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November 07, 1893 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-07

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lac . Of


VOL. IV.-NO. t'33.



SCHOOL OF MUSIC. Arizona and New Mexico. They
Is Now Established in its Commod - are in' an almost perfect state of
soss Building on Maynard Ipreserv'ation, some having heen used
Street. s uhta the color is worn off.
Monday morning the bulletin at They were made by pressing in the
Newherry Hall announced that hands and not hy any process of
hereafter the office of the School of moulding.
Music wonld he at its newvbsild- The exhsibit will he of great fin-
ing, on Maynard st. One of the terest to stuidensts in ethnology and
DILic staff went over to investigate archeology. It is placed in the
and seas svcry Isinudly showns round wcest wsing otn the grounscifour.
by Pro. Stasley.ich5oigan's Distinguished Visitors.
.Early list gear, Mr. Stanley for-
sawv thsit the school would souos out- ThI le famse of our iustitution is
g rotc its ifuarters iu Netwberry tall, plainly shsowsn by the sunsbir of
snd lhe at once wcent to wvork to seecdis tinguishsed persoiss, b)oti froms
swhat could be lone. 'Ithe result hom e asnd abroaud, svho ma~ke it a
hsas been the erection of a beacutifuil point to iisspecl our Uitiversity.*
sieswbuilding, on Maynard s51 be- i ne iodsigssst ete
tsveen Liberty ansi William.It i sc isnfrostsforeigns 1antis have made
a large thsree story building, con-ju a call: Dr. John --\. Tlsonse, di-
tainissg recitationt roosss and an audi s ector of the National observatory
estee hail. STe tront past itt the i Argesitisne Repsublic, and Rapisuel-
buildiisg, sin the grosusid lfour, i orges Levy, Proffessesir a IL' Ecole
dlfvided into offices anti a rcception Des Sciences f'oiitiques tie Paris.
coons. Ons the usipier floors arc sit- 'e foriser was comsmissionecd by
nstedl te recitation roomis, i .sn all, Iis gotverinmeint to cosse to inspnect
earls coily furnishecdtandilcosslain- Ith great obsercatories sif the Ui. S.
isig ass up~rights pianso. lHe tails frostsN etc Vorkc ottthe 9tlh
Itsnterear is te audiencelhall inst.
whcii w sill tact' a seatisig capacity l'rtsleessr 1Lev'y lectusredl ts Prof.
sitsicr 4-. lis stll intlicsAriamsi' class its course 5, poiticail
btiltsciihspsfeciasl reierestse to itsecsonyserlyatrcos.Is
sosnorousspIropserties.'Ithis hallis sublject wsa"'The Crisis of 'g; froit
not yet fsnised, but trill be itn a Eurtopeasn Stasndpoisnt.' 'He show-c
fewv weekt, anid whesn finishiesd till edl the differenice betwneen the usonse-
be usedl by te Choral Usnion for tary' system of Ftrasnce aind ti :glancl
rehearsalsn and concerts. 'rinuserasl closed by explaining hosv the
walls of the swhale building have sank of France mset a crisis. A
been smade sousnd proof by the use number of the facisity together with
of mineral wool placed in the wralls. several visitors wrere ptresent. At
The building, as a whole, is very the close of Iis renmarks thne class
neatly and tastefully arrasnged, and shnowred its appreciation by tresisen-
is surely very well adapted to the dons applause. Bhoth these gentle-
uses for which it lint bean erected. mnen speak issthne highest terms of
Its architecture and grounds aresrelIi our institution of learning.
in keeping wriths the rest of Ann Ar- + -
Qontract Awarcded.
hors beautiful buildings. P'rof. -__
Stanley is justly proud of the build- The '96 Oracle Bloard suet last
lugandtheDstx' cngrtultesnight and decided to give the print-
ihim on the succes of its erection. ing and binding of the hook to the
The forsmal opening wiii occur in Register Ptublishiing Comspany. The
about three weeks, xvhen everything book is to be bound in a cover
will be completed. xvhicha will have a special design,
and will be printed in four or five
A Valuable collection. .l c ToiAritr 1 rrc~.

