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November 07, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-07

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Paetihed Daiy (Sndys excepted) during
the Cllee yer, by
Subscription price x::.50 per yer, invariably
in advanesSingle copies it ents. Subsrip-
tione mey be let at the etttee o the DAILY,
xt Stoffet's, --ith ety et the edtore or
authorizerd soiitors.
Commnictons shold rech the otice by
7ocioch . Nt. i they se te apper the next
Jay. Address sitletatter intended tee pblies-
tion te the Mnging Editr. All bsness
eomtmunictions sheuld be sent to the Boi-
ness Mnsger.
Ans Arbr ih.
C. A. DENttu, Law 'S, Mngig Editor.
H. A. SPALDING, Lit. 'S, Asitat.
.. L. Loto, Lit. '5, Asitttt.
W. N. COAE, Lit. 'S, Ais~ttt.
F. W Tsrco, Leic'S, Sttstiltte Aitancttt
.1. A. LtROY,.Lt. '6, Atltic Editor.
S. W. CRnxSS, P. G. Lit., Bsinet Mnge.
SwM. A. llCtI, Lit. '7, Asitat.
H. G mmotin at'9 l. . 1'.Hll.' f>
P.. Lyl 3, tn-,I. Iii
L. E.. Cosnadt, '10 . G . Jnilit .10
All t py mn toll-lIar Ithe oalcbefoleat:86-i n.1.
AVE call the attention of the stu-
dents to the collection of pottery
jut received at the museunm. The
collection is one of great value and
wilt make a notable additiotn to or
already well stocked nmuseun.
tIe another column se publish a
clipping from a newspaper giving a
sample of the exaggeratedl accolnts
now going the roinds of the press
in regard to the Hallowees celebra-
tion by the students. it is easy to
be seen howv the public has been
taught to ook upon college stdents
as lawless and ungovernable, only
waiting an opprtuniity for an ou~t-
break. ______
Nosy that the School o It sic has
been establish~ecdis the new ade
commodious buiisg, bilt espec-
ially for its use, Ants Arbor offersseilyfn potnte o h
study of music. While the School
of Mtusic is not directly a part of
the University, it is so closely cot-
nected with it as to offer sucdents of
either the benefits to be derived
from the other, and so long as a
musical department is not connected
with the University, every one will
applaud the generous spirit of those
who made the School of M~usic a
success. To Prof. Stanley great
credit is due for his earnest antI en-
thusiastic attempt to cultivate a taste
for musical education in the U. of
M. In this age no one has received
a thorough edscation who has neg-
lected the study of music in some
form or other. This idea is begin-

ning to make a firm impression on
the minds of stuideints who will he
glad to lake advatlage of the oppor-
tunities offered by the School of
Music, while pursuing a coarse in
college, thus combining the elementsj
of a liheral education.
Columbian Tea.
The Columubian Tea and World's
Fair Synmposium given hy the Wom-
an's League last Saturday was fully
attended. The audience room of
McMillan Hall was crowded. Ad-
dresses were made, considering dif-
ferent phases of the World's Fair.
Mrs. Byron Cheever spoke on for-
eigners at the World's Fair; Mrs.
Sunderland on thse status of Ameri-
can civilization as exhibited there;
and M~trs. Martiti on the different
types of people in the WIord's lair
crowd. Mrs. Carhart, gave thte clos-
lug address setting forth the real
purpose of the Woman's League and
the spirit of its associate menshers.
Several anmusing stories of exper-
ienices at the Fair were told by per-
sons in the audlience and after sing-
ing a verse of the Star Spangled
Blanner, Colunmhiatn tea was served
in the parlors below. The table was
decorated with Iloivers and smilax
and the lea niade and poured out its
the roont. Everybody enjoyed the
afternoon exceedingly.
A Co-ed Wrinkle.
The third sutsber of Writskle, oti
sale next hride1- morising, will be a
Freshmnan Spread editiont. It will
be printed its coloredl inlk, atnd wvill
contaisniany goodi jokes anisclu1s1-
trations, htittinig oIL the features of
this, the first of the ive great social
events of the y-ear. 'There wiii be
mutlchi humnorous matter of spiecial
interest to the girls, itncluing twso
excelletnt light poemsswritten atnd

