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October 12, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-12

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Vol- IV.-No.)lii.
i be Born Tomorrow.- FullC
College Fun, Satire and
()Lr fanny paper, replete wit
,noor, original jokes and nosycar
Moons is at last to appear, andthti
ire dutoos freshmen whio have her
,vendernig whsat tisose strange littl
hzard hills, ''Watch for the later
v-nkte'' neant, wilt have thei
cu"-iosity satisfied tomorrow. Iti
statedt on good authsority that som
of the more verdant ones hsave ha,
,he feeling lurking in their nobl
,reasts that it svas souse new sortc
ophomuore trick, concocted for thsei
special annoyance, and likely tob
srung at any momnent. The per
sons that started thsis story certainl
-eserve the direst punishsment, fo
vave far too proud of or bab
class to think tlsat anyone slsoull
bso mean and los~ived as to tel
rify the freshmen, on the evec
bher class election, when they nee(
all the nerve they can muoster up.
So wve will relieve their anxiet
by informing them that te Arinskl
is ouzr new comic paper, whose fins
nrber is to be issued tomsorrow
Its appearance, owing to the new
ness of the enterprise and thse tiso:
o-ughness with which it has bee
advertised, will be received wit]
mu rch expectation, and, at a glant
at the proof sheets before us, wo
can say that we feel sore thsat lh
roost critical cansnot fail to apprec
ate it.
'The principal featulre of the pa
Pcr is to be thse large numberc
cats and cartoons illustrating th
jokcs and poems, and will apspea
i n every issue. Thse number con
t out tomsorrowe will contain fit
.yorgna~l cartoons. 'The cove
tlsi is e ork of Robert 1
V$ncr, one of the msembers of tll
1,ad is appropriate for th
c'racter of thse palper. The hsead
of the editorial columnl~ is a cc
ofa coulrt jester, similar to t1h
p ct vs Ilsat are 0n the bulleiti
voards, and was tdrawnl by Iliow
In thse way of literature, a sp(
cialty has been made of light vers(
contributed by suds mnen as I. K
rriedman and '93 Ryan, the authc
of ''P'reparation,'' in thse last Pall)
d. Frank :Briscoe hsas writte
a very touching little "Realisti

