heL ADN CaaL O USN S 511111 p p I feltl k4)1.4 1' 140 1111 111 eeicl ,Wdentloi/ l 117 l li 11f1:tilt' ""Ia"HA'D. agii CEARYbuldPotsnin _lll11 i17 11'14'(lIO II 144410100 ',A ril 6, 01141 000 do gaft tFTI'i11i.( '1 111 41. 14takn4. (1(' f cul y.rollt~ta 1el4444 atrt'eI ng r om;(ai}= ' Ilres 41.14 44i 141141141.eet 'Ca C r llir a 41 101 lollaolao a e -l t 1 0 11. 1 1111014 4411114. 141'l1l41n1--. w114110 ese cour01 s) call =.0li lc ol leg L a 1110- ro\,eifatlcgurs. r lJ I'e : 14 - .ll.Ol'ad10 ies ! lpllillo41041 . l ve 11o11CrelllCauthor' ied I le,144I1C- ar . R C ER ,PE S 1(aII d(s tt'r ~ fenallec ie g 111reifo i te rs 440 1 IC l '~t-' 1111s l ll' Ill i 11004 i~ I '414. Ia 44-4~a l Prii711141411s1)y 1poli11411 }ot tel Il ''1 OIIIInr iIIll ItCe 1(141(b a li aa 1r44 ll llal 4(1a55 biCAlaistu'd1111r14111iI'llslof'th11 114411,... IIa 441444 be 111(1)1 araaitalp -ll 110>'iftee lloill 111the EaOnl'iu4 44 4 ,.4 41411 beell_ 1 100ill 11ing jlecevi n(111to hedCpat-e o nd a thla w libari 's to est{1)41r3 lltl arale a 144444144 1 th st d 1 Iil '. Ch e eielunir'lloill1 o cas1s1410 'Nl 10 14ne 10rwi ll ie r mitte11 t0 of Siarleg t (I 1441at tt)i114 )t 1 tcI l1e4 I' ll OX ole b CIO 1 (lie oeiioo illllrl'1'tilo tillioo 1111' oc .;I)11 asll 1ill1 1.1 tav e ttie aalt 4 lellredi~tilend t 1 1111 Ats nir alaa. a15 11411 0 rea~i lly i~Il ll i lap 14m1tio. Anoeli r _Rll av __t.___-lof file l40.III( ('ston, NOW Yo.,t r ti 4k rofEa'4la~.11 N . 111411441 101 ) ' 1+ 140 0(0 o{ar 4 sIclarsip111'1t l I}itCIt