°", E°aa '°°a. ,,s'aas U. OF M. CALENDAR.
LEW H. CLEMENT, '~u. c".4WbtrScey ulcPo
51 So. MAN ST. tDireetor and Manager. 'irOe 4WbtrScey ulcPe
gram. lairlecture room.
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY Turs, e. 14-second Fculoty Concert.
to0 EAST HUR~tON STREET. Friee Memorial Hal, S p.i.
Good Work Guarateed. Goods called foar Fidy, Dee. 1V,-t'aoadiao I Cub meting in
and deleered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. toawbuildig.
Fri., Dec. 15-G~lerandBauajo tClub' ocert.
22 Yearn in te Buinen. ' Uiversity Halol.
CITY LAUNDRY, Fi.,lDe. 15-Art Recital. Dramaicreaings
M. K. Seabolt. No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. riee Meoril Hal,
KEEPYOU ACJINT ITHTHE a. Dec. lt-S. I. .. Course. Prof. Von
+$TATE $AVYI12G$ BAflK+ Sat.,De, 1-7 class meeting. Room A 10
Cor. Main anti Washington Streets a'cl-, a. t.
A. 1.. NoakLs, tres. ROsrriIAAP,Cash'r. Tacs., Dee. Atl-Seod Coral U'nio oncert,
"Tim Messa."
STAR STEAM{ LAUNDRY Tue~et. IttPatt, Auditorium, Detrit.
Fr.Ee. tDe. 22-Christmasoactin begis.
Finest late iste isv Proiipt int;vetting __
out workaiiddelivrinisOilc,ioc. I H-I
ronSi. Telephonse to. Athetics at Weteney.
- W .k-Nhre oF ICy. e r --rearedto 7isLuclaille aton Hill has omet
ise sciaso of worto he tradeiof 'isu city wills narked success in her eareav-
neqoled by amy other hiionse-erlocated
eenant nt noeed y ay Jlt 'Tailor itorGPOto introdutce ot-ofdiors atilet-
Amerieantidatprlsciov~eris 4 by gods or-
dered. Soiltfrat Gl.0(hrills bit ilrg is iy is at I!'eleley. tUp to tie opening
yeir bnd PiieCooosiTuliiii .tbe of 1892 151 systetmatic oust-of-oor
0 w~b'5 ~ oork 11111 beeni given the std~ets.
DANCING and DELSARTE carefut l upervision, and arousted
MRS. ANNIE WARD FOSTER outh interest that 17i 01 the yiug
ODA46 S. Stte Street. womnet cootpeteid for positions rn
le n iinlemn the crews. 'Tle class of '96 raised
iOND~kp . a il q ct',
'UEDI ---pF ,. ct eisa-iso snisiii'i$2,500 to build a boatlosse last
S ettlsXliia i eiisicslseu year, and )r. \V. A. Brooks, a for-
s; mc iide us ms', uer orsman of Harvart, coached
40.a m.i Lais'n dasscing 'lass. tle crets.
Privatle isisliboappoissnto.
T'he trustees of tie college ae
*grantetd Miss Hill lion usc of tree
O acres of land sotheast of Stone
Hal, for atn athletic field. As
Q* e5° nmoney was needed to put this field
inl relair, the class of '97 raised
$r1,250. A cnning track io being
®made, andth le ground laid 0)11 for
® ". tennis ad basket ball. 'lhe s-
I dents arc reported to be very enthu-
siastic its the tmatter.-Amherst Sn-
Tioe Tabsle(tRevised)t Nov. 19tI189t "The Probem of the Poor."
