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November 06, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-06

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LEW HI. CLEMENT, Mon., Nov. 6-Prof. E. L. Walter, before Unity
51 SO. 1MAINSTO. Diretor and Manager. 0Cb
Fri., Nov. 10-Soetcio bi Ilood Leagoe Series.
:EXCERL SIOR LAUNDRY Sot. Nov. 11,-Jonior Law elect ion.
20 EAST' HUROIN S1T10ET. Sat. Nov. Il-HoeTJerry Sim~pson, to S. L. A
Good Work Gooranterd. Goode ealled for course. Subjeet, "Sonme Recenot Changtees in
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. Aoricoltore."
22 'Wears inn tine Business.~"' Thurs. Nov. 16.-Pirst Choral Uoion concert.
CITY L AUNDRY, We are Proud of 'Em.
M. MI. Seabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave. __
KEEP YOUR ACCJOUNT WITH THE (Cotinued from frstpage.)
+$TATC $AVIflG BAflK+ they will be enabled to obtain their
Cor. Main end Wsehington streets. particular dinhes and fort sump-
A. t. NOBLEn, Pres. RlIcence PeILLIce, Canh'r.
l onely.
The 13. & MI. Prbig Store The dates of their concerts are
Is the piece to boy ottythiio in the Dre" line.a folw:Dtit ec 19
Medicione,Sponcee, Brusestce i.ite. asflo: Deri, ec 19
C-O o-- '-'1 , 93; Jackson, Dec. 20, '93; Lansing,
I~ E OL Y o.s Dcc. 21, '93; Grand Rapids, Dec.
w Eo.oe JtnOrLtoYofPi Cosooe22, '93;Chicago, Ill., Dec. 23. '93;
Candies. Statitottryatcost. Ctgas obaltntcco, South Bend Sod., Dec. 25, '93; S n-
Cigarettes ateie storStork of Pipes in'o
the City. dianapoiie, Ind., Dec. 26, '93;
R. E. Jolly & Go., 26 S. State St. ouisville, Ky., D~ec. 27, 93; Cin-
cinnati, 0., D)ec, 28, '93; D~ayton,
DANCING and DELSARTE U., Dec. 29, '9-; Colutmbtts, 0.,
MRS, ANNIEWA"TD FOSTER 5Dec. 30, '93; Clevelantd, (., Jan. 1,
461-S. Slate Stret. '94; Toledo, 0., Jolt 2, '9.
diDA-est.atdttxtttrl niet..tito To 1. A. tPratt, leader of thte lee
T k stx ~. tt. Itete.' tttt1t tI' otIs.n. C ltb, .. . Taylor, lcater of thte
SAlTC ltl .is. Getc.lemes et aan
cla.ss Ban .t jo Clitb.attd to Samunel Mledhory
4 a Mt . as' dancingtttttt . uch praise is duc for theirunoticing
Prtror ttseostoy 1efforts in the organisation and roan-
agentent of thte club. Those wito
o t , hare beardl tbeclubts practicing tpre-
dct a most suiccessfuil year for the
na clubs. Blesides tte above trip the
' club wiii give a concert in Saginaw
,- antS Say City early in D~eceniber.

