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November 07, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-07

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LEW H. (LEMENT, Fri., Nov. 10-Social in Inlaod League Series.
51 SO. MAcu ST. tDirector aud Manager.' Sat. Nor. 11,-Junior Lao election.
Sat., Nov. 11-Hon. Jerry Simpsoo, in S. L. A
EXCELSIOR LAUNDRY course. Subject, "Soue iRecent Cthooges in
20 EAST 11125(15 STRIEET. Agricultore."
Guud Work Guarunteed. Goods culled tar Thuru. Nov. 1.-Firoe Choral Uiun concert
and delivered. A. F. COVERT. Prop.- -t+-
Unity Club.
22 Years in the BUniies.;'2.--
CITYLAUN RY, Prof. W~ater opoke before Unity
CITY LAUN RY, Club last night on tnc philosopher,
M. M. Soaboit, No. 4 N. ]Fourth Ave.Roseu Thtem watein
KEEP YOUR ACCOUN'7WIT1H THE fluence of Rouoseau upon the French
+$TATE $AVIP2G$ BAURK+ Revolto.Tesakrgvtre
Car. SMain und Washington Streets. lto.Tesekrgv es
.A. L. Nonon, pres. ROBERTcPHIuLISs, Cash'r. analysio of prominent contempo-
The 13. & M. Prhg Storit raries of Rousseau, and reviewed the
Is the place tuo1buv anything io the Drug line, brining of the Revolution.
MedicioneSponesaBrushes, Etc. Etc. Things, indeed, werequtred
GCS 2'0for the pen of Rousseaui. His some-
11. E JOLLY & Co.-Is what startling logic coulid be over-
When yFouweat 5a re brat oi Fine Chocolate looked, and bis con ortabie and
Candles. Stationery at cos. 'Igurs,Tobacco,
Cigaretieo aud Ihe Finest Stock of Pipesinu soul-stirring roncith 'ns .vied
tke City.
LADIES' andaGENTS LUNCH ROO1M. witha avidity. As a mair ClIt
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St. enemies of his felltows 00 ers; LI it
as philosophler, lie von them bact'
DANCING and DELSARTE ivitha iis ideas. The advocate of
MRS, ANNIE WAR3D FOOTER nature, iiiteed, swas quite wecoiiic
45 S. S9.te Street 10 .
MOND N'- a a 1, 6ae i(lass10for 1laand1h1s5work, The SocialCotat
ii :+ Col nd 'l Glo )1,1).1Y 1 .f i.1111 at <Iso 11.111)tly atght, was the ceibryo of

Princeton has begun to prctc Go to the J. T. Jacob's Co. atnd get
prcieyour ulerwesr. They have the
behind cloned gates and all specta- largest and best assorted line in the
torn are ecluded. city.
Nobby Styles in Neckwear at 2.5c.
The Princeton Inn has proved no E. A. Wallace & Co.
successful that an addition will be Stave yiiir photos taklenl at Randall's
before the ruish of Christmas.
made to it in the spring. WANTED-An agent inl Ann Arbor,
The Yale faculty has passed a (also one ill Ypsilaniti) to work at least
rule imposing severe penalties for three hours a day1 sellinig a litie ioli-dyaueet o oe eurd
yelling and other noises on the cam- State where slnd when you can ha sten.
pus. Address G., care of C. of M., Argus
A Latin play 'h-ill be produced at All stiff lists at one-half regular
Cornell thin year. It in proposed to price, at E. A. Walaee & Co.
give the participants a certain noum-y Choice Tobacco, Cigars and Pipes at
ber f hurscreit"Shseldon's Billiard fll, No. 3 North
he fhusceiin the Uoiver- Main street. 1-7
sity, as was dotie, -y Vassar. ArTNTION.-Do bOO tink of buy-
Full arra regin«;ol avebnm- ing a typo-writer this yeari' Then call
have een om-it the DAILY offie if you wish one be-
pletedl Uro.5 V le- Princcoton game~ low coot.
01 Tlr.kn IDg Day. It siul be Al$5.00 Ktnox Htats nose $2.50. E.
A.Wallaice & Co.
pla - d oij th=! oltd grounds <at Iao- See Seleede's newsvSwvan Linlen Tab-
hattiied, for the use. svwhich lets. They Ire the neaitest andllboat in
o 20wili be paid. lie city. u0 S. Slate at.
