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November 06, 1893 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-06

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_____________THE U. OF M. DAILY.

' C. of modSf. Ixr .
Pablished Daily (Sunsays excepted) during
the Colee year by
Subsripion price $V.5 per year, invariably
in advanceeSingle copies a ents. Sbsrip-
tons may be let at the elatce of the tDAY,
at Stotlet, with anty f the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Commanieationss hotld reach the efites by
7 o'clock p. m. it they are ta appear the next
Jay. Address all matter intended oe publica-
tian en the Managing Editor. All business
communiatisa should e sent to the Busi-
niess Manage.
Ann Arbr, Xisb.
C A. DIENSON Law', Managing Editor.
H. A. SeAtDesa, Lit. '94, Assistat.
I. L. Loose, Lit. '5, Assistant.
W. N. COAT, Lit. ', Asistnt.
F. WAcycoS, La't, Substitte Aistant.
J. A. LEcoy, Lit. '6, Atleic Editor.
S A. CUsIiS. G. . Li., Business Manager.
Wmit. A. Mtun, Lit. 17, Asitat.
H. B. Gotolo, Il. 1i. F. Hall. e.5
Mils LoisJtas,'94. itEttAL.
5. . Aotis '95 . L. Mrt idoe,'94.
WF. .Sodler, .D.15alin,'ji
E. P. Lyle, pisivl. H .lstis i
bDENTAL. ililltl'(IATtIC.
L. E. Coonseadi, '5. .. Jenkins, '9.
All oyym st heo.t the oitcieefoe N :10is .
at the sdiao ofpbflvoi gy.
WE regret to annosnce, to day,
the resignation of Mr. Norman
Flowers from the DAILY staff. Mr.
Flowers has been a hard worke,
and is a newsvpaper nan of unuual
promise whose first thoht hasi
always been for the success of the
DAILy, but as he is now a member
of a fraternity, and as the constitu-
tion of list association under whose
auspices tte DAsI LY is published'
provides tat an editor joining a
fraternity forfeits lis place on the
editorial staff, se regret that te
resignation nust be acceptes.
To fill te vacancy tus craed
Air. W. N. Choatehas beis ades iccsl
to assistant mna~aging elit I, , enil
Mr. E. P. Lyle has been eilee to
a position on the staff.
The managing editor ws en-
powered to appoint a substitute as-
sistant managing editor for extra
service, and acting under this au-
thority appointed Mr. Frank Wal
ter, lasw '94, a newspaper man of
considerable experience.
There remains one vacancy on the
staff, to be filled by a co-ed, and
the position isopen for compeition.
It is hoped that the editorial staff
is now organized for the rensainder
of the teenm of service of the present
management as frequent changes are
prejudicial to the bet interests of the
Tosis year our Glee and Banjo
clubs have arranged for an exten-
sive itinerary and will cover a larger
part of the country than on former

trips. The prospects for successful says: 'Students support those who
clubs are nmost 'flattering, and they sopport yon.' If list students will
cannot but make a favorable impre s- carry into practice the advice given
sion wherever they nsay go. As a(I in the editorial we are confident that
means of advertising the University the delinquent advertisers wiii soon
the annual trip of the Glee and fall into line."
Banjo clubs does more than any _____

other nieans used by the University.
The reasiis for this is evident and
lies within human nature itself.
Who of us would not prefer to see
the product than to read about it
in the advertising columns of some
journal? This trait of human na-
ture holds good as well in regard to
a great University as in commercial
life. The products of the Univer-
sity are the cultured men and wom-
en it turns out; and we kno of no
better way to imspress the public
witlh the value of college education
than to have them come in contact
with and breathe in, ii for only one
evening, the spirit of University life
as reflected in temoerry songs of
the University Glee Club and listen
to tue sweet susic of a Banjo Club,
selected froni a large University like
tisis. Students should take an es-
pecial interest in these clubs tlsat
reflect so much credit on the Uni-
versity, both at house and abroad.
Prinoctoe's Attoedance.
Thse follosving statistics, taken
from a portion of the advance shseets
of thse catalogue of Ptrinceton Col-
lege for 5593-4, may afford an in-
teresting consparison:
Fellos s.................... 11
G-rasduate stuideiits .....s1 ) 0
Acaideiie niors ...... 1) 5
Ac.asdemice freshmsien ....7) 11
Acadsemliecspieials..... 7 4.5
Electrical scbool..... 1.1 22 1
Scientiiieseniors. ....... ) 5
Sciesitifie juniors .......42 S
Sceneitific sophiomsors........... 82
Scientiiciefreshmsenll...122 l18
Scisntific specillo....21 82
Tfotals ................ 1072 1092
Our Contemporary is Right.
Consmenting on an editorial wvliclh
receistly appeared in thse DAsIL,l t
University of Chicago Weekly aptly
"The U. sis 't. DAILY, in its issue
of October 25t1h, editorially an-
nounces that the business men of
Ann Arbor an a whsole, have begun
to boycott the DAIsLY. Thsis is cer-
tainly a painful stale of affairs. If,
as lteDAILY alleges, the business
men are boycotting the college pa-
per, the students shosild in turn
boycott the business nien whso refute
to advertine. The DAILY tersely

