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December 15, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-15

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'?I "g~He has selected for his lecture an Christian Doctrine.
of Cat in spiriisg theme for the historically Arneet)Iaebe id
inclinedt stutdents. Let there be a !fur a short course of lectures at
m'bise aiy vunaer xcept larg cruling aUniversity lHall to- INewberry Hall, hy prof. Dewey, on
tr~r Colege earbysrrowd nU"h n'ovngtto gee'To.Vo he .Early Development of Chris-
THE . O M.INDPENENTASS~iAiONI tan Doctrine." The first meeting
Holst. _________ will be Saturday, Dec. a6, at 9 a.
Susiptionutl price Vit0o persyear, insvaeiably An Eminent Hitoia. . All are invited to attend this
ii) at-ser isepis-uses ; seats. rane)srip- opening lecture. An incidental fee
taons mar be lefi at the ofice of the tILY, tt ott i rt rs et page.) of twenty-five cents will be charged
att Sttlet's, with any of theeditorsuor l'eof. voin I-oist is slot wanting 1in those taking thse course.
authorized solicitiors.
Cosmmunicatos shasta ryach te ofilier-hr political experiencee. Ints a he wvas- -.. --
o'eock r.sAt. if theysare to appear the next sonimnad by the Grand Duke of , An Interesting Meeting.
any. Addretst9all matter inteded doe publics- Baden to niembership in the OleTt hr vllb{ etigo h
tion to the Maitnsg Etditor. All businesstae pe hr il eameigo h
communications shauld bte test to the tBati- house of theDiet,a position which lie Wonman's L~eagtue, tomorrowv, Dec.
aetuManaer.later held as a representative of the I ir~ at 4 o' clock in Nesuberry Hall
THE U. of X. DAILY,.
Anne Arbor. ih Uiesiy Mrs. Gayley-Browne will talk on
huiersty sThe Condition of Women among
For years past, tlhe emtineut Ihis-I the poorer Classes of Ireland.''
EDITORS. torian has devoted alimost all Ihis at- ''Tien will follow a social half liner.
c, A. 0 t-too", 1,1«- itSaogi Editort. teritiota to hits extended wvork tal All maetabiers earnestly invited to beI
13. A. Styro, lit. '91t.A-si. tutu.I
T r ..... r ;,W-- ., t. ,,. -ThyC..iiitii olu-a t toolu f theipresent. Adimissions for non-merit-I

an SHORTHAND. aii- cenltabuildinlg;nine
teahrs;Iaga atendane; awldtdiscipline; super-
irwortk; well suppliedraingtog om; daily letute
Satrday eveningareeptiao spaen she estimreyant
Exetionautllatcilities lfoa placing studaensis posi-
tions-sthorthand grcaduates rateerdiheai. ivisn-
exe sk-s 2 t Z,5per weekinpivatesarmilies,
Fot e Cra litalogue, naties
et AR