An Exaggerated Account of Hal- A CAR LOAD OF
loween Doing rinuatice
tote_.ofM ERIE -4- PIANOS
It has often been said and never JISTiRECEIVEno
denied that if you want to knowv the Cases in OtiS.aha, yWalnit atn Hinek
news you must go awvay from home To Heist tie ios Sate. Prices. ituntit. That'stfair.
and this old saying is more than
correct in regard to tine grossly nmis-
represented Itfaloeen celebration *I '
of the students of the U. of 1At. ' - uSat laiant
The follotwing clipped fromi a daily
josirstal of ceintral 81sfinois xiii prove
interesting atud asmussing reacting tin
studensts oit the U. of tl.
AY I's ritistit1i0itS sisuttAs Atu Rcoito
Ots' ii tsLtOW'X DIOtRDtER. 5
Whetsysus ant c.ttit'sttiet ropoilitanutylies
Tiwottussuaniristudsensof Asnsi Sr-atof'$2,,si3,$tr,$t titterat 50tio t.'a ptsir it'ss
bur Unsiversity stairted otSWednsestdayth'itsAttttArbor- pices',send etor (talogettoea
to break sllsreordssof hliisxe'nfroSiur
andsi disorsder. They tidtiit, anisfrom'littils
10 ocloekutulrdayliightS Slitfollosw itsg a
maornsiig Sissy'xwsrkretdtheir owuswesx et 1sos isa-sunWit',i).ts Ax
xiii,siespite till te efforts Of ecollege DIl' flthil 1IstlCttIt S N.
stnd toswnssiuthosrities. As sissyof te
conseqenesisfoit s tudtrsarte'to -NO
jaii iltn$500) Ibail, atu1tusit sfessee is leftS N0T1
staninsg or a sisdesswalk re'masinss istac i5e'rsit' tr~t'taey5. Witt s i urtedtoi
wtitinshalif si sileIofitS hueesissuliss. wesitcsiisitt scutorki eto st ra ei of it ity
'lTe liststrssstairtedl swlen ti solitatry basy dn o i 'u t i.\( tic byoniit c''1 i n s
poic matppard til t er 10ii i . n i t t c<,oen d 5 or
o'clockisuisnd isdeman ed orert'rl rit+u rcni 4l slit tc d il -iir to isy
Thee uustus uluusds :lsh urt''. IIani . n :;-55t< Ti nt ssi
Siss s ustl is ishis.niittkavy Iis clubi
tatd esried hiluitstu im ntus is. 'tWsetsn 3 . d
lt'e eletriechiS ulssspcstreittrailwcy"tvacks wer
basrricaedulelatndesrs stoppuhed. Hrit,;t asZ'IT
tx-snas goaiucuaelusefur tcl ii'estun'
hiss, andsthesy' improvedilit Iby suinsis-
hug ecar xw idowr shdieadulights, atutu
"'rushtuig.'iuckess conuussscos'atut
miotournisen. 'uTsn anthieSltrippinug
aup of sideleksis, teaseitg diwoss fr ' -
fenieso, assai cutelyinug aay of signs-
all goisig to masue a'agniient buil-
lire on Site campus. Shieriff Breniner Artistic Phtgrapher, 6 E. HURON SI.
swospinig dowxsa55nte gasng xxithlivhne -_ -
deputies linen iiaide in uinplesasanst ala- H T L N
versiosi,stud four rioters wtresceaptuired U CH
sash carriedi ia'ay t jauildesipite fiere LowneyvS Uhocolate,
resisansce 051Slathe airSof than atti- +
dens~.idurisngtwhieh hseaswresfreely-A -
craieked. TUTTLE'S
'T'heinte shounttrWesnt sill "Let's48 S. STATE St.
stormn the jail sait release te butt.
Thiere tre plesaty of hut-lieadedilheait-
ers ath ie 2,0110 quicekly' got iii lists W
aindinasrcedr to this jail. A sight of te c3JM k-
big buiiliing seemaedi to halve a rquietisng
effet, haotever, asardte jail n-stal- U.,IVFER' STY t' /WOKQ' TORE
lowted tosit anidtwhile this nob retursedr
to the camapus. Firewoodtromeuneed STATlE ST>R~ET.
So get searce by this time aisdilnear-by
shaedsxseetorn rdostiandsirluled ont this
Thenstudenlts acted in asca a uman- SPECIAL. SALE at Sweters, Gynasiums
ner atsiiot osily to idisgrace te usiver- Salts, Umabsellas, sic., etc.
sity but theselves5 anthparensllta IuetiesWiiu 'ieleespsd
__--- .--r-- - Finteam Wov seessf. arr r nrnure



A very valuable collection of pot-
tery from the Smithsonian Institute
has been added to the museum.
The collection, comprising 56 pieces
of bowls, canteens and vases repre-
senting. the pottery.of .the-clff
dwlesof the old .Indian towns of
Zumi, Acoma, Siania, and Moki, in

Company enter into' a contract to
have the book oat before Christ-
All matter, both illustrative and
literary, is coming in well, and
promises to-be up to the standard,
and..hat it will equal any of its pre-

At the meeting of the sophomore
girls, Saturday morning, to elect a
menmber of the class committee, it
was decided, owing to the few pres-
ent, to postpone the meeting.
Since then several candidates have
been heard from, and considerable
interest is manifested.

Hay ltst Waterman Fountain Pen. Every-
one guaranteed for flee yearst.


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