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December 15, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-15

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ORGNIED180. INCRPRAED186 . OF M. CALENDAR. cast (lurinrg the remarkably successful
THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA,____ year's revival of the play at the Acad- DON'T FOR GET
Sn. Slr Sv. il sitr mitnilicent ballets base beeni specially ar-
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Fibe.1 la s ~ai(s5i sva.ringedgbycheraiono xlsMivle fcira n, tit, boys, that on 'and after Doe
,.0 EAST HURON STREET. Flajirrnty hehalcmpseeelsielo1chlden
Gosed Work Gsaranterd. Goods calie ril at: D ec. Wi.-S. L. 5.Coure.lPo. Voni the entire coiipaiyiy beiiig attiredli
aloo ftland deliiiered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. st .gorgeuns esvCCstines i tsl sls euerRtpictso i
sa. n'c, i et's ia'-. tiy, * 5~ , 1satins sail velvets. Elaborate inew
z2 nears in tine o~siess.~'' v'e,'t sceniery has beeii paiiited by leadling wonuers (if the W4or'ld's hair
CIT LAcDY, sv, ' ia tt1 S( saiia~iCscvMetropolitan artists of note, and bril-
CT LA N R ,,liant artistic effects in illnuminating the .il b n exiiin a
M. M Sebol, N. 4N. Furt Av. 10% let varioss animated scenes of countless
M. M Sebol, No4 N ForthAve in'., i,''. i. sll.AsaiisviaiiinaL colored electric light. There will be Gis_, or-a'sgaley
KEEP YOltEACCOPEP 51iTH 'THE Fi Eg..rca2-inldn sOn5Ci. marches headed by the beautifuill
"7r~~rThe Little Rebel." anid stately fair Amaconis clad iii sav-
T~ AI ~2+I ( ling armor. and among the uumerosis Call1 andl see then.
'or. Mlain andi Wa-hingtoStrseets. The entertainmcnt to be given by artistes of European reputation en-
A. L. Noyt.E, rs. RoBuFox leti~ss'Csh'r. gaged to contribute specialties, will be
- the young people of St. Andrew's the famous qluartette of French Quad- 0IAM0 O
STIAR STEAM LAUNDRY ichurch in Harris Ilall, Saturtdayrille Deresie.from te Prisiiliot, 1v A c /i O antiSvi
Fiesulae lheity Pomtin tinJ ,I eevening, promises Cio be very enter- Laskblone aiid Gan joii lso the BrtltI- 3 , o Nw ri iprtrandl.e
rss St. '.rivlvit8,;i. taing. 'rhe curtain sePrsea rs Iixford from the Cirilile ('isinetli, t C. D_ CASSIDY, "Dent 094.'
ISt. Petersburg. It is pronmiseid flit i , coatn ii Hiiars 5.
N OTIC10E 1 o'ucloick onv some very pretty tab- the prodiictioii sill eclipse all previous,
I~eii , i s t,~Oi a si-pcvi isleauix. ,1fcr these a one art faric i ttemipts it high class spectacle.POl sLCAS
, a 5ciisiciii en'p ititedrd ''the Little Necbel,,'1pl b.. i
aseiiiira~aii ii liv iii~iv ci',iiiiaiis 'o Uani. ' i 'wilelrnos


ere and'iotieceliiilipy ayity ailoiria ci.l- srcisin____Is. :Pettier, te iinweil hair
to ' i t l i i-lsni' i'na diiv ,oods 'or- , V . Te1irlsripal chtaracterltsivt, iss eaeICli
pt'ie . ;ii'sTl. I .0I I ttaii-iasi IHrailsis v liv te lilay' wi Ili e ,Mrs. 'ovalic IIfoonit, liii IOracite, tile <aiiii vatSopli'lore !i- C(, Ho seI ii riber shol ititsiil ii'iisli-
Missllsigi'rovil Mis Mar Ser shatil is sneatly rastk'.It wiill rIed iilllegant imi"ile. Ileti' ist.s
.K h s tin efr, M s Lar ' i eoii lislan o that You 'ill atky it I i (otii i in il 111 'i for all to visit his
norcuro'-f. I'. 1'. dull'ont antI Mr. liomie 'lhristmsas. htslv5o sigess ae Iiewipliiw'. SI'
No5, -11N55s'is cikuis li . vmicof.s Iii l ofiigoodi su iu nglils, short atsin is.v'l toira Fie, 1'r r(sli 1'' ate ice st i o.lii
savvoinis, a i remaurkalylbi lt vchar'ai'te' r et, 'a i ltli0lii a. ii li ts aply toi
DANCING and DELSA RTE suiovswill bCiii s, veuts, 't'ickets cain sketchu if Illul a iiitl enithy gamd , rei o I, 'p ikel An>t., 'T'ledou
.ANNIE WARDFOSTER ietproured nlat tue hoor or at allyh lil noithcliianclies areAs tenlsimIto onMehs
46 S. Slate Street. hine in Ilarcisv Ihalt. th-in 'iri am ion Chiise grosiud. 'i ae iTmhCioIaissai i
IONOr Is sp.in.AS, iti,,v lasIs loaila- r hu .1 ral ilath a fesr ) li- ill}t. N w ce ad vr-
d iin ,eiiillaic iiii _is"."'' i 1l vsilli n;- niecesss . Ni~ess'case ales-i'.
