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October 12, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-12

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t"--~ will meet with popular favor. The Athletes, Attention.
of announcement of the plan before
thesal ofstas as egu snll b- Any one wishing to use the Ath-
Cii atshed Diy (Sundlays excepted} darin
she College year, by viate any miisunderstanding, asleiFeltoranfrhecmg
~ fall field-day, to be held October
TI4E U. Or M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION meats have been taken to bring the 21wilfnitoeevrdaatr
ucripion pige x-150lecryear. invariably pl s o tic attention of all. There toa.wilofideitorkthasevedyafern
ivavnodnl oisi et.Subscrip- will be no siance for esisunder-toa.Smwrkhsledybn
ons may tnetest at the ntice of the DAILY-, done on ltst track, and it swill be put
as Sioffletis, wish any oft hr editors vo sadr tl ehdofrsrig in as good condition as possible be-
auhoiedsliior.The pieo general amsint fore the events take place.
Commnicsiations shovld rech thevotee by the course hs been fixed at two le vr n oeotadty
7t ocinch P. m. it they are en appear the nextLeevroncmeutadry
lay. Addreca all matter intended eve publica- dollars. For an additional fifty swbether lie has had much experi-
tin tn the Managnga Editor. All busnessn cents the general admission ticket
commanicationasshould be seattteistiea- ence in track athletics or not, as thne
sent Islnaere may be exchanged for a reserved prime object of the fall field-day is
THE U. of M. DAILY, ticket, reserving the seat for the to locate nesw men for the track
Ann Arbor, rich. whlcore Evratrneto
____ svhle ours. Eery ltenatetwoteam which will be chosen in the
EDITORS. rows of seats arc lo be reserved by
C. A. tisis's Li '54,Managitng Edioe. srn.byC OMITE
NsORMsAN ha omans Lit. ''9,A--isanvi. the above method, swhile the nextspig Tec CMIe.
n1A a IDina, Lit. '4 Assistant. - "+
-,-Asittane, to alternate rows of seats are to be The First of the Season.
- AhicEbditor.
S. W. Caci..G.0Lit., iisiness'Mainger. unireserved, to be filled accordingI
Wn A lio~tLi..--g sssa. to the Choral tVIsion plan. This Last Evening the Webster Sod~-
LSEtIY Ass. swili be seen to be a compromise be- ely rendered their first prograni of
d. 7 bnsti 95.
J. L.Lri, t tweers the two imethods suggestedth seasons, whtich wvasnieycr
vs D.p nnw,'~. E L. utisinae, 'ii. last year. ried ouit and reflected great credit
iliVTA1-i e1ivil culM -s-nid- on those whio took part.
L E. Cvotra ' 955.- --
ALionel Beginning. 'Tli president's address, by Mr.
A115 dnpy mastcbeat thecolnce iss,e' 'ciii . im.pp it' vr ne-
of lie dicv of publiication.. ...shambersain, was vcy itr
The Chc'uaisegon orchestra sad esting visi instruictive, ansi svs care-
The Editosidonoivslvd slimse~ivs s rroin- its first full orchestra rehearsal last flygte p
Csite oelse apinis orsatemns ofvicorres- flygte p
pondetse yaring in tse DTur. night andI organized for the year Mliss Davis and Mr. Gillespie ren-
swith the followinig members: dered ltst music of thne evening,
Lesvt. ('lenient, .Director, 551 'siolini.swhicih was of a high order and all
H!AG!PSlMNHOS. Ralph Hrzl,'4lasw, 44..CL -
_ 1T L th a ss cuss sin rnensi vu ~,;Atlil til

a I - - j A x N E S S
and SHORTHAND. mniicent biling;anine
tea'lhres: hime aiieicbince; good discipline; sn~cr-
snc'cnwb; inlslui erieing room~; dailyilectuins-
niitny ieveigreeetions;i ioplen teliere ya
iiicepina i ci iiliies'i fon, ipacing s i ns ciilla ci
tieinsiihntiivintdaegcrnedhemsi. iiiiv
F'ne_, ni' scisninase, addies
Ped~toskey ~ 7~
ii p1t' p\ o nL\ a
(( ' s 0sa etnInncnsn
HowardiCy, 1 5idAY CITY
,ii, nith 5.vsvai
-. LLiANSING t1i
Stan c I n isin:
'ti BO a TOi 0
iciupt. a.niev
Tins leavenn~c~~n nt'i liyentra
NOcsn. SvlyccncSOUlcTH.cs r~lcc
1i5a.csr .te *e(;c:45ly Ia., n cic
4:15cp.nci. ii;n:inip pas h ii
yendTipo this train.
*T5rainis runiibctci'cacAnn Asboranssledo
R.tS. GcENWsOOo, AgentxlAii .ibiic
W. H. BENNETIT, G.5P. A.,Toe.

