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November 08, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-08

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A tl"In

VOL. IV.-No. 34.




VICTORY IN THE AIR. ter laws would be paesed than have
-- heels promulgated by that body in the
Griff' goes to Congress-The Law past tsventy years. (Prolonged Cheers)
Department Celebrates Whatever yousr politico you will have a
"A-la-mode'" representative who will be enteouraged
by the kindly and enthsusiastic usanner
Amidst the familiar rlass yells of in which you hsave expressed yourselves
the students of tihe lasw depart- this mnorning. You will have a repre-
ment, Prof. Griffin was ushsered into sentative from the law department
th iythis msorning' It is a great anIiwill.iiensdeavor, as far ss possible
the city fid is Iiifar srespoinsibility rests upons
honor to have a professor of the U. ie, to legislate for the wviole peopale
of 'I eilct -ed to aCongress, and dc- f111(1 wxilli I id -,~e ill party principle
partintial pride ras high. No les wiheie it cfictiwit- h iithe ipubilic gool.
than ive hinsiredl lawtstudents iet t1liegof stiu all itiproiveyoar tinme
the newly elected eongrmesmnsat afi rs to cili -tee soar l nivli ige so
tivit yil cinitatke yior tilaeill the
the trainth(ii isitri iig anailcorted I use ofiiirepires-entatoivesthe seinate vir
hii to the eamputts i tileitovel eo flc teeuivxcelhatr,.irtillth
mainer often matdeue of by- roliege futiure roiigrevm will tie a harger- lody
studentis,inamely, hulisg lils car- ksvhichi i tei cotiniue to growiilargero(nil
imorie irepiese-a itives xilcosme fromi
riage titroughs the streets. Gicat en-Ii atietitiei tteiiies
of Micmtgain thianl inylother iuiversity
ilAmierica. 'Ihis demonstraition iixii
y ttnl for you the respect of the Uiniver-
sity and of tile people of A iii Arbor.
I thamnk you agaitn anld agaiii for tiiis
expr-ession oif kiniiness xvhichi siill eii-
feit/e3 tteee Itl oImernii iy
idities ithiicredilt totihlii'coutltry tiiii
1 ~ ffii~i theliwidepitnfieiit of the uiversify
tPhe college yetlthiiii trevelheris
irof. Thiiiipson:Itifslwoiithisomiie-

Heffelfingers Views on the Foot- A CAR LOADOFs
Ball of the West as Compared
with that of the East. ERi T -PIALNOS
Everyone has heard of the fa- lj, USTRCEtVED.
moos football player, Heffelfinger, assini Oak, Mahogaimy, ivaiut and nBlc..
familiarly knoxvn as "old Heft.", Ta Reiti tiefor Saie. Price- Ri-giti. Thai's tale.
The Daily Palo Alto, of Leland
Stanford University, published anQ
interviewv with 'hint recently,
xvhicht contained sanme interesting 51 Soath Main St.
comitarisons of casterin anti weserit
11teifellinger, whuo is itow the coacht
of the Califoritia Utiversity team,
exipressed astrpriseil at finding the
game ao far adrvancedt in the West.
He said thtat titere was a great dif-
ference in the kicking and puting .3
of eastern and xestern hacks, this wit-itvitia art temiaxteiii~timtotaSttyiea
feature of the game being in- of$,:, Io 5She t50 o$ ptrls
coniparably better developed its the
cast titan in tue ivest. Sn the east, 'I f'
it is the preparatory schools that R *Hr a
bring out the foot hail players, and 101 H3_1Sv i tiiistAIim Ai..,
for this reason tha ecaetxiii nra-er n-lo' - - 4CHttfAN.
eual te east. A good football ---N 0 T I0 E V- -
ptlayer mutoathave it bttriiin hint, Ave "t re uhereto tayii. Wteer retltredi ta
and it re(Ittireaspraeteto brengotiutiinetquaied an taer ui evIitte r ieitt it
a1r titan's e-weltedttryalilies.j Time teatrsi

IIR()F. F F I I\.