Harsart, itnibi .1iand Irruic's, h5t S. "Ilca t.
l'r lhe. 1.yc arc #o umeet ooL:u 0llersleart it 24 and 44cnlts,
in ic :,..on lier ate; chess woruthi .111)an(t r'u cenits it E. A. Wal-
lfl 111' 0011a cr~ t lace & Co.'s.
totirxlamsi; It li lri at1uas itr. J.. G ilbsonI, phtogltrapher, still

5.T~I 511. Ill. Oeatl l'ls d 1111.01 the terrible revolutionl itself. 1011silNc I. Ii~ o
11 0 li 1'1 lllilu s. .tendl withithtisideua IProf. Walter lege v.11 l ter 1 ,1Iw
}), m t'hidren 4 d ncin'het 11's
Prucitlesscons '. appontm1il~enlt, closed leaving his large audienlce ccilly f l 411c i
swell satisfied wstubthe evening they no en tllhl h i'1 1 r
had sient.uate Chess Cup next year.
Latin Play at Harvard. GRAND OPERA HO (iSE.
:a Ib Tis year, for thte first time in the What the Detroit Free Press says
t - ® ihistor y of Harvard, a Satin play isr
* of "Matlack and Van Zile.
'to be preseintedt by the itncergrad- 'lcproolle ltitltli
nates of the college; anti the S'hor- mornlbers of 0110etompany swete 0(111.1
ni io of Terence has been nelected to ie11k11gslgi 0011.e
* ll~roducltion otf thle greaitest ofiplalys
_______________-~ becauise it approaches nearer titan Mr. Mtlaclk iinterprets Hlamslet ina
others 1 tilte motdern piasy in tile schlarly' mainer. Ilsisitork showtsa
eareilistudy, 111nd1his lreadtinlg ws
~ G NT ~ plot anti its tdevelopm~lent. 'Thelesscligl perfet, 11ein1g'voidi11011111
I qLCA) G- '° " ANlate for tile lpresentationa has becen orstanigfotrft-st.
IS1 plachiclllsettleil as thec nineteenlth etd ill ishail Zite, still)is ia 11211111
a1. 1 I" a 011 oflArilthe 2annilversalryof thle ol' b urlgE Vil Zile orttfhis city. Dur
-tar i ... . 12)I (00..11..0 2 111ingthe 111sf year 0110eihas apllwole i ere10
N)1 la , -. >lt M 'Yo . s 1112 lvr iglhlt: for tile atinl plays, ril several rt'111114 1s11am id it 110s seill
N.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i 'liil'I..1usu.uuthe udays of thueir pplalil~rity,'. were ril't111eu111Eltle'1husI
N, 1,ile Iaaipu I ll I >.1 l 2It t L_ 12sl re,. . 5 stlueniu il tI tulit, in taill sluecil en-'l
N. Y.'&.('1 i. .t.:t.. 12 G .' I t ,i u o 10 reservedl for festival occas1ions; 2 2111 upueeliellfo- 111111d' ~ sdnlill
Atlrrnit ls 1' . >,'' '. a.1 tiVs .. M 1:o letlosthe 2110icuf thuc Iatinl depa'rtmlent .1lsNai Ve la 110111 tl u
D. N . t i r.. 1 I IOpliela. Sill'is. pueuiliauilu 1111a 11ap tet
0. Ii.t o uc' - ......I4I to make as exact a rellrlllititlon120fIpartso uf tis lnatulre. 1111 slenduer,
o.t155',f.11c- 11. W.11cc'-F,
.1.1' ol. I i- . _A ., Apra .Arbor. the origi nal as Ipossible.-Cri n 1. grlsl i'1r- 111ulu iitg lt''uii
THE ANN ARBOR ARGUS Osgood or Brlooks? ~u t1111l~st~iluI i h 111
scenic she stas at 11er lutst."
PRINTIN G and--"'- aspar WXhitney hsas thec follouving 'PThis conmpany in a grandl senic
- PUBLIS HING to say of Osgood anud Srooks, U. of prductions of Virginiuts, at tile
H JL7 _of P. hlalf-backs. Oisgootd is wtell Grand Opera Htonse, Tuesday, No-
Student Worm a Specialty. elsoulgiltnowvn out thsis stay as thse vember 7thu.
B~es'+15Wurkuieuua11,11 Imuue-'Prces in the City. old-tinme phlenonmenal half-back of-aa
T -v - Corisellsthio usedlto brinsg terrors Notice.
