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January 11, 1894 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-01-11

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51 80. 51A1N ST. tir'ector and Manager.
Good Work 0Guaranteed. G0(o1s roiled far
and orelivored. A. F. tLOVERT, Prop.
~2 ears tin theHulesn1""
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave.
+$TATC $AV~f2G$ BAP2K+
Go. ain and Washington Srets.
A. L. Noos, re. tunas Poxo,,aT~.ia, tah'r.
Fines: orkoinhthe city. PraoptIli g ettiog
otortk ad delvering. ltte, tP Eat Hot-
ron S1. 'I'ei1'0'111e b:).
46 S.%State Street.
MoONDAY-8op. nt.Adivanced ('lass'fo0r'La-
AIOlISIIF-;' p.Ili. La idl tartea ss i.'i'i
SA UlittiAY- l.Ill.'toiIvollht l's dic g
SAU do 10a. Ill.dio-'avaen's daucit
Privatetlessoonslby pitoiliitlio.




Thors.,.ll. 1n.-Fautll ('o.ee, Shdl(otf (Ohio claims onoe-tenth of the 90 f rnm-1 InVl' r'i-.[1
M1u, iteoclck ieei MremoalHal. 00oo stdents its Aneric.. h'hI iI I4VhaI I \I L f'\
rt i,.l 1>:1-S. ', a. l'OcctIiloiitoili lisHUO C1JU Ui Lillsill) !! OJI11
'tdttilli A rtle is nowir , force at iBrion
r Fri.Jan51 -liAdlpli imarioly Cnltst lie- by whichlsnystudent r '. 1)11 D~iecall.tier (Galey auJyo tWil e
ibate,tRoo~m 4 . i. b a eiti
Sla ht. 1. 3.-Alpha Eu inedat'ie. after tile irs (ay is fined live dlob.sreithei Iousual arisii tic iil'i'. Sitigs
Sat., Jan. 13-lxtra01in11S. L. A. ictiitl'a. Mis ars. ay So ailat ty. time y M. Morgti, an i
Saean 13. Anthony.
Thurs...ltan.bl-Arttevitl b iy Mis Giggs ITe Pennsnylvaniantrsil ot be i-so by 5r.Gbo, ntme fr the oos
* ndl Prof . TI'ehlad's pl~llls, SFree Meti-sued a a tdily, as iha beenrn- as cmtaon0
11111(1 Hall.
Fri., Jan. 11-Seventhl lori' 0ofS L. A. nonsced by 5s11e of te college g
couse y ev.Frnk . Gn~ulu. apes.M organ & Gibpor.
Fii., Jan. itS. C. ..reception to studn t paero
the Moiddle w.ettntes. The Seior contest inl oratory at
Fri.,Ja101.eto hol Uion serie. lilliol' rsevlfrtt Byr rae nOCTA AEYO O T
Prneo o h aadorswsCTRHHV O O y IM. tie1toSelintsli l itorsly HlltIf a, TRY my MEDICIE
sat. .1:1. S. C. A. Itrip lollostuidentls of w011by Alexander ,lc~afen, of ,1ilst usevcur. ry ita~d lbe cnincetaad.
- I ~Yn wllnver rsett. t'Sntlynmail to n
Pacfic1Yetstte, Irlan . a dr ri 10 ,e 1OneD lir. J0Iil1) . HIO ,
S-ii t ~ettis iea d l ('111'S St, vicago, lllitoij. Stullfr 111v-
A Ver Valuble Rok, 'he Legiltire of W~ison~sinl htss 'l~r
applropriated $S,poo for athlet~i I BUSINE SS LOCALS.
