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December 13, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-12-13

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VOL. IV.-NO.fl0. U
its Good Results have been Evident
in the Work of the Team-A
Trainer of Wide Reputation.
Ed. IV. iMoulton, who during the
past fall has had charge of the phy-
sical training of our football teanm,
has f ully vindicated the high opinion
the management had of him, when
tthey procured his services. The
condition into which his vigorous
discipline brought the men was well
slhownisthde endurance the team
displayed is ttse hardest gulmes iof
lise year.
Mr. Moultos, whlo is sow 4i. years
old, is a trainer seel1 knowvn through-
out the country, having obtained his
knosvledge of the rules for training
during Iis active course as an ath-
lete. Ie seas one of the very speed-
iest sprinters of his tinse, as lie held
the professional championship of
America in the ioo yardls' dash,
having met and defeated the speedy
nmen of this and otlier countries.
A)fter abandloning his active course
us an athlete, lie took to training
spsrinters unit later on athletes of
all classes. Mlore recently he has
devoted his attention to bicvcle
riders is particular. He was dur-
ing the past season the trainer of
the Chicago Cycling club, andt nost
oh his work next year sell b texi th,
although liii work this fall withi
our football teaiss sas the first svork
of the kinstlhe ever ondertook, yet
the careful attention he gave to the
proper development of the iien
physically was one of the great fac-
tors in our success. Certainly it
has been thoroughly demonstrated
that we can never expect to do our
best, or to stand where we ought in
any branch of athletics until we
have in charge of ostr athletics sumec
man who knosshowe to develop1
them thoroughly.
The Mills Meetings Close.
Never before perhaps, in the his-
tory of Ann Arhor Ivas the religions
pulse been quickened, as during the
union revivals just closing. Thor-
ough preparation was made hefore
the coming of Mr. Mills in order
that no time might he wasted in
getting ready. Great things were
expected, and no one is disappoint-
ed. 'Six hundred and fifteen have
signed the cards, and thereby signi-




