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December 19, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-19

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rtoliahed Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Cjoleve year, by
Subscription prierY1.501 per year, invariably
in a"vanc Single copiea 3 renta. Subacrip-
tu~na may be left at the nie etfte DAILt,
ait Stoffiets, with tny of the euitorn or

talian tbe best thuts far in its history.
The board of editors are to 1)0cotn-
gratulated for tbe etnergy and spirit
they mnrifest in thseir work. We
have every reasotn to believe that
the forthcoming Castalian will be
a svork of art and a creslit to the
class whiichi it represents.

tinmmtntietions shottld reach theoffice by Wtills~ not wishing to be over
o'eclochke. .f they are to appear the nest critical, it seemsa to no that the
Jay. Addresn all matter intended for publica-
tna to the Managing Editor. Alt bnsiness editors of the Oracle have msade a
cnmmuonicatinns should be sent to the Busi- tuistake its devoting too much space
ss Manager.
THE U. of H. DAILY, to grinds at the expense of literary
Ann Arbor, Hieh. matter. If the object of the class
annual is to represent its class by a,
__ - lasting memorial, this can be done
---- - - n^i-mub better by showing tbe literary
So Nirhints, swell known to the abilityof its toembers. The tendency
students, still refuse to advertise to indulge in personal grinds seems
with the stuttents'orgYan i,o; t , to be growcing in favor its the U ni-
versity, a fact wbicb does not reflect
which fact shoultd be kepst in mintd nicht credit upon those wbo give
wben pnrchasing~tirist an llpresents. encrourageenit to the samne.
In our advertising cotlumns sillibe __
found reputable fdrasin ifnearly Inland LeaguueConcoct.
every liise of business,aiid tbese mnin___
A concert in wvhichi our stuidents
ssho support college enterplrises will have more than ordinary in-
should receive the patronage of the terest is to be given before the

students. It is not love of the Sfu- Inland L~eague at the Cliurcb of
dents wvlichi animate these nien in Christ on 'Wednesday evening, Dec.
tbeir busisess, as is well knowno, but 20, at 8 o'clock, This concert soll
a deireto akeallthe ca, wichbe made otp entirely of ftetoni
a ~esie t mae lt beycan whchpositions of Rossetter G. Cole, ltb.
is perfectly legitimiate. Ii ft is it Ii .8 88. Mlr. Cole svas more
not rigbt, proper anti fitting that Iciosely identified withi thseniusical
those firmis whlo dilend largely on interests of the Unirersity during

