THE U. OF M. DAILY.________
own.z~ eo noR*E es Alpha Nus Boom. work and voice work. Though done in BUSINESS LOCALS
THE CHEQUAMIEGON ORCHESTRA. clases, the work will be personal and
LEO r1. CLEMAENT, The offcerosod membero of Alpha indvidual, having as its chief aim the tt poou osubsrit'e swith yor chnm,
51 Bo. No promioe tormakeothio a jobilee presrving and tevelopiouog eronal-the inter Ocean solnot cot yo much
EXCELSIORtomak LAUNDRYbieety. 'l'he physical work nosi snot conoit
00EXCELSIONStSLLycrAoUNDRoYcy.Aph Nin gymsnastics for sdeveloping srengthlodos you wnt goodl ioard? Go to 8
'o ASTnpuN 5rnEr, earforthe socety Alha ay of muscle, hut inl training the oy Thompson stret. $.30per wee.
GOdoe tesO, .s asteed. tisoos clled cor elebrates in Dcccmbr the fiftieths in the est and( most natural wavof eep yor e e opeos for that 2(1 day
anddeScivereio. A F. COVERT, Prop. betig aknstig
anniversary of hr founding ansd heaa ig wli0 stii anti stand- sale of .1 W. Sleely, sohich begins
H 0TU C~ .R ing, for the greatest endurance and Octoer 10.
illliii fi 0'sa . tntton Street large membrship andI a rcptct grace. The whol eody is tained to A t ety-ive cent athi for tlel cets
trcasury hold forth high promise. act at the control of flhe will, anti at the Postolice Barer Shop. Special
zz Tears In the Ba iuhess. ~" to express naturally anti freely the attetonu given -1o ladies toind chil-
Last yar's great work in deating msetal conception. Principles of so- srn's hair-cutting acrtd sltsh pooig.
CITY LAUNDRY, musst lead to forther success of our ciosietiquette for the street, at home. Jerome A. Freemno, proprietor. caeM .Saot o .Fut vltrr oite hog hmiattr pino l utlte bcm oto usa vnn nS tt
scs ro EEP OURS ACCOUNT NTTHE T30easy 'and natural The pyical work street, tetwe en AMoroe and Madison
alone the work can he a.c10plisha. streets, a golt watch wills fob. Find-
+$TATE $AV~~~~~f2G$accnoplsloe goes hand-h-hand with the voice ok. rpes eunt .K .hue
+~TAC $VJ12~ BPL{ '~""-' It s the foundation eon which to build $500 reward.
(ooo MGasno VtmOtn trecsts MSoome New Athletic Oficers. the resoing antd speaking Voice The
A. L N or liPes L000rxt Ior ast ito .0 hmr. ___methoos u osedl itsthe voice oork have lEveryhody ispleacsedcl wih tfle Inter
The J. & M. prhg Store, At the first noeting of the year of the same priniciples asthooe used in thec Ocen
5..Oh otto s oot toyto'oe otthe10'to'~ne t atlctc hecultivtiono of the singing oe,)s o LIAt T AN .- Graitero Acad-
Is hi plceto uyy hit~ th Dugtie. heathetchoard, tefollows pinhMatin iesdg or peking fle vosce ettosisowosoei loti cereceptio ot
y ~.n. rm s ts~e fis wereSisleceols r lth e ecs os o r ott [ura s wio'ltsntrl and0Ietl pto s '000 block tests o Iisoo
GO ' .00000 ttct Oo'.'00''o. iia I oooo tos el10n x pes steo bo hticloooGlounooftoort.1e1o,
0 . to . C ,5 er: E. C.tS0 l s, ( cteo'p's- oo'Cat heroso tr, t o prpd 0 5
LA I S'aSR.E T' tN otRoeris'oot
R. E. iolly & . CeColandv2c6prS. aStatsseveStv.teu'osoo illS.piano Id ' 00 0 se n11 us tp tr~ so
DA lyon G t anr e ndc Sng.TSheiol ssodieoo'odaoottop .0st0twoooslisisruso. so'sfthe, 5.dent.' Boo
(ai i. t,>5 05' re ns w th 1 Bik el 'o 0. o t, te ~wotso
( 00 -,, ,,to,tott oumm. "Oose. , ceslsisosl olod c 'reaci 'soO otils( sot ' .ur 000 1too ho t o)oor 01 5 h'oisl
teotv t tvro trOs rer 000'0'0s Ch cag C 00000or .
05 so to . State t, r - ootn oo. 0o ot. 00," r fna ci l r I ool. r Ge .
. E .o 00 o 'e !ol 1ns 1, I00> fees slopsi001,'};t''kcalo c o eto ls ~olt0irG st
(O .oo e'Ooooo' ti'0ioeoIOtoiis .Atooase' tes s sw ost lo to ool oltoeo,:oil [ioo' brioio so osuto1.0 1 .1 0 .
0 oi 'o teIN t, '1 leotdf otorsoy,5555 tressrtooIi clse osrd'
oI1 0 0( OM '-l osl to lo,171 otootk .50 lssto it . I eso ch , '0t0 005
soor .00 ec ' to ) C noais estis 0 000 s f s s iotol coos ottuMtont 'stool soes Ct" 17u-c w l
sa ) l o i r e ( , t e o t :l u t r a t s a i , C F r L d c o si li lct o l in r om 0 un dc 'm c to t. c'as to lee t o e. K t ' n t c i
eloocoo, n t ototo toot .. tteoot'o is so Iloosooo 'io I, ti it oto
i:lle el theosi sloine toolakes, i a oo'oooor oo ols-e f lo- so- j to .ss osfin thCHal Ite Oan.
