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January 11, 1894 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-11

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'I . of 'M~f. Taiij),
'oublihed Daily (Suntdays excepted) during
the Colleire year. by
Subscriptiontipee1.50bper year. invariably
iadvnance ingle copiet 3 ceant.Subscrip-
ttons may be left at tbe office of tbe DAILY,
at Stotttet'a, with atty of the editora or
authorized solicitors.
C0tnta icationa ehould roach the office by
7 ocloch r. At. it they are to appear the next
Jay. Address all matter intended for publica-
tito the Managitng Editor. All bustness
.omnatieationo abould be tent to the Boat'
Ann Arboe. Xich.
C. A. tttNtsoN, Lace '9. .Maigig Edittor.
11. A. SPrAtotNG, fit '94, Assistatnt.
.1. L,. LoittEt, Lit. 95, Aiatot.
F'. tV. !titt, Law '0tt. .sitaait.
1. .tEttaO YLi ttiGAthletic Editor.
itW. tCt'U . G.ftLtt, tustneatsMMtnoger.
'cVct. A. lloit ttt -9. Assistattt.
H. B. Oaittaacoc '4. t. FIHall .
H. t. Atin'5.otICA,
E.'. ta le,'6 FI.Mtt1ticdttle. 00..
\o,mettttley,97. H. 1t.ttaokittt, '90.
L. E. Cooitrt, t5). ttl. nitto, it.

tails cave bteetn arranged. The
Harvard oprakero devoted conoider-
able time to the debate during the
Christtas receos. The question is:
"Resolved, that independent action
ino politico io preferable to party al-
legiance.". Yale bathte affirma-
live, acid Harvard tbe negative, with;
tloe restriction thtat parties shall be
considlered as necessary. The ques-
tion to a lire one and one that is in-
tended to call out the personal feel-
ings of thoe debaters. There is no
dottbt that it twill be more evenly
Icontested thatn any previous debateo,

for tlhe reasoto that especial efforts
for success are being made at Yale.
Statistics from Harvard.
The catalogue of Harvard t!niver-
oily for 1593-4, a book of over two
hundred pages, weyll bouitd and care-
fully porepared, htas just appeared, a
copy of whbich hIas just reached this
office. 'The followvitngstummary may
tprove ititereoting:

conscientiously to gain bhe place on ( 6I
whoichltile has set lois hceart.
Capttain Itollistertay tie seen or Bj
addressed at 3305 Walnutt street.- Il
The Pentcovlvatiian. ,, 1j,/jI'Ire
The art recital by MNiss G3riggs,
asised Ityppl ne Po.'u-It the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
blood, whlich 'cos to htave been attd SHORTHAND. Otagtiecent butilding; nine
textttnt; targe attendac-;gocod discitplinte, uter-
giveti before Christmas, xviil take tcowtrh, wcit tcctliet teatitng roortw dilltctew~e
plare a sveek from tonight. txeoa.-iailiti-t ,for Itloc-ittcctttcttanfposi-
- rcecn,esto c0.5per wek nf ttprivcatit iies.
F-at Netetlataoac, adtdtrst
ti/frP. R. CLEARY, Pats.
Horsford's Acid Phosphate litctt':t itict t -O °ctf t ttonaot. So:.
Is the titost effecti'ce and In..0
able teittedy itt existente fas t c-t, cc c'j c c-c-, e,n .htnoctr;uI oe
1f1i ct'. c' alt roo-t t oct
prevetlinog indigestion,.'bd tch it ti. GHE t'cc lc ,AntAtt Arlar.
lievitig those diseases, arisitng
fromi t7tdisordered stotosacli. G1ljJPD IPiUI f{ ROUSE
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfild, SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 13.
Mass., sayts: "I valtue it as att excellet
prceventtiteaf indigestioct, ancd a pleasant---
tacidulatedt drinch en ltropierlydlted ciatic 7rL r11 S0zwa
ater, andlsweceteed." *t7lU l7

