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November 18, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-18

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'ZC. of W~Z. TaitV.
Published Daily (Sumays excepted) during
the College year, by
Subscription price 02.5 per year, invariably
io advance Sigle copies 3 cents. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the office of the DAILY,
at Stoflet's, with any of the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Communications should reach the office by
7 o'clock P. a. if they are to appear the next
Jay. Address all matter intendedfor publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
somnunications should be sent to the Busia-
ness Manager.
Ann Arbor.RHich.
C. A. IENsoo, Lw '4, Managing Editor.
51. A. SPALDis, Lit. '94, Assistant.
J. L. LORI, Lit. '5, Assistant.
W. N. CHOATE, Lit. '9, Assistant.
F. WALTtR,fLaw'94, SubstituterAssistant.
J. A. LEaoY, Lit. '96, Athletic Editor.
S. W. cURtcss, P. G. Lit., Business Manager.
Wm. A. MoG, Lit. '9, Assistant.
H. B. Gammon,'94. R.F. Hall.'95.
Miss.Lois Jaies, 4. MEDICAL.
P. P. SAdler j'95 . L. Martindle, 94.
E. P. Lyle,'96. H. D. Haskins, '9.
L. E. Coonradt, '5. C. G. Jenkins, 94.
All copy must beoat the office before 8:30 a.
of the day of publication.
The Editors do not hold themselves respon-
sible for the opinions or statements of correso
pondents, appearing in the DAILY.
THE ARG US PuBs .,H ou.--
As predicted in yesterday's issue
Cornell has cancelled the Thanks-
giving game with Minnesota. In
another column will be seen an ac-
count of the failure of Cornell to
play the game, with the reason as-
signed. How different is the latest
editorial in the Sun from the bluff-
ing attitude of a week ago.
If Cornell has not learned it vet,
sad experience will teach the lesson
that bluffing doesn't go with west-
ern collegiate footballists.
Now that Cornell's game with
Minnesota is declared off, it might
be well for our management to ar-
range a game with Minnesota for
Thanksgiving Day.
Faculty Productions.
A summary of the various literary
and scientific productions which the
U. of M. faculty have written and
edited during the last year is inter
esting, and will bear comparison
with similar outputs from other col-
lege faculties. As the work done by
progressive thinkers and investiga-
tors is often too advanced for per-
manent publication, some explana-
tion may be found for the great
number of magazine articles.
Over seventy-five articles have ap-
peared during the year in the lead-
ing magazines and journals, both

scientific and educational, from the
pen of U. of M. instructors. In
books, something like a score have
been published, a few of which are
second and even third editions.
Many of these books are text books,
others permanent literary produc-
tions, and mostly of scientific char-
Before different associations and
conventions some twenty-five ad-
dresses have been made, all of
which are now in published form.
Of other publications, such as man-
uals, reports, etc., over twenty have
been issued, making in all nearly a
hundred and fifty productions for
the last year.
This all goes to show why Michi-
gan stands amongst the foremost of
American colleges and why her
faculty holds such a high position in
the world of today.
A Useful Handbook.
There appears today for free dis-
tribution, a little book which no
student in the University should be
without; a book, which for real use-
fulness and practical benefit; cannot
be praised too highly- It is, as is
stated on its cover, "A General Di-
rectory for the Students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan" and contains
"the names of all the students with
their classes, home and city address,
the names and addresses of the in-
structors in the University and other
information." First, is given, start-
ing with the freshman class, all the
classes in the literary department;
next, the resident graduates of that
department; then the law students
of '95 and '94 respectively, residence
graduates and specials; following,
comes the medical classes, the den-
tal students, the pharmics, pharmic
specials, homeops and faculty. The
"other information" consists of fra-
ternity houses, sororities, and
churches and pastors.
The publisher is Oreon E. Scott,
of the senior law class. Mr. Scott
is a hustler and has every reason to
be proud of his book. It will be
remembered that he issued a Room
and Boarding House Directory
earlier in the season.
An Eloquent Priest.
Rev. Walter Elliott, Paulist, gave
the first of a series of lectures in
Newberry hall last evening. He
took as his subject, "Types of
Character, or the Elements of True
Manhood and Womanhood."
The lecture was very eloquent
and instructive. The speaker point-
ed out the various types of Christ-
ian character and spoke of the
Apostles as the ideal type.

After painting the character of
monk and hermit, the suffering of
the martyrs and the solitary life of
the monasteries, he came to our own
time and country and touched upon
the difference between the various
races. The Frenchman was noted
for zeal, the Italian for symbolical
worship, the Irishman for faith and
the American for love of liberty and
Rev. Elliott is a very pleasing
speaker, with none of the virulence
against other sects which mars the
speech of some of the more ardent
of our clergy in this country. To-
night his subject will be, "Can we
get along without the Bible." All
are invited.

and SHORTHAND. Magnificent building;nine
teachers; large attendance; good discipline; super-
iororh; well supplied reading room; daily lectures'
Saturday evening receptions; open the entire year
Excepionl facilities tor placing stud~ents in posi-
tieo-shorthandgraduatesgueao ieeoskem. Livin
exoenses S to $2.75 per week in private families.
For New Catalogue, address


One co-ed feels that she is the TimeTabe taking effect Sunday, Nov. ,1893.
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Ann Arbor. Mich. Capital Stock, $50,000.
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idetifcation. Safey deposit hioxes to sent.
g e OFFIcEs: Christia.n Mack, Pres.; w. D.
Harriman. Vice Pres.; 'has. E. Hiscock, Ca-
shier 131. J. Fritz Asst. Cashier.
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lions or tese instruments Free. - C OR. sTATE M ON Ro aSTS.; C H I CA GO.


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The Ann Arbor Organ Co., Sole Agents, ANN ARBOR.



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