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November 18, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-18

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51 So. MAIN ST. Director and Mar
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods calle
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, P
as Years in the Business.m
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth
Cor. Main and Washington Strerts.
The j3. & 1r. Priig S*
I the place to buy anything io the DruF
Mrdicinrs, Spongea, Blrushes, Etc. Et

'0 186 U. OF M. CALENDAR.
R Sat., Nov. 18.-Gamewith Northwestern. Ath-
nager. letic Field.
Sat , Nov.18.-Lectureby John Temple Graves,
Rj Y S. L. A. Course.
d for Why Didn't We Brace Sooner.
Michigan men felt great interest
in the football game played Thurs-
Ave. day between Purdue and Wisconsin.

GO 'ro .......w
R. E. JOLLY & Co.'s
When youwant a pure box of Fine Chocolate
Candies. Stationery at cost. Cigars, Tobacco,
Cigarettes and the Finest Stock of Pipes in
the City.
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.
46 S. State Street.
MONDAY- p.m.m Advanced tss for La-
do.,sod Gentlemen.
MONDAY-p a adi ese ste class.
TUESDAY-7 p. m. Gentlemen's dancing
SATURDAY 10 a. i. Gentlemen's dancing
2 p.m. Children's dancing class.
4 . son. Ladies'dasring lass.
Private lessons by appontmetnt.

The result was 36-30 in favor of
Wisconsin, one side scoring one
touchdown as fast as the other, and
not a goal being missed. This be-
ing an extremely close game, what
sort of a showing would we make
with Wisconsin now, since Purdue
fell before us by 46-8.
The Professional Outlook.
Dr. J. L. High, of Chicago, de-
livered an address on "The Profes-
sional Outlook," to the senior law
class in the law lecture room yestgr-
day afternoon. Prof. Mechem who
acted as chairman in introducing the
speaker stated that the Doctor was
a graduate of the law department of
the University of Michigan. Dr.
High reviewed briefly the various
changes in the legal profession for
the past few years. The day of bril-
liant orations before the judge and
jury is almost a thing of the past.
Lawyers of today are more practical
and business-like. This is due in a
great measure to the increase of
civil litigation over criminal trials.
The lawyer to be successful now
must be well versed in business mat-
ters. While the young lawyer should
not be indifferent regarding political
affairs he should refrain from mak-
ing politics a stepping stone to
money-making. He advised his
hearers to always maintain the dig-
nity and etiquette which has always
characterized the profession and not
lOok upon it as a mere means of
making a living. The address
throughout contained many valuable
hints to the law students and was
listened to with much interest
Up in te Clouds.
Harvard University has just estab-
lished the highest meteorological
station in the world, according to
advices made at Cambridge from
Professor S. J. Bailey, who is in
charge of the astronomical station
at Arequipa, Peru. The new sta-
tion is on the top of the El Miste, a
nearly extinct volcano of the Cor-
dilleras, 19;2oo feet high, or almost
3,500 feet higher than the station of
the French Academy on Mont Blanc.
The station was established with
great difficulty, the adjustment of
the clock-work instruments requir-

ing great nicety. All are self-re-
cording, the temperature causing
pens to go up and down, leaving an
accurate tracing upon tapelike bands
of paper. The volcano will here-
after be climed once a month, and
the station visited, a hut having
been built a short distance down the
mountain for the observers, should
they be overtaken by storm or dark-
Northwestern's Line-up.
The Northwestern University foot-
ball team arrived here last night,
and today's game with them will be
the last game of the year here.
There are 15 men on the North-
western team, and the following will
probably be their line-up:
Left end, Witwer; left tackle,
VanDoozer; left guard, Scott;
center, Pearce; right guard, Bern-
stein; right tackle, Culver; right
end, Wilkinson; quarter, Capt.
Griffith; left half, William; right
half, Jewett; full back, Noyes.
Cap. "Bob" Shepherd is laid up
and Griffin takes his place as captain.
The following are subs: Hopkins,
Young, Ramsey, Miller.
U. of Cal. at Midwinter Fair.
The University of California will
make an extensive exhibit at the
midwinter fair. The exhibition will
promise a large number of photo-
graphs of the university buildings,
etc., and work done by the students
in the laboratories,draughting rooms
and machine shop. The botanical
department will make a large ex-
hibit of California plants. The
committee in charge has asked the
board of regents for an appropria-
tion of $5,500 to defray the ex-
penses of the exhibit.
Harvard Co-Operative Club.
The Harvard Co-operative society
has just published a report which
shows it to be in a very prosperous
condition. The business done dur-
ing the college year 1892-1893
$106,93413 as against $95,415.44
for 1891-1892; the total of sales to
Nov. 13, '93 is $47,809.73; the to-
tal membership to same date is 1,605
as against 1,417 on Nov. 13, of last
year. The membership has been
reduced to one dollar. "Of the net
profits accruing from the business
of each year one third shall be added
to the capital and the remainder
shall be divided among members in
proportion to their purchases."
The present inter-fraternity fight
is a case of Greek against Greek.
Seventy-two men took part in the
Harvard hare and hound run on

