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October 09, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-09

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of -n"-yirz the only one practicable for it isim-
*j ~ * probable that very much advertising
space can be sold at advantageous
seublishet Oairy (Susitays exeepted) turing
the College year, by rates.
THE U. OF N. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION We hope that some action will be
taken by the present senior class to
Subscription price .50 per year, invariably publish a Castalian this year, in
:B advance Single copies 3 cents. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the office of the DAILY, order tlhat its publication may not
at Stofflet's, with any of the editors or be entirely suspended by succeeding
authorized solicitors.
Communications should reach the office by classes. An amalgamation of the two
7o'clock P. m. if they are to appear the next senior annuals, the Paladium and
tay. Address all matter intended for publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business Castalian, would go far toward the
communications should be sent to the Busi- solution of this perplexing question,
ness Manae . fand reduce the competing publica-
Ann Arbor, ich. tions by one, a consummation de-
voutly to be wished.
EDITORS. Ninety-four has thus far shown
C. A. 'DENsON, Law '94, Managing Editor.
NORMAN FLowEs, Lit. '96, Assistant. considerable class spirit and we are
H0. A. SPALDING, Lit. '94, Assistant.
-, Assistant. sure no exception will be made in
Athletic Editor.
S. I. CURTIss, P. G. Lit., Business Manager. this case.
ws. A. Ioc, Lit. Assistant.
'tar. ACTIVE measures will soon be
R. 0.Austin,95. - taken to arrange for another inter-
L. . Lorie, '. .a.s
w. N. Choate, 'i MEDICA-i university debate, and this year
H. f. Gano, t . E L .Nartindale, 94.
-- every preliminary precaution will
L. E. Coonrdt,'95. be taken to avoid the dissatisfaction
All copy must be at the office before :30 a. i. which arose regarding the system of
of the day of publiation. marking last year.
The Editorsodonothold themselves respon- The University of Michigan did
tible for the opinions or statements of corres-
pondents, appearing in the DAILY. everything possible to make the de-
bate a success, but Wisconsin ob-
jected to the system of marking the
TH ARQUi PUiLIiNtG HOU*"- debaters, contending that the only
TtiE question of reorganizing the thing to be considered was the sub-
Press Club on a new basis is being Jec inaer of the debates and that
agitated and the plan seems feasible no attention should be paid to the
and practicable. It was a matter of f'anner tf delvery made use of in
regret that last year there was not the debate. We contended that
sufficient interest taken in the club, both of these, being essential to good
which may be attributed we think to and effective discourse, should be
the manner of conducting it. That subjected to the consideration of
much good can result from a press the judges. Upon this question we
club organized and managed in a differed and the contention proved
proper manner, is an assured fact. a rock upon which all our hope for
It would seem that if our club were founding a permanent league at that
reorganized on the basis of the pop- time was stranded. Now, that the
ular press clubs of the large cities, heat of the controversy is over,
we think there could be no reason Michigan comes to Wisconsin and
to fear for its success. offers to meet her representatives in
There are a large number of stu- joint debate again this year upon
dents who are greatly interested in suitable terms to be arranged by
newspaper work or correspondence committees from each university.
and everyone so interested would It is to be hoped that the Univer-
find such a club of considerable sity of Wisconsin will consider well
practical advantage to him. Michigan's proposition. If all hopes
We cannot but offer the sugges- of forming a league with Wisconsin
tion, then, that some action be tak- fail, an attempt will be made with
en at once looking to the reorganiza- other leading universities, including
tion of the Press Club. the University of Chicago and Cor-

new students into two classe thoses; 1 -
of mature years who have settled -
their religious views of life, and the N
younger students who are now puzz-
ling over these momentous ques-
tions. The former, he exhorted not
to take a religious vacation lest re-
ligious paralysis should follow. The
er student have ctm toIste LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
younger students have come to a t R H i-ie oldio;n
te-Whers; large attendance; good discipline; super-
transition period. The have come ioriwork; weil supplied reading roots daily lectures
from a life of tutelage to a life of fl.si -
.tiow;-shorthand gradutates guarantWWd heu. Livin -
comparative independence. In this exoensps $2 to s . 5 per week illprivate ram ilt
For - ,oizcatalogue,sdttes
critical period a college life presents P. R. CLEARY, PRES.
difficulties as well as advantages.

