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November 03, 1893 - Image 3

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-03

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LEW H. CLEMENT, Fri., Nov. 3-Freshtoan :spread.
518So. MAiT S-r. Director and Manager. Fri. Nov. 3.-Canadian Club, law building,8
EXCELSOR LAU DRY , Nov. 4.--Wiscoosin vs. Micbigau. at Ath-
20 EAST HUROIN STREET. letic Field.
Good Work Guaranteed. Goods talled" for San. Nov. 5.-S. C. A. cbapel seric-Pr0f.11I
and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. L. Willett.
HACEF A E E Mon. Eve., Nov. 6--Rev. M. J. Savago, on
1% E. Waohngton Street "Evolution and Religion," in Uniiy Clot
22 Fears in aloe Busiie5ss.r"' Fri., Nay. 1-Social int Iolattd League Series.
Sat., Nov. 11-Hont. Jerry Simpsott, itn S. L. A
CITY LAUNDRY, course. Subjert, "Some Recentt Chsanges in
M. M. Seabolt, No. 4 N. ]Fourth Ave. Agriculture."
Car. Main and Washington Streets. A fleeting woo held in the law
A. . oHEPre. OBRT~t~r.:Y, asr. lecture room laot night, for the par-
The 13. & M~. Prhg SMore pose of completing the election of
lsathe place to boy anytbinntthel lbslim line. officers for the senior law claso. Tile
Medicines, Spttngeo, iirushs, Etc. Etc.
elections this year were noticeab~le
GO TOfor the harmony and good feeling
1R. E. JOLLY & Co.'s that prevailed thtrosughtout. The
Witett youswttaitturebtotf Floe Chbotlate
Cadies..Stttiattrrynattot. Cigars, 'labceto, candidates for the various offices,
Cigarettes and te Finest Stnoca of Piptsoint'
tite Cty.sith thte exception of te historian
LADIS' adOETS' U~f5{ROJSL and ltropltet, were elected by acla-
R. E. Jolly & Co., 26 S. State St.natot 'lt fiosngsee le
DANCING and D E LSART E officers elected: First vice pres.,
F 1, ANIE WARD FOSTER A. A. Itartlowv, of Dlanvilte, Ilit.;
46 S. Slane Street. second vice pres., Xlits Richartdtont,
MONDAY-85p. iso. Asivanced las-s tar La-
TUSIY dire. ad Cettliets, of Pttsbturg, IPa.; secretary, \liaa
s p. ttt.n . sttlflir-. I's t r cla. 11. Eaton; treas . . F. Zi m r
SATUiRDI"-10 ta. ttt. Gentlemsett'sditl-a
el is. mil~, of Nloutti'Vemnon, Intl.; hia-
a. 5:. Latditss'latcintsg rot. torian, I.. P.Mlerrick, of Flarmter
Private-lssonos by atppointmenrot.
City, Ill.; prophbet, D. J. Bulney,
Ann Arbor Savings Bank of Ptittaburg, Pta.; captlain of field
AottArbtor. Micht.Cttpital Statcb,b$t0,0t0t.
tarslto -t50,000. sports, I:'. Crozier, of Madison, tnd.;
OrgantizedTindr thoee teettil anlinoias ashl .ttoovs o a ot
of this tHate. lRecvsrdpostttits, boys andmrsal, J. .Tai, o a ot,
slsecag othe tprincipaloiietstftbe
United Stasea. Drafts casbhed tltttptoiroer fInd.; first assiatant marshall, D).11.
Orrntifcaos l i-.ttsttsinboes, t ret.O.Wingert, of Hagerstown, MId.; 'see-
Harrtmant, Vice Prces.; Chsos. E. llilt'ccI, Ctt
shtier- 11.J. Fritz Ast.tCsh~ier. a nd assistant marshall, S. McNeal
Schatli, of Sloosrrille, Pa.

sale to the highest idder. The Fasn RENT-Three single rooms and
diopute is over taxes claimed to e one suite Furnace heat, light and
bath. $2; $2.0 aiid $4. 20 E. Jeer-
sdue from the university to the city sn t. 29-33.
of innapois.Theuniersty e- All nekeastr at half iprie, good
of innaplis Th uivesiy bepatterns. E.... Wallace & Co.
came indebted to the city during Fulli Dress Coats 01121 Vest, good
the years 1879 and 1881 to the tyle, at $.7. E . A. Wallace & Co.
