THE U. OF M. DAILY.I _______
OFQAIZE 160. NCORORAED 886 Where Strict Rules Prevail.
TO M ,FNT 1-1. (l.EMvENT, The following rules taken from
i o. I~t aSr. ItirectIor atctl Macuser.
the students hand book of a neigh-
25 i te' II IO H ~m. bornng university will prove interest-
Gosod tokGoaranteed. Goocds ruliled for inig reading to -Michsigan students.
Into me A F tOVERTProp. Eut1Eatc-'l'lhat stodents are re-
Tlaa 1? E. sasThonSreet quired to attend chapel, two church
services on Sunday, omorning prayers
zZVears in tihe 5uies~" at their hoarding places, Thstrsday
CITY' LAUNDRY, lecture, and to be in their rooms
M4. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave- yt 'lc . iaiintt
KEEP YOUR ACCOUINTr WITH1 'IE leave Ito without permission from
+$TATC $AVIflG$ BAI2K+ their class officer. Thtat gentlemen
co. Nain and WashintgonStreets.
A. I. 'NOL, lonsttlenlittr ,l sher, are 1n01 permuittetd to call on ladies
Trhe1. & M. prxgSMore duling stlliy ltottrs. Thtat thse
O tli.paetio.IsbuyauytTI Iine tI,e liner. throswing of ball is not alloweid on
Nlt~leie! spoge- ' l .usI I.IEte. te cantptus or arotundtIthe college
0_0 TO 'buidings. Thsat bicycle ordinasnres'
R. E.tJOL LY & Co.59s are strictly enforcedl. Iticycles can-
'aetlic'. Slut Iourit 17res. tf'ineoo latselnot be riddeti on the sidewvalks of
I' ctee i lttd te 1Finet Sttit Tor 'iptes i~it he city svithouttbells and registered
LADIES' andtOFISTS' LUOCH ROOMI. nimbers. If you owrs a bicycle, go
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. to te mayor iltsstediately aindihare
D AN CI N Gand dE LS ARTE t1111ttt1)tltr registereil, arnd obtain a
FOTRcopy of the bicycleordrninances.
MRS. ANIE ARD FOS TER it 0costntinitg.''-Stuttetits'
46 S. State Street.
M1ud It '-tje rtc la s, 7p tn. IFlattdlBookI Oberlin Ctt ge
T ' P R. ,Ind 1 e,ti l l .
501 'Itlt 55 Ocllt11meoust 0s,101.'.,i t. Board for $I a Week.
Piva1,te ,-.',c-. iy applill.n11111 III 'ite shove settsational theadintg
Ann Arbor' Savings Bank sup~plemtenitedl by te tirther renmark-
Sut ritl. it Oj ta Slat, SSIST. able statreent thtat"yott can get it
Soxinie n riotlel ene, t 11. Lws
tftis iStSte~. R itcsep.liosits, Iuay ott j ,at AtnitArbor andl a rssotttfor 50
Itls elos 110' ta theic itpitI~l tcut'. IIth
'Unitetd Stotes. Dlaft, cashedcl twproper11cc cts itore,~ 'appears at the liegin-
ICERS: llO i'tiioaMW., t'ee:tW. in. ninug of ant article whticht is going the
Hoariton, Vie Pres.; t'lea. E. 1ttlcosli, Ca- rcnl fteIeri tw~ae
esior; )t. .J. Vel,, Ass.t-.i r.ronsfth Deoinwpar.
r c' do tot know front what source
people are invited. New and olsd
students are especially orged to
TheM S. B.,Iaptist, Congrega-
tional, Chulrcth of Chtrist, atnd Ger-
man Evangelical churches wliiihate
their socials in tlseir respective
church parlors. 'lte Presbyterians
will hold their receptioln at AdcMil-
Ian iHalal, the Episcopal at Harris
Hall, and thte En~glishs Luttheran at
the hoome of Dr. F. H-. lBrouwn, East
Huron straet.
I Freshman Spread.
'iTere wvas a meeting of the sophso-
msore girls yesteriday ntton to tuake
arrangenten ts for the fresttman
spread. Tile girls frotm all thte othter
deptartmsents will be invited to take
ipart its the festival, auil on theseamte
footing as thte girls fromthtte literary
deptartmntt, not tos simtply take
titeislet of gutests wvhichthtiey htave
dotte heretofore. 'Tis trill be mlii
mtore satisfactory and will ito illcht
to <s -so ttsify thte coed college
SMits M\aitd Cooley tvas chtosen
tettporary chairmlals and giveinftull
iposrer to appoint all committees.
''riot., Ot. f.-eoractlic Oubittttliso, lls
0,-itluty Err., lct. 13.--At home recet'ics i
vaouls t.chutrches-.
SatI., Oct. 14-MIIIIecst~ictI Cltubrett iii
Hoor. 1.Ct i vil n -tinl'ri'ti itlin, 8 Sp. 111
P'aper ity 'rotf. hodve. Alt inviid.
St. O5t.I4.--'9esiirc meting. 0:0 a ii.
11 t , 0 .14.I tbr. ~all .of1t-,.ii ).t A.CI I t'
Deit,, inslteadI ofrl;."ofc.1. \. Albon at'
Sohlti homrei lecion
Lt.r uilletCletue oa metng iti ie 9f
clsto lebCrsp;tttntr officrs "Wat-
Ttmrsa, (lt.1 t10-- a. Jon.F illeric oo .iti
A. 51A . : Mce1tProv e, e.
ilr, $211 between l.ttliave'. 11111Camllpls.
Liberlal rewsrri offered for its retiirni to
the j_. Ill iti. DL)l.oilier.
'limo- 01i',iuttT,-1. 2111s (OttO-.''