_._. .. .r.r . .. Id

Lecture Postponed.
The lecture that was to have been
given before the Unity Club tils
evening by the Rev. M. J. Savage,
of Boston, will be postponed on ac-
count of the lecturer's ilness, which
was made known to the cub late
Saturday afternoon. The club un-
derstands that Mr. Savage's illness
is only temporary, and that he will
visit us probably on Dc. 4.
In the place of Mr. Savage, Prof.
E. L. Walter has kindly consented
to read his paper upon "Rousseaus
Social Contract and the French
Revolution." The club would like
to ask that the change be made as
public as possible among its pat-
Osi next Ttesidty eveing the nes
legitimate comipanlly, tetield by Bec-
left tMttatck andil torteise _ViaiZils
Triillllppetr t thieGrand Oerti louea
in Sheridan Rnoostlee gretitRomni
trtigedy of Virgini us. Mr. Malactik is
weliii stIled t gteiadigniiei pr-
sewi of. tt tttchartcter, is those
wvii :, .c it manificslenit perormclilee
of S1. .ttsii.Juilius easitr lst yer
caii testify. Hife cork is tll reliied
sand grticeful,hifs voice i musiealsland1
wllt iodutltteiianiiin physique tic
loots the iobest Romtis of teiiitll.
'Tis io Mliss Vi~le's fiSrt appterace
in Alln Arbor as a star. Last setsoi
site playedthte letding cites witti Ei-
ciii FerrytntSactitieved ai iitrked oe-
ces. Site is the diaughtec of in. 1'.
1. Vanzile, of Detroit, cchtinieeds 110
iitrodusctiinto itthe Aim Arot uiblic.
Virginia is aS character sifteit to ter
years anti appfearaiietaniier ter-
fomnce ciii be watiteted citin ter-
est. Of the stpttrtinig compantilyll
that ctisi Se stidi is that it bits been se-
it'ctedstit i etc to their teuliar it-
ness to potrtray the chatracters ftor
cwhicht they iare csts. fThe seeer,
andl staige proerties carriet by tils
cotmpattnitare tll inews tittesery at is
stt ity tsem.
Mrs. Anntii ri C Pstrris tpreard
tindt acceted lltlis cs thr. in leer Molti-
dtay eseliitig tiis usseielt-so r laieiis
tutu gentltemuen. Mrs. l'tstr is s-
istsi d ill its-iercases ity hirr iltitgi-
ter, Mariiy Louise. Oieitt the inew
idtnttes as iitrstciteidlatst Montidati
ee intg. 30 8 2
Lost, 11 blue oid S0 yellowttckeets of I
the Ortitorittl Asscittion. TheseI
tiikets tre iiiiy goditcwhein troerly
coutsiersgnied. t'iderctiease rettrn
to Laicw Librtr,
On cihe Fence.
'Tiere' is us excse for tesitatiowhn.icmeto rlrhyCotiiii Ylie
ought fit knoicrttatttAll'..A.. E. tse of
the Golien Etage, Deroift, motkes the
sitbbiest clitthes cworn by the steitc
of thetU. sif M. iAs.full ite iof iiample
ol displtay Ee~l Titistity at the Cotlc
Ilouse. T oil tie sure of getting the
trotier style t the lotsct posible
price. Gice tutu a5call, it ciii pay
N otice.
Studente wishing typewriting done
call at J. R. Bach's law offie, 16 E.
Huron street. Best rates.

Go tiifth J. T. Jacobs Co. and get
.your funerwear. 'Thcy hae ho
largest and bot assorted line in the
htave your photos taken at Rtandall's
before tilersh of Christmisas.
WAkN'm.-Ant agent in Ann Arbor,
(also 0110 isi Ypsilanti) fo work at leat
three tiors a dsy, seling a ietoli-
day amusement. No money required.
State where and when you can be seen,
Address G., care of U. of A., Argus
office. 31-3
Los.-t'art of gold link ciit button
set with rubies, diamond and sap-
phires. Lost 011 or near Packard st.
Return to U. of M. DAILY otice or J.
L. Lonie, 21 Packard st.
All neckwear at halt price, good
patterns. E. A. Wallace & Co.
Full Droes Coats and ests, good
styles, at $.75. . A. Wallace & Co.
ATTENTnN.-Do you flnk of buy-
ing ai type-writer this yeart Then call
at the DAILY office if you wish 0110 be-
low cot.
See the $111 Uutderwetarccc are sell-
ig at 57c. E. i Wallaite & Co.
Seo Sehlierues 110w5Swcan11Lien Ta-
lets. 'Tey .a1e tiii neatest ,iid best in
the ct. ')'50 Si t t
Fotttntiult S . .1511citytt Sh-
leedie's, 5 oil ae L
Foutir Dtli1tlar 55e II t "x'225 tnIow
t F,. A. Istlire \ Co's
Msr.J.1. G. ibsinIulitoir-lier, vvill
be hioiie Salctudy, Noits ItutuMol-
daty, Nov. t.to i teodets. 'Thoso
cwishingllpthott's ttkeni those tltyttpletse
atlattuliT)e-usrrangemets beforo.
Fine Umibellhs cieaitt-only ta fecs
left. . . V llace. & Cii
Itaros Underwer S'.t0 qutlity, nocw
$1.5.t. .,1. 'stll ce & Cii
Seniors iii all ideatmttents ati nteii-
tledto tenior- lrates oiStphotograph111f
worklt tit W.1CT liboutS tutifo, No. 6
lluron S t. 7M5VW--2v
CeiltundiduS'hits t6cquality, Iow
-tic. E. A wulsit u&, A.ft
hlNxEcs:I ' siitia godtcpi-o sthoti-
dir brtaces 1. lare stock 't lowcprices
t Iroccuis DiugiS to'e A-feivshop
wrnttibrtces A t slc
Knslox H1 .5re ittr lists-i.00
11111 $250. utl . WallV-itase', C.
Fotr sts sssale GoodsV'cor fet. $W1.
0. E. Butteit''el, 41 .10ahliestlesreet.
Al stilffIlts Iat51511-Itlill price, at
E. A. IWallac ,C.s
1avt "ml c tiI ttoikless lus's BSli-
itrd ttis-a I> 'stit" ics' ls-
ant tutu si 1t tll ttsttitss.
Blilthose, 2-5e I st itts-a-w c
:1 A. Vall ic SA Cii.
Lots iof Wh ecl 11ite dfcy-borereid
ladC itt Is a lilt ]. A fllacli
Latboratolrysplies.l D'5Iissectig etses,
aplronst tildI 'leees I ov r ic'51.
ChoticeT'o Itbacco t S~"rs 'iitthPipes st
Shtelhitis liiltiiI ilalt) 0. 3 Northi
intiistri's 5 17
.01big itelofII F ie Nil tcetiiat Slc.
F. ., Vt li c Fso. i
Antti srbor live X'Wolrks if S West
tlo1roli street' Sllecill attetionl gien
tio cetniiaido repairig suit. 11lave
y our lighit TltlTsiteil 1-7
All etvs ciillesld t t sse-thirl
regular trice. IE. A. N lece & Co.
Newv Luteuy.T r y us for the beto
work syil iver baw. 'Wo trk doeitinl
eight hours list etrtt cillre. Office 59
E. Hurnrstsree.I'Works 4751 W.
Sbarot.T'elepthone 5.
Pertitn bust 1'. K. tK ilituvs,' $1.75
noIw. E. A. IWallacesr &VCo.
Last Exuirson.
'fTs-w i littilCentiatetillccttrun ti
Spectal t ,isO hiltiit, - Fridaty, Sov.
tl, Vtirll tt!itarrive t IDetroit it 9:25
1. 1n.,,111.1ret-urig ulliileve tDetroit
at 6i p. i. Fatre tfor te 'roetidtrip
Iillety (00) cetus.'This eill be the last
excursion of the season.

