TH IE U. OF M. DAILY. '?I "g~He has selected for his lecture an Christian Doctrine. of Cat in spiriisg theme for the historically Arneet)Iaebe id inclinedt stutdents. Let there be a !fur a short course of lectures at m'bise aiy vunaer xcept larg cruling aUniversity lHall to- INewberry Hall, hy prof. Dewey, on tr~r Colege earbysrrowd nU"h n'ovngtto gee'To.Vo he .Early Development of Chris- THE . O M.INDPENENTASS~iAiONI tan Doctrine." The first meeting Holst. _________ will be Saturday, Dec. a6, at 9 a. Susiptionutl price Vit0o persyear, insvaeiably An Eminent Hitoia. . All are invited to attend this ii) at-ser isepis-uses ; seats. rane)srip- opening lecture. An incidental fee taons mar be lefi at the ofice of the tILY, tt ott i rt rs et page.) of twenty-five cents will be charged att Sttlet's, with any of theeditorsuor l'eof. voin I-oist is slot wanting 1in those taking thse course. authorized solicitiors. Cosmmunicatos shasta ryach te ofilier-hr political experiencee. Ints a he wvas- -.. -- o'eock r.sAt. if theysare to appear the next sonimnad by the Grand Duke of , An Interesting Meeting. any. Addretst9all matter inteded doe publics- Baden to niembership in the OleTt hr vllb{ etigo h tion to the Maitnsg Etditor. All businesstae pe hr il eameigo h communications shauld bte test to the tBati- house of theDiet,a position which lie Wonman's L~eagtue, tomorrowv, Dec. aetuManaer.later held as a representative of the I ir~ at 4 o' clock in Nesuberry Hall THE U. of X. DAILY,. Anne Arbor. ih Uiesiy Mrs. Gayley-Browne will talk on huiersty sThe Condition of Women among For years past, tlhe emtineut Ihis-I the poorer Classes of Ireland.'' EDITORS. torian has devoted alimost all Ihis at- ''Tien will follow a social half liner. c, A. 0 t-too", 1,1«- itSaogi Editort. teritiota to hits extended wvork tal All maetabiers earnestly invited to beI 13. A. Styro, lit. '91t.A-si. tutu.I T r ..... r ;,W-- ., t. ,,. -ThyC..iiitii olu-a t toolu f theipresent. Adimissions for non-merit-I HIM It t LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS an SHORTHAND. aii- cenltabuildinlg;nine teahrs;Iaga atendane; awldtdiscipline; super- irwortk; well suppliedraingtog om; daily letute Satrday eveningareeptiao spaen she estimreyant Exetionautllatcilities lfoa placing studaensis posi- tions-sthorthand grcaduates rateerdiheai. ivisn- exe sk-s 2 t Z,5per weekinpivatesarmilies, Fot e Cra litalogue, naties P. R. CLEARY, PaES. TOLEO et AR I. lutistLw h.,As lat.T ers risIo centts. 'riste saltetl.iti t' eld'1e tI.s m 5 I.hmet ,11"ititis Unitecd States. Irof. voit a'io Icit'Anun Suior by Centrail J. .A. lui"s, ,Lit. Slit, Athltiic'Editiior.___________________ tta tll iutie I.lecttureul as well at FPreihitig tnit he N tRS0J~. S. W5. (1 " S11 ,1. 0.L itttouinesdManager. 501 r,% 1 . it', . S. Miii ,.tit 1t07,Asistatit. IHistory iii the Irencith-eouion, - '1,plt Ii t . 1 , r'r i.iiit t. i. te. rusiaItd, rotc1snccp.- Itieio 9i 00 p.o It llii o i Irusi l ~t1 Ial* ain rntf N Si t IS A Ht.imani i Aclii it. o. Attstini. tO. I) . Amsong his t nmeroust Iilltut-aa idit et"rd F. euiu P y-.5t5I-isdleri 95.It H LS ' ll'NW1' 5' 5 't' i nnlAiiii. E. I'. Ls.e,'Ciii. T.. -. 14Suttiuuitc'. s workico the lifeif (CalhotitsntekW . E~ ~,t1) . oeo D> TA ilostt ilAlc. Atttericatt SatesmueiiSeries. -- AuArbor Savings wank. i. cci tlIr. C.C.erits' 1. Itt a recent letter tio Mr. Wedhe- Soul Stts ich. l. iei attoch, tittittIo. Allhcopy ti'sta tc-hetfic te t lioe':30t. noi tieyer, of thse S. .. ltbardhie satys: 1'Horsford's Acid Phosphate "- utealiiedul tlee rtil ,e tttiitl ulin- tows of' he ay f p blictio . c J ?of ttits Slate. litctivti'sdeposits, tills', an~d Id tudatttltuiuiIpropose to lectre on "Toussaint S ItetiSthn:oi. tprin cpa-lcitiso te The Editorssdo sit hueiltuemslvestrespcouul- 1,'fuverture,"''thaoulghtrilyis- I ste.slost o 'c eanti agrsee- deuntificaitioin. Ch5trtalc delo-li tloi'u til renut. stricly Isthe electie t~l l~l'55 isltianlackitt, 1Ptes.: iS. IS. titleeouthvolludari t~e Ittlltdtt I . tc torleas, this sutbject is calculated to Hlcllsi t' e.. ll.N lu'i'. i stimnulate tpolitical relections of the abeteteyrt xsec orssa l.FioAt aht htightest eruder. I have lad occasion preN-enting indigrestion. tands-u- G1WAID OPBWI I 2U E to stuy a tether o sourcs not levrthose diseases arising liNt Nlti tt Mettt1so hetttssafosodvery' easily accessible, and can, 1 ENSA V.,DC 1 sethitnk guarantee thtat, if 1 act at all fromt a disortueredl stoniachs. WDEDA(V, DC2t proof of group piclture at Gib- ,able to aweaken auth keep awcake tileTh son & '\or ott s gallery, andt leave iieetcfanatIecI hl h t Dr. W. W. Gardner, patgiedit be l3ack crookJ. or esa o nasp ssbl.Mast., 'says: "I value it as. on eocelheun t ii'tIaIt'. splctndlit uorteictii i'hut;vs ie oreswnia ssiIl.tithlthtis lecture." Stel a apromise oueutticofnhteteadstl itas tItioil liuli li iiofodeiigted ii t due uu ---prvetatveofindgetin,_ndale s hes eitti of l ialil' tic t \,t".l ,iftii ontt l o .'cl forget to get coalies of thte coming frottisttch a tmanltneecds rio niea rttt nmrsgbesof thse Inlancder comment. acidltatet intk weneptoerlycdytitutteidwith tu e iit.'l'E MAl'NII(-S I'tlC'i'tt S I- -mas-_ 1_.r.0-- .. _ water, atuiswtenuled.sMutt, TCstRrA'1 uI~aS. ET(.. Ere. Wrinkle, atad Oracle, to take home Glee and Banj 5 Clubs, Tonight. 35 (Giand~ Pat-isiusibaltss, -It ittO ;EANI ASI ttit"5S lTISTIC wtill u Thtey ace alt excellent For tte first time this season thse iSEE yulcto. vhot o hrNeat Seiatis jaushhit-attous. ~~lee arselIaajca cltubs give a -oncert Dscriptivettr amptlptti ftttreec tnl rappliclatiotuto loir moer psu~i .A 5lPlRIl 5DRAMATtCCS'!1. Weaeildtoanonet Untc ttiversity l-1all, tonightt, before Rutnfoed Chemical Wnrks, Providsncs.R.I1. 3 Bewvitching Prelm