(R GI [Lto thse raisks of the U. of M. teams: Lut ( lesilIlstus iteso
CLASSES IN DANCING 11w1il eut II- 'trl
follow.":i S t~cu Iili e, v'u'lav uuiuueuluuu -o o 1 uus ItlndlOsgoutul lre calltidastes the IOtattoricllAsstciationi. '011s5
end 'rhuiesilttuy ci u-itiaa 58110:'(stdl.aardeuurfurth ~e oilierlptoitioni behlilndthe lie tickets are hilly goouud swhell propterly
acftu'ruion . 4 . ,uti u'-uuu ti IteuuHil el-'0 110' eutu leto'igilel. 111101cr thease seturnl
Van(u'u'u lano-.'I'oil"(u4V c aiv .1we.s, 'uuuuu 1111nd(If thsu'twvo I preferlBroioks. Ste Is to LaLirtart.
felooreGuuc'Iooi 05, Itoaii o uu'eu' eru m the best kictoet, surer caltchi 111(1Illor'e - -
(tev e )*-Ptasreec tayti valuable on interferencee, besiudes beinig On the Fence.
it gootd ground gaiiner. Osegotdssill Onl th~efence ind~icaets hitti.
151rsnt endlthu selasnswithlis ucrelr-pol- Theise1n110exeusse for hlesitastioni whleu
'taltim~i ats le begun it.Il~e is stroll it rtomies to OPiuS' 'hug thtua.Youl
1111(1fast and11 hard11man ltou stop, bitgt 10tloinows'thalt Mr. A. 14. Rtose, (If
~~~ hiere 11is 5v1l1e Cends-hlis trielinlg is tthe Goldhenl agle, IDetroit, liltes the
~' ii '1 catelilla 1'' ' -" llnobtiest ecuothesa wornIIby the stluenlts
I aa~j high, c tllln ucerta~in .and1interfer- of the U. of M. A full linle of osmples
' ; -i lepost, Ste is a star pla yetrswho 011 display' Eli 'll'iTuue silayit the Cooko
'hue eifladt-I ' lli"tiol iOuLER sem to tinkilohis stork invluali~ble to [loulse. YouIa1re.sulre ofgetlgil
nat Eaauh- SWHIT?11r aFor n~c. the teami, sthiile 11s 1amatter of fact it proper otyle iath1110lowest possible
1(10' tl~t'iiO .2711' SAND is ie sorst eilild im its.'' price. Give hlire au call, it still paiy
o~t vft~t~l, '~lt ' s IT . is he poret bhindthelin.' you.

lis1010p -IUOY o. n M1, No'. (), tu0 take otuders. Thsose
sI liIg hOlil ols tke itosue11I1vs please.
uctll int l ie alinlgeilellto huefor'e.
"Where, did you gct thlat O~at? s
The J. 'T. Jsaeobs Cobspally
YoVu havie yourltchoie of1$2, 102.50 atnd
10 hats, 1display.hedlin their stindhow
1 101.71) tis swehon0110. Everytur

iil is1 -gets 11 loot.
",hRACE,1u t, it oh Iaguouod ipair of shIouOl-
uder huraces. A large stoucktlowtho pricecs
alt Bhrownt's Dlrug Stole. A fesw shop
.A1 llles at onle-thuirit 1eglar ricer.
iE. A. Wallalce &1. Co.
Four saleGood icto et' 111. 1010.
0. E. Jholtteu-lieldh41Cthertiuiie street.
tHaveiir lllbienihu toIuazetiso's Bil-
liii-I 1allve1ffi'veciihsinr lice',ilteas-
hrset Its ales 110thlans cost. 14.
A. Wallae1C & .
iLalluuthI11 1 2a~lies. isoe'timicaelts
±1111 At'' t orks 2' 3 Wst
1iltll nstu''' -u Ttualul '1 11 gisr; el
t ('t 11111u11 1'. cultirng is . Il)'1
You ight .1 si t u -Oh 11 '. f14.
A. Waiiau'e & o
Newt Lauury.uy itshuorfluebest
wltok ylulev'511sists'.Wuok uone ill
eight1h111)1110 ex12tr h >'11ie. Offie, 10
14. hItron s51eet1 Wo'rks 47-u51; W.
HIuronu. 'e'ephlwl'0
I~s -s I 'usul.andiuuliCeslo-hurcun'cuit
111111style-' 181050i, I. A. Wallace &
Last Encurnion,
It, solliull siltltrivseal'touit at 9:25
11 n.111 l-I ltrliug sswill lease Detrouit
ait I( p. tnu. Farehull' thuetrioiud trip
nlinety (0 cenlts. 'Thuis will be filt,
125715111 ll f tlu eas1'lull.
Mrso..01Alum t'Wuiister 10islpeparedl
flu teah aluh e 1121.'v11danlicels, intu ce dit
11111 l~e 1-i '1thu 0is iintel', inlhur'Moll-
11111 getleenul. Suis. looter hos a-
sisted ill all huer classesl by her 11110th-
ter, Ma~ry Laulist. One of ftue 1ew
(la1ices was iutruoueed luist AMonday
evenling. 30-32


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