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November 18, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-18

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CORNELL'S BLUFF IS UP. men as cowards, for matters at Cor- ANOTHER EXECUTIVE SBSSION. "f ENVE GOT EM's
Thanksgiving Game Off-Minnesota nell have certainly reached a very Held by the Board of Regents Yes- A CAR LOAD OF
Enraged over Correll's Cow- critical point. Football spirit there terday.-Considerable Busi-
ardly Back Out. is at the lowest ebb, and but for her ness Transacted. ElRIE + PIAN OS
Cornell has taken just exactly the bold bluffing, we might well indeed The Board of Regents held their JUST RECEIVED.
action in regard to the Thanksgiv- feel sorry for poor Cornell. That regular monthly meeting yesterday Cases in Oak, Mahogony, Walnut and Black.
ing game with Minnesota that we Cornell herself is at last ready to and transacted considerable busi- To Rent or for Sale. Prices Right. That's fair.
had all along expected she would acknowledge that her game is up is ness. Nothing of much importance
take. She has cancelled the date, evident from the following extract was done. portancrbore®rgah (:.
a crippled team being the excuse. from an editorial in the Cornell A resolution, formulating e
The following dispatch to the Chi- Sun: status of the junior and senior pro5-_SouthMainSt.
cago Inter-Ocean puts the situation The cancellation of the Minnesota fessors was passed by which pre-
game is practically an admission thatfs
very aptly: theVarsityteam canot be held toget- cedence was given to senior profes-
CORNELL MEN BRANDED COW- er until Thanksgiving day. This has sors, but junior professors' names
AIRDS. certainly been a seasoni of disasters. are to appear in the calendar, and
From the beginning misfortunes have constitute a part of the university
SINNESOTA OsANAOEIiENT FURIOUS come thick and fast, Captain, coaches
0ER T5CE CANCELi.N5 OF TIE and men are all in a more or less de-
TiiANRSt5IVING GAMtE. moralized condition and perhaps, all Commencing with the college
MiNNEAPOLis, Minn., Nov. 16.--Spe- things considered, the course adopted year 1894-5, all candidates studying
cial Telegram,.-There is a royal row is the wisest one for the good of Cor- in absentia for advanced degrees When you want theLatestMetropolitanstyles
on between the University of Minne- iell football and the present team must pay a fine of $so per year. tian A tre peisnedteiCataiuee to
sota and Cornell university, over the As affairs have turned out, it is Course a in Rhetoric was increas-
latter's refusal to come on to Misnse- ,C r-i-tcw ii
sota for a game of football Thanksgiv- quite as well for us after all that ed from two to three hours.
ing dtay. Preparations have been we did not get a Thanksgiving game Secretary Wade was authorized to °S-S O:DADAE
going on here for the past three weeks with Cornell at Detroit, as we prob- settle with Contractor Biggs who DETROIT, - - MICHIAN.
for the big contest between the East- ably would have been left, as Minne- constructed the hospitals.
en college tem acid the champios sota now is, without a game for that Five hundred and twenty-five dol- --N OTI CE !--
team of the Northwest and the indica- we are here to stay. We are prepared to
tions Isointed to ii attednce iiot date and with a great loss of time Lars was appropriated for illustrative give aclass of work to the trade of this city
stanunequaled by any other house ever located
less than 7,000. Tickets were on sale and trosbie in making arrange- materials for use in the Latin de- sere and not exclled by any City Tailor in
and nearly 1,000 were already sold. ments. While Cornell's situation partment.err.S andtsf1-ns's n s-tIeaisy)lgoedanor-
Imagine the anger ot the stuilents this is deplorable, she might at least, 'The following appointments were price desired. Fine Custom Tailoring by
morning upon the receipt of the fol- under the circumstances, have come made: Henry H. Swan tas appoint-
lowing: down from her high horse earlier in ed lecturer on Admiralty law in lav N'. 7 ANN STREET.
F. W. Foote, Manaer Vsniversity of Misnne-
sota Football Association: In view of rcent the season, and not have kept up department in place of Henry
developments, othess than inancial, must hur reckless bluffing. Brown, resigned. H. H. Lucas
positively cancel game. Team badly crippled
andrefuses to train after thisseek. Send ' junlor medic, takes the place of E.
itemized bill of expenses. Very sorry. In Unity There is Strength. K. Nickorn as dispensing clerk in
(Signedl) CHA RLES L. BROWN. --
There was a hurried conference of Alpha Nu-Adelphi met in Room the laboratory of Therapeutics.
the football managers and soon every 4 last evening, Miss Fuller in the The appointments in the Homeo- Artistic Photographer, 6 E. HURON ST.
bulletin board on the campus con- chair. A pleasing vocal solo was pathic department includes the fol-
tained the following:d lowing: L. J. Lenfestry, house Sur- HOT LUNCHES,
Cowards! Cornell refuses to come, rendered by Miss Alice Patten. A
Crippled team the excuse. Money for humorist selection from Mark Twain geon, salary $175. E. A. Clark, Lowney's hoColate5,
tickets must be refunded and tickets was given by Mr. Block, then fol- assistant to the chair of surgery, --tv-
returned. lowed a paper on "The Poet Heine" salary $ioo. Dr. Frank Rich, as- TUTTLE'S
The general opinion among students by Mr. Shaffner. Mr. Cheney, an sistant to the chair of Ophthalmol- ' 48 S. STATE St.
and management is that it is a cleralumus and former member o the ogy and Otology, salary $zoo. Dr.
case of "break down,' h aae
ment had for some timeahalf expected society, gave not a few humorous F. F. Hoffman, assistant in chair of
that the game would eventually be de- reminiscences of more than 20 years Theory and Practice and Materia
clared off, but not for the reasons now ago. Owing to a misunderstanding, Medica, salary $soo. Dr. Nora M.
given in the telegram. Cornell has the society paper had to be omitted. Dakin, assistant in Obstetrics and
from the very first continually been After another solo, by tiss Patten Gynecology. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!
raising objections in regard to terms,
but every demand on their part the debate on whether or not Alpha The following degrees were con-
was met by the Minnesota manage- Nu and Adelphi should meet at 7.30 ferred: J. A. Wood, L. L. B. G. 300 New Sweaters, latest styles, just re-
ment. The last demand from them p. m. was taken up. The affirma- A. Mann, D. D. S.
was received a few days ago, when tives Dancer and Voorhees, did - - ' ceived at
they claimed that their expenses would The time of the '95 class meeting
be much heavier than they had at first well. Messrs. Stern and Cook se m ti
showd pwerto ff-andhas been changed to a p. nm., this
expected, and that they must have showed great power to off-hand afternoon. W A H R S
$300 more guarantee or they would not delivery on the negative. Critic's
come." report was given by Mr. Klingler. Owing to the Albion-like action
No honorable excuse for this ac- _ ie, of Cornell in breaking their date
tion by Cornell seems to be evident, Unity club holds a social in the with Minnesota at the last moment, UNIVERSITYBOOKSTORE
at least to outsiders. It hardly parlors of the Unitarian church, the latter is left without a Thanks-
seems right to brand the Cornell Monday evening, Nov. 2oth.: giving game. STATE STREET.


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