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February 05, 1894 - Image 4

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1894-02-05

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_________________ HE U. OF NT. DAILY. ______
BETTEiR STILL \Her a a . All Our TanSh s. ,
CHOiQC b.AI MKD LINEI)D 10GLOVS nilMITTS, (iiil 1( l "l1110-iH . ,
IThe Best Rubbers in town fori he IPrici..
'kt 7C er1) -~l n \ X I U F 2EI
Call-ins' Pharmacy *. BOWEDI 8Z& 1.ATWE"r:SO T_
_______________________________ AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM.
- --V1[()IS L.ILIIN(0 N NI WIVII II . lIALL Tills WE

kil ES iW. GOi')iDEW, Floisiiit. Goeof ii
IBelies, Carnatiin nd iiiliowrtof it] ai-
Nt.ora dnesaniy iiadeuponis~onotice.
No. I bsratv sret op cemetery gae.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
6 AnaArbor. Mi. CapitalISinck, °50,000.
Siurpliin, $15i,i000.
-0 ea'tnized underthte Genernai Baning-aws
of this State.Rties -ndeiionitn, Oiiys and
sells exeliniieon the prnipelonc ities of the
United. Staten. Draf to eashed tpan proper
identifieationn. Safety depos~it boxes totrtnt.
t.)a'ncEnnn tCirisiian SMick,Prees.; W. D).
Harrtimntt, Vice Presn.; Chaio. E. tltooni, Cn-
sh iotil. J, Fritz Annt. inshier.
1Standard Bicyclce
of Ot tVWorld,
U aifsiii~ i eic ilr-
amsi- iitspai t tihie bea , ti 4,)
w(!]illm)n it immiimes o.in i tei n
to imienimi el To ide) iyce
a, Pnl otpc e lafgC o.,mlais
Boston, Nh-w York,
Chicago, Hartford.
Ltheie'Artsc on On einig Parlins
mTIE'. dImeimm--.ii. mm tie~uimm ng, i
i-i-s~a l it mmi ii n mdo ein iitinw lai-s
it liii Si I 0 ro~nmotimnili,301+. isl--
wit<nt0, overiiiibi r shi p
OF ANN AllBit.
oamitntl, $50,000. Surlusc mnd 1teolitt. O$30iii0.
ei-, , exne betougtte andsoilid. totter-i at
s'. &INil, Pret. S. W.CLAII-SON,COnetioe.
.L S. SEF.etss, - Manager.

ti;i ri n Sitet, liit tiitWetofmlState Stiieeti.
IDoisn ml chainiheIickle. 1Dnosro m chelimieys. ~U. OF'A. F LAGOS.
Hatsonot bittoo/n. Gibea empupiwitmi/nlbih.0 /
I nto )ier nnben n fit l sasim In tiini ensdistilled l iigen. - eri~ledi
It is pure carbnlim. (GibeDsl itiotsok oo r.nnn i y'neelio ai nd u. eitipin
D~eliveedcjiooiplly. Soldl oiily by Dnnim &lCo. i(w imtcliltii. Pice.,01.i0.
Wiltiiet aii i cen nmine iion. il. S'i.111 II ], Jn tenlet.
41stAnn ~Arnabor, Mich. DEAN & COMPAB~NY. FLOWERdS, F+ OT1+&i S
UNIVERSITY NOTlES. J. A. Leroy, atletic edtior of UNX & HILL. loiss,-elehoe Ai
Prof. Angell lectures to the laiws Tim ii I isi able to get aroundc r
tiodaiy. after an illness of Iwo sveeks. 1o be ittJf. lllJV a I StIfP I
D~r. 1lack is able tia le iiit, after TmeerreiIiligrbx nnnnnI Ui.miinniiPntSiein
a sick ness of a fene/ dayn. givne d~nesiayar iii be a notmitnny lineen; i-izftai lnsimi to iminee n. lays intee-
The mractice Court convees for of the precednge lectures ofI tle c 1ii -pioma nittto. liren.niyi
course. ti. lKPAI1P 'c inn F I H d. SI;FCae iiet.
its first sensiontis nafternoon. liii.; mien intnreniiy evening .
The juioir lanes tiltlibe nquizzed A5cn-neof Ureinchibooks hnas bcii
ott l in tnires aitrlEanenmentn 0thns week . eceivd ati the libtrary, tiotly nit)
'2(.la, flaw, han left l t thciinecmOu]:n i. lie ni
Siit-ertity to piraetice in Oklahmna.teI -ineaeaitgtetnn
(.Otrad Wolf, lane'yo,in prosecutOc
tng attornieey otoard ciutty, lee. aeleelIli oltit J~~0p tA
Intl. officers for the tencond seninster: ,
PrsF .Iwn ie-rs .JohitiV. N'torgant, lane noitii c-it., C. S "R ARE THlE BEST.
county attornieyof Otoe countyir, eimlmrt sect', r. Lenis; tieas., CIGARETTE SMOKERSI o ae l-in
lii',inh ito imiay m a iiiittiinmome im tntepin
Neti. It S. Nioorhiees. cna;ente ortine oinite . °ai nm e,mn
lDeliaiw nill discontinute its lawte heIli.Repuiblicani climb imeets in tile ilfn TIBRNspeirtatter.lwlcuerom oorwThRimndSagtCtNI
shoatteedo th prsnnihternsi - for the election of a delegate to the CIGAAI1YiDTLI
s aeme tn o t the mm i l t st m ost minimemt
A. G,. Smith, late 90o, irose- converntion of thte Repunblian(Col-i ll flavore, aid ni lillieti iotl GOLD LEAF
cutimig attortney of ,Jittankee contm, lege Lcanoe, to be hielid in Syracutie, BWR FIIAINmtn ii.e
Nl iithigati. N. Y. in thme tiear futuare. tPlatst limit time mim n l im te maimonnti ne-n mis
N early onme-thmirnd of tile William-s wwillalso be idiscedn lootaing to at- bmmlnw is n eveylintkmgc.
college ntudheitnt are full or lpartial jtitding thme Michuigant clibbanqutet 01at A &GIyrT g noinn CA e0soc
ncltolarSlmilnn. it i bomly. BRANCH ° , tttM.NooVtoPelN1
Witliant W. Pheips, late 'go, in There trill lie no more State- re-
studyyiog for an atdvancedl degree at ceptions at thme S. C. A. unmtil afte Nr tA . N T G
Yale unieersity. the clone of te setiester. O thel
Too complete nines will be main- 17th of thtis tmonth, studentn fromi--- -------
tamned at the University of tennyl.ltme Middlche Atlatntic staten will be 1l il - tiinmnttin/ It lrrit/n Climb c
eania this spring, received, on te n2niltose frornt
WV. C. M0alley-, 11.L. L yt, in the Southern tates, and on thne 24tlth h oic>i/iimimtr u llleI, t /t'iii tt in-
practicing law wihO Moran, Kraus those whose homes are in Michigan.
/ c~dp~ce<{ ire( ton ot goq.
& Mayer, Chicago. During March, receptions will be
The lant lecture hO Aesthsetics will given stttdents from Ohio and Indi- G 14 l Lu
be given Wednesday. Those who ann, and to foreign students. These llN J3
are to be exanmined will report Fri- will probably occur Marchl1thil and
day. - o- a7t o.a h2 EanSt. The Leading Tailor.

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