i i

First, the difficulties. "A great TOLEDO
deal of our virtue is due to home in-
fluences and restraints. Another
thing is companionships. Don't
hastily make intimate friendships. NORAILWA
Again, do not think it a sign of in- )II _
tellectual superiority to disbelieve
that Bible. This is an age when the , H'25 tOt -
r5 hip
whole world is permeated with re-s Alpisu
ligous thought."
The speaker then brought out the ,F o w Roscommon
advantages of college life at such a . 5. -i
period. "There are men here who o" Ate
have matched all the problems that
you will have to face. They know Howard Cy * -BAY CITY
your state of mind and are here to USKEGON S
help you to decide right.'' The aR'ci A9 t 11lii
conclusion was a strong appeal not LI
to try to disbelieve more than one HOWELL(BateC mug o L
really did. "Do not make ship- en Eo
wreck of your religious life because lo Dimu e
ciiiz iis Adran
some little subsidiary matter causes nroet. j
--South end TOLEDO "
doubt. It is the men who have be- 14L9SFt.Wayne S t TOLEE
lieved who have done something. Tmr Tale t nt effee iu, Sundty Msy i4, l
There are very few of you who do a rTraitisTlest AnnArborebyiC-stral
y ylStnlart Timte.
not believe that God is your father, :
that Jesus Christ in the Son of God, t -12tti1p.tt. 11:4i. .
t15p. in. dOSp. sit,
that there is a life beyond the tomb.- a
Hold fast to these great cardinal NOTE.-Sur Tnitin rotl. LietveT m-leo
g andIhamburtgJuttzion only. trot- Itai;
points; meditate well before separat- bur.unconturngn6p. i. One fare for
p~i otutd trip on this teals.
lug frotmthen.'' 5Treiis rutsOtevAnn Arbor aniTolod
it. S. GREENWOOD, Arent, Ann Arbor.
---_-_------ ---_- -- w. H. IENNETT, G. P. A., Toledo.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate - CLARA - COLEMAN -



Is the most effective and agree-

I i the Picturesque Iri h Drimn.

FREQUENT enquiries have come to
us regarding the publication of a
senior annual this year. If the in-
dependents of the senior class expect
to publish a Castalian this year, they
have no time to lose in making the
preliminary arrangements as such a
publication must be issued this year
under unfavorable circumstances.
In considering the various plans for
raising the funds for such an annual
the stock company plan seems to be

nell. Michigan has undertaken this
project and will not retire until a
debating league has been formed
with some leading university.
The Annual Address.
Pres. Angell's annual address be-
fere the S. C. A. is one of the
rare treats to which all students look
forward; and that delivery yesterday
was so full of common sense that no
student could hear it without being
benefited thereby. He divided the

able remedy in existence for -oA . .A.C -RE
. .with her two tenuine its Ponies. Dit-
preventing indigestion, aonde ofttti 5 ish wit. Ruieso f Song.
Emeralds of Dan e.
lieving those diseases arisingEo t li O t
Reserved Seats on sale at i tr atts ' Je lr
s a Store
from a disordered stomach. PRiCES: Deserved seats, Ste.: Admission-
Parquette and first row in Porquette Circle
5c; Parquette Cirtle back of first row, 50c:

Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield,
Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent
preventative of idigestion, and a pleasant
acidulated drink when properly diluted with
water, and sweetened."
Descriptive pamphlet free on application to
Beware of Substitutes and Imitations.
For Sale by all Druggists

Gallery, 5Tic.
E. S. Smetviss, - Manager.
J IatiE we. GOO EW, Florist. Grower of
Roses, Carnations and Flowers of all vari-
ety. Floral designsmade upon short notice.
No. I Observatovystreet, opp.cemetery gtte.

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