Published Daily (8iuayn excepted) during
sue C~olege tear, by
Subscription erice V'.:S5 per year, invariably
it adeane Singlcoupirsa'.3rents. Subscrip-
tons may be left at the ottice ot the DAILY,
at Stotets, sith any af the editorn or
authorized solicitture.
Comamatnicatioas should reach the otter by
e'cloch P. a. it they are to appear the neat
(lay. Addreens all matter intended tar publics-
taon to the Mantagittg Editor. All buntins
consuanienatsn should be snt to the Basi-
nesn lanaagee.
Ann Arbor. Mieh.
C. A. DEIteSON, L,)tW '94, MantagintgIEditor.
11. A. SPAUtxts, Lit. '44i, A.sitnt.
that in t i o, with whlich year the year, and Captain Swvain wiii de-
report begins, 'Vassar college wvas pend tprincipally upotn developing
already fitteen yearn old, 0011 that' new ment. The beat known of the
the deniyrableness of the highter edu- catididates are: MeNulty, Swain and
cation oll yoren ws alareaidy pat- ,Allnt in the sprints; i'McCatmpbell
rnt, it ap-peart that cduring thiis in thte quatter; Swan and Wintrin-'
time avoneĀ« love given dove times get in the mile; Balliet, Taylor and
as muchl for the education of H-lll in the weights; Johnon antI
men alonle at for thte education of Lesiterance in the hurdle; and Camn-
tyolit alone, acid they have given( vehan and Corner in the bicycle.-
tiearly twice as tmuchl for mn'sn col- Harvard Crinason.
leges an for womenis collegens atad -- .- ___---.
mixed colleges 1put togethter. Dur-
ing only two of these thirteen yearn 0
has Harvard tailed to receive co- - J~
siderable gilfis from womten, and thejA U' (1 1J
total amiounot received lay Harvard
alone exceeds theamoutnlit receiveid
by all the womten's colleges put to-
an dSHORTHAND. anificet buildin;in
teacs; lgatte eadancgo icipli nteer
iorwork; wellnsuppliedeadintg room:daily lecitres
Saturday evenlingle ceptionsl;topenthe tre,,year
Excveptioal facliliiescar placintudaentst in cant-
svoea-sharthandlauaiesaateed ~tet. tivintg
expenesr$2lto .5perrweek inprtie atuilies.
bar Nete tatalogue, adess
Traitn eae ,'io, arlbor 1,y1f eijrl
4:15 }i. .
*Trains roun between Annlto ,,11,,o'I'ellIII'
All teain-. I oe-c lit udy
it S. itEENWOOD, Ad. ,AAbr
W. H. IIENN2T~T, G.P. A.Toledo
A1LABA t./
) . WA ri1 Its '114, Assis dt. ,tter.HrsrdsAi Ph pat
J. A. Leitov, Lit '9i, Athlletic Fditr osor'-cd hsht
S. W. CURITISS, P. 0. Lit., B~usiness M anage. Fire in Madinons Gym.
Wtt.. 1110n, I. 'it, Assistt.h iiatefetv adate
LITEARY01. LAWt Sunlatay morning fire broke outiIs h osifetieadige
F. 0. Attltdl,.. EDIA. thte boiler house adjoining the new abde remaedy in existence for
E' .tcLl', Ol. r .katnae' n s n a a io n h
Agn. s . l ,y , 115. IH. D. Hskinsl,,dae'96Ii
Cane t tly. e'l. H. ii11 Ivlte, gymnsidulgatstladoanad tla
CareV.5,l I,5,5ll t,opi.~eti " flanies soon spread to the gyluna- peetigndostoa ds-
- I siaunisel1. 'onsiderablle damage lievinm taose diseases arising
Aillcospy most be at Cte ,tieisedafrs' Om.In woutld Ihave beeia done, htad it not
aft he day atfIllbliceltillll been for tile efficient wvork of the''i'l adsred tiaC.
The Editors do 1111told theasselves reslpalt'fire dlepartmnct. As it wso, theI Dr. "W. XW. Gardner, Springfeil,
sible tor the opinivons or statemensvoatcorres- doutage amlounted only to aboult
paoettappearng inttheILY, stly.Mass., vats: "I valtue it as anexceltent
-. -. .oo, fullty covered bly insurance. yreventativecof indigestion, anst a pleasat
47 s hlsirk (Illthe tbuilding xiii not be tsaaet.11 1011rlct ~~letsii
INlRUuULSH~ Os. iterferedl withl. water, a111d'sweetened."
'Pic1 concert lost tight wsOO cer- vale and Princeton Atliletics. j-
tainlo 0algrat sucrcess, a1n11 Spevaks n.. . .. "t...... nnId. in. ....t
volunmes for Prof Stallivly. 'lhe candidates for the track ath-.
____ letic teamls at botha Vale aind Prin1ce-,
'T'lE0Fire illtile library tbuilding ton hsase been collect out. At Vale'
lost nighat remainds usISthsat thtelut- aboult sixty uleil lose Ibegunltrsina-
mtost core sthouldl be issed to avert iug, thtoughI som~e of tile out mcii
fires in thte Uiversity bsuildings. A wvilt crout lunIltil later. There
fire once startedt, it the absence of! are stitl in college as a nlucleuls for
adequate fire protection, nmight do thsis year's teamt the followitng point
inestirnlable damlage. winners of last year:
- . 'Richxardls, first inii100aitd 220 at
IN the mtatter of athletic practice, New Yotk anld secondi at Canabridge;
tthe U. of M. is certaitly far behind Anderson. second in 240 at New
our eastern neighbors. I-or several York; Morgan, first ill Mite runi at
weeks, baseball anti track men htave Canibridge and second at Newo York;
been at work in thse'"gymis" of I) Lytman, first in highalatrslles
eastern tiniversitieas. 'lhe one ex- at Canibridge anti second at New
cute, brobably, for thtis delay here York; Glenny, first ill bicycle race
is to be found in tite fact that thtere at Camlbridge antI New York; Ptar-
in no place fitted for sucht practice. malee, second in bicycle race at
It is to be regretted that such in thte Cambridge; Hlicktock, first iliham-
case. We hxave urged it as a duty mxer at Cambridge anti New York,
upon the authtorities of the univer- and first at Nesw York aitd second at
sity to pernmit our baseball and track Camabridge in te shaot: Sheldon,j
athletics to use the unlfinished gyrta. second in broad jump at Cantbridge
and Newo York; :Rice, tied for thirti!
in tie ipole vault at Cambridge and
Giftts by Woman to Education.
-- New York; Hart, thlird in high hut-
A cotmnittee of th~e Association of dies anid tied for third in pole vault
Collegiate Alumna, says the New at Canibridge; Stillman, second in
York Evening Post, hat made a' hammler at Cambridge; Cross, thtird
table showing the sums given by in sanme event; D. B. Lynman, jr.,
women during the last thirteen third in shot at Cambridge; and
years to colleges for men only, for Brown, third in shot at New York.
women only and for men and wo- At Princeton there is not a man
mnen together. In spite of the fact who won points at New York last
Ruomford Chemical Worhs, ProvidtenteR. I
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