0. . Epres.~ 42~. N.v. Aninteresting course of special
Atlantic Espress. ot17.Mail &Exp.. .,O~ lectures on thedenet classes,
FoostEastn Exp..t1 5N S.imitd....i. dpenen
A..5 Liie.l ll -,:iespecially toein cities, is to b
Mutt and Eo.xp..4 10 04 . H&.Kai Spd Ito08 iven at tie Iniversity of Wiiscon-
N. Y.,&HBo.. Spl..508 liNExpress... 8SM0gy
ta-ti~e Epres...,1011s
O. W. 5SSOLO5. H. W. H vi, sn blnder the auspices of the econ-
G. . & TAgs. Cilinse. AO.. Ann Ais. omic departnment. Dr. P. WAyers,
THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS of Cincinati, who has given special
PRINTING and~t- study to the subject, will deliver te
PUBLIHING lectures. Suds a course would be
HO. UBLIHIN appreciated here if the arrangenents
Student Work a Specialty. foitcudbmae
rost Workmnannd Loest Pics in the City. -""""-'f --
G-RANGiI'ER'S. 'Te Wellesley college yell" is
follows: Gentlemnsos, Saturday morings 10 set to music.
and Thursday evenings 80:0; Ladies.Sauaty
afternoons 4. Ladieosaaid Getemse, i- Thle t'niversity of Vermont will
vanoed class.Tuesday evenings . Grond
ntorci Massardst oret. Tition.sie term celebrate its 22d anniversary next
twelve seebsi S$. Pupils reeived at tny
tame June.
:B 0 -C TY W The degree of la. D. has been
B I~conferred on a woman bythe Uni'
In Piessns-Fssrasaio itt versity of Heidelberg.
Headuartrs fr Sin.,.Fifteen per cent. of the students
at Stanford university come from
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor. east of the Mississippi.
A second rowing tank has. beeni
fitted out in the gymnasiuns at Vale
for the university crew.
Two co-operatitte ditning halls,
accommodating 400. each, have been
started at Stanford university.
Tihe classical library of thse late
Professor Sanpe, of Gxottingen, has
been presented to Bryn Mawr.
Ex-President Harrison's lectures
on law before the stuldents of Stan-
ford university will be dleliveretd in
John Ward, of the New York
league team has been engaged to
coachn the Princeton nine the conn-
ing season.
The trutstees of D~artmoth Col-
lege htave voted to suspetnd for a
tinte the conferrinsg of tite degree
of doctosr of philosophy.
'Te class of '97, pf Wellesley, is
colectiiig sutbscriptiotis, stith whlichlt
they ititetnd to buty atn athletic
field atidl present it to thte *hooi.
't'lte esv barge built for tse 9Vale
NavyI i just been finished anil
lako-iit the boat hsouse. It is
built of ceidar and is naore 0o1 the
plan of a shsell thati formser tines,
and is contparatively lighst, weigh-
ing about ,o pounds.
'90 Oracle.
The Oracle, the aninttalISophoumore
puoblication, is tnearly ready. It still
be otn hand so that you cati take it
hotme Christmas. Its 115 pages are
full of good thintgs, short stories,
poents, a remiarktably brightteharaeter
sketchi of "Dopy'"iad titeaste grinds
-yes, tnosend0 of thsem-fifty pages att
leatst. And thle chances are tell to otto
thcat youl are atntg thooe groutnd. 'T
read the Ortaele swill s-sre a freshma
of itis fresihness. Soph., Jutnior andl
Setnior will buy the Oracle for the satke
of ttte good it has done them isa the
paot. 'lTere are atearly forty illtustra-
tiotns, sixteets of witicha are full piage.
Tlie coveris a netat and tasty dlesigtc,
printted itt four colors, the first work of
thle kitnd ever uoed here. Tite book
will be placed on sale itt all the book-
stores antI inthte main ball, Mottday,
Diec. 15, at the tusual price, 25 cents.
Wednesday Evening's German.'
Wsetinssday evenltcg,De.20,t15e rutles
atid figures of te cotillso (The
tann will be given to te advanceed
class in datncinig at Grattger's.,cadensy.
'lhis is the last nteeting of tite classes
until after te holidasy vacation. Join
now tstd litnishl after thce holidays..
