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December 19, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-19

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THAT MISSING PAGE. classes of the University and to all AN SECURED
departments, as well as alumni of For Washington's Birthday.-Con-
A Bit of Oracle History rot Gen- all departments, and instructors. gressman J. P.CDolliver. of
erally.Known-The "Grind-..asmfn la ecl n
ers" ground. 2. All articles must be in the aowa, t Coonheient .string iseto ive away
hands of the managing editor on or The committee appointed by toa ay one who ll cll for them.
Just as the editors of the Oracle before Friday, February 16, 1894. Presidents Minnahan and Rerns, of N e ant to see yoer ae nd gie
had begun to congratulate themselves 3. The articles will be placed in the senior and junior law classes, . o a chance tosee ourstock.
over the triumph of their publica- the hands of a committee of three consisting of Messrs. Clark, Hop-
tion, an irate fate swooped down from the faculty for judgment. kins, Fuller, Messic and McCabe,
upon them in the form of a victim 4. No prizes will be given. from the senior class, and Messrs. (general msittDealers,
of their grind machine. Besides the above articles, which Burnham, irown, Pierrepont, Jones 5South Main St.
Personal grinds are not always will be in competition, contributions and Rogers, from the junior, have
the most pleasant to take. An esti- are solicited it the following lines: with the valuable assistance of Con- E
stable youtng lady wvas grosstd and i . Verse. Any amount of verse gressman Levi 't. Griffin, secured
in such a manner that she was forced will be acceptable. It may be seri- Congressman J. P. Dolliver, of the
to seek legal counsel in order to ous in character, humorous or per- 8th district of Iowa, to deliver the
have the aforesaid objectionable sonal. It may be epic, didactic, address on February twenty-second.
grind suppressed. This accounts lyric or dramatic, according to the Mr. Dolliver is a degree man and
for the missing page between the writer's taste. Give your muse free a lawyer by profession. He has HEs. otE
sensor and junior grinds, in order rein, four times been elected to congress. Wesyts~stttta~tetltntt
whien you want the Latest Mletroplitan Styles
to remove the objectionable leaf the 2. Grinds. All sorts of grinds When first elected was the youngest osi,S4arS5Stsses at 5o to St a pair less
editors were obliged to work until are wanted, on all sorts of people. man in Congress. The republican tian AiiAshes tutusa send 5rCataoguet
12 o'clock Sunday night. Many of A grind box will be placed in the minority of the House in th1 pastRD U 0fl
those ground have good reason to main hall, where any one may de- special Congress, selected Do 'iver
resent the grinds which are based on posit all material of this nature. to lead the opposition to the Tu ker 10. 183-185 wOnwan Av.,
personal spite. 3. Contributions from artists are election bill. DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
As a literary work the Oracle of solicited. Competition is open for While Mr. Dolliver is not more ___
'96 ~ i~ ~ tile a a ad a'~ JUST
'6 falls far below its predecessors. a title page,'a grind page and a page than thirty-four years of age, heecived. 400JTe. of Fine Cho lat
Recie 0 b-o ieChocolate
The "grind" business in class an- introductory to organizations. has given the Decoration day ad- Bon Bons.
nals has been carried, in this publi- All contributions should be sent dress in New sork City which has Wou tli tse uitit the avert cr saiy
cation, beyond the limits of endur- to the managing editor, I. J. Otta- been given by Ingersoll, Depew and tyetAnn % tiose. i, c ame iLr< tacprices
antce, and much bad blood has been way, 78 East Washington street, who only by our greatest orators. . R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
worked up. Inasmuch as the proof will be glad to answer any inquiries A strong sentiment existed in the
sheets of the grinds were not fur- concerning the work. department to secure him a year
nished us, we depended on the rep- - -- - - ago, and this year the laws may
resentation of the managing editor The Messiah. congratulate themselves upon the
when the review appeared in Satur- fact that they have secured the ac-
day's Das. This evening the Choral Union knowledge orator of the West.
will render "Messiah," as its first The Michigan Republican club have Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
Castaian Competiton. appearance for the season. The also secured him for their banquet
chorus has 270 active members, and to be held in Detroit on the night HOT LUNCHES
The Castalian board of editors is fully as well trained as the one of of the twenty-second.
has decided to ask for competition last year. The soloists are all well a LOwney's hocolate$,
in the following articles for its known in the musical world. Mrs. Unity Club.-T
pages: Bishop, the soprano; Mr. Parker, Rev. Charles Cravens, of Toledo, .TUTTLE'S
a. A serious story. Writers may of Boston, the leading tenor of the delivered a lecture on Hamlet be- t 48 S. STATE St.
use their discretion concerning sub East, who has not hesitated to give fore Unity Club, last night. Mr.
jet, as the story will be judged en- up his professional work to come and Cravens is a scholarly man and an 'AM'to l m T g eDMe g e!yoe s oe h owy ce e
tirely on its literary merits. The sing for the Chsoral Union; M\rs. entertainilig lecturer, and Isis ability V UlI It UUPU1 jj
limit as to length is 2,ooo to 3,000 Clemsent, the alto, evell known was duly appreciated by the audi-
ence He ealtwiththe harater ENTIRE STOCK 01.
words. among the musicians in Detroit; and ence. He dealt with the character
2. A humorous story. The plan of Mr. S. Mills, our own favorite basso. of Hamlet alone, and advanced the HOLIDAY BOOKS
this story should be in harmony with The orchestra is the same as last view, opposed to that of many crit- AND FANCY GOODS
the spirit of a University publica- year, picked men selected by Prof. ics, that Hamlet was "a man of ac-
tion. The length must be limited Stanley; and the concert-master will tion rather than of thought," and -AT-
to 2,500w ords. be Mr. Zeitz. Everything has been seemed to substantiate this idea by FABU
3, A college song. Reference has done to give to the lovers of music a course of logical conclusions and T
been made to this before. The song a concert which will surpass in qual- apt quotations. From Pubishers Pries.
selected will be set to music by Prof. ity the former performances by the The next entertainment on the
Stanley. It may be either humor- Choral Union. programme is a social, following
ous or serious in character. -- which will be given an illustrated
The conditions of this competi- The senior laws are taking their lecture on Italian Cathedrals by UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
tion are as follows: final quiz in code pleading this Rev. Lee S. McCollester, of De- --ND-
I. Competition is open to all week. troit, January 22, 1n94- rOWN TOWN, MAIN STREET.


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