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November 08, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-08

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Published Daily (Sunaays excepted) during
the Csllcee year, by
Subscription price $21.50 per year, invariably
fu advance Single espies 3 rests. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the ofice of the DAILY,
ait Stofflet's, writh any of the editors sr
authorized solicitors.
Communications should reach the office by
7 o'cloch r. tM. if they are to appear the next
Jay. Address all matter intended for publics-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
commuonications should be snt to the Bunt-
Anus Arbnr, Minh.
C. A. DENIOtN, Lawe '94, Mannging Edttor.
H. A. SrALDtNG, Lit. '55, Assistant.
.J. L. LoosE, Lit.. '95, Assistatnt.
W. N. CHOATE, Lit. '96, Assistont.
F1. WALTERSo, tLiw'Cd, Substitute Assistant.
J. A. LEROoY,tLit. '96i, Athletic Editor.
S. W. CUTISeS, P. G. Lit., Boniness Manager.
WM~u. A. Cos, Lit. '97, Assistant.
H. ft. Gamon, '94. td. F. Hall. 'iD.
Miss Lois Jane,, 'lid. MCtAL..
5R, 0. Austo in, . .'o9:5.le '.
F'. I'. Stolet° 9. E .I1 ridle'4
E. l'. Lyle,'. 7 H. D. lfoskis, '96i.
L. E. CooaT. l.G. Jenkins.,'94l.
Spc'cetl Editioi, 1,500.
STUDENTS of the University will
iuy aside oil political prej udices to-
day to do honor to Prof. Griffin,
whto has been instrumental in adding

hove already offered their exhibits
to the university. The exhibit of
the Standard Oil Co., valued at $5o,-
o0o, luau been given them. Tihis,.
however, may be housed in thse pro-
posed Colusibian museunt, hot te
university will exercise certain con-
trol over it. The establishment of
the Coluiibian museum is looked
upon witii considerable interest by
the authuorities of the university, as
it will be of incalculable advantage
to them.
November Bulletin.
The November number of the
Bulletin is made up principally of
letters and reports from the summer
conference, by students who wcre
so fortunate as to attend. them. lAtr.
Ladd's letters give a running account
of life at Northfield, at the Y. Al. C.
A. conference, wvlile Edna I). D.ay
describes the Y..AV. C. A. cotnfer-
ence, hlcd tiis yeair at Northifield
for the first lime. 'rie lake Geneva
confereince is repredentied by IH. D.
Htaskins, whio does foil justice to
thsis great sumsmer tmeeting of dudis-
tian young men of thse west.
'The report of the S. C. A. audi-
ing committee for the past year,
prepared by the committee, conusist-
ing of Messrs. Van Tassel anidtta-

That a National University should
be established by the Federal Coy-
erment,' -off., J. L.. Poston; neg., 'J 'JA
A. L.. Curtis; speech, "Anything,' i r'
J. T. Wagner; song, Jeffersonian I?/L
Prof. Thomas M. CJooley, of this and SHORTHAND. Magifcsentsbuilding; nine
teachers; large atten~dance;lcood discipline; teper-
city will address Unity Club, on iorwork;l wcll suppliedt ceaditnc room; daily lectures'
Saturdaysv eniesic eptionis; open ihe entiree
Monday evening next. ils subject Esexepliont tacilities for plaigstudsensia post'
tions-shor.tbandIgraduatetsuaateed tbem. Ltving
is "The Influence of Habits of exoenset is 51;0$.75 perwneck ia private familis.
F'or ew seatalogue, address
Thoughst upon.Institutions.' Prof. P. R. CLEARY, PaES.
Cooley needs no introduction and TOLEDO
should receive a warm appreciation -
upon this occasion from every ore
The junior laws from the several NORiTH MCllGvt.AL
states hlave held caucuses for the "'-
Time Table takitng cffect Poedly, Nov. N, 1 s3.
election to be held next Saturday. Trains lcave Ann. Arbrlby Ceonrl
'The next meeting of the Sensior NORT' IDUC I.
Glee Cluhillviibe held Thursday, ostiC is. m. 11:0x. Il.
Nov'.9, in coons 4, at 7 p. to. There *Tratins runobetween'o'son.;Alrboid 'toledo
are a few places on thse club nutt All tXliin ic del ;e'xceptI Sondoly
Il", 0105 I HZVIIIIII A(,;,.\;;;AiclAor.
taken. . I'. I le 55111', Il6.. A. 'le'ldo.
- Ann Arbor Savirin Bank
Ao;' Arbor. -ich. C l15 it l;.5Zol, X5,00.
® ® I oganize~id lyd I h ci .;' ll ikin" Laos
pf 01 lis suite. lecives -. epoeito, buss'15.5
lil g'- ~ nitsts'iStall". I'rciits ca i;. .1 pA,;icpr
Harrimano, tiice 're.; Chaso. 0E. llisco'l, Ca-
dhir' M.l . e tz AssIvt. a ier';. I;r'~
Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Is the msost effective and.i agree- TFR j I ^ J'
able remiedy ii e'xistseice for oo y o.DIC 1IONARY
p ev in l n d i sion, . an e;_ S ccs ,o tlhe
ci~has en' brs
lieoess tl se i le. 'I arsn Ten'Oiv''n'ci 'f spen' t
11- .or:117 tllyclittle
tnf vltl esosieal]-oet s.2 ovhictsl O ti x,0,0