All 011110ig itcitertt ictll'd 011ti
oee itont of tile abl tdress reeatral of
'1110e(Oueent f Seil.''Alt tvitPie-
moelt hail been inserftd i in aHartford
iaitrefor super's 111111501m1of the
'T'rinilyyt'tilegr seiotrs dleierI to asti
lteselveis ofttflie1 toporunity to as
Oni ocf thii'e seniorostnsa an11iof
ovrosix fet ill height and11 seigig
219 poun1ds.
mnake their entffaince the sttge ttlage5'
Iclled a httlt tol sek telte mutscal
directotr. At this mol~met the ectief of
giganttii frmIt-ubloclkingthPe waycil 11
obsc'tlilg till'rot of te arIfii' il
stre ctiiseqtiently iiiuisibeftroffm11thi
lit lI loedittswardt l 1111nd1111thent
thief 1of theil1111irt cdti ltl~lco itilllli]l
we11e 11111orinariiy' sizedl six fiotes.
upo ' eilt im10in French~itt Ilit 1n c-I
Ifr ''llilllltiiie'T sill hi' sattecd whet;
flot $2.511bolrdinli the ily at 87 E.
111r 1-0 . 1,11lt
Fr t Ier, 'I5 t11, LessSons 110
F~e i lg. ' 9l-I5
Footbelall andGym'11. mSu.t l1
Giltto B1R51W''S )11111 S~oulutiforlli.
Labtiort~y spp~lies. Iisset in.htg cse-.
'ThfompsonuItret. $2.0 peruse.
Alalini steet. 1-7
plalcedoaell2 0 d' oz111. Me'nX's ekwserd
and1.00 11111r11'd1o'. lt whlis'ae. 'Tihi
pil11ce ii11 wil be sio. VWe att 111y'110 111111
wsheniwe51'ugh thde~ lse god~s. Waglil
Fu1hll'ef Sweae1rs at Slieehall .
Cos.'s. t
lierystuntils-l 0n11111registel' t
M'ainIi and Unr111ol teet. T'is fregis'.
tt' isthIeIIon1115y11one c oltedlby teie-
gahsege~llil'rt'ls''. 1 7
Thlealget I 1111hest1stockdof eigas-
atndtfancy' smoig tballccos ill tle it'
1lit t Biow'sDI rlg sore.
Goi t Ila/leoss lI IiliadfMIbi,
Statl' sreet. 1501l' rents'led. (e-
tleman~tly atendlat
AnntlArbillD lya' ''lorkstat 0 s Ket
tol cleanilg and11 il'l;irillg 111.s.hase
yollr 1071 tit (b (I'. 17
clsses'. ''le1111: .Ladie 11n1d1getl--
cia, }t.00$111forl'12 lessto: 1)hld'st
$301)5 ford12 lsonis~. Lessonls swilllm-
Oct. 7. i
I iw ..iuitlrs . Try' 115for the best
work0 111os er saw. Work dote in
E.. Hurion s ret.Works 75t1 w.
______ GN ENTIAL
EtST.Ill it'll
1??liii. 4 \itil 16
(try lsple s... 1,5:0 DaNv EIjiti ..... I8l1
t a lsS ell l II 3 Ci. ar~ pes.15
A l'' . 1,1.1C iN x rs -85
L1 P. asp2es'.. 11101~
1' & t' Agt , icar.t., A nottArbor.
PRINTING andsg..-
Student Work a Specialty.
Bee t'orkmeinii01n1dLowle-.1 PricI's inthe tc iy.
501151 J 'PI(lINS P.ORI
$2.50 per year.
sucshfideas couldIoriginate, thsat ''ac-
tual living expenses for one tweek
are redluced down to Sti. o, or about
$4.5 per schsool year,"'for to otur owno
knowtledlge sucs lotw expenses are
somlewhlat absturd. It is twell knownt
thtat thte expsenses inclurredl by a stu-
iletut at thset'. of SI. as a general
ritle, fall far bselowr those of eastern
colleges, bttt to hlave suchl state-
msenuts as thse albove appear in srnot
gives pseop~le a rathser falsev inspres-
siots o~f ourfuniversity.
It his article the corresplonldent
thels goes to thse othter extrente and~
slates thlat thse '"more fastidious are
gisen thte opportunity of payilng as
sighs as $6 atid $7 for board,'' whiichl
is so 115 accturate as to neeid io refu-
tation. _ _. . 4- -
The Inirersity C'aletndar, swhicl o Social Purposes.
tre may' presumse to be accutrate rne' :cdm a erne
gives thte yearly' expsense of f~ot p~irt itt. i nug Pie~iis, Rteception,110
thte stutdeutt as 3170, or nearly' as CIlIstI banquets eli. Itluihivele tuo
III~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~pbi outpeuapss ss''res 11111'11a1llowedll. Stpetial lrates
muhaca sthfltews 111res mde to lub1115s'vishintg to Iold a se'ries
ptondcent inuagines trill carry a stut of 1are.110111tirclassesinl Iaueitig till
ileust through a wreek. all bte openl this wreek, thitse that have't
starltedhaIvetdoute so trithi ant iInceaoslI
Church Socials. tol a livesol seasl~on. PIilis learn
wtithiout etibarrassmntats15nillvisitors
are admtiltte'd. (Parents exctptedh.)
At htonse'' recepstions will bte Strictlhy a schtol, Iull1tiiust be plupils.
girds Friday evening, October 13, Getitheemett1t00hIils evenintg111d11Sa-
ttuurday mninl~g. Ladhies Saturfday
by' thse y'oung Ipeole of thse leadinsg afte'rntoon at4 o'locllk. Adlvanuced ll lto
chsurchen of thle city All youtng for ladies auntlgentlemn'Tne'sdoay
bevenintg, S Io'lock.