John~l P. Davis, A. M., a stdiet groitnds anid builinigs for tie Stae____
for 1t1e degree of1P1. D.) 1s the an-University. 1t iCe inertd h) ticorilu a slirate
011.147sPro lice. Sprr i iales to e (onger
tholr of a valuablesork enttled lila faculty of the law (dealrt liea. 1d111vstr ,ies itbId11,3 adlpilypin lg 10
"'Thle Unions PaciicrRailway." le Imelt at Cornell are iscussinlg thisah Iii is'?'c.1 rliiIul ili~l eI
woirka presensoan rxcellinttudlty inaadvisabiliy of etenlding telsaw a1111t lie ill livered I kodav eiiig
railwa 1plitcsan hitoy. It course to three yers it 2-)N. I.i'-i An i 00 litli
'traces thse groiwthlth e great U.1'.1 A 0o111 debate as111benallrraged favir by ctqiivi I i vutolii' ve ad't-
Ry. fromusits licponli 83.btivecli the universities 011fdMine- liess.
T1aullouts emiasadoli-Slota soil Wisconsin, to be lelilat Telpoetr li lke's Clumblstian
rivtelerlias iilIivey fr lst-r1lass service. 'iPhote
cial statistics are giv'ens withl great theIe 11 plice smlietimevduring the Ni. 5.
care. lateripart f this termli. Fr filte snaps, toith l'ruses anditc-
'The presenttquestoni of the debt .1ustice IBillin gs has bequeathed 100.5, 50itttlvl d. atoM. lcltre.eti
of thleVUion Pacifc ralway is of 70,000 tt Vale collage for a pro-( tied to senliiIsa~tes on potgrapi
thse highest implortan~ce, involving fessr shipl in Enbglishl iteratur ith s wositik.1Ia Sitall's.
05 it idoes thle ossible loss to the a salary if'.3,00. He was a iii'tti M tttstes t lottmlsprics. thie
III I. '.J cobs (Co.
Un Iitetd States of onie hundred ansilblar iiithe lass o 'S I lTeichliet'plice ltoget fiintainit
tienty-five millions of dollars. Tihis, ------. - pens liteti paperivy.tolbootils aS
withlthte sWealtht of itforniations the A INdovl Literary Entrrise. t1liiili s bouniiii?,s.Slleee's ,'0ittett
volutme resents, shstould maktle tlte
to ever)' Itit' AtieruitiSCoopera ise Libray, 111),Alt 1-1 iStamiii tt:10'orbs,..I-
work of value to 11ery 51ubic library rctietly iocgaliizeid int Niw o or, t is andti l iii?'.'riliieCleaned ori
is our country; to every stdcent iof dertakes to give to bik readiers, 11115'ydl.N.o. 50 isi ltrntrsett. I)c-
loliicalecoom t eveso1ro liwhee inithe tUnitedl States, bter et liistii endlIehnishni
poiia eoosy o1vrytroi ifci? ties thall heetoire giveiIi iiI thelmI i teIs 5 ot.il1ts
ientIassyer itielatid , ad aii ti117q h4ulgl.tii~'l'tiii is tulli Inalls, Sif. !0 illiats st'el.t Warts
state legrislators atniinetiibrs of citis.filliat 011ialist til~lg titt I ypsiitpcialt. 61-691
Yiioui ocerlanyook yoi 5u ant, siitabe''
congress. S. C. Gtriggs lC o., Ch- ficgteuitel't'lultiijultd it is stlitlil- .1 1..P1ltiter, te eui011'otil dhalr
v itts,is (le gnerleiiasis 1f loans , Forc 'I'llel rtitickets ts Oh,
Courtney, thse CoIrnell1 coc,. has 'thiiee cets beingthe leastar'bsge Hest V-iIari(Of11V\a.poiti~s aply ti,
togthrtiemortis adesIliil. Thuiis "Ben l 1r'rists tur10 'reetnwood1, Tiket ..gt . Tlleo
rbegun t ahrmn o hsya ' etts for thre11days.-'Ihe Pinttet' otiuntArbor i NurttMic.
freshttan cresw. It is of course iiii Indiai," usve lets for foticdays bit
easchivolumrte ''Lotrna SDols re,' li' 1151' cot lstnti t Iaevcess'ls Ii-
possible to give ansy prophecy as to cetts Sor sx clayls. "ulcle Tut'u irhias! iL it Ness'cates 111 every-
tieirosbeturtCoaiecrw bit 1ii,'ttt',esiets for eight days, uttithig nice statestrsleet.
th pobbl mris f hecrwbu sii. YouidIepiosit this' trise iof thle itoo! Isoard$2 er week. Ni. S N,
withithtle ateral whisch thte class ias bouok shettyou iorder it, keep't'5as111lo01g5St uts'Stree. Inveslgatet
shoswn itself to contain, there is n sit IS0tp let'se5, 011d1 on its return get
lalt)oI-hechtiok yu wantuo uborow orI
reason to expect difficulty in develop- wanllt tIlbly. ITere are sml~e specls Notice.