.5iONDA --t i >. 5 vinI s ,ie lcirte iai . Fire In the Ctemiossl Lab. (ifi his7Ifaishnless. Nisli., ll Isi)an(i u bii i. sit lr
TI',S f Y1.5 i. in. CiiIviS i~i,~ eniori asill liiiy the tOraole foi thi sapke Boti '0iii '()155'iii the('igars biiughit
class-. 'lie ire idepiartmecut vas icallid oh the iiioihit hias (1 II hielni lithe at Itie It. &t'M. Ilriig .tors.
SAT71),:Y ~i . . eriicriwi' dacia nut last nigrht etwencliviranmd sixhaist.111(1heill Cre ally lorty illustia- The .1. ''. Jacibs('o. hissem-receivedl a,
ci. s. i'iligii- hti'i, r Snssixteen o icharemu iiehll page. ine line 5ofIieekwisr-tlse very latest.
a.m. is.ls,invua ii-,-,. mh'ook, by asal ireinthve rheisi ITe lie ms a nleatandita Cshy designIIi
Private,_______________by_____________________ical laboratory'. Thinbliazecvsas jprindin fourlilicoilor sChicfInst vio;rof bfI hase inlt isftChsttmats.utll
_______________________________________________ ItheOkidveu-s ed eiri'e. Tlie boiok bhvcteiivii lrss
ma used1by ana explosion, thin result still b lyes}iloii sale in ll lthe book-hs Ilpit Ei - Psailthum giodiialiiiof shout-
ofa rlienlimal experimenit.irmmil hulThe ho, ,d(elrhirsces. A sirge stockl at lou' prices
,°ofexerniis. D c Ii. 1S, t Chin usua~ll ice.°?-)cris.s it 1lion-n",s ltiaiiStosre. A fews shop
taisage vvas slight anil will probaly - f"1Pwor1 biuices at oSic.
* u jnot amuinvit to nmch over Ctwenty- Wednesday Evening's Crarus to i illS"' lisSi'i > u l
f-Ivedll-rs 'fh'i is scoinillire Las boiatoua stilhplie's. Iissectiligdless
'isiai. Wshineslay evellulg,h)ree.ii,hi rules iihap'rins anthsites'sr-Lve]trises.
. at the CunIiversity sithiniithe lust 'anduri iges sof the c tilol' he ter-.
vs-eels. lui il sillibe gives o Cithe sidssiinsed_ "
';:c 'clasas ill iuancinig uat (imuige s'vle'ry. Holiaday blates via T.. A. A. & N. M.
° aoicer. 'his is the last meceting iif thii classes I Railway.