it was to go to to the Athletic Asso-
ciation and the remaining one-third
to the S. C. A. This money will
probably soon be secured and used
for the improvenment of the Athletic
Horsf'ord's Acid Phosphate
Is the most effective and agree-
able remedy in existence for
preventing indigestion, and re-
lieving those diseases arisin g
finns a disordered stomachl.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Springfieldt,
Mall., sa) s: "I value itias1anexcellet
preventativeadfidigestisn, andl a pleasat
acidlat.ed dinkh ten properly dilutedl with
water, astiweetenedl."
Desc.ripltie- plIlhileitfree onl application11 to
Rumford ChemicaliWorhs, Providence,R.I.
For Sale by all Druggists.
J AI1lES 5. GOODlIIEW, rlorist. 0Growier ot
Rosesc,III-tatills adFlawer oftell vai-
rig. Florled Sessade upotn short tnatice.
\oc. 1 Olllrrl-tory street, asp. cenietery gate.
OiNE N'lis-cONis-.
l a-i-acr111 I'oititul it il l hi I l~rt, 5-;.
75 rr t w'Il 11-11110111 of1lii-.rows I-C;l

aned SHORTHAND. Magnificentsbuilding;niine
teacets;tlorce attettdxne; good ditcipline; sxper-
aorwane; welsurplierexdingcroomt; dailytlectxres"
Sxturaeeneng receptions; orstt the entire year
Exepeitioaletfacilities tor placn ttuttdents in posi-
ttoes-tborthattdgraduaesxctarx teed them. Ltvins:
exenes $ to $2.75 pxer ek inppivate famiies.
For Newtsaetlogue, address
Tinie Teable tathituceffect ellodaig, Nay. 5, 1393.
Trains teave Annt Arboir by Central
Stand~ard Time.
,:15ea. ml. *715 a. tm.
*15 p. . 11t : i a. ml.
4:15 p.-m. ill, 0 11111,
*Traitns ratnbeteree nAttttrbolr1n.11Toledoa
it S.lGREE.NWOllOD, Agent, Ann lArbort
tW. H. tttNN ETIXOG.t'. A. Tledo.~
Ann Arbor Savings Bank
AnnliArboar. SIclie. tl S dtc, $50,000l.
of tis Stlate. Rtier-v( deposlits, lbuys. end
ll'll-excarlltllre the lsritl-ll a ceICoflthe
unttedl Statet. Dts lil. ed upon pro1111per
idenatifiction.t lOoty 1ejw1itboxls to IIrent.
OFPeICEl l:lCristianu Marl.. Pt;-, Wste1)
Hetrrtiaei.51c Pres.:1Chls. P. H111k, Ce-
shiet, Alt 1 itstCI a-bier.
Abrx alta ___T___n___es.___
e l U-brirdged."
PIrevisei g,10ed-l
Ioe.tha '$300,000
I 1i111ar . I 111-
-tor l lllill, III.
AI c-e ftelf. llal.--lve'.
II iowl'tlil.-
It- t r 1;5e 'i- ~table ill 1111
'' SI4tI ISuat
apll1110- 51 r5,511
t l i .lil.Illll llreprint 05710 'l~t IIlY


co-eels. A reviewv of

the numnber wiii appear in Tillrs-
clay's l). lI i.
Routine Business Only.
The Athsletic hoard nset last niight
its Room 9 and disposeld of nutmer-
ous bills and claimls against thte As-
There wvas no discussion as to the
forming of an independent tennlis
Association as proposed its a mseet-
ing held last Saturday. 'Ihis qutes-
tion will probably come up at thte
next mceting, but it is not likerly
that anything wvill conme of it.
Last year the S. IL. A. surpslus of
about $250 was voted to be loaned
to thte Athletic Associatio ithtout
interest. If not needed by ths
year's S. L. A. Board, two-thirds of




Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers.
"Best in the World.'
Eer"Waeshtburn"'tectttoet is
the potof elta ollseealtr ci-
1111 and rets nbe atra~ttcttr
isis etkeleurAbeptationt
ar titatt'ptilceafll desri1
tsla f athesetinstruetsret, c a.S E&MNSSSC HICAGO.
Tlie Alin Arbor Orrau Co., sole Agrixtw, ANN A11HOR.,




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