All copy mccsttceoftthe cotc'itabefre--sll5.30 .
of thte daty ot pobtiCltit,,,. itrof'esora ............. .
Associiate 1Profesoars...
The Ecitors do tot hl hccl I rspolsbe o heoiioso tttementslof'a ectors 51~stiotPrafessoro..
ponetstt, appeartag illthie tDotLY. Lectttrero ...............
- s Itnstructorso.............
Demtonsttrators tttd Assist-

'.J2 193 -lcd. ?
8,2 i83
4 1;
281 1
10) 1.5
2 1,
10011) 09l

'Poc reserved S. L. A. tickets were
left at thio office some3 tilde since for
whtich wve have heeni unable to find
an owner. attyone ltaving loot
tickets of this description may have
the satue by calling at the office atnd
proving property.
IT Icas been suggeoted to us tiiat
thse inter-class football games ostould
he played at otnce, before thte teamos

get entirely oot of Ipractice. 'Pis
is certainty a good suggestiont and
we oee no reasotnwhcy it shoaci not
be acted upon. The field is iio as
good condition as it will he at any
time this winter and there seems to
be no good reason for a further dle-
tcttc aoereasotn unknown to as
sheets from the Aegis, of W'iscon-
sin, were circulated in the nmain call
yesterday. A complete description
of the annual joint debate of the
literary societies is given togethoer
with the nmethtods of preparation.
St seems that our local debate cott-
mittee has given up all efforts to
arrange a debate with Wisconstn.
Harvard-Yale Debate.
Preparations for the debate against
Ydale, to take place in Sanders The-
atre, January-t9g, have been going
on for some time, and the chief de

t~licicNto tt '1'actcro 294 122 t~ctIitctitc ecpic-lt ft-en a lcli"" 'ccOpera Farce-Comedy Company.
Rumford Chemicat Wors, P. ovidenee.R I.,-----
9:; I'9it9cicctt. li'o-ccl 5 on .tic s dc !c'i i cl -' ic-crc
Scettific Schtool.........-511 iX8) For Sale by all Druggists L't.". PII111-N':S.
Graidittte'Schototl........... 206 2,
Divinity Schtol............ 41 - 47
Lawv Schiotol---------------..134 1453
Medical Schiotl-----------..45t 44(i 1
Denital Schiotl-------------.. 1 5t 3
VeterinarySchiotol----------. i 50
Buassey Ittstituto------------Ii 13 ' 25 Gon~rest.
D)edut tfor tnames1O iiserh2te l 1111~
mioro thitttiotte......... --3l 4'
___ara'cfactaccoof '
Baebatl Practice. ..c- rposfinc
'Iege 5Retcbe5,
Bleginning with January t5,regu-' lsrtiqa'
lar baseball practice will he held at _ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pIa'~ k
Craigre's Riding School, No. 33358.Rcprodtfftiotooof Petaodlsk
Market street, under the direction r isCaco? r'tA~erp~cl~.
and supervision of Arthur Ir'citin> sJ'.Ikebuildin 5
and Captain Hollister. - 4-o copies af Arc ibccfural,'oeienct~tk
The management announces that t ohrOrwte
this year two nines will he ocaintain- l s eue
efl, and that all candidatesncusot riiiii i~j tb- c~ t
htand their nanmes and thte position k....=- - "' ltedltb'pdtllelookalui
wchicho they desire to play to CaptainprtoIt tigebcc'Jsita
Hollister, '95 Medical, prior to ~,.
Jainuary rs. @1d I Cru,5i'ieIu rds'P-DceOrder,5
It is especially desired that this ;-'7\Ci5tido Pro~ra.nrne5.
year each man should ncake op his Q] ct ~~iV
mind as to the position which he J ~ ) ./j,.~/' 1e\
can play best, and having handed &(egondeC m 6lieiked;
his name to Captain. Hollister, try LSf~

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