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December 13, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-13

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'C . of W .*i r *tg.
Published Daily (tundays excepted) during
the Colere year, by
Subscription price t$-5) per year, invariably
in advaner Single copies3 cents. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the ohice of the DAILY,
at Stofllet's, with any of the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Gommunications should reach the office by
7 o'clock P. M. i they are to appear the next
Jay. Address all matter intended for publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
communications should be sent to the BuSi-
ness Manager.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
C. A. ttEsanyo, Law '94, Managing Editor.
H. A. SteoiNG, Lit. '4, Assistaet.
.1 L. Loine, Lit. '5, Assistant.
F. WAcL.Trits, Law '91, Assistant.
J. A. LEtoY, Lit. 't6, Athletic Editor.
S. W. CuaTss, 11. G. Lit., Business Manager.
Ws. A. Motax, 'L Assistat.
H. T3. Gatiamon. '94. I. I'. Hall. i5.
R, O. Atstin,'5. MEDICAT.
V. P.Badle, '96
. P. Lyle,'It.o ,
Agnes Morey, '7 I. ttauce. '.
L. F. Coonradt . C '. tJenkins, '94.
All copy mst be at the toffie beforetN :39tl. in
of the day of pblicatin.
The Editors do not hold themselves respon-
sible for the opinions or statements of corres
pondents, appearing in the Dmty.
r. ". ""....,.. ..
THE Glee and Banjo clubs are
worthy of the liberal support of the
students and we trust they will re,
ceive it, when they give their first
concert of the year in University
hall, Friday night. The boys have
practiced daily since the opening of
the college year. In view of the
great good these clubs do in adver-
tising the great university they are
certainly organizations which could
not be well dispensed with. We will
expect to see University hall pretty
well filled Friday night.
Tne;,RE is one objectionable fea-
ture in the rejoicing of Baker over
her recent victories and that is the
claim that by defeating Kansas and
the Denver A. C., Baker has won
the football championship of the
West. While it is true that the
Universities of Nebraska, Iowa,
Kansas and Missouri form what is
called the Western Inter-Collegiate
Football association, and that
Baker has defeated the best teams
in that league, it by no means fol-
lows that the team which wins the
championship of the league is su-
perior to 'any other team in the
West. Such claims lead to a great
confusion of facts in the columns of
Eastern reviewers, who do not under
stand that by the Vest in this sense
is understood the West exclusive of

the Northwestern association, which On one side of the quadrangle a
includes at least three teams to large building,including the library,
which Baker has by no means estab-' chapel and dining hall,will be built,
tished her superiority, Minnesota, together with the offices of adminis-
Wisconsin and Michigan. It s tration and academic theatre, cap-
either owing to the misunderstand- I able of seating 2,ooo or 2,500
ing of the football situation in the people. On the other side of the
West, or to an intentional ignoring quadrangle are to be buildings de-
of this section of the country, that voted to the various departments. A
in the write-ups of Eastern journals gymnasium will also be erected.
Baker and Kansas get the credit of The buildings will not exceed four
standing at the front in Western stories in height. The removal of
football. We are willing that Baker the college to the new site will prob.-
should have full credit for whatever ably be accompanied by the adoption
she may accomplish, but we protest of the dormitory system.
against the unfairness of her being
declared the champion Western team - An annual prize of $6o is offered
tintil that title is fairly and unques- at Dartmouth to the athlete who
tionably hers. has the best standing in his classes.
The Oracle Composite.
An interesting illustration i '96's
Oracle is a cmposte picture of the
board of editors i The taking of
composite pictures has been but re-
cently introduced and this is the
first time that it has been attempted Horsford's Acid Phosphate
in connection with our college jour-
nalism. But two other composite Is the most effective and agree-
pictures were ever taken in Ann Ar- es
h.. able remedy in existence for
Nine members of the board, in- preventing indigestion, and re-
cluding the two co-ed members, .a.
lievingtoedsae rsn
were photographed one after an- l g tose diseases
other upon the same plate. The re- from a disordered stomach.
sult is a nice looking young man
almost entirely different from any Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfield
meinber of the board and yet bearing Mass., says: "I value it as an excellent
a certain resemblance to each. In preventative of indigestion, and a pleasant
one particular at least the picture is acidulated drink when properly diluted with
at fault, the board has a mustache, water, and sweetened."
the composite has none. But this
some way does not seem to detract
from the prepossessing inipression Descriptive pamphlet free on application t
Rumford Chemical Works, Providence,R.I,
made by the picture upon those who Beware of Substitutes and Imitations.
see it. In the smooth faced young
man we see a pleasant looking sopi- For Sale by all Druggists.
omore, one evidently capable of
bringing out a first-class Oracle. 'CROWN PEN CO FOUNTAIN ANDG'
A Michigan Man Their Coach. ""
The latest issue of the Beacon, of .c cwa1c« -
Baker university, is double the usual «a*
size and is printed in red ink, the n.a.C
occasion being the winning by Baker
of the Thanksgiving game with the -
Denver A. C. by a score of 32-0.
The Beacon says: "Baker pt upJN TCE _
the best interference ever played in
the West." The greatest credit for
Baker's strong playing is given to -
their coach, C. L. Thomas, the well
known guard of the U. of M. team
last year, and formerly a member of
the class of '93.
Columbia College.
swill soon be under con- We can furnish nearly any make at
Buildings s ea Great Redction.
struction on the new site of Col-
umbia college, at Riverside Heights. d


and SHORTHAND. Magnificent uilding;nine
teachers; large attendance; good discipiine; super-
orwork; welil supplied reading room; daily recture.
1Saturday evening receptions; open the entire year
iExceptionial acilities or placing students in posi-
tions-shorthandgraduatesguaranteedthem. Living
rxeel $~t$2.75per week in privateramilies,
Sac Noew Cataiogue, addese
Time Table tacking etrect sunday, Nov. 5, ISM,.
Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central
Standard Time.
*12:15p.111. 11:30 aa. Im.
4:15 p. in. 9:00 p. II,
*Trains run between Ann Arbor and Toledo
All trains daily exceptS11 day.
t. S. IRENWOOD, Agent, AI Arbor.
W. H. lENN T,G.P. A. T'oledo.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
AnnArbor.Mieh. Capitisal ock,.50,000.
Surplus, 150,000.
r tcateizet under' te teer as alrie iee
of Tis tState. teiires-dettesit. boysianti
-e.llscltaneeonthe teittipI i eties eothe
Uinited ti atres.tDraftsecasthedt 110peeprper
identification. Satyideptsit boes to rent.
OFrrICERS:b Chlristilan Mac, tees.;:cv..ii.
Harriman, Vice Pres.; Chas. E. IIisrock, Ca-
shierA l. J. Fritz A set. Cashier.
JAME W. GOODHEW, Florist. Grower of
Roses, Carnations and Flowers of all vari-
ety. Floral designs made upon short notice.
No.1Observatovy street, opp. cemetery gate.
1E 'asiincton Street.

Call at THE DAiLY Office.
r5r.Ti rsEE

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