I. lutistLw h.,As lat.T ers risIo centts. 'riste saltetl.iti t' eld'1e tI.s m 5
I.hmet ,11"ititis Unitecd States. Irof. voit a'io Icit'Anun Suior by Centrail
J. .A. lui"s, ,Lit. Slit, Athltiic'Editiior.___________________ tta tll iutie
I.lecttureul as well at FPreihitig tnit he N tRS0J~.
S. W5. (1 " S11 ,1. 0.L itttouinesdManager. 501 r,% 1 .
it', . S. Miii ,.tit 1t07,Asistatit. IHistory iii the Irencith-eouion, - '1,plt Ii t .
1 , r'r i.iiit i.ar t. i. te. rusiaItd, rotc1snccp.- Itieio 9i 00 p.o It llii o i
Irusi l ~t1 Ial* ain rntf N Si t IS A Ht.imani i Aclii
it. o. Attstini. tO. I) . Amsong his t nmeroust Iilltut-aa idit et"rd
F. euiu P y-.5t5I-isdleri 95.It H LS ' ll'NW1' 5' 5 't' i nnlAiiii.
E. I'. Ls.e,'Ciii. T.. -. 14Suttiuuitc'. s workico the lifeif (CalhotitsntekW . E~ ~,t1) . oeo
D> TA ilostt ilAlc. Atttericatt SatesmueiiSeries. -- AuArbor Savings wank.
i. cci tlIr. C.C.erits' 1. Itt a recent letter tio Mr. Wedhe- Soul Stts ich. l. iei attoch, tittittIo.
Allhcopy ti'sta tc-hetfic te t lioe':30t. noi tieyer, of thse S. .. ltbardhie satys: 1'Horsford's Acid Phosphate "- utealiiedul tlee rtil ,e tttiitl ulin- tows
of' he ay f p blictio . c J ?of ttits Slate. litctivti'sdeposits, tills', an~d
Id tudatttltuiuiIpropose to lectre on "Toussaint S ItetiSthn:oi. tprin cpa-lcitiso te
The Editorssdo sit hueiltuemslvestrespcouul- 1,'fuverture,"''thaoulghtrilyis- I ste.slost o 'c eanti agrsee- deuntificaitioin. Ch5trtalc delo-li tloi'u til renut.
stricly Isthe electie t~l l~l'55 isltianlackitt, 1Ptes.: iS. IS.
titleeouthvolludari t~e Ittlltdtt I . tc torleas, this sutbject is calculated to Hlcllsi t' e.. ll.N lu'i'. i
stimnulate tpolitical relections of the abeteteyrt xsec orssa l.FioAt aht
htightest eruder. I have lad occasion preN-enting indigrestion. tands-u- G1WAID OPBWI I 2U E
to stuy a tether o sourcs not levrthose diseases arising liNt Nlti tt
Mettt1so hetttssafosodvery' easily accessible, and can, 1 ENSA V.,DC 1
sethitnk guarantee thtat, if 1 act at all fromt a disortueredl stoniachs. WDEDA(V, DC2t
proof of group piclture at Gib- ,able to aweaken auth keep awcake tileTh
son & '\or ott s gallery, andt leave iieetcfanatIecI hl h t Dr. W. W. Gardner, patgiedit be l3ack crookJ.
or esa o nasp ssbl.Mast., 'says: "I value it as. on eocelheun t ii'tIaIt'. splctndlit uorteictii i'hut;vs ie
oreswnia ssiIl.tithlthtis lecture." Stel a apromise oueutticofnhteteadstl itas tItioil liuli li iiofodeiigted ii t due uu
---prvetatveofindgetin,_ndale s hes eitti of l ialil' tic t \,t".l ,iftii ontt
l o .'cl forget to get coalies of thte coming frottisttch a tmanltneecds rio niea
rttt nmrsgbesof thse Inlancder comment. acidltatet intk weneptoerlycdytitutteidwith tu e iit.'l'E MAl'NII(-S I'tlC'i'tt S I-
-mas-_ 1_.r.0-- .. _ water, atuiswtenuled.sMutt, TCstRrA'1 uI~aS. ET(.. Ere.
Wrinkle, atad Oracle, to take home Glee and Banj 5 Clubs, Tonight. 35 (Giand~ Pat-isiusibaltss,
-It ittO ;EANI ASI ttit"5S lTISTIC
wtill u Thtey ace alt excellent For tte first time this season thse iSEE
yulcto. vhot o hrNeat Seiatis
jaushhit-attous. ~~lee arselIaajca cltubs give a -oncert Dscriptivettr amptlptti ftttreec tnl rappliclatiotuto loir moer psu~i
.A 5lPlRIl 5DRAMATtCCS'!1.
Weaeildtoanonet Untc ttiversity l-1all, tonightt, before Rutnfoed Chemical Wnrks, Providsncs.R.I1. 3 Bewvitching Prelm<iers.
FIhlsu ensvivryfneputa Bw re oulSusttituitsattdl Isitattons. It Btl i fu'odl aL1titttsumv Cotrylhees til
sale of Choral talontcketsis tiro- he1students. A very fine } arograna
grhigwladgvsIrtiu f as been arranged ftor thse ouion, For Sale by all Druggists. prCst headsu clab.1.Adu'utn
iouidating thse deficit. EIsery one as follows: 'arulttean frslrl inSauciteuttrltteitl- ielic
PR .CRONE N tCO. "OUNAINr ANsr GOLDs . ( iut. so suettt'Ci rcle hto i r tt-ut wutur.i..
Who intends buying seasotn tekets YeloSaidlTe.-..CiriiI.ofM PEsNnAERS. Ileuecdeat Io oaildatlt-i veelry
anIhsno huddosBtoces e ~asulea! talarehs......Sousa 4000
dhsnorder that the committee osay know Iaj li.-es ~All v 001W i~it rwea
haat dped.fTheLove Stritck Ierrilig J Roses,OCernatierss and Flttwersofa!all vari-
00ttod pe do . : '""" 'AAODH TTE ety. Floradsaigo suade apartshsart notice.
4._______MidwayPasne.( ru .o ~a WRDSe AIR. Na 5 Obuc valavy street, app. cemetery gate.
Mr. Miner sod Club. IN MAHN ALL A t CHICAO5.CA mJJmm
FIRuS in the laboratories are be-(aote Fsel .DNC +883' 1litE. iWnshirtooStreet.
rotnntoenr00nctc~,n r)..la 5..utira.

may one of these days prove disas-
trous. T'wo fires withain a week is
an unusual record whsen iwe consider
thsat tlhe U. of INT.h aos been favored
in not having one for some time.
We would say once naore that too
much care cannot be exercised to
avoid fires.
'Tig University should feel lion-
ored by the visit of Prof. Von tHolst
the learned author and historian, to
osur institution. As an author be is
well known here where his consti-
tutional History of the United
States has been studied for so long.

PARlT 11.
I. Nortlsmaull's Song.... KuIekeri
2. Qureers of the Sea Waltz ....
it. Chair lDrill......Carm I'. of 1A1.
4. Itolly nmy Seethieart.. I (ale, X'8.
Mr. Pratt anrd Club.
5. Silently :Mearl Aifray .............
.............. .................arm U., of M.
1. Oii the 'Irip, Gtllop..A. \V. Ilauighi
2. On Gusard...............Seleted
Mr. Spitzey slid Clots.
8i. Selected.......................
4. Mar Gras Patrol ...Grover.
Banjo Club.
5. Ann Arbor ................ Carm

TOs uc-

We earlfsrrnishs nearly anuyrooks at
a Great Redactio.

Cut-h at TE. DAILY Office.

'c T

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