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November 08, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-08

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LEW H. CLEMENT, Fri., Nov. 10-Social in Inlood League Series.
519So. MALTs T. JDirector and Manager. Sal. Nov. 11,-Junior Law election.
Sat., Nov. 11-Hlon. Jerry Simpison, an S. L. A
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY course. Subject, 'Some Riecrnt Chaneges in
20 EAST HlUROlN STREET. Agriculture."
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods clled for hun. Nov. 1l.-Chapel serrice ut9553 a. i
and deliveredl. A. F. COVEET, Prop. subjet. "The Salvation Army."
Thurs. Nov. 1.-First C'horal Gnon concert.
22 'Wears il tine JSuniress.l,F .,
CITY LAUNDRY, Victory in the Air.
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. (Continued from firstpage)
KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE ment,,r irrespective Gf politics, all
+$TATC $AVIPG$ BAflL+ united in giving "Griff". the loudest
Car. Main and Washington Strees. kidoareptnsc asnl
AL,. NoBNa, I'res.RETt PHILIPSnr,GCanh'r. sdofy
"laws" can give, when he appeared
The J & it Pr~ig ~ore in the lecture roonm this morning.
Isathe elate to boy anythin sothe Druii tine.
Medicine, Sponges, Brushs, Etc. Ete. Prof. Griffin, in Detroit, is con-111 - iee ihu erbfr uy
R. E JOLLY Co.3s and will enter upon his duties as
Whenouanut a sure box of Fine Chocolate Congressman withl all the qualifica-
Candler. Stationery atcost. ti ars, Tobacco,' lions and experience demanded for
Cigarettes and the Finest StoksflPips in I
the Cty. tehg office which h st il
LADIES' and GENfTS' LUNCI ROOM. tl ihh st it
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. Mr. Griffin was horn in Michigan,
aniledlucaitd at the University of
DANCING and DELSARTE M\ichigan. 'rile oiitircak of thic
MRS Ai N;EWARD FOSTER ivar foundii intinis Detroit, jailtciii-
MONO %-1 Slate 6Street. hackett in ftic legal p rofcssion. At
HODT c. l.Asst es Class lor La
TIC ; a. d Gentlemen . the iitcallI ts aras,tc he aiindonetl
TtEDl - ' .nss ld(>el55155 Iclce rescit ib. liic
-..' ill1. (isll llellvnoo 4 n; ts i ssia 20S iirofessioo, anti with the
sld el.s!seis. is. grandctarmy of young mfnlholiiknewe
4otnIasise.'ssisinci c .. nothing hut to sustain lthe country
Pricat(l( e.Olsy appsointsoeit.
andtiheilawvo, anil maintain itie in-



representative in she Congresn of the SUiced
States, to fi11 the vacancy caused hy the un-
timely death atf.Judge Chipmsan; therefore,
be i
Resoleds, That the members of the Senior
Last Class, on this University, usnite inex
tending no Professor Griffin, their most hearty
coisgratulations,, that Iis eminesitsibility, so
long recognizedi hy the Legsal Professiotshs
beess paid a trihute by the people. an d a high
honor most wcorthilly bsestowed; asnd he it fur-
esolved, That it is the sense of the members
of thin clans, atsd it is earnestly desired and
hoped, that he may find it possible to contiue
his iaborn, with them asnnoinstructor, schich
have Penn so profitahle to the Department in
the pant. Also belit
Resolced, That thene tesolutions be pre-
sented to Prof. Griffin and a copy of thrns be
publinshed itt the U. of M. PatsP.
P. L. OLuVE,,
'There are now 32 men at the
Yale tcaining tablie.
Bioth Walter. Camp and Heffel-
finger think that lHaractd witl probl-
ably win fcom Yale.
Sealsfoc tile'Yale-Harvrcilganme
lis year still he assigneil to the
Yae ss.cots by tot.
iLe ,.ii Stanford ansi California
universities will this year have their
great ganse on 'Thanksgiving day.
One of the most exciting contests
on the footbll field next Satorday
will he that bletween Lehigh atid
Cornell, at It'
'rie seniors at Welliesley have al-
ready dontied tile taps and gowens,
whiicis they wcill continue to wear
ontil after graduation.
Minnesota ande Wisconsin fool.
halt teams play cachtihiler next Sat-
ursday. 'This ganse il proilably he