~~~t titooler IrofessoorltVothe aa ce illcf lled atI 0 ujll 0 l ilonerlots oolt 010000 ot3 050 tote 'Sur
d 3Y1 T o SaingoBako It ' sanoed ~ooii tooDvr l'st C lot St,[a50 0roleoitlt' w~r f~hite1 Sl .10 loto'
a locklraoMetnsiAnn ucemenos.Nohor y e0 fo oot ottit'w.oX., ob egoo
Ulolttotn b to ,bo1at9 , oo.tisotolsoto soool t stcttsinooiO too it toc fol (O ' ,i0e100 Not tl
..;.s00 1<,LihO Pro' . tu ol (oto's- th 0110 to oilvof,:fta00 ooes o ld'st
.orfsdeof totn elbttso tootoses-7 loty, o toln [ersit, t wa iss .o In5t o obtext ~ O P t 0 ' Ico 1 1
-55,'toot11 iclootooi, ioili [to' foowashotoIsi air ews
so l ,lb Stole street, e ry sotn - books ot on s t o op T lo o utto o is-fss t o o'oooo'o (o .st
,....rntogit Ioil2 iatlen, oibroil ablctostolme of bou lve unded 0av' tool e so '5 Iuil oo s ritseo-
n, v t dtios i Rhtorc (oure T f , p g.Iti n ef temtcmlt e lK9 11u93. Coool,000 ot:e and reoti loo.
ts e sloesulheogiateato[saveattoop inter-,'(toilles' ' so It l to toos laild
P.:.- sobam i~nfeitp s i~ltraie n 10lc o. to 01 o t ro,=of 'kitrod.
s_____o t udsoet stisl tOO otke. - rir re er haeo t esbj t t os'.'oowst inso, otofols. us
00lOu s7e'o-oO 0,0, 6oss Laoo s.~t c ty atcn . (
1FolSndrP oesosWolt n i eltey0hilutaio000nu K e ou 'So el o t htoi0 sfliy
N. ' to1?.o m..0005t. 0 1' o cprue loodrge stoowsell loel po ud 0 [boof(! ol( Ti tg'0'6rs. ad 7a,0= a
OILS Ct helooktill be'tiso oitta01fat1.. o ..00 ConOct 5 s atoOu t enog tochenooldua-tloe sotoeof Ibs looosse.o i dcer Ar a's 1h cll wear~sll
brie seric.adLeaeS ednbr'-crw.t ha.000woth$(.0
yo sv oo'o'..- or movs. 1otesal e glahotrHotFisigsobOal" fe jootoylothv n ne-n s strlleel esy etosabes-.n(mese-
0. . . Ir. Ag'. NO o L., 'sAoI- lttO t edSo meOt. iwitshnsO.U e 00.50aAtoooosot omesrs scotocl1tVwee tostrsucesk lesitoy ori'ockof
AsoctcCit.mot teh carts ofthie asdiestees . A issAlorDe W lb10e
RI T G a N.V . 5otetatetrctn 'o1ooaooO' f Luc oco endhost sosu h eilossososti lovcmo t soo e siioud gis.erlave
IllyiN . a, iayti re Sr M O l a Ltu e ND ARtes sei. " th o f theg is prt ingtr conojo11 am in an notts reWtom . Tbiost r eglaoisg
t. -,~i. ePUB .t~nLSHING sotlt, im ethoprien: b sid . t erclo eof1 net ie consltedobstool ele-
Mrrlxp~a I ciaO~r> 5 "17Oss.(a-Ostrosth ee CasthonNnrerslwsobos cssthsatteedtlefis sapoffearaceofo.00b iaooistg eolrs'
N. Y. (ters coosold be its helterl.hoamools rise et c lot,01.0)0)fec tlrb lo'sooosat elsarte
StudenteWorka Seilty.,ssoeyto m he past;ovo1y1,1.1p.loltO av Odovere cellethsousessand 1 0(0soot1pei~ os-oo.eoso ilco-
At, ntieEtp~e> . .rt Pcific I.p~c" .ui me, ShteOcear- noemoo' 1). A. ,(00ev1.r Irio cstedinstneverdoory,
a> x ' exSuOtesoi esitlont e Ocl'ti oMrp lo a-t- hetagby f iso outood Mh. oto lze o 7Elir al
tooke sip.11eloossde ssin expressin Hall. momL Motignso reforms ihe blo ath e yS tte streeht. elyrtoolv toeris fen
SLOS'aermOs OOS Arbor.ticento. hatso hosbet inon Macks oface dosio leoiencvist-tenn ofo r DyeWorstas. Ws
r11 ~ ]3~J j' f stooysmo osr flo ver noot ad'am e hvem , olnostco o wnel loasooFaiceL'y or iti to-ls ye. c lso1(-7e'
oftsi [meo smey bio hoe ms o ito os o hotr esurprigcmv ls AnonimofaN t .2 os.teir'slo 31. 1
strH OS E=s-s s fo reoh onevtoyoourno~- Ald ot eeloser le i ofe c lo rloolessews. 'Pers 1 ,dieTrysosndfor nfle-s
i riso G ridG Crtes, wsocnprsghobes tercoualdybisno boeehaneod.Thtoe lanok 000fovr 1 sw. 'Wok dosoeim
$es, orkenandLpetrietar.piytepr atmpe ofhfloe soyofthprogressivetgemetreimeolyfoun hn kissk-abouto" ghto tsosexochae. Obe,1
eprsosofexprhesa s.tHeross.Fovi- aclbyMurvyo asAacgk.Tircli axr-sse endli, Ihoorsomo yOrct. 5'Wandhat47rday,
#4 k r 1= ' rt ' eeeivaetsicAd amoiag op stc rt oessgwiertoth itc ura wt tOc tioin.itehor