Horsford's Acid Phosphate
Is the most effective End agree-
able remedy in existence for
preventing indigestion, and re-
lieving those diseases arisit g
from a disordereid stomac'i.
Dr. W. WV. Gardner, Springfield,
Moss., saNs: "I value it as ant escllet
preentassive of -indigestioii, aind a pleasant
aeidu~latedlsrinkishenesproperly dsiluted wsiths
wa,se andsweetceed."
D~e seiplis e yai:hl t fIee si: applicailonto
Ruiisford Chemical Works, Providenne,R.I.
Besare it Su~bsitustes ted di::ios.
For Sale by all Druggists.
J a Ids W. GOoruisi, Florist. Orower of
Ioses t ruastionisitind lovers ostall sori-
ety. 51 ,to sdesintmaeupnshoi:srt notie.
-Na. Observatosysteeti,opp. cenietery gae.
II I , lrE. 55asbi-onS~otreet
ONl h slls'ONLY.
1Ii .'4 . iiived l!' , Atti V t-
Reserved seas,oil Sale ot soitts' levelr

antd SHORTHAND. Mattificent huilding; sine
teaceres; lare atutendanee; teed discipline; super-
iororkO;nell supplied reading room; daily lectures'
Saturday evening receptions; opus iso entire year
Exceptional facilities toe placintgtstudentinost-
( tons-shoadgaduaesguaraneed them. Living
rooect ii$2 to $Z.75 peersweels is private families.
Forew Cantualoaue, address
Time Table taking efvfet esdaty, Nov. 5, 189m.
Traios leaive Ann Arbior by Centrol
Standoed Time.
NORT. ci. UT55.
71:15 as . *715,a,. to.
i:l5 p. ini. 9 c U.i,,
*Trains ruiiibetweea Ann Arbore viiiToledlo
AlII trains daiilv exesit Oiiidoe.
o. SOlGRKEEWiS01l, Anen. t, isrArboe.
W. H.PENNET550FG. .A.lToled.ili
~5Eea ot ew.ftotDICIONARY
-- Ten years spent5
!E tors iiployeid.aiid
'N Ifsva I veryfsoty
Dlitionarey. It an-
a ssry s ' lis quest ioni-
l l ceeniii the his-
euniai, icd
nieoiitanig of vorl,.
AI~,- yhIttelf Iboalso givs
si,,cn iiwt f t ocrniing tho
latilt o o s_;' epuattni ords, ail
5 J . ?i j i ls-a tteo ble insthe
I oseo l id he eihrscoar-
fi u.'.r .1tdselfcoeuao
Ann Art St.iLs
oftii, at . Li +V r ',. .ii. <1
s ise c iI. cof lt :is ) h
I1,tJ c tte5.,:s) s; < e
Iii,,,,,, I ai o I "; r' ' 1,a t e:t
it t:(s t~ p:r:t )
llslol " suCtr : 1;co- a




Mandolins, Banjos,' Zithers.
" Beat in the World."
Every"WashburnsInesrunent is
sties. Isistet ourorspuation
,lonathiexesellence. Asieautifiil
" 'VshtinSboovnsirCttlogtte,"
constiing potts iiof leadinig
aticstsadpries sittalldescorip-
tionssoftheseinstrumensFrete. COn. STA-rE& MannaR ESSe..CHICAGO.

TFhe Asnn Arbor Orgasu Co., Sole Agents, ANNAL BORt.

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