tegrity ofi their country, gave hsis
years and service to the saving of
tile ntion.t
At the close of tileivar, he ye-
tuirtied to Detroit anid again entered
uonl tihie practise of his tprofession.
ius siandardi as a lawvyer has ever
heen high. Willsasdvancing years
came increased ilractice and wiilened

tNtiscen inserted is this clsmn at the ate
at s cents per lte. Special rates for lbaer
time, atid extra ties furnishrsd y appyitg at
the DIOxLy Jse.i
Go to the J. T. Jacob's Co. atd get
your underwver. They ave the
largest attd eal assorted lite in the
Good boardl at 2.00 a -week. Also
niceely furtishied rootii cheap. S North
State street. 33-38
Nobbly Styles in Nekwear at 25.
E. A. Wallace & Co.
Have yor photos taken at Ratdall's
hefore the ruisht of Christmas.
All stiff Hats at ote-haf regular
price, at E. A. Wallaee & Co.
Choice Tobacco, Cgars and Pipes at
Sheldon's Billiard Ball, No. 3 Nor I
Main street. 1-7
ATTENTION-Do you thiitk of buy-
ing a type-writer this yer Then call
at the DAILs offiee if you wish 0n0 be-
low cost.
Alt$5.05 Kinox IHats nosy 2.50. E.
A. Wallace & Co.
See Selleede's leu-SswansLiten Tai-
lets. Tlhcylre the tneatest aist het iti
the city. 51) S. Ste t.
lFosntcintiPenssp ecialtyst Sel-
leesdi's, 5 i . Stcte t.
Gososd t'derer'itct 2 1 d41 cents,
woirin and 111124 s-sts st I". . Wii-
lite & Co.'s.
'Whereciii isisget'that Ht2?"
'Ihe .1J. .hcob'slssCiopanty
Yoi' v ostser schile sf 2, $2.50) and
$2 Ilsts, sisplaiye'slintheirt witdowt
lest 81.7l9 this steeleosly. Every ptr-
cliaaer gets ai ley.
Bluisse: ci' wills iigoos pirf sthoseul-
der brsaees. A lre shocaeldi on' prices
lt Brsswn's Drug Store. A fesv shops
worti brsaces st osh.
Seniors iti sll diepacrtmiets are eti-
tltoii sior rates sil lphotogalphice
wsork ast A. W. Cllis', Suio, No. t;
HutroS t.M-W1"-2sv
11aets it onie-thidiregulr price.
E. A. VWallaces&(t.i
Fosaleil, G(odicii'str Sasfey. $111.
0. E1. Buttherfieldl41I ( ilise'sre.
Havsitsou111eens't'iiIts ll'ltll d'li i'li-
irt Hl~liyest IEverytiniti ue, it's-
antllndsuiet; nolis sitt clisisess.
JesesyShirts atics' lu-nscost. 14.
Ak. Wallaces&,'Co
sIlibrtiliy sililic's I iss'eitsg eusis,
Ailsnn 'sAlh it XXwois atii Is i
Huroissis shu-si ': c cs-s -tesiliisgivets
y our lig1t1suisslie. 1-7
itgy ieilis catilessi lhau cos. I:.
A. Wllice' A to.
Nerwc Launtdry. Try iisr te ibest
wor.Ysvrtisa wis. Work sdsite i
eight bosutrssill e'2ttac tiifs. Oie, 11)
E. lsiross stret. Wicks 47-at \.
Husron.'T'elephonesss' $.
Dlre'i ssloa andsiVs'sts itroe'sct
asnsislylis' ciiSf.2-.1..A. Wlae &5t
Las.t Excursion.
'The' flirichi Cettiral iil run a
oSsciaitirain DtsIIs'roit, Flltui, N'sv.
il, which sillitasricet itDetroit st 9:25
a. i.5 sitisusssrtinugswilee etroit
,it 6 p1. m1. lFsre Isor ue rundstrill
tinty (till 's'sts. 'thllis w ill te the ]lst
Froo Excursion to Detroit.
'T'(isldei ls ses'.90i)Woodwasvrdl
lave'ntue, D1thit i. illirefundisitoi (very
stlsssii tiii I of5 lsss'rchse at thelir
ssti'e, i 12an si-seartmsett, (1liifis,
lP'iyini " ~rss ..st IsissTiiitissisg, ts the
amotl ofhlt x;t.0stil sr sler, the fsre to
lDtreil ausdire trt. ''akei adsvntag
of this Isst excuirsissoth ie seassn in
Fridasy 111xt. 34..5

