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November 03, 1893 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1893-11-03

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+ YOU KNOW + GE' ==MoeW
Ifyou doe't to becaoeoYU tavon'c SOLE AGENTS for Hodgman Mackintosh, Youmans, ilverman's, White's and Eeed a Hats Water
tred thsem. To cant jaredrasty
ttse tasteI y a could youawrg00vi d hose Neck Gods.
know ors are te et thatrntoe Johnston & Murphy's i-om<t A
Ibougit. We wish you routd Wight & Rictards' FOOT WEA
Calkins' Pharmacy wa1111U0oi5- STT TJET
34 . STATE STREE jo iT.
have a Full Assortment of UINVERSITY TEXT BOOKS, new and second hand, and all kinds of STUD)ENTS'
SUPPLIES, which they offer at tile Lowest Prices.
FIIl LL L : I. AM2PS .LAM\~E'S L~jAJVE'S_ .W M _R_. F UL DE, D
*is ocas ss to-s-os'' - llIN uBurnrLapw lh orean Nke laedMil ampN. ,cnts 00 ' 4 .~v'tAI,$
E Ar } h sicdraftV tllim at irtd iot'a0 trtoi t Stree.
WicielTERStedKRoa ampNNo0 etrNce ltdRoc ted],mIaasentr o ______________
rat$ 5Drs -iet 'atd Yule amrp, No.d, enter Nitke Plot tGrmsanoStudntstLasmp, Per- Ylowrtrssand BtuorButtrsttrr,
$18 j ti jc9,1i0 ectionR3ita
Ā¢ tGK NolPlaed Juno Sunp, Ncr. 2, enter Nikeselt 'ued Ger trmanStudst aint, Pris- U. ot M.Flag Pis.
gm dacc, nT ces,$35.0. 1isesRePuprin gone
A~ liD I-lnd Lamp, rrurtort Lmp itter p s, Baqu srsaps, Piano Larrps. Newspio.lR OLeeelr
Foot Ball 44 South 'ArboSreei. EsrsreDEAN &kCOMPA Y. FLOWRS, F O'iR
o > xx 'r GOODxaei'zz4S. u NVRST OE. NX trrrrcarrx'sorSt starrS'Ir-rco. Ar.
UNVRIC OE. The crowd on the Gield for tir , e Qt&ItLFlilt. iepee ItO."
As Tire Canadiatn Ciub meets toighot ast fewo days have been nmateriaiy
Pec .ioi,'i t a oeinterfering swth tie paying of the 7 dilQ tltfYtiC llt
S e h n O PecS.Lie'9lihsgninbositness wills his fatiter in Katsas tam hi s po wyto sup tYrrptort, t. frroirortrbarrttllrttt
Irort to )rniCiI ora. e er i ltrrrntt- trat ets.Posutoer-
}, nlttott ttI til. TheeFPhilological Society held a Artists are already woricig on lrr-tox.",ro r t .
If KI~r Pf ra. 1I. 0.IIISP, fttair.
totmeeiitgyesttrcday aternooonrintocts for fle Cirisfmas etition of Bonkrlrtro uStraylevenrig.
The Simpl1ex Print 6enRKoomtsE. te Wsrnkle. All contribcutions ______in__________
Atnother toeeitg of fle Canadian fended for flat issue sottld be= =-
A tacoinvention for upesuts ics'a of Club is called for tonight at the narked Chrisitas ditiot. . K s
usual place of nmeeting. 'rhe senors will atempt to organ-
Dr. H-owell, of Flint, visited fle ie a glee club this evening in Roono(-R
_s 3 e J j ~hospial yesterday with several pa 24. Thia club wiii be organied( I Ms
~~ ~ tierts for the eye clinic, solely for serenaders, adtidfle bene. $TRM R il ET
't'e casss n lte idle nglshfit to eacho member resultingtighere
a- - are studying the metrical structurefrm CIGARETTE SMOKERS worare wit-
- - - roleig to pay a little solue tthe ptireat
Prom an orgnalItt o tinar-ry paper wits of the Chaucerian verse. clharged oe tie orinaoory tae Cigarettes,
a ny roo00copies ceaI oe Ise.Fip ues Rnnbr eTIhe classes in physical culture wilinollTHIS BRAND superior lallter.
copirsof typewrierel nrctti'1prraued C swooa under Mr. Williamson '5 medic at The Richmond Straight Cut No.1
in 15 minutes, SendtI tfor ' l1-art sars with '93 laws in '92 is doing work McMillan Hll are meeting Monday, CIGATLIITIS
ple a wtk AE~ S VA t, n il Kasa CtyStr.Tuesday, Wednesday andj Friday re mad from the broihtet, most relicto
LA TOiz'O. he Astronomical Society will i favor, adhigste- cool GOLD LEAF
LAW'O &CO ~evenings, from 7:30 1o 8:30, and grw n Viina.
22 Vesey SI., New Yaors. hold a s pecial meeting in room 22, Saturday from 430 to 530.uBEWAREeOsanrITAIeNSnosuelrve a
.K. RB R S O .at 7:30 o'clock, Saturday evening.ththenmofheauacrrsa
'1.ie nivratyRGeeSlubwil A new rule permitting students to elw is o every pacag.
IsIcosnaettr 0 Ytoohowr e thosr. slet o- Th UnvriyG e clb w l
celatus o 00baths torl$,5.t0. Lades' Hasrehold its next reheasal Saturday ' 'raw books from tie Universt rally &TCIA(? '"6 50nccn co
Drssn aloraaupta10s. library hao just been adoted at As.BRAN~Cl1Z itMosossViOO5NIO
.th Teooswnal. Ewasiingran St. morning, in oonm 24, at r o'clock.
tSR WENS IOSIOII SOP, Dr. McGugan will hold a phyical Cornell, and is proving a great sc-- ______________
AT N tenSre.eamnto fmmeso the Mc- cess. Why would this not be a good ~ ~
P out MiaHalecevnnfrm7t precedent for the U. of M. library
FIRST NATiIONAL BANK 8 a al aheeigfo 1 officials to establish? The Leading
OF ANN ARBOR. - Mr. Ingersol delivered the prin- The senior homeop election yes.
Capital. 00,000. Surplus and Proitls.00150. - flA ] LOR
Transanets a generallranking busiess. For- cpal speech in the course in great terday resulted as follows: Prs.,n
credit xrhangeouortadld.Letrs abrad.o rator this morning. ils subject L. E. Peck; vicepre., B. D. Walk
P. BACH, Pre. S. W.CSARKSON. Cashir. was St. Chrsaston.e;sc and treas., W. H. Atter-HstenwtFalndWtrWoesad
-ANN ARBOR- I. M. Long, who has been in the bury; prophet, C. W. Ryan; poet, largest stock in he city. on can get any
( selecion you are looking fr.
(nji~ T, 7r1CD1c YV service of the department of admis Miss S. E. Puiin; historian, C. A.
-1.uJ 1 ll/1"" sionsat the World's Fair since April, Critchlow; orator, C. G. Jenkins; COME AND SEE US.
23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE. has returned to complete his law traveller and talker, B. D. Walker;
E. S. SERVISS, Manager. course. custodian, Miss C. L. Stit. 2 E. Washington St., near Main

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