AT'rsNToN.-Do you thinki of bty-
amount of $,190 for special assess- ig a type-writer this year Then call
ments for sidewalks and water 10510. at the DAILY oficle if youi -isoie be-
The ssesment wee reular Y ow cost
The ssesmens wre rgulrly See the $1.00 Underear we are sell-
made and charged up against the iig at 57. iE. A. Wallace & Co.
university, but the institution re - See Schleede's newS Swati Liien Tab
lets. They are the neatest and best in
fused to pay them, and the result the ity. 50 S. State t.
has been that the university comes -FOiR SALE:.-Billiards and Pool.
in under the delinquent tax law as a Opera Htoue Bk, Rooms up-tairs.
r us t-iw.
debtor for the above amount, and Four Dollar Uderwear at $2.2I now
at EAWallcei&Co.
was advertised for sale to the high. Mr. r. J. .. ibso,pltgrplrwl
est bidder to liqudate the debt. be hone Saturdaty, Nov. 4 and Mo-
The university officers claim that day, Nov. 6, to tte order. Thlos
Ywishing potos takens tose cas please
the university is a state institution, clialliludtiate arragemnets before.
created for educational plurposes, Finle Umbrellas ceatetp-only at few
left. E. A. Walslace & Cot.
andi for no pecuniary benefit or ST~llEss, ATENION. - Every
profit. For this reason accorditt, Tnsdntt Mr. A. P-. Roste sill be at te
to awthe climtha thy ae e- ook House switht a rcittitete line of
to asv thy cain tht tey re -smlelstof Fload a- Viner Wolens
enipt froit taxation, and intend to 'frolt 5liesioltttI 's ofttDe~trit. All
fgtthe paynment aitd the sai.- inviationt is et -ict ot tll to islect
fight the lie, 'ii ci: issie tf ts-, igest ill
Dletroit -Fcec Press. the Statie. If ot: needl anthtinglin
the lie, it will pay Iiu to ivestitate.
Jamsendettlrwser S'2.- il tliy, 1w
(;N i) O01IRA 11 IIUSr. , $150. E. A. Uillae & C.
- ~~~Seisi lt lldeatritets a10 etit-
Thle patroins of thle city of :Annl Ar- tied t1) snioir rtes 1n:p1totgrphici
bior hatve beell treatedto i a series f sok t .A -W Citrs', Sttdi, Ni.60
Ilovel entertainmlents, consisting2110f- llroli St M-W-F2w
ly of performinces that appleas l ore to llatlldrietl Shirts, 7-c tqtality, 11w
the eye aindtiear2than~ to the intelli- 4c. E. A. Wallace & Co.
genice. Ill order to saisfy ii desire BRIACE or'sswitia gostiIpiir of sotutl-
thalt cmes to every sell-bllaced dec braces. A itarge stsck at low prices
m~id for somethintg ot a ihgher itel itBows Drugt-Stoe . Afewv shop
letilal rder, tile mlaalgemient all-Xwoll baces t c
liollnce, withl a feelinig of prise, tie Knox 1Isegnirsric,110--
firtlteasing engagemset of lirt noiv$2.5t. 1 . .Wallaic &in..n
Walker Whiteoitle, the tragedian;iswhois
ill conljunciitith silihis sulportingtForP1s1le 15o1dscto rftsSsety- $91.
company~l, lindtitile necessaryIdjuncsts O0]..ttililie sls 11itCte rtne street.
thait go so far tetconstitute ii serie f19-4
finishledI performiancers. The bihr 511 stillfflts 5at iinc-Itlillrpee, at
lpatrtiic larlstill.of i clii' trgntt nit I I Il
Iii'. IWhlitesidt', thiroiiglhis 11111irble11 Haveiiyitt us coiI 1 sts is oill-
per-lformaincites ill te stit's, has nisss aid iI iiet- I - 5t-rsss s- ,n ~c as-
thit'right Itole rankettiti ttlthe 11 iii antal li I no h t 555'sI1 551.1'.
hitillilnt ei ontit s sif tlissis 15l, ofh1 ,n5 stsso.it ic.
th s's-ittury. Assit-s ssLit lt-e =i .A t c o
m ai~ls of'siiisim ft Il lt i at iisillI 1 e i' sts~t siarte en-
s it-its-isant tritits itsl A is:-is-ti.,r. i ll I to t ( v l .5ts o tIi h to --opi cli
Wiit isis' ilp el toit ig il sk it l
ilsos nwiYi istt hoisecist ring, si islut 5 - 1tItrIsiics
a iss, t-il. i iii st iIa.srmurssc. t
tinig lit- i isi hisIn-.udsitors. liiieis GIt otisit es , -I -- r i alltt
stini s ' issl" i s ubtoi s Iis silit y-o 7 ib-. .. -caes
[bosrsn ii sa tisfly 1tst te c i apon -v":
tniltli ss t ly tie sereotsiyped Imethod1s C15 ( iissts c' t5.c I i nt5' 1i t i s it
so nsisiilly lemtployed-si.1but aiessa-sii - it elisns i . 1 -' B1- i 1-si N orthsiii
iresiecessors. A bi, lsssi sia itt e Es rss' ticat li.