Eir AST -. s si-s
is. N. I.;K
1t . II.11. . . . .. . . t
ON . i , ;)
. 5 li 1' . .. iisi C his 5 .,1., ,tss.tis.
Bess'.1 . i ss .ssCitesss'.s t- nn Ails or.
Bestreirs' scs i 54. P rii'ces'in e i iy.
'los : 'Pefisi" OPEN, s , 111 t moin'sR1
floo. 6anit. SEE 2W! 2 t. 'uiiw.otrmc
ltW S1 e' ls'h ft'E P 'll'-t tiAed Itt:1

lec C- a u'a' 'ne''anyussaa C- C te'ieDoCuecins {iiip
lore cxccht iii theuarimy euriiig the deiveothcamonip
swar, andslas a isrofeisor in the Uiii- Wehv laeinoertc te
versity. Several years agos lie iwaisivaruliomueni's rigihs-tihe youniig
the dtemiocratic- canisdaecte folistslice laudicisiwill1 11 lsinger he cadmiittled
free to thie fotall ga'cnies.-haily
oi the sSuptrem'esourt, hut iiwashe- e
fastest hy a ismaitllcjority. Cardinal.
liii demsocracycvis iwithosut a atv
lirewardlas a hate is lan-ts- o finreliaivesioneiaf h,000ivon
cn;hsreputations as iii hrator iimies, sillthe IGe'manipiilotsiopther,
ansi pliiticiathiisivideitircadh, antI Katut, atidlthe otlier of Soo svoliues,
liii iveiglit ini Congress silh onily lie oiu Spinoza.
eqiualetd hy the influsenee of the aisle 'isehcan liiaivitithrawsn froim the
genitlemiainiwhose dethimnatte liii Inter-Collegiate Asstociation. eto osbl.slaiPil rbbyd ienn-e
h ut wcillnueet Yale iii Neuw Yorik
il>FthiiIONS I Oil'sIcIscI E ci, cu uso nextSaturetay. Yale lias refused to
0it'94 . play withi Pennsylvaniia if the halter
reiiains in the asiociationi.

At a mleeting of the Senior Lawv
class yesterday, the folloiing res-
outioins of congratulations swere
unlanimously lassetd:
idITlEtlas, Is-sit Itsil'. ( islss, osit hssa
tiepasrtmensst usf this'Usnivesity oh Michigans,
hasr-s eenchosn, lby this-eloeis fsthIt
tCsmereasssrnash hisiriet o itt chisliganisas thecir

hiDo7111u iish tol renit your roosni
W'ly etlilit ytsu insert ai litie or twint
ouly locl olumniilhl for ii fewc days?
Mort' roos hhhve beeretedithrouhgh
the PI15 thanl~ throuiglh lily other
miedhishm, fors'the BA ILYV pruhticalhy
fehlls intol every itudeneltas hds.
WVtNi'lcl.-.\lu agenlt ilt A r bori,
(ahl s he isi Ypsiltitlohskiacu leaust
three houssr a say, ieluing5a fitie 11011-
dauy amuhssemietnt. No Bmtney rlequiredi.
State si-lure antdt whsen 7051 fcanbe seen.
Addsress G., dirte of U. of H., Argus
eshiee. 31-33

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