_________________ HE U. OF NT. DAILY. ______ BETTEiR STILL \Her a a . All Our TanSh s. , LOWNE.Y'S 'SUPERFINE" L tl)L .GLOVESb and DMiTS, ONF IOlRIJ HOFF. CHOiQC b.AI MKD LINEI)D 10GLOVS nilMITTS, (iiil 1( l "l1110-iH . , IThe Best Rubbers in town fori he IPrici.. 'kt 7C er1) -~l n \ X I U F 2EI Call-ins' Pharmacy *. BOWEDI 8Z& 1.ATWE"r:SO T_ LVJOQE & -] WF~rOE jBJ: NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _______________________________ AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. IHAVE' A, SLUPPLY O)F THE WORKIS ()F - --V1[()IS L.ILIIN(0 N NI WIVII II . lIALL Tills WE kil ES iW. GOi')iDEW, Floisiiit. Goeof ii IBelies, Carnatiin nd iiiliowrtof it] ai- Nt.ora dnesaniy iiadeuponis~onotice. No. I bsratv sret op cemetery gae. Ann Arbor Savings Bank 6 AnaArbor. Mi. CapitalISinck, °50,000. Siurpliin, $15i,i000. -0 ea'tnized underthte Genernai Baning-aws of this State.Rties -ndeiionitn, Oiiys and sells exeliniieon the prnipelonc ities of the United. Staten. Draf to eashed tpan proper identifieationn. Safety depos~it boxes totrtnt. t.)a'ncEnnn tCirisiian SMick,Prees.; W. D). Harrtimntt, Vice Presn.; Chaio. E. tltooni, Cn- sh iotil. J, Fritz Annt. inshier. UHLIE OLUMBIA 1Standard Bicyclce of Ot tVWorld, U aifsiii~ i eic ilr- amsi- iitspai t tihie bea , ti 4,) w(!]illm)n it immiimes o.in i tei n to imienimi el To ide) iyce a, Pnl otpc e lafgC o.,mlais Boston, Nh-w York, Chicago, Hartford. Ltheie'Artsc on On einig Parlins mTIE'. dImeimm--.ii. mm tie~uimm ng, i i-i-s~a l it mmi ii n mdo ein iitinw lai-s it liii Si I 0 ro~nmotimnili,301+. isl-- witi/iimimtr u llleI, t /t'iii tt in- practicing law wihO Moran, Kraus those whose homes are in Michigan. / c~dp~ce<{ ire( ton ot goq. & Mayer, Chicago. During March, receptions will be The lant lecture hO Aesthsetics will given stttdents from Ohio and Indi- G 14 l Lu be given Wednesday. Those who ann, and to foreign students. These llN J3 are to be exanmined will report Fri- will probably occur Marchl1thil and day. - o- a7t o.a h2 EanSt. The Leading Tailor.