Tiionsttfee $5, ptayable inc advance.
Holtday Rates vta T.. A. A. &N. M.
For Chisittuas tand Newv Year 11li-
days te T., A. A. -& N. M. Railway
will sell excursiont tickets ott Decem-
ber 28, 285sad 10, atcd3January 1. at~
onte an~d otce-thirdiftare for thte round
trip. 'r'ickets will be good goitcg on
datte of sale attd for retutrn unttil Jantt-
ary 2, intclusive.
Grangerns Academy of Dancing.
All are pupils, positively no visitors.
Tuition fee $8, for Ladies, Gentlemen
and Citildren alike. A reduction to
former pupils, also wihere more thans
one from sasme family take lessons.
Learn some of the ttew dances before
tile htoliday setson openss.
Exaurnion to the Atlantta Coast.
To pairties thiatt tre tiing tif a trip
south to ('olatmbus, Ohtio,(itarlestoti,
W. Va., Clifton Forge, Chtartlesville,
Petersburg, Richmonttdi Providence
Forge, Williamsburg. Newport News,
Old Pointt Conmfort, Norfolk, Va.,
W asiitgtotl, D. C.,loaw rates for roun~d
trip atnsiottestay tickets. Please ap-~
ply to Geo. J.- Clasrk, Patss. tand Getneral
Aget, Ohio Cetntrtal11. It.Roomsni7
Old Let Bldg., cortner of Sumtmit anld
IMadilsotnstreets, 'Toledo.
Students' Christmas Rates.
For thte aecommnodation of studeints
of the U. of M. alnd Ypsilatnti -Nortual.
holdittg proper certifieates, the T. A.
A. & N. 101. Ry. still sell holiday tiekets
to all points ill Micihigatn, and to all
points witinthkie Cetitral 'T'raffic As-
sociatiotn territoty, at sne and one-
third ftair for te routid trip. 'lickets
still be issuetdlic. 21, 22 anltil20, scot
limiteokirIekltu tikiiJansutary 9.
Come to tieket office earty andsi tvoist
the tchtatces of 1111 gettillg onse.
It. S. (i-i~ss-Nii'liih. Aut.
1 isis:: s AJ s-no thicesly listisishesi
il l gri uiisl Iiflits.list' sent,- very
cheptl, at 2")s'iiti I livisioti St. 9 Ilil
. I. Peltier l (- st' IP Ises 1 1,01'issi
i-utter fromn letrioit, has leatsediIliii
CoI llolser ber sho10a1 d iiIirnihi-
ed it in clegsotkshape. Ile' extends I
s'orii itnv-itsl u-tiralt to visit this
For retdueidiae tickets to Ohsiso,
West Vi. aidtld1sVa. Isoitits apply hio
it. S. Greenawootd, Ticket Agt., Toledos
Alnn Arbor S, Northl Mis-i. or Moltoni
-bouck, IG. P. A.
Do youa wisih to rentk yousr roomos:
Why don't 50y1 ou nert alin~e orIto ill
our 1octa1 columnil for a fest days?
More roioms lavte beets rented through
tine DAILthathtc troiughiany othner
miedium~i, for te DAlLY practically
falls itito every stdetnt's hands.
SOLID1) ('.istouts' in flue (Igars bought
at the 11 & M. Dirug Store.
The J. '.'Jacossis Co.Illave received i,
line line sof neckwooear-theo very latest.
have youtr pihotos taken at htandtslt's
ibef ore the rutsht o1 Christmalls.
BR~ACE t't' with a good pair of shln-
dec braces. A large stock at low prices
at Btrowna's Drug Store. A fewsho0101
worcn braces ilk 50c.
Glo to BRtOWN'S DttRGSTOttE for ail
'Labor-atory sulpplies. Dissecting cases,
aprocns and sleeves.-I'.me,.Pric'es.
17 S, 31AI\.