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October 06, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-10-06

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f " Athletic Field at three o'clock to- INTER-COLLEGIATE.
" F "a e morrow afternoon. The D. A. C.
have a strong teamadwlcoe{Teeaebt7 frs en t
e'--sh liDaiy (6usacays eeeptesld)oringt sadsl ~ Teeareht72fehmna
th Cllgeyerby oat here prepared to make our menWeea.
TH E U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION hustle for what they earn. Cash 'yo, of Princeton, is coach-
The simislonprie wil he5ilg the Dlenver A. C. eleven.
5as-etrtivs price 51.0) pere yeas, invaeiably cents anse memsbers of the U. of Af Cornell plays the Massachsusetts
D daceSingeecopies s cents. tCahserte- Institute of 'Technology tomorrow.
boses may he left at the offiev at the DoAvo, athletic association swillhe admsitted
at Staffes's, weith any oe she editts ort for 25 cen1ts. T'he success of the W.J1-ann,',Ylescn-
Communiessisas should reach the stavce by teanm depends npon howo loyal thepinhpulernrof'ed'8,
iso'clockhP.sx. iethey-are toasear tehe neat students are in their support, and died last week.
lay. Address nit matter intended ear puhlica- ,Crel aeadPnslai
nion to the Msaaing Etditssr. All hastness the boys should he encouraged to- Crel aeadPnslai
communiaions ehoald he sent so the Best- morrosw h" a good attendance. j aearay openedth fotbi
ses Massger._ season with a game each.
THE U. at M. DAILY,Tyeloee thwrd' v-
Ann Arbor. Xich. Thteir Thirteenth Year. Tlef owrd hewrl' 'to

C,. A. DENSsoOs'sLaw'Va4,tManagittg Editor.
I4(ssd.t s tvst .ss ist.'Os S-s-taos.
IL A.etStsssss OLit. 'ad4,A ssitat
- ,Ati vti ios.
VNI., .:as o l ,Lut.A lssisstt.sog'
tI. 50. 5 >. AW
I.0. A ,,, i i '.--
J. . i,. ic
I. IN. Mv-A
1H. 1l ~ ,'~ 7 L lridt N
01 5---

The 'thirteenths year of the Cli Ij last Thursday to 4 min. 15 3-5 sec.
quamegon Orchtestra soas opened1N i hvg Ahei lbIa
last evening lsy electing the foliow
in13 oficers one of the strongest teamos in the
u-,.V-ss tei lit, Psesistessi. Iwseot t itso nade upiolargely us
55ins. J1. Osi shViee-pss-slssss. ieasteris vollege nten.
Ges V ai5aw ssiskee, Ts-vsss s . 1 ite 1-s artrdfootball schsedusle
Lt. i.. 1 sies. les-. etry -sot Asst. \Stlsnsss 5 fr . s ail to ao follos: Seltes.W "ii - ietr e c Dat o t t C nb i -,
G.I t<1.. e. Boar5 of 1 eos ] i ss.. r(lctovir I l seter at IEseter; (let-
5. I ' iber 7, Amhiierst at Camisbride; e
rihe nest tileetiit foryreesal 1 O ctobier 5Iosedesin at faiiibidce

Every inticeatiun points5to 10 Otit- ictober 1S iTuft15siat Camsbride;
-- sally successful seatson. Tbh.eee- Novemiber a., Curniell -it iewv Foils.
U 5sD.iTs'is late tuolay oi osnlenimtt ilayitig o1 she urcitestra last
tihe fact that our preos roonts are seasoni, ansi especially at the seioir If Cstigressmian Gormian can have
unsually crowdieit, ansi selay iosin- recepotion, made thtenifriends. Allihis btll pssed buit houses, Ann
avoidable. bttwie of last yrear's mtemsbers cc- Arbor soil1 get a 75,uuu isustoffice.
amain this year atid their islaces have The city has a pretty goud office,
1SUP SCIsi'toS isill cunfer a favur beeni already filed. but a $75,0uu guvernssmettbusildin
uii us by reporing ainy irregularity Several aputlications fromt new- wvultd bellp appeoarances.
iii delivery, imimesbately to this of- cuniers have beeno receiveci, and Ste Ibisitssi Clatrk, of GreeiiOak, lhis
fic an te mttr wll e ookd sroslpects louint to a lasrger erclhestra-delivisissiu llspsly isf ftro
into :1tuince. Thsose wo ohave tout thsansusual.L]:secial atetin is tSit Utilversityhltspitals. lie isysit
aietos thettint itntAisissty, Shirtysdsseniiof ths-us,
receivedl all theirIpapers andsi s olitube 'ivenit'his sao odnet a onterlvsfrsinii
to lsre serve a coisitlete fite cainub- work, ansi fresqueat rehsearsals are to uroses.
tain the onmoers they need by call- be given tos this clasos of niusic. --
ig at te lu so roiln. Esieritisced orchstral ilayers, if Nothing ibut live Colle e


i F~o d~y. e , dAYfy.
(3 ->5, 'l- 55505 xt.
- p
LA0 F'b ovv s
aT isv-- Ts -e S -- 5,I 5.1
5 5 /// 5 As./ MsILAN sss-/