In addition to directing the Ge
Cliub, Mr. Cole was for two years e
organist of the Presbyterian church,
and served in a similar capacity two,
years in the Methodist church. He 1 J1 C4
has many friends in Ann Arbor who
swl be glad to be present at this,'i G
concert. The program will be par. In utb LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS
ticipated in by Miss Fiannie Louise and SHORTHAND. taftgnic01 bildig; in
toeer; saeatnane; goo tisciplin; sup-
Gwinner, who is in charge of the ow; wel suppld adig roo; daily Iectre
pianso department of the Ripon Enr'tiootl forilitrfoesptacing sudrntsis pos-
Conservatory of Music, of which epensos "lto $2.,peree in reiveatnef-
Fo ew Coatloge, adres
Mr. Cole is director; Mr. E. N. P. R. CLEARY, Fas.
Bilbie, violinist; Mr. W. S. Smith,
cello; Mrs. Carrie Ball Edwards TLEDO0
and Mliss Lucy Cole.
A Government iMedical school
lion beets established at Washington.I
Columbia has Guo graduate stu- TifeTbiretaknmet rt ;'i 0,;,f,,., a
tents, representing tI 7 diferent sOne, n.afrd 'lit;.rt'i.
colleges, 7:5 i. m. 715a.0n.
Japans has two national eduica- 4: 15ap t. i torrc op. an.'tl~
tional associations, with a ttal otly'
SAl Isintdais, l r('t;' Suttotly
membershfip of over 1too0o. The A.RItS. CIf II',INWO, igil .mArt b \;;or-n
majority of the mtembers are ffnier- Ann Arbor :savings B1anla
sity graduates. A;;;;rbor. 1viltol; r Ii';alIstid;, ts.
oftis;n tte. f, rv';f I, ttli t. l;;'i oan
s tfl, excfago n 110th fit; ;';111 ;'; f t hei; i~
untledlStts. licflo rv-f;';f tlfotif ;pr r
iI e rr c ,G n sty-eiItilti fet ire .
-__ Jtma DOnePrEthtIt. IltoilS C
Horsford's Acid Phosphate 1 WEDNESDAY EVE, DEC 20th
Is tise tooteffectis-eansd sgree-!Th e plackcrk
aile tettedy in (etiStellce ('I h =st. 0l(.-i inlltrfliticit liu~~
prevsentinig indigestiotn, batt1re.- ifter ;. tlt'~ 1
lie vitigtlosoe nljttieat. n' illtu, 3v1U1 risl l'IN (r issET E .
111015!tr i St i lf~iif - 5Ballt's,;
frmi i hsordered stosisistli. t (i v,
'% Mosst sof I bisse inii seiltlis,
Dr. W. W. Gardner, 5Sprigolcd Ascr'ttlIiAIA~ril'isr.
x Itessitlinsig''rssusers.
Mass., toys; "I vaube i annoll ecellent;; ilillrutifnl anio;;;l I t! o ti';;'f ; it)
prventaive of indigesion, ;;and lesat;T'lie uSeperbal i'nsloilsl iss SeI'
acidulaedt driokwhnsrperlcy diluted w oihIff; Ieeci e t 10. dl1i
waer, andf sweet'ened." lM. Co rtu~t;;rll 1 bapf l:;f fit-let, c
Gllrr 50e.
De~eiptce xutltlt tre o ap lictio to AIES 0 OtnlttRs. forist. Groer of
l~rrriti~ ptt;phrt reeOt itiife~i tt jEos ttsntti,;eaotd lon et1)1f allvarief-
Rumford ChemicaltWorks, PrnvidenceR.I ty Floa desin ma;deouponsort notice.
No 1Obcratvy tret, opp. ;cee;tery gte.
Bewatre lit Sbstitutes anti tdtions(tt.
For Sale by all Druggists. 1,F.Eeisl wtetlbrt
'IA TYF2'7R2E 2

student tradle sholsod at least shbosva
spirit tit rettlsroctle 'Tse sttidlents
are its a tbosition to teach th~ese mien
a lesson biy thei;r Illilisltiort atnd
sh~ouldh to so. 'lii Iii wistItcon-
time at tihesanie itl stan~dwhteherI
receisving tlceir ailsertising,-itr(lot
as we htave considheraible spate Icoai-
tracted for by oittsidle ailvertis,'is to
be usetd soon. 'This is list last tall
to Ann Arbor businesosmen wvho re-
fuse us even a smsall "ad't com-
mensurate with the dull times pre-
vailing. We are not utnreasonable
or extortionate in our demands but
ask only fair treattment.
WE issue today aniothser special
edition of THE DAILY for free dis-
THEu account of the fire in the
chemical laboratory was exag-
gerated. As a matter of fact the
damage wvas merely nominal.
IN another column is given an out-
line of the literary, matter which
will appear in the Castalian. Com-
petition in open to all, and every one
who can should enter into it with a
desire of making this year's Cas-


his college course than aisy other
studen~tt. I-le wsas for fitir years
director of tlse (Icle Clumb, ansd ar-
ratngedlhrdiring that time many of
Ith- Climb's most poplar slongs.I
After graduating, Mr. Cole held
the piosition of Ptrofesor of El'hishi
in thme Amnm Arbor H ighi Schmool, amid
afterwartds tauighit in thse tigh School
at Amrora, Illinsois. Ifethen wven t'
to Eutrope where liestmdied uder
MaxklBruch and A. Van Eycken.
While in Europe his compositions
were received with marked favor,
many of thsem having been playeth
in Blerlin. Especially the violin
sonata, whbichs will be given at this
concert, which was given for the
first time in Blerlin by Concert-
meister Krelle and Heinrich Van
Another number of fte progranm
will be a Passacagliafor twvo pianos,
on the- merits of which composition
Mr. Cole was admitted to the Ger-
man Meisterschute of Composition,
the highest school for composers in
Germany, Mr. Cole having fhe
honor of being the sixth American
ever admitted. In addition to these
will he given several of the child-
ren's songs wohich were written by
Mr. Cole and sung by the children's
chorus at the World's Fair.


We can furnish nearly sny makae at
a Cream Redatction.

C'atlsit THlEI)AILI Office.

' A

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