iiitil-aftethfe hiolidasy vaca'stti. Joini
- - Theire sill be an mu piihvranit 'low11i5' ini s hlla after the hiiii s . }'arahritmasi 5iliil Nesis-Ye'sr'Itohi-
Tuiton e( 5, ayale i adain(e. thissthel '., A. ,A. & N. M. IRailwsas=
___________________________________biusiniess nmeetingo the rhialuan '(,tt)lIis-5)lvi a61iiunvu wi aullsll excursion ticks~ets onitl evel-
___________________ y l ass iiiRoomus,-A Saturday at in a. - --"" - -hey .3 2sin( i0 l, anid .1 iniary 3I at
mGIA i. A11 members mequestesh Civ le Exaursion Cu the Atlan-teicCoast.11 lliindIiie-thiird fare fur the roundi
Tii--sl isIt ualvi q iieet --thillsTickIets asill lie good going ois
S- - .-- Topatisth a lt sire thininiig of a CiiidateCC f1Saile as nil fir i-ettimi ilitil Janot-
Notice. 'southi to (olunihuis, Ohio mC(harlestoni, li ,iilIi
D. N. Exres.. 54i , .Y &c.CSs -'is 20'W.SVa., ('liftont IForge, Cliuui-lesvihhe, ___ __________________
Atlantic Esplaesn 582i71 si &Exp.. Th.C..din libsvSimet oPetersburg, Richmoundh,Prsvihencee-_____________
N.s 5.s'i Linxdiii ) N S iittai.. 105 teCnda lbwl eti Ntorge, Williamisbuirg, Newvport Nes,
cdl . ii Ex p Chic0asv buildingtthisEevening5(Old Point Comfort, Norfolk, Va.,
i u.t R.t&Kal. Spl t 0 at 7:3a. This being Clue last meet- Washdngton, 1). C~, loiw rates for routd
Nal and Fsii ...4 15 C'5, N.Everest5si8') 7 Iad n a ikts laea)
U. W. RUGGiESa H. W.HAxris desired. All prsnaofhiitohvo- Geo. J. C tr,'ass. aid General ?..I1 Q SA L
G. P. & T. Art., ica--us A't. Ann Arboar esn fBiih n Agent, Ohio Central 13. tC, Roomns
___________________ ecion are welcome. Ol Let11g. corner of Sumimit aitd
Tennis Notice., f+-- 20O\o
PRI TI G__d* Students' Christmas Rates-
-~-PUBLISHING 'Throughi the influence of the Fok hc, cxiuuuhto s tdit
13 U P____ oard of Control of Athleics' if the C1. tf M. anid Ytsilanti Normal,
Student Work a Specialty, the use of the gyminasiuni for tennis hodiiig proper certilicates, the T. A. DISCOU3NT
Beat Workmatun ud Lowest Prices in tlse City. has been obtainied. All hose who -L. & N. M. Ih..mill sell hoiday tickets
ire enuersof lueA~beti ~ to all poits ini Miehiigan aind to ill ON ALI 01 It
aremmberofhe__thlwi aser -points swithiin She('eiitral 'Iraiic As-
"ClA T'1ERS.tion and who desire wite ractice sociatioii teiritoiry, at mne aini one- WINTER
GRANGERS. > in tennit,svihhlIplease hand their third faim for the roiind tripi. Tickets tus
CLASSES IN DANCING wilimeet us nmsinawnc.ill be isstied Dlec. 21, 2anldi , aisul SIA Si t itS,
eoluows: Ontutleitici, Saturdaymnitisva10 lmtdt eunutlJnay9
and Thuayiiupeven~ings8:00Ladliesd', Saturday 11. S. Sivuvui:ss, Tennis Nfgm. hmts omtin iii huiay 1.W INGi(TI 11S,
afternootns 4. Ladirs anud Gentleimen, ad- come to ticket office early and uavoid
vanedalas, Tuesday evetuings 8. Croatia 40 Wanhatenatsave. Cu cuiieZsftitgItii ti. CO CSOE rEC
iar. G M4aiuoou-S < sireet. 'inaitisin. oneurterm ' I ' I
twelve swek") $5. Pupislsrceived at an.y - e- - CS. G itaistmot0i), :Agt.
J _Granger's Academy of Dancing. TERMS CASH.
Thu Iaaemn ofteatn llaepuis istveyn viniuors. t n-. ra -'inOpera Itouse announce a special at-..t'uitiona fee $5, for Ladies, Gentlemen G O iO rrSPEED'.'
fi)i t-1rmiganChlrnaieA.rdconteadqar teir~s fstSigns.. traction for Wednesday, Dec. 21d, ashenanCihdealk.Arucont
the grand spectacular play, "The Black former pupils, also where mgre Chats
Crook" will be presented by a large one from saint family taleeIt.esuons. 1 .1.I
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. company representing Chic original Learn some of the newv dances before17SMI.
the holiday seasoni opens.

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