Itit ii it-tobasiateabi i iia ittigirse,

thustiasma peevaiedti ttoinly in his imil. I rietlize thtitthere lvis no11111-'
owvia ieputrtmiemit, bittalto i (':igtiiiititt iniithis ilemiitt atii,
)Ittlie xsimply hieetoi shiiw Your toy-
exerydeartme~lnit oii thecamusl, thy ftPrtof.Gifin.i (Criesiof itiat'a
xvho share the hioiior conferreid on right") ITmisadtotiititiontlti is tot
thte Uitiversity. At ito timte have evideiie tiat iehindti tll paty fee-tintg
teteidents of the iaiv department there is dleep donin i the hieatstloy-
thought that iProf.'Griffin xould fail miity tol the pteirsonaiid to the old ftag,
in iscanas, ad o cnfden wreaiitl wheii the election ia over the tiait
in ia aiuaaa an s cofleeim uvrechtosenith te mailSte delight to honor.
they in lila election, thtat itlansafor the 'This diemonsitraitionlsowiis thitthlistti-
reception ofthe victorious congress- deiits of the laws deptirtmeiitilre liiyal
man have been discussed for some tOotine anlothier and loyal to the fticulty,
time. Tlse arrangement comitiittee and iwheni I say the studenits of the
consisting of Miessrs. Sims, Apiter- lair deptartmsent that tmeanis the whlole
son and Motley have wvorked liardl Prof. Kniowltoit xas tnext called for.
to make the recepttiona succecss. lie said: Unlfortiuna~tely t ami a reptib-
Whlen the last tepartment building licanl, but if ste have to hiave a demo.
was reachsed, enthusiastic speeches crat ini coiigresstwe are certain of
were made by Profs. Griffin, lTonmp- hvingt in P'rof. Giriffin a good omie.I
conlgratulalte tProf. Griffii andi the lawt
son, Knowlton and Mr. Minnaitan. departmienit for the honor conferred
Prof. Giriffini said: I am touched be- uponi them.
youid the power of expressioin by this . I . Mililahan, presideiit of the;
demollstration. I amn less emlbarraseed laws class of '94, being cmlled upon
thans by the expressionsa of good will nmade a test iseli chioseni remarks.
heretofore shiownt me, because the ___
election is over aud the people hlave
made their choice. It can't be said The Democrats of the first dis-
that this demonstration has been made trict of Michigan yesterday elected
for political effect for I have been Prof. Levi T. Griffin to Congress, toj
utterly powerless in your hands, an fill the vacancy caused by the death
infant might as well try to escape from of telt ug .LgnCh
a giant or a prisoner from the police th aeJdeJ oa hp-
patrol, If I could only take the main- man.
berts of tile law class of the University The students of the law depart-
of Michigan with me I am certain bet- (Conined on third page.)

of the wsta cainttt get the itrotuer
lractice to srnug tiieiiount.
Turring the conversation to Yale's
team, Itedfelfinger sail that \Wale
was never so steak behind the line
as tis ycar. In the lute they arc as
heavy as any othser college team stitis
the exception of thse University of
P~ennsylvania. Htarvard's chances
for. the chanipionship are very good.
Tennis Tournament.
The tournamenst that has dragged
along for the past tisree wteeks is
now nearly at an cud. O~nly the
finals in second-class singles, and
second place in first-class, remain to
be played. On Monday, its the
semi-final round, Friedman beat
H-utchings, S-1n, 7-5, S-li, in an
np-hill contest. Yesterday Alexan-
der won front Jones, S-li, 6-3. To-
day, at 4 o'clock, Friedman and
Alexander will meet in thc final
The Iron and Steel club met last
evening. Mr. Andrews read a paper
on "Experience at the New York
Agricultural Experiment Station at
Geneva, N. Y.," followed by a talk
by Mr. Summers, on the Cleveland
laboratory. The program was well
rendered and enjoyed by all.

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