''heachaldes frhagoti ite tis iit st oo lb.Ths tast sf frsnt$2.00l CItSos.00a year, otne ''llii tx. - Niely furnised,let-
Th cane fr go nnet isISn aeatress Ctote whlslswo'trltof es suites of rmoitls, 7East Wash-
eliceand111 stndard lteaturtIe. 1)ils'7
year are excellent. Eight fortter nt this bring' thne Literary Millen- igon street. Call att see temt.
players will probably continue their tiumt" Ipretty eal' yrwnhmok, outt olBs, ih 71isar etfe nrequst ortit'
101page catbaloge for 2 cenlts. As- Jms0 ~e
latli, IHarrington, McNeil and Sdress iuIN 11. .ALDEN, MolluleS," -- py fAeia' 'cts
Miller. Most of the pitching will Eise Sreet. Nesw York.sittrsianby3Gillamilton grelitest
be tdone by Cobb, last year's substi.-Notice -- nets e inatorMlyintestleieuthlelt-
tute, for Priest, last years regular Ntcerers oft'i lsemietta h''te illthe it.
ithrwitnot return. ghSi-aatist Sliot!ortuli, 0111!wsol be gd 51o
pitcher wil Light in- Strasssug Dancinlg .academity 1 lern tatthis !lllut'uphy iSt e writ-
dividual training may soon be Detrit, Mih., I--14. y teol by hischoellu 'stilruiy exeeutr 1nd1
begun, bit seriotus work will not F~rieni Grnger- intimaitfe friett, ril la m lunilto. Te
Yottr Waltz. Oxford reeived. Have wrk i111w'r oathsfor seliver, Sld
come till February-Harvard Crin- taulgttit o lmy adlvanced cid0111inter- :we wish toCI lgtiulls' oitt asreliable,
son. omedite ltsso 5111ce yot sent me the iOtlbig0lt, businsils Ii1111, wo wil
- - ____ ~MS. and lanm glad to inform you it wts git' exllsive timelt to the buinef Iss ol
- "1aninstat sueess. There is now ait "'pesltilgit11i115Mihiga.
Prof. Walter will not meet Iis regular demandS hfr the dane. Adtress. 11111 & Sermanl,
classes this week.' Yososonerely, 324 Detrbon St.
H. A. Strasbuirg. e.s.sL Ciagt, tI.

'ituc' 'ab'ii (Rvised),' iNull.19thu, 19t"1.
IA. N.1.sro . .
Atlatcu Esx i't", - tst1 1<iulYEp1p. S. 5
luitst Eost'iu t p.X4 . Limied.. .11155:
E_. RI. Ext.... ...c05?Esii .
MahiiIllini 'I).h .4 10 G.5t & Ki. s .t... (i 0t8
N. Yia& luis sli.t o h.N.Epess...8:11
N. S. 5Limited.... ii a3;;1Pacific Espress...1011
0.W t<GF H. EW.iHAY scia,
G.SP '. TA't.,Clueisti Alt., AnnArbori.
Student Work a Specialty.
Boot Wrktmen otitPowest Prices in theCity.
eollows:nt ,leomen, Sitrday oonosit0
and Thuseday evetiltigs8:u0i; Ladis, Saturdtay
afternoons 4. Ldis and G'ntemen, lad-
vanceod c'ass'os, 'l'tioesdoeveings 8, andl Sawltr-
Iy evnins8o'c tlock. ii 111 foolue Slajs
ito-sttteit.Toittin, oiter tIu(welve weeks)t$5.
Ptpils recivted at soy tme.
lii tt re-I'uainit SmTA.BTu nl'
Idooituahurtes toe Sighs.
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.

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