EsERTHcvIiG gives promise to a
fine Glee and Banjo Club this year,
as there is exceptionally fine smateaial
1o select from. The Glee Club is
always a source of pride to ltst Uni-
versity at home and a means of
spreading the fair nanse of tile 'ni-
versity abroad by the favorable im-
pression they make dusri'ng tlseir an-
nual tours.
THE plan decidedup ~on for re-
seining seats for the Students' Lee-
ture Associations described in an-
osiser colunmn of this issue seemcs to
us the best swhlich could hiave been
adopted to avoid thse friction and
"camping out'' tactics ot last year.
To all who hsave seen the old sys-
tem and its edisadvantages, ltst nesw
plan still seesm to solve the qulestion
of reserving seats.
By the nest method everyne still
have an eqiual chance of getting a
good seat stithsout standing in lint
for hours. As still tie seen, the
plan is a compronmise betsween the
old method of reserving seats and
the method nmade use of by the
Choral Uision, swhere everyone has
an eiual chsance to get a good seat,
swhich has not beets possible under
the plan in use in the past.
Plan for Reserving State.
'fis Stuidents' Lecture Associa-
tion, profiting by the experience of
last year, have formulated a plan
for reversing seats wvhicih they think

A- Losig,
Roan Spessce,lit' 2n
Edsnn Sunderlands it'6
Roan Whitmns, lit '9(;, Viola.
Win. S. Smsith, lit '9, Cello.
Ray L. Hteller, usedic '95 Bass.
George beels, lit '5, Flte.
E. 1). toyt, lit '96, Oboi.
Eit. Foerster, last'95, It tClainet.
Franik Case. 2
IGeorge Collinss. deint 'l 1st Coriset.
Chcas. Ei. Yanderhelt. itlet '914
2d Corinet.
Geo. Vsansiawarsiker, 'Trombonse.
Chis. F. -ley em. Dcsissisid 'leaps.
Other msenmhers are in contem-
plation and ally conspetent, experi-
enced orchsestral nissician cain have
the benefit of playing wtith list or-
chestra by applying to the director;
51 S. -lain street. Especially are
desired, F=rench Horn, Blassoon, ad-
ditiosnal Cello and Doueble Bass play-
ers, as weell as expserienced violin-
It is intended to niake this-ltst
orchestra's thsirteenths season-the
most notewvorthy aind successfuil one
ever known.
Jettersonian Debate.
Thse following prograns sill be
rendlerecd by ltst Jeffersonian literary
society this evening at 7:30:
Osisn Addrss', ..a, ......e,. Ctrnei'.
Vvici IvSo:
Delt'amationi. .................... Mr. Hammosndl.
'isis: el: olni'cd, That is triatlcy ,jury- the
majoiity sholdcontirol.
AS eliive :t \Neeccelyr:
Poston asidi Waner. Mtessich anail We'lb.
All stuidents and visitors are cor-
cdially invitedl.

society paper, by Mlr. Rowning,
showed mucs deep thought and pa-
tient work.
The discussion enmbraced the stork
of the extra session of congress to-
gether stith the advantages and dis-
advantages arising therefrom. The
fotir participants wnere J. St. Adamss,
IV. '. Itarvey, L. Fiske and WV.
J. Laudnian. 'Their remarks ster-e
carefully preplared and right to thse
psoint. Thirty nest students appliiedl
folr nnesbersliill.


Horsforc~s Acid Phosphate IAWili sppcas in te eisle unc is Etre-
Is the inost effective and agre The Queen of Sheba.
l able remsedy in existence for - w. s. uAsr a% )ram nof'rre,
prvnigidgstion, and i TO. acc'sstveii lt~ifsicsiliChoidses~
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lievinso those diseases arising ---
Sn ~~~ts'n ds'c'~eat-svon sle it WArc,,,.' .Jewelrss
frothsah disordlered stohmach. Storec.sclsrc esIii ssc-is
PCES : Retlt ser d seats,5 5 Amisio n-,
Dr., W. W, Gardner, Shisgdreldi, Galerid5e.
Mtans., nays: «t sause it as a excellet __ANN .ARBOR
prevendtative vf isestinv,'itsd a pl teasn
anidulatledinkciiwhiessnnperyilytnel stlls TJ JtL JiUi\IDV'Ywte, ndsietne.
wile. sisitns,'nteed."I 2M SOUTH FOURTH AVE.
Rumfard Chemcial Works, Pravidect,R.I.
5de~~ir~ctIvbl~tstt asi t~it.ilsi~i Hotss', Carnctionsasnd Flowesofalvsasiri-
For Sale byall Dru gis ts. . Floralh as s d uponsihosrciotice.

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