- ' ---" Ann fists S sss }ttorkts s.at 8 West
Notice. lsli o -ss e liitrl tts .i ellsitti gi e
t cit inis' tstandsepaiing;osis. have
Studits swisiing typewriting lone y our liih su Oits dyedt. 17
sall t J.R.it. hs's lawv ofice, 16 Fih..51 cnes ttills .1 ts csttiothtt-iiri
IHutron street. PesitI rates. regultr rs-, s. A .. itt se C. t
Nets'Landstr. Try 5is f's-ctie best
- --' "-551ok yuseitrsawsts. nWork moe ii
Notice. eight Stilts;s ioet -551-e1lcart's.Offin-e, 1(1
-, E'. inr tre-eti. Wrsio4751t I.
DO ou tiii sii tot rent your roost no.seehu
stur litcalenolusmn for a fesvdys nwin .AWalacett-s.nt
Mtore rotomis hasve bers rentedthrinotghl ~ .~
tile DILl. 'tianlthrouhganily teu ---n
mlediumll, for lie D il=a- practically
falsinto every student's hands.
(iito thlie IJI..irJacos Co. annige
y-our uoderwve . Th''iey in'vete tr_.
largest sod best sertet inhie in the 'r s PNt-fnt" (SPIN conK nOLE,
city. le s iiitn's it' si t istosnd.
Fotain enes a specialty at Sell'Tn ado tuesiiT'.1 aFor ac.
leese's, 0 S. State ,i .ST 551,1r: t it s SSAN.

ltns '<he e ciEsisc 5d5l.2" - 5 itt33
NIS 5,tnut nts i . ,i
Nitni loss-snitc.....'0inas Epre.... 1.19
N. '. Liited.Ln t.5 N. t.., nite.. tts9s 5
At . i ni sted.. 5 11'ctt Osnt ...-.1tits
51. N. (10NEExres..r
0.G. Epres II Ii 4
0.5'' ttos~st, It. 55. itssc,
G. 1'. .- r. Agit., Chicagos. A,,t, Ann Arbsor.
PRINTING and ,=-
Stndent Work a Specoaity.
Best WvorkmntandtLowst-.ein t ie City.
follos:st Ontsieati', t,.tnclay ,ssrtnnn.s 10
aod Thsdaoity ac)ssn 8:g00;tttt:Lis .Saitsnury
afternonst4 . Lsdsns.tssi tsentlmnad
vancstesdalas-.. '1'tesa eenisngs8. OssssottsslZ
flosor. 0 ltlttnsvto sin-tnt. 'raitin,. oneten
(twelve' seelks) .1$5 lsiis reeivedi at <unsy

Trnis Progressing".
Y esterdasy's touirneys contests ssere
not so interesltiln as to-slay 's psromnise
to Ic, Alexandtsser ssonfromsBtier 6fi,
andsilBaer fmro n Alexandeir C-ir.
'T'hey swill tiny nff' to-slay-.there :acc
sonic pretty doclontes oil for too-slat'
lo. (ickeringp intl -\IcKenzic
pslay Josnes atdtlexandler,andnsltine
switnners play J ocelyn5 anti Roulfe ail
cl ock.
A Good Dehate,
ASt tse regular meeting of tile
Athelpiti literary society this evening
in Roonm 4, the folloswing pirograms
swill be renderesd: Music, Mr. ltovey;
paper, "'The AIhercantihe System,"
IV. J. lHamnmil; musir; thebate, "Rle-
solved, That tlie federal election
lawv shsosiltd not be repealed,'' a-f.,
.Mtessrs. Purdy, Galbraith and Canmp-
bell; 11eg., M1essrs. A'nedemecyer and
htocey; music.
.PFor Male at Auction.
ST. PciU, Novemiser .-The
somewhat startling news rcachcs the
public tlsatbite University of the
State of M~innesota is offered for


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