fled their intention of leading a THE OPEN DATE FILLED. T ieA m
better life. I M. de Pachmann, an Equal of Fade- T Gi/' Aw a!J'
Conssidering that the revival began rewski, will Appear in the
Choral Union Series. the herveoer iiinueladpencils aiid
only last Wednesday, this is quite ae reerreien strieig e-e roiv airy i
marvelous. Yesterday, many meet- As anisounced in Iyesterday's toellseP w will al for ivthe,,.
ings were held between 8:oo a. nt. Dvi.'r, the Choral Union has been Wr e S itos ~vi-raeaid, siii e
and the closing services last night. successful in securing the services ronvs clim-e to see Ovii, vuvi
At the afternoon services, thse M. of a pianist who is second to none
E. chutrchs was crowded. After ints3 ol.M ePcsani
So'clock, os-er half live business tihe greatest livinsg interpreter of Gw en;esic ea1-pers.
hotises of the city were closed. Chopin. tHe iii appear here Jan. 51 South Mains St.
Mr. Mills goes to Iis hioime in 26. Speaking of the mni antI his
Rhsode Islandl whlere liewill retmain work the Newv York M1ail arid 1Lx-
a dlay or so, andithseis proceed to press says:
Rahwvay, N. J., wuhere he is to hold 44ITiese compositionivwrevitterpret-
ed in a mnnsier that c-illeidfoirths the
a revival. wxarmest expressionss of stisfaction
atid deliglit froii the audieuces. . ste
The Public Meeting. Pachiman~n issquevtionlahlyI possesses
The 'ebterlitrarysocetyhaswhat is absolustely requdred to make
Tue'IXebser itrar stciey 155one capable of ladequiately rendelring
arranged an especially fiue Iprogranm the works of Chopin. I-tie talent is of wheyn vasdt tiie(.sirst lvetieoitnstyles
for the public nmeettng tomorrow 5aliighs oridsrlila mulsical inttuitis of, $3 $ or$: Ceshoes tsendtsros$1 aeaie tes
night in the law lecture roons. Thse anidtierceptionss ate evidlently qicik 11U C
following is thse prograni arranged:,itid keenlie is stioii ly emotlonsallu
xithisst fatting into exaggeration anid
AMniex s i e ------ n - ___.1hv uiin hlis techlicil accompilihmsentsarsuh a Ades odie SleFrnhE.chabelan.10, 1co wnFr Evas s-.
Five ivespeece s. is to enable hitm thboioughly to express il woo-I', - _ - IH~tN
Mao andvi Oen ---t-- has. K. vvied lhitscenieptions. No pe5f1(1t~ilsfithat '.i~-IIN
5 wie vs teles rly 11heiier v ce Is 1 ai~peitehhers so iseviiequippsed -0 To
sos pep botties afteiu10o:3. l ot thie woik lie hass undertakienl,land E OL -&CoJ
itsed eltveirs o toi ilSId 1mad1well sE
lins ths ta t hoqinwhe youswantvie pe Ilus of ine Ohveci to
"Genleme, t is -iust, b iustoped.i sejoicie it this r-msnmg itf 'it- lde IPaehi (andies. Staiiosueryr vt uo-t. 'ur.rss baeee,
Laivhrim-tC-eds:"0 111fr,,1uu iaiii.Ihiebeatant d mtecpressise- e ius anusd mtvhev-i ekoi f vvipen t
Th tium s tep- Di r es- eti, o]'I outhecuis'.
felos. ---------1-----inss otftiiie prioidicediby lis exqiitetts LADIE' ndGENTS' LUNCHR~OOM.
iliwobnauvi totiehi the perfcit talctltha iuies R. E. Jolly & Co.. 26 S. State St.
Ilin e v ~sit . ii P--- _-----i-10.J.Lrson him illhs perf(ormiancte. his evidently
11 the1(i5( scintra1 ithiortuiigilhssathy xx iith iheicomposer
:in-- l i, Sills -_--"-----l e s ubhose xxoik-s le is iitiet ia th
t~i on ---i --------- i-. F. triendrr 1poet1c temlperani~entth11111i15his sispo-
t ivsite Specsve. sitioni, andIr is lability to usaster till the
leofi Stieevi- --t ____.Cc. hulv.rtechinical iicueiities that tresent thieiii- __-
1.The utt(ivomste wdeli lts to selves. all thiees-eeeeightfitlly eel-
hnr"dent in theiperformaimie of the e, rtiticphsvpe, 6E UO T
l'rof1t Cihasplin_-____---_Z. G. Joses. ritctPoorpe, 6E UO T
vtgie'r-el. " Sil ispianist, yesterdayv lift(et-Iioti. _________________________
Pri.i\vee --s--e--les--.1. oan. In a Weii Worn Rut. HOT LUNCHES,
"I' iet ls. vThe ant i-(pientsl- se-. if. Ivreieeii. Ninety-six seenms to have fallen L we' h~~t5
itbeslvevl" itnto the well wvormn ruts of lher hpre-
Mis~ 5eesiv~iu (~vdecessors. Over a msonth a~o a 9 Iltl 1Ei
taiiished in the Uted s5ti-es. committee of five seas elected to have 'E 48 S. ST.ATE St.
.i. hIarvey. , entire charge of the class affairs.- --
s oeety Ppee ----------- - I. .i t ing, T mis 'com m ittee has tuot yet even U A IT O fl lro m flriflr
Muic -_--__e-__.___tis (Lillye lani]. net for organization. A social or IW LEFtH U
Generos Acton. Ireceptton does machi to break ltve
monotony of student life andh keeps t NruHs sisuuo
The Wrinkle board, in atn effort to alive the class spirit as weelh. HOLIDAY BO0OKS
assist thse Choral Union out of itst Hamlet. the Theme. AND FANCY GOODS
present financial difficulties, has AtheUiyCuonex d-- T.
adpe lntstsostegn day evening, Rev. Chsas.Cravens, of
erosity and good feeling of its men- Toledo, Ohio, will give a lecture FABULOU enCDU T01).
hers. Choral Union tickets will be upon Hamlet, with illustrative read-
sold by the hoard at the regularins MrCavs is an able man Frsm Pubtliuuers srlves.
rate $a.oo, but with the ticket willin.MrCavn
be gvena suscrptio totheand has made sonie considerable W U '
brke, givnovssriptont the isusfrstudy of Shakespeare and othier pop-
WhrineoveringAllthe issuesyfr-ular authors. His lecture should UNIVERSI TY BOOK~STO R
theedmonsthsoAlthe onyore-prove interesting to admirern of the
ceivd gos t theChoal Uionmasterpiee of the great English -Ai-
treasury. dramatist. nOWNe TOWN, MAIN STREET.

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