E. Drama," dedicated specially to '971 OUR TEAM IS STRENCTHENING.
of en).I'rince Mike's trial of two j New Men Apoear on the Campus.
years ago hsas been resurrected in a) Class Teams at Work--No-
tsvo verse poem, and tile ilnterest1 tine to Track Men.
Is thse co-eds have takeis in thse paper Thie practice of thse football teams
is shown in thse relude to thse is now inmproving daily. Thse sen
Wrinkle, ''A college Sprite,'' by are comsing Iongether in sucshes ape
Miss Collins, '196 lit. An illustrat- as to warrant the belief that they
leed poems by J. I. IL., "A Little Co.-nyi1lblake a strong sowing iln their
st quetlcj' portrays quite vividly the ganse at Detroit Saturday. 'his
ir confusion that overswhelmsed thle ill lie necessary, as the 1). A.
isGlee club on its last year's trip, by C. wiii be strengthsenedl nateriallyw
ethse tenor sulccumnbing to tlschciarnms thsroughout, and( especially in thse
d and wiles ofa young lady who or- line. Last Saturday seensed to be
e cidabx an o h duy with our msen, a thinsg1
Pis"Te Fourths Couipie,'' a farce, is wvhichs happens to all teamss at tinmes,d
ir a roast on the typical Cornell mn, hut thsey are nose ready to 1)t1u01)
)eby IV. . BI., very cleverly writtens their oldI-tinme, vigorolus ganse.
rin a wcay thsat cannot fail of identi- Yesterday's practice was nsotica-
fication. bly picking up ill several lparticu-
y h 'tledramatic notes are srittenin f a.Ssls ls evna rmD
ya breezy style, and hseadedl by one Pauw, will nsake a vigorous candi-
d of '9 Ryan's poems, nsaking this dacy for center rushi. Reynolds,
r- department of the paper very inter- who strained his shoulder quite
no eting and readable. severely day before yesterday, wili
,d These are blut a few of tlse nood be oust again before long. H. B.
thsings that can be had tonmorrow Leonard, a substitute last year, is
t for no cents. The Wrinkle-is to be out working for half-back.
le prnelo1xr quality ofbo Dyer, a candidate for full-back,
St paper, such as the Palladilum uses, yesterday filled that place on thse
and we feel sure every student in seco td elevens. Everythsing "points
V college will not begrudge thse snsall to stronger, more vigoros w ork
r- sum the paper will cost. from now on throughsout the sea-
,n It will be on sale early tomorrowe son. 'The nunsber of men at train-
Is morning at the usual places. 1,500 log-table will be increased from
-e copies will be printed. twvelve to eighteen nlext week.
e Will Ninety-Seven Win? Candidates for class footliall<
1e 'llespo -rs h teamss are nose being called out.
,i1 h spoors h as freshnmen '95 nmen are requested to appear on
sad such walkovers in the field tdays the canmpus Thursday afternoon;
of last year, have discovered that '96 msen are to meet in Room 9 of
ofthe new freshnman class has sonme the Mlain building at 7 o'clock,
men among its menmbers who are Thursday evening; wehile all '97's
1egoing to push thens hard for honors, will nmeet Friday even~ing at 7 in tlhe
Henry Keep, weho entered in the Mains Hall.
Chicago games last sprig; will go on All rackc-men, especially firsl
the track as a '97 msan in the nopho- year msen, shouldl report at once
S more-freshman fielid day and will for the field meet of the 21st. 'There
ieprobsably carry off the hurdles. is lbut a shsort time left, and sonme
Smith, of the Jersey City Athletic Vigorous work will ilave to be (lone,
Club, hlas several records whlich will if any showing is to be mladle.
be hiarid to beat, ani LIe roy welo
'PiThe schledulec of tile Inter-Collc-
carried off several mseilals for tile U.
1eof M. inl Cllcago, wiiiundioulitedtly giate Football Association, as nmadle
n sold his onvn on thle2u1Sot. All these out at thse meeting last Friday, is as
arv oewneradie96lseisfollowes: Ocd, u8, .Princeton vs.
ato ulpholdherpuain it can ony \Yesleyan, at Newe York; Nov. 4,
Is e dn r y eutagtiomn, otndPrinceton vs. IPennsylvania, at Phli-
lI one no time in training. ladelphsia; Nov. 4, Yale vs. Wesle-
- 4 ..* -- 3yan, at Necw Haven; Nov. is, Yale
or The Engineering Society will meet vs. Pennsylvania, place not selected;
a- in Room A, at 8 lp.n., Friday, Oct. Non'. 22, Wesleyan vs. Penissylvania,
0n 13. Openiisg adtdress by Prof. J. .1 Phsiladelphsia; Nov. 3o, Yale vs.
is Bt. Davis. .Princ'ton, at Newv York.

..©~ 1N £.i ~else
5t S. MAIs Sir. Sole Agents.
WYe selI everytthing osoil 011n11n1ail u aih
to "lQuality anl)So asre Deling,"
Melin ,P1ANSEe
W5eehere in stuny.IWesareprepre oe
-iveaalcasIof work to the tradeofthis city
lulequaled by anyv 0111r house er locInated
here and not exceiled ly see City Tailor
Americni, ad at ices "srvrodlby ,oods or
dered. Suits frno$30.00 (thirtCy111110 1110o1any
priveli redo. lineCuom Tailornby
t s0
Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
Lowney's qhocoiates,
'° 48 S. STATE St.
Capital, $5000(. Surilus s d Crefts, -stEj .
Transact s ageneraoIbaiglusiless. For-
eignl echange Sought asnd sold. Letters of
iredlit procuredleer traveles abroad.
P. BACH, Pres. S.0' Ct ARSON, Cshier.
follows: Genlem1101, Saturday sooroin-s 101
sod Thu~rsdoy even~igs t:30; Ladies, Satorday
afte~rnoons004. Ladle0sandGentlsemen, 1ad-
vanoced lasls. Tuwsdav eens$. Oroni,
flo,G 11 Ilsreet. ~i Tiiitin.olntrn
save mone11y, A full1 line of Lawuse, Mo-
caectnd call Uni'lsicr Th 'e..t-Rook
5,000 tlan ooOks att 2c each.
Linen hoper, per phoundI 25c.
But~lhoe ItDiAL\\OiTltlIiAN Fot"nrAir icN
hes in the world-Esery oneCguarnteed
for 1five years
'.0 Soulh Stai, Sireet.
4 N. Main, opp, . Court 1005s

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