honors to our great institution tdur- way and Mliss (tuck, is also included
ing his connection wviths the U~niver- in tse tnuber. Brief abstracts of
sity of itichigan. the Sunday morning addresses are
Professor Griffin's honor is shsaredl given, the series of socials is out-
by all wvho knosv him, and especially tilled, and titans of work discussedi.
by thsose wo have learned the real The swhole tiiuiiber is wvellfiled with
valite of the mon, fronm contact swith interesting rmatter.
him in the class room.
'The celebrationi this moring Wobster Society.
speaks loutter thiais woruds the high TeWbtrLtrr oit
esteem in wvhichi le is held by the 'Te eisrltray iiiy
students of the iawv tepiartmient, l mcxtongtat70 ''i fto
are always loyal to their profeso irs. .s rgas vi i icl A sc
If the cotigress of the tUiited :Mes bt laiij°'i Mx. hitter; recitationi ..
contained niore mntotf Pr'ofcssor (ta;ra ni',(.J Vcsu
Griffiin's calibre, wesourldllhave no ortin, Fi. 1Altcts; duscagitar-
reason to fear the legislto i-tion M. Esrds: ralebatesi, gitr,
noting froni it. Ar dad; dbt, 'e
Every one wiii be glaid to learn solvetd, That thse Negro hsas suffered
that Professor Griffin woil continue niore frotm the hands of the Anieri-
his wvork in tse lasv department, and can tieotlie than thse Indian,'' aft.,
flhat his duties in congress will not 0 ' oatadG .Abtr
seriously interfere with isis wvork in neg., A. G. Bunrr and Hi. At. Porter.
college. Jeffersonian Moeting,
The DxIDuMY adds its congratula-
tions to Ptrof. Griffin, and wishes 'The following is thte prograun for
bins all the success lie wvelnmerits. the open sessiots of tse Jeffersonian
_______________________is to e held tin the law l ectuire


Foir halo fy all Desgiuts
No;. 10)1> rIc rt .''t,iE. ceetr .
riefi:« ... _n.;+t. vsarmYla C wcrr..r.A.TPVTT av , .rz
HANG n li i~5I.t7itsls.,.c>s ict'

C., __" t: CE .C
'I . 1 IBS I''
9vQ~h+'ivt6.'4~L'ucEvsn NV l~'L


- _
i - - --


University of Chinago.
The Uiiiversity of Cihicago is tak-
ing advantage of the closing of the
Fair in securing many fine exhibits
from the mining bnilding for thseir
mineralogical collection, located in
the Woalker museum. T1hirty-thsree
exhibitors in thse mining bitilding

room to-morroso evening, Nov. 9ths:
Vocal solo, selected, Miss Alice
Bailey, Prof. A. A. Stanley, acomn-
panist; declanmation, selected, C".. If.
suan,'' society parms;Thoration,
'The CisristiatnChsurch,'' A. G.
Msills; vocal solo, selecteth, 'bliss
Alice Bailey; debate, "1Resolved,




Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers.
"sBest in the World."
Ecer "Wiasbu"Istrum~iectis '
eyad>eseits nolecharater-
,stt [ hirc cllis,, .A.tbeaustifu~l
'C~osistssrnS'ouenir 5 ,iie"
cotd 5dsoportrauitboles;in
art ists pices oantfilldoesrip-
tiousof theeoic sisets Fre. COs. STATEe& MOsNE Sen.;CHICAGO.
'Ik1e Amins Arbor Orstono ., tole Ag ists, AN AM~ull.



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