- 55II.?()C-s F
} s- ss N l
F ittt!t I i sev(- 55 sit .st.sol5 a.s -
y 1t ,tin 5 t3 r. tt- I tis 6, -) 1). n l
' osC - -'ss sisss I. s t lss - ass 'o f'oiI

Es iv-cos; that ran be said or
doebbsesersspow~elessolpreveist the
uo-looksers frsois crosvdinsg sotv
field andnIddering tse team, in
their practice. Interest ini ti team
10 what is disiresi, bsut yes1 interest
in its success soostdi prevent ibis
neesiless interest witht practice. It
is hopied thsat spectators soll be atome
thoughtful in tihe future.
Rrstsrs as to the nutmber of
students in attendance are going
the rounds of thte state press, in
which no reliance cahbe tplaced, as
the attendance sill not be announced
for several days. The DAILY is un-
able to get anything definite regard-
ing tse attendance and it is improbo-
able that other papers are inure
successful in this respect. 'Vt will
publish the attendatice as soon as
it can lot obtained front reliable
EVERYBtODY should attend the first
football game of the season, be-
tween the D. A. C. and the U. of
M.; which wil take place on the

foutiticomp~eernt, van ensjoy tse ad-
saula-e ofS in- withi the orchtes-
tra by noakisig apliicatison to the
dlirector at 51 S. in street.
Income ot Colteues.

mews i an the DAILY eet;l- 115 Iw ll itts-s1 ( 1.Ill. -One tS~ Ie
1;1It. IMi N I s (Wf'1 ' 0. Anis

uTeatnnisal iticuie us colleges- J-~~i~
anunstiversities inithse first ratnk msay -__
be cutmparted, as folls:
Mdichiga nUivns-----------------fisleO H0 orsford's Acid Phosphate
Califeosriast Isises i5 -ityS oo
Cssness viUnivrssity- - - -i_________ OOO Is the host effective and asgtee-
Yasle Univsrsity- -----------itSo~
HarvessdsnCivsiy--eei-t------- 98,000 IablE etleattdy in existensce fir
Catubansst College---------------6:0,0
Masschsusetts Inttute Tesisnoisgy.__- assa0a otssentltttg nshigestiott, and ras'
tossss Unsivesiy_-------------002,000 ,
Ansother conmparison woas niade of lieving tihose diseases atising
the per cent. of lax different states fl-0111sa disorder-ed stomsachs.
appropriated for the support of
thetir Universities: Dr.Xv'.'XW. Gardner, Sigield~,
Msichigan, one-sixth of a mill. Masss:" aseiasatscist
'sX~tcosinnineforielt ofa mll.preventative of sndigestian, ansi a pleasat
Ohio, one-twoentieth of a mill. aitiiv sthshs sassysisss ol
Nebraska, three-eighths of a mill,. aeas s eee.
Minnesota, three-twventieths of a wtr n weee.
mill. neDes-iptie'aph stlet fiee onsappltsinto
California, one-tenth of a nill. Rumford Chemiceal Works, Proviene,1. I.
Kansas. a fraction sufficient to Bewasrte at Susbstitutes ansdIssttsions.
net $75,000 per annunm. For Sale by all Druggists.

'sees sls asso ts.'Pe'5le55i5,' -,d INewvo~
Bihas .-s'Ness t5i,si .liarsei.5 Secias sl-
ties, 5i sinsg Girl. s, Nes's 0: os s'. sClever
Costssis'sissss, 0clss-ss 5evietsI
51.-os-eseseals on -aa.1 :t55i' 1-' s asi
slICES: Risesrved oesat: 's,;Adi5ssin-
s-arsilelte sassifirC st 1i st s-sssise Circ-le,
"5c: Parqulstte Cirlevick ot irt rw 5c
(stllese li35.
E. S3. StiYscnS, - ..1aitager.
J AMSIV5. i(501tEiO, tlarise. Graswer et
Rosses, Carnatstiossstsnd Fliawers oftall vari-
sty. Floalttesign, ssadetuptonshsiort nostice.
Na. 101 s'svatose str-eel, vip. s'e'nstery v-e.

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