They Are Both Lambs.
Pennsylvania is indignant at the
charges made by Princeton in re-
gard to her "slugging" and "knee-
ing''in the late PrincetonPennsyl-
vania game. In an article headed
"Chewed by a Tiger," the Pennsyl-
vania Courier quotes the following
from the Philadelphia Public Ledger:
"Reese will probably not be able to
play Saturday for he is nursing a
sore finger, which he says was
chewed up by Lea, the Princeton
tackle. If the tigers were so fierce
in that game as to bite their oppon-
ents they should make no further
charges against Pennsylvania of
rough playing." "Sport" Donnelly
is dragged up as usual, and pointed
out as being in former days, Prince-
ton's teacher in slugging. Pennsyl-
vania is entirely vindicated in the
end and Princeton held up to the
The class in English History
(course r, sec. 3), which meets in
room F, at 4 p. m. Mondays, Wed-
nesdays and Fridays, will hereafter
meet on Fridays, in room 3, at 4 p.
m., beginning Friday, Nov. 17.
The J. T. Jacobs Co. have received a
fine line of neckwear-the very latest.
Have your photos taken at Randall's
before the rush of Christmas.
wo ie ly fsrnisdt front suites of
roonis, furnacee heat sid oil, very
cheap. Also good board at $2.50 per
week. 37 S. Igalls.
Chic Tobeco (igars and Pipes at
Sheldon's Billiard Hall, No. 3 North
Main street. 1-7
AM r1NTIO.-Do you think of buy-
ing a type-writer this year? Then call
at the DAILY office if you wish one be-
low 'cost.
For Rent.-Two single rooms, one
suite, furnace heat, light, hot and cold
water bath, two dollars and three dol-
lars. 20 . .Jefferson st.
BRACE Pr with a good pair of shoul-
der braces. A large stock atlow prices
at Brown's Drug Store. A few shop
worn bracesat 50c.
For sle. fGood Victor Safety. $90.
O E. sutterfield, 41 Ctherie street.
Have yonteen to Italewood's Ii-
lined HlslI yet? Everything nice, pleas-
ant and quiet; no boisterousness.
Go to Btow's ISEUG STiORE for all
Laboratory supplies. Dissecting cases,
aprons and sleeves.-Low Prices.
Ann Arbor Dye Works at 3 West
Huron street- Special attentionigiven
to cleaning and repairing suits. Have
your light suits dyed. 1-7
Granger's "Waltz Oxford."
Mr. Granger introduced and taught
his new combiation of movements,
the "Waltz Oxford," at the class meet-
ing Tuesday evening and it was pro-
nounced by many of the class the
prettiest and most graceful dance of
the season.
Thawnksglving Day Club Party.
A elub is being formed to hold a
.ancing party at Granger's Academy,
Tbanksgivie day, in the afternoon
from 3 to 6 o'clock. All former pupils
and friends are invited to join this
club by leaving their name at the
Academy as soon as convenient.

time lTablel( ievisedSpt.4th,19---
s . E ' . M
M ail.. ....... .....4 2 a i . ............ 9 16
Day Express..... 530 Day Express ..... 819
N. . Limited..... .S. Limited..... 945
N Y Limited.. 94.M.
N. Falls Special. .11 12 ChicagoExpress..1.55
N. Y. & ii. Lim.. 12N31x.r. & isal. Exr.. 6ll8
A. M. Ciii. N. Extiress... 0100
Atlantic Expres. 5133 Pacie Express...10 20
D. N. Exprerss. 6(1
0. E. Express. 11144
0. W. SeisGLno, H. W. HAvss,
G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor.
Student Work a Specialty.
Best Workmen and Lowest Prices in the City.
follows: Gentlemen, Saturday mornings 10
and Thursday evenings 8:00; Ladies, Saturday
afternoons 4. Ladies and Gentlemen, ad-
vanced class, T esday evenings 8. Ground
floor, 6 Maynard street. Tuition. one term
(twelve weeks) 85. Pupils received at any
In Picture-Framing at STBT ER's-
Headquarters for Signs.
25 S. Fourth Ave., - Ann Arbor.

0 A

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