A1i.Ii Ito IN1.
N. Y~l. 5--t~n t 1 .11 I9I4 Ill. At
N. Fa.tllopei. suIIIt 10.eo1 Cues 1-t' 1t5
A.i Chi N. is'cs. 850
Atlolt! ot x s-t. 3'3II 'oso ilhI p5 It.10_I
G. ft. ExLs .-ro 101,
O.W . t t rt.1. ..Il. tls ,
0 . iY &- I 1. 1 lsl1-,too. Al ,tAnnsAror.
-PI1®' E radPUBLISHING1-->Tr
SInHent Work Ia Specialty.
Beust orkeknsa'nooweslatuel i uosin lte Cuty.
fohui rollow : o t m ,'5,5 toesisy ttsrsuiuu-s 10
and 'Phrbsltoy toe-nlosto a tilt'; ,louls. Sat-1eultty
sf1tessous.41. lootir. slt-i e ie , d
s-too.-., 'muitct t-'ut. is-tilon. 'totom
(twelver sirs-C,;)e P.i's rtseceiresd at soy
Theo-"l'riiei' O sE inu K OLDER.I
'ilue stouoh's u ltitotul sooth.
s5 a-nln.- SE x1! zFor 25c.
POTcsa(FICE' E' .ci5 STAND.

"Tic Greatest Victory."
.trof. 1St. L.. Willett, 00 favsorably-
knownu to ou~r studsents, wcas the
speaker at y estertlay's nmeeting.
W~hat rtonstitute~s "'"se Greatest
Victrtue-'wu-s clearly shIon by trieclis
otltinintg thte career of tswo rien,
AVle-anuter ttie Great anti Pau lute
ronuttseredt all tse woorldultlt could l
not cotnq~uer self; the otther siumply-
counqueredh self, 01n11 thereby wovsn
thse greater victors, as juilged bys
thte lighst of the u19tht century-.
'That man ie a hero wholo has this-
cipliusect self iuntil lie eon tuirn his
intellect antI energy hintchatever
channel he chooses.
Football on Saturday.
Saturday cvas an imitortant dlay
for football players. Pirinceton cwon
from Pennseylvania and Harsvard de-
feated Cornell. The scores arc as
followvs: Princeton 4, Ptennsylvania
0; H-arvard 34, Cornell o; Dart-
mouth 20, tWilliams o; Bowdeoin 14,
'T'ufts o; IWest Point 6, Uinion o;
Amhlerst 12, Moos. Techsnology 4;
Andover 28, Vale Freshnmen 4; Exe-
ter to, Harvard Freshmen 6; Chi-
cago A. C. 4, Allegheny A. C